Advantages CHAPTER 1 Explore the idea that you have been given more advantages at birth than someone else. What might be meant by “advantages”? How are people “given” advantages at birth? How is this belief false? How is it true? Carraways CHAPTER 1 Describe the Carraway family. What is their history like? Compare Nick to the rest of his family members. Describe Nick’s history before he went east. Jordan & Daisy CHAPTER 1 Describe Jordan Baker and Daisy. Compare their personalities. Justify your comparison with evidence from the story. Fool CHAPTER 1 Explore what you think Daisy means when she says, “The best thing a girl can be in this world is a fool.” What is a fool? And why might it be good for a girl to be one? Does she mean something different than the dictionary definition? Rumors CHAPTER 1 Daisy says she heard a rumor from three different people which means it must be true. Analyze the truth or falsehood of that idea. And consider the question, what does it mean for something to be “true”?