Journal of Environmental Management 255 (2020) 109821 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Environmental Management journal homepage: Research article Bioremediation of landfill leachate by Aspergillus flavus in submerged culture: Evaluation of the process efficiency by physicochemical methods and 3D fluorescence spectroscopy Yassine Zegzouti a, b, Aziz Boutafda a, Amine Ezzariai a, Loubna El Fels a, c, Miloud El Hadek b, Lalla Amina Idrissi Hassani d, Mohamed Hafidi a, e, * a Laboratory of Microbial Biotechnologies, Agrosciences and Environment, Faculty of Science Semlalia, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, 40000, Morocco Laboratory of Process Engineering Faculty of Sciences, Ibn Zohr University, Agadir, 80000, Morocco c Higher Institute of Nursing Professions and Health Technics, Marrakech-Safi, Morocco d Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences of Agadir, Ibn Zohr University, BP 8106, 80000, Agadir, Morocco e Agrobiosciences Program, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), Benguerir, 43150, Morocco b A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C T Keywords: Bioremediation Landfill leachate Aspergillus flavus 3D fluorescence spectroscopy The present study investigates the ability of Aspergillus flavus (A. flavus) for organic and nitrogen matter removal from landfill leachate. Experiments were carried out with different types of leachate, (Young (YL), Intermediate (IL) and Old (OL)) used at different concentrations of the leachate up to 100%. The organic fraction of landfill leachate was measured by biological oxygen demand (BOD5) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) then it was qualitatively assessed using three dimensional excitation emission matrix (3D-EEM). The nitrogen fraction was þ measured by ammonium (NHþ 4 ) and nitrate (NO3 ). The experiments revealed that, BOD5, COD and NH4 removal rates after 4 weeks of treatment in flasks were within the ranges of 47.90–81.63%, 12.91–48.50% and 70.84–98.81%, respectively and that affected the reduction of the phytotoxicity in a positive way. A. flavus with 25% concentration of YL recorded the best results in reducing COD and BOD5 with maximum removal rates of around 48.50% and 81.63%, respectively. However, the highest NHþ 4 removal rate of 98.81% was found in 25% concentration of OL. The 3D-EEM results showed that the intensities of the fluorescent peaks for the three treated leachates have decreased sharply after treatment. This was confirmed by the increase of the organic matter complexity index for different treatments (from 0.55 to 0.87). Therefore, A. flavus may be potentially useful in the treatment of landfill leachate at a concentration of less than or equal to 50% as it was able to remove organic and nitrogen compounds, particularly in the treatment of YL leachate at a concentration of 25%. 1. Introduction Leachate generation is an important environmental problem that is caused by municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills (Zegzouti et al., 2019). The pollutant load of leachate can be divided into four major groups of contaminants, namely, dissolved organic matter, inorganic macro components, heavy metals, and xenobiotic organic compounds (Renoua et al., 2008). Improper management of landfill leachate lead to an adverse impact on the environment as well as on the human health (Chofqi et al., 2004). The Landfill leachate is a high-strength wastewater with considerable variations in both chemical composition and volumetric flow (Renoua et al., 2008). Although leachate composition may vary widely within different stages of refuse decomposition, three types of leachate can be defined according to landfill age, namely, young, intermediate and old landfill leachate (YL, IL and OL) (Chian and DeWalle, 1977). A wide range of treatment processes have been explored for leachate including physico-chemical, and biological methods with their own advantages and limitations. Physico-chemical methods of leachate treatment are considered efficient. However, their disadvantages like sludge generation and high cost cannot be ignored (Kumari et al., 2016). Biological treatment is often preferred due to its reliability, low operating costs and simplicity and provides many * Corresponding author. Laboratory of Microbial Biotechnologies, Agrosciences and Environment, Faculty of Science Semlalia, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, 40 000, Morocco. E-mail address: (M. Hafidi). Received 23 September 2019; Received in revised form 1 November 2019; Accepted 3 November 2019 Available online 25 November 2019 0301-4797/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Y. Zegzouti et al. Journal of Environmental Management 255 (2020) 109821 advantages in terms of biodegradable matter and nitrogen compounds removal. Various biological methods such as activated sludge (AS), sequencing batch reactors (SBR) and aerated lagoons (AL) have been used for leachate treatment (Alijani Ardeshir et al., 2016). The microbial bioremediation has also recently gained interest in the field of landfill leachate treatment as a means to remove contaminants (Morris et al., 2018). Studies have reported that some bacteria showed great ability to be resistance to a wide range of compounds found within leachate and potential application for its treatment (Morris et al., 2018). However, in bacterial systems, if the organic contaminant is avail­ able at low concentration, a degradation will no longer take place as its concentration will not be sufficient for a growth of bacteria (Singh, 2006a). In other words, bacterial cells must expend energy to induce the catabolic process used in biodegradation and if the organic contami­ nants, which can be used as a source of carbon and energy, are not available in adequate quantities, induction will not occur (Maier, 2000). On the contrary, fungi have a great ability to adapt to extreme growth conditions which could be found in the landfill leachate such as high levels of metals, polychlorinated hydrocarbons, polyaromatic hydro­ carbons, and ammonia, while the process of degradation can still be initiated (Singh et al., 2015). Such extreme conditions result in the in­ duction of wide variety of degradative enzymes (Singh, 2006b). The major advantage lies in the fact that the production of these enzymes does not depend on the organic contaminant or its concentration. . Only a few studies have been carried out to treat leachate using fungi (Ellouze et al., 2008a; Tigini et al., 2013; Razarinah et al., 2015; Bardi et al., 2017; Smaoui et al., 2018; Spina et al., 2018) may be due to the difficulty of finding fungal strains that are able to thrive in leachate extreme environment while removing contaminants from landfill leachate. These studies were conducted at laboratory-scale in micro­ cosms involving flasks, at bench-scale involving box or pan reactors, or at pilot-scale in the filed involving one or more small-scale treatments’ plots where they have been used for the bioremediation of pollutants including organic matter contaminants quantified by COD and BOD5, as well as nitrogen matter such as ammonium (NHþ 4 ). In this context, these authors reported the ability of many selected fungi, particularly white-rot (ligninolytic) fungi such as Bjerkandera adusta MUT 2295, Ganoderm australe, Phanerochaete chrysosporium, for their bioremedia­ tion ability for landfill leachate effluent. However, in most of these studies, the treatment of leachate was applied using fungi without addressing the type of leachate and its concentration. Variation in these two parameters may affect the treatment efficiency by these fungi due to the various changes that may occur periodically in the leachate composition according to its associated type, as well as the rainfall dilution effect. In addition, they have primarily involved white-rot fungi, owing to their production of multiple extracellular lignin-modifying enzymes, which might also play an important role in the biotransformation of organic compounds (Rajendran et al., 2017). However, some non-ligninolytic fungi have demonstrated their capacity to remove environmental pollutants, thus overcoming some of the lim­ itations observed in white-rot fungi such as sensitivity to stress condi­ tions, low growth in neutral pH and high oxygen concentrations requirements (Marco-Urrea et al., 2015). Among the non-ligninolytic fungi, A. flavus have been well known for their potential application in bioremediation of effluents with different strengths from different in­ dustries and sewage (Mukherjee, 2016). Somewhat, surprisingly, there have been no studies of leachate treatment using sporal inoculum re­ ported in the literature. There have, however, been numerous studies that address the treatment of landfill leachate by free mycelia and fun­ gus mycelia immobilized within a matrix (Ellouze et al. 2008a; Tigini et al., 2013; Razak et al., 2016; Bardi et al., 2017). Therefore, the aims of the current study were; (1) to investigate A. flavus capability as a non-ligninolytic fungus through an acclimated sporal inoculum of this strain in removal of leachate organic and nitrogen matter in three types of leachate (i.e., YL,IL and OL); to (2) determine the type of leachate which is more suited for bioremediation using this strain; and (3) to determine the leachate concentration level that gives the highest effi­ ciency in leachate organic and nitrogen matter removal and toxicity reduction. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Site description This study was conducted in Morocco in three different landfills: two are located in Marrakech city (Marrakesh Closed Landfill) (MCL), Al Mnabha village (Marrakesh New Landfill) (MNL) and one in Agadir city (Greater Agadir landfill) (GAL), (Table 1). These locations were selected to be representative of landfills of different ages and types of waste. One of the three landfills (MCL) was non-controlled (i.e., without liners and leachate collection system), while the two others (MNL and GAL) were controlled (i.e., with liners and leachate collection systems). Among these three landfills, two were operational (MNL and GAL) while the third one was closed (MCL) but it is, currently, under re-planting operations. 2.2. Sampling and physico-chemical characterization of landfill leachate The raw landfill leachate samples (i.e., YL,IL and OL) were collected from the three above-mentioned landfill sites as described by Zegzouti et al. (2019). The main physico-chamical charcteristics of landfill leachate originating from MNL, MCL and GAL were previously analyzed as shown by Zegzouti et al. (2019) (Table 2). 2.3. Subculture and preparation of spore suspension The fungal culture used in this study was A. flavus strain isolated form leachate contaminated soil provided by the Ecology and Environ­ ment laboratory of the Biology Department (L2E), the Faculty of Sci­ ences Semlalia at Cadi Ayyad University. Spore suspensions of A. flavus were prepared following Aneja(2007). The fungal spores were initially harvested by aseptically and gently scraping the aerial mycelium from the medium surface of the plate with 200 ml saline solution containing 0.85% (w/v) with the aid of sterile loop, followed by vigorous agitation to break up clumps of spores. The spores suspension solution was then filtered through several layers of chees-cloth to remove most of the fungal mycelium and permits passage of only of fungal isolates spores. The concentration of spores in the suspension was measured by a cell-counting hemocytometer chamber (Neubauer Germany) Aneja (2007), and giving an average count of 1.12 � 106 spores/mL. Table 1 General conditions of the landfill sites included in the study. Condition class Marrakesh New Landfill (MNL) Marrakesh Closed landfill (MCL) Greater Agadir landfill (GAL) Landfill type Sanitary (operational) 2016-date Non-sanitary (closed) 1980–2016 Sanitary (operational) 2010-date Young Old Intermediate 900 to 1000 703 756 Household Household, commercial and industrial Physical Household No facility No facility No facility 31� 540 47.6"N 8� 040 54.1"W 31� 420 09.8"N 8� 030 59.7"W 30� 260 27.1"N 9� 300 47.2"W Period of landfilling Age of classification Daily average of waste disposed (tonnage) Waste type Form of the leachate treatment Fate of generated landfill gas Coordinates at the landfill sites 2 Physical and Biological Physical and Biological Y. Zegzouti et al. Journal of Environmental Management 255 (2020) 109821 Table 2 Characteristics of raw leachate at Marrakesh (new and closed) and Greater Agadir landfills (MNL MCL and GAL). Values represent means � SD (n ¼ 3) (Zegzouti et al., 2019). No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Parameter pH Electrical conductivity (mS/cm) Suspended solids (mg/L) COD (mg/L) BOD5 (mg/L) BOD5/COD Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) Ammonium (mg/L NHþ 4N) 3Nitrate-N (mg/L NO -N) Temperature (� C) Total Phosphorus C:N:P Marrakesh landfills Greater Agadir landfill New Old Medium aged Average Average Average 6.8 66.76 9 .1 78.9 8.1 55.43 1926.93 19 523.33 11600 0.6 6335.21 1293.6 9517.4 1756.8 0.18 4026.37 430.05 14560.7 5300.15 0.36 6149 5931.25 3112.68 5226.13 35.03 25.25 65.07 100:32:0.3 12.22 25.1 12.4 100:3 : 0.13 27.47 24.89 33.6 100:35:0.23 Table 3 Leachate treatment applications used the in experiment. Treatments Details of treatments Y-RL Y-100%RLI Y-50% DRLI Y-25% DRLI I-RL I-100%RLI I-50%DRLI 100% Raw Young Leachate 100% Raw Young Leachate with 10% inoculum of spores 50% Raw Young Leachate with 10% inoculum of spores þ50% distilled water 25% Raw Young Leachate with 10% inoculum of spores þ75% distilled water 100% Raw Intermediate Leachate 100% Raw Intermediate Leachate with 10% inoculum of spores 50% Raw Intermediate Leachate with 10% inoculum of spores þ50% distilled water 25% Raw Intermediate Leachate with 10% inoculum of spores þ75% distilled water 100% Raw Old Leachate 100% Raw Old Leachate with 10% inoculum of spores 50% Raw Old Leachate with 10% inoculum of spores þ50% distilled water 25% Raw Old Leachate with 10% inoculum of spores þ75% distilled water I-25%DRLI 0-RL 0-100%RLI 0-50%DRLI 0-25%DRLI 2.6. Fluorescence spectroscopy analysis Fluorescence is the light emission caused by the excitation of a molecule. This usually occurs due to the absorption of a photon, fol­ lowed by a spontaneous emission. 3D Fluorescence spectra of landfill leachate and treated leachate samples were obtained with a PerkinElmer LS55. Excitation wavelengths varied from 200 to 600 nm with in­ crements of 10 nm. The slit width of emission and excitation in the monochromator was fixed at 10 nm. The scanning speed of a mono­ chromator was set at 1200 nm s 1. Fluorescence emission spectra were recorded every 0.5 nm between 200 and 600 nm. According to the work of Chen et al. (2003), Muller et al. (2014), and Jimenez et al.(2015), the obtained spectra were decomposed on seven zones (zone I to VII) cor­ responding to the fluorescence of each biochemical molecules. The zones I, II and III represent essentially protein-like materials, and the IV can be associated with fulvic-like materials. The zone V is often due to an inner filter area proteins fluorescence is absorbed by aromatic molecules which reemit fluorescence inside this zone). The zones VI and VII are related to glycated protein-like materials and humic-like and lipofuscin-like materials, respectively. In attempt to assess the OM complexity during the different leachate treatments, complexity index was calculated according to the method described by Muller et al. (2014), and Jimenez et al.(2015). 2.4. Spore development in liquid medium (germination) 10% (v/v) spore suspension obtained as described above were initially germinated and induced to sporulate in a submerged culture using a series of 250 ml of sterilized Erlenmeyer flasks containing 200 ml of inoculum development medium. The medium contained (in g/l distilled water): glucose, 30 g; NaNO3,3 g; K2HP04, 1 g; MgS04.7H2O,0.5 g; KCl,0.5 g; 1 mL of trace element solution was used per liter of medium, pH adjusted to 5.5 with glacial acetic acid (V� ezina et al., 1965). The medium was sterilized by autoclaving at 121 � C for 20 min. During inoculation, the spore suspension was constantly agitated to overcome variation in inoculum size owing to sedimentation. Three fungal inoculums for leachate bioremediation were then prepared separately by supplementing flasks with 2 ml of sterile raw YL, IL and OL samples, respectively in the way that the inoculum development me­ dium were sufficiently similar to the leachate-based culture medium to minimize any period of adaptation of the fungal culture to the landfill leachate as stated by Lincoln (1960), thus reducing the length of the lag phase. The inoculated flasks were incubated at 28 � C for 3 days in an electric shaker (Sanyo-Gallemkemp, UK) with constant shaking at a 150 rpm/min. Subsequently, the number of harvested spores from each flask was increased and was adjusted to give a final spore concentrations of 1 � 107 spores/mL. 2.7. Germination bioassay The Lepidium sativum L (cress) and Lactuca sativa L. (lettuces) seeds were chosen on account to test their sensitivity to MSW leachate toxicity � � _ 2008). 20 seeds of cress and lettuce were (Zaltauskait e_ and Cypait e, washed ten times in sterile deionized water, then placed on a filter paper in petri dishes. Seven different concentrations of each type of raw leachates 100%, 80%, 50%, 25%, 10%, 5%, 1% were prepared in order to select the concentrations at which the seed germination was not inhibited. Afterwards, on the basis of the selected concentrations a comparison was made between each type of raw leachate and its cor­ responding treatment. The petri dishes were then watered with 5 mL of each concentration of the selected dilution series with three replicate samples and placed in darkness at 25 � C. The germination index (GI) was calculated using the following equation (Zucconi, 1981): � � ðNSe � LReÞ GI % ¼ � 100 ðNSw � LRw Þ 2.5. Shake flask study for leachate treatment The raw landfill leachates were subjected to twelve treatments as detailed in Table 3. Each treatment was conducted in 250 ml Erlenmeyer flasks containing 150 mL of culture medium. The liquid leachate-based culture medium of each type of leachate samples was prepared at different concentrations, 100%, 50% and 25% of landfill leachate ((v/v) in distilled water). Each flask was inoculated in triplicate with 10% v/v (Lincoln, 1960) of the sporal inoculum, respectively. A set of raw leachate flasks were similarly prepared and were not inoculated to serve as controls. All flasks of leachate medium were autoclaved before inoculating with spores suspension. Incubation was performed on an electric shaker (Sanyo-Gallemkemp, UK) with constant shaking at a 150 rpm/min at temperature (28 � 2 � C) for a period of 30 days (Wan et al. 0.2016). Samples were collected and measured every week (for four weeks) for BOD5, COD, NHþ 4 , NO3 and pH. NSe, NSw are number of seeds germinated in leachate samples and distilled water, respectively (after 24 h); LRe and LRw are the length of roots in soluble extracts and distilled water, respectively (after 72 h). 3 Y. Zegzouti et al. Journal of Environmental Management 255 (2020) 109821 2.8. Statistical analysis of the data launched without having to consider the status of electron acceptor, especially oxygen which is the most common electron acceptor used to enhance aerobic biodegradation. The amount of oxygen required to oxidize the organic carbon present in a wastewater could be quantified by BOD5. In this study, the average BOD5 values for leachate at MNL, MCL and GAL were 11 600 mg/L, 1756.8 mg/L and 5300.15 mg/L, respectively. These results showed that the three types of leachate YL, IL and OL require a high oxygen amount for the metabolism process of organic matter through A. flavus. Therefore, according to these results, oxygen have to be provided to the three types of leachate. The tem­ perature is also an important abiotic factor as it may affect the microbial survival and growth in leachate. According to Ahmed et al. (2016), the optimum temperature for growth of A. flavus is between and around 25 � C and 30 � C. The temperature for the three leachates fall within the previously mentioned range. This range of temperatures that supports active microbial growth and makes this isolate suitable for use in contaminated sites located in semi-arid climates. Considering all previ­ ous results obtained, the physico-chemical properties of YL, IL and OL might allow A. flavus to thrive in it and may be degrade leachate organic compounds. This last point is discussed in details in the following sections. The statistical analysis was done with repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) to evaluate the significant differences between treatments. In this study, two-way ANOVA was selected and conducted to test the significant differences in BOD5, COD and NHþ 4 removal rates and germination index (GI) for the different treatments described above, at 0.05 of significant level (p < 0.05). The ANOVA was performed with leachate level of concentration and types of leachate as factors and fungal and removal rates of organic and nitrogen matter and germina­ tion index as the dependent variables. 3. Results and discussions 3.1. Factors affecting the microbial degradation of organic and nitrogen matter in leachate The major abiotic factors (pH, nutrient availability, aeration and temperature) that might affect the survival and persistence of A. flavus in the landfill leachate environment are summarized in Table 2. This list is not exhaustive, but it adequately gives an indication of the applicability of bioremediation by this strain to a landfill leachate without the adjustment of environmental conditions to improve biodegradation ac­ tivity. The average values of pH for leachate originating from MNL, MCL and GAL landfills were 6.8, 9.1 and 8.1, respectively. This range of pH is suitable for the survival alkali-tolerant microorganisms, such as A. flavus, which was reported to grow over a wide pH range 4–9 (Frisvad, 2002). Thus, it could be able to thrive over the three landfill leachate range of pH. Other fungi such as Trametes trogii and Ganoderma australe have shown their ability to adapt to landfill leachate alkaline conditions (Razarinah et al., 2014; Smaoui et al., 2018). While the pH gives an indication of the applicability of bioremediation to a landfill leachate alone it is not a sufficiently detailed measure. For this reason, it is necessary also to assess the treatability of leachate by checking the ratio of carbon, measured as BOD5 to nitrogen and phosphorus (C:N:P). In the present study, the BOD5:N:P ratio for MNL, MCL and GAL were 100:32: 0.3, 100:32:0.13 and 100:35:0.23, respectively. The present ratio sug­ gests that nutrient requirements for aerobic heterotrophic growth in the three landfill leachates are not adequate with what is usually reported in the literature for C:N:P ratio of 100:5:1 for aerobic treatment of such wastewater (Metcalf & Eddy, 1991). This differences in C:N:P ratios is due to the high ammonium range (3112,68–5931,25 mg/L) present in the three type of leachate, which represents 80–90% of the total nitrogen contained in the landfill leachate (Ellouze et al., 2009). Fungi, like other organisms, require substantial amounts of nitrogen for synthesis of proteins and other cell constituents. Therefore, the naturally ammonium present in the leachate NHþ 4 -N can be used as a cheap nitrogen source for fungi (Meti et al., 2011), thereby facilitating treatment of landfill leachate. However, high-strength ammonium exert inhibitor effects on fungal growth and enzymes secretion during the landfill leachate treatment (Ellouze et al., 2009). Moreover, it causes also the inhibition of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and the nitrite-oxidizing bacteria that are responsible for autotrophic nitrification process (Yusof et al., 2010). Under such stressful conditions for autotrophic nitrification, heterotro­ phic processes could be advantageous. Indeed, various groups of het­ erotrophic fungi can perform nitrification with the potential to oxidize both inorganic nitrogen and organic compounds (Hayatsu et al., 2008). One of these heterotrophic fungi is A. flavus which was reported with capacity to accomplish the ammonia oxidation (Stein, 2011). On the other hand, the BOD5/N ratio of landfill leachate has been studied by many researchers. For example, Trabelsi et al. (2000) reported that BOD5/TKN presents the nutrient ratio of organic matter to nitrogen (similar to C/N) in landfill leachate and generally decreases as the landfill age increase. The results of this study are in line with this trend and revealed that the ratio BOD5/TKN decreased from 1.83 in YL to 0.43 in OL. On the other hand, the bioremediation experiment cannot be 3.2. Effect of leachate types and concentrations on removal of leachate organic matter: BOD5 and COD Removal rates of BOD5 and COD in the twelve treatment assays after over 4 weeks using A. flavus are shown in Fig. 1. The fungus A. flavus, has proven according to many previous studies a pronounced ability for dismantling some of the most hazardous and toxic compounds like those present in landfill leachate such as aromatic and xenobiotic compounds and the associated lignocellulosic materials (Gomaa and El Nour, 2014; Barapatre and Jha, 2016). In addition, it has recently been reported to produce extracellular ligninolytic and cellulolytic modifying enzyme such as laccase and endoglucanases which are known for their ability to degrade a large variety of environmental pollutants (Pant and Adholeya, 2007; Anita et al. 2013). The results indicated that the removal rate of BOD5 increased gradually every week in treated leachate up to final days of treatment by this strain in the different treatments. For instance, after 7 days of incubation, 45.48%, 48.41% and 65.50% of BOD5 removal was obtained, and it’s followed by 53.67%, 58.64% and 73.65% after 14 days, and after that time 62.45%, 65.81% and 80.34% were achieved in 21 days and after 4 weeks of operation the removal rate of BOD5 was 65.63%, 71.29% and 81.63% respectively in Y-100%RLI, Y-50%DRLI and Y-25% DRLI, respectively. Similarly, removal rates of COD in YL were important and showed variations across the different treatments compared to the BOD5 removal rates. In Y-100%RLI, Y-50%DRLI and Y-25%DRLI treatments, the results showed that the removal rate of COD was increased markedly to 17.57%, 27.34% and 39.56% after 14 days of treatment, respectively. After 21 days of incubation the increasing trend in COD removal rate was slightly reversed and dropped to 15.72%, 24.71% and 36.84% which could be related to cell lysis and release of intracellular organic matter which contributes to the COD of the effluent (Zheng et al., 2019). At the end of 4 weeks of treatment, the removal rate of COD was slightly increased to 21.11%, 30.12% and 48.50%. On the other hand, the removal rates of BOD5 in the two other types of leachate, intermediate and old during 4 weeks of treatment were within the ranges of 34.27–60.94% and 25.46–47.90%, respectively. Whilst the removal rates of COD were within the ranges of 10.56–32.67% and 9.26–20.05%, respectively, as shown in Fig. 1. On comparing the effect of each type of leachate on the removal rate of leachate organics, it was observed that removal rate of BOD5 was increased from 55.76% to 46.63% in I-50%DRLI and O-50%DRLI, respectively to 71.29% in Y-50% DRLI over the duration of this experiment. Based on these results, the removal rate of BOD5 and COD in YL was generally higher than those of OL and IL after 4 weeks. This could probably because of the different characteristics and quality of leachate in each type. Indeed, researchers, 4 Y. Zegzouti et al. Journal of Environmental Management 255 (2020) 109821 Fig. 1. Removal rate of 100%, 50% and 25% leachate BOD5 (A) and COD (B) by A. flavus after 4 weeks treatment in submerged culture incubated at temperature (28 � 2 � C), shaking at 150 rmp. Error lines represent � standard deviation of the mean. � et al. (2012) have also reported that Amaral et al. (2009) and Kal�cíkova YL contains a high concentration of easily hydrolyzed pollutant organic compounds which would be more bioavailable. Moreover, these authors have concluded that as landfill age increased, the amount of refractory compounds in landfill leachate tended to increase (Amaral et al., 2009; � et al., 2012). The results in the present study showed also that Kal�cíkova Y-25%DRLI treatment of YL with A. flavus demonstrated higher BOD5 removal than in Y-100%RLI, where in Y-25%DRLI, 81.63% of BOD5 was removed compared to 65.63% for Y-100%RLI. In the same way, higher BOD5 removal was demonstrated in I-25%DRLI and O-25%DRLI in 5 Y. Zegzouti et al. Journal of Environmental Management 255 (2020) 109821 comparison to those obtained in I-100%RLI and O-100%RLI. This in­ dicates the effect of leachate organic concentrations on the rate of BOD5 removal in YL, OL and IL, the same effect was recorded in COD removal rates in the three types of leachate. This effect of leachate concentration on the rate of BOD5 removal rate in YL landfill leachate was also recorded in COD removal. In general, the differences in both BOD5 and COD removal rates values among the different treatments could be associated to the leachate concentration and types of leachate. The two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) confirmed these findings and revealed a significance of type of leachate and leachate level of con­ centration effects on BOD 5 and COD removal rates (p < 0.05). Indeed, Ellouze et al.(2009) has demonstrated the inhibitory and toxic effect of non-diluted landfill leachate on fungal metabolism which was attributed to the high ammonia concentrations. Similar effect of high concentra­ tion of liquid pollutant against microorganisms was observed in both aerobic treatment of landfill leachate and olive mill wastewater (OMWW) (Fadil et al., 2003; Ellouze et al., 2008b). Apart from ammonia, heavy metals could also cause inhibition of the fungal growth. However, A. flavus has been reported to exhibit a rapid growth as well as the ability to accumulate toxic heavy metals such as Ni, Zn, Cd, Pb, Cr and Cu (Thippeswamy et al., 2012; Gomaa and Azab, 2013; Kumar and Dwivedi, 2019). On the other hand, it must be mentioned that our previous study has reported that the three leachates studied in this work contained heavy metals at very low concentrations (0.06–3.78 mg/L) (Zegzouti et al., 2019). These findings seem to suggest that heavy metals present in the these three leachates at these trace levels don’t affect probably the activity of A. flavus during leachate treatment. As stated previously, most of the studies on fungal leachate treatment have been focused only on free mycelia and fungus mycelia immobilized within a matrix as a forms of inocula and no one has evaluated the effectiveness of using sporal inoculum. For example, Razak et al. (2016) reported that using immobilized fungal mycelium G austral on Ecomat for treating landfill leachate displayed the best results in the removal of BOD5 and COD leachate after 4 for weeks of treatment in flask with 93.09% and 17.84% removal rate BOD5 and COD, respectively. In another study, 48% removal of COD was obtained in raw leachate using B. adusta in batch tests, with biomass cultivated in encapsulated form on poly­ urethane foam cubes (PUFs) (Bardi et al., 2017). On the other hand, other studies have been published in support of the concept of using enzyme or immobilized enzymes/with suspended or pellet forms pro­ duced by fungi. A case in point, is the reduction of COD by 80% in landfill leachate using Trichoderma harzianum by Awasthi et al. (2017) and the enhancement of the enzymatic activity through immobilization of fungi on polyurethane foam (PUF) in attempt to treat and decolorize landfill leachate Spina et al.(2018). The results of this work in terms of BOD5 and COD reducing efficiency by sporal inoculum are generally consistent with those found by these previous workers on the landfill leachate. This confirms also that the treatment removal efficiency of using sporal inoculum is no less efficient than the immobilized cell and enzymes methods in treating landfill leachate. Contrarily to this finding, another study revealed that the mycelial treatment was more effective than the sporal treatment of Palm Oil Mill Effluent using Trichoderma viride in reducing the COD content (Karim and Kamil, 1989). While in this current study, during the development of the inoculum, fungal spores were subjected to a process of germination and adaptation to leachate-based culture medium, as pointed out in the previous section. This acclimatizing phase allowed to reduce the lag phase and the treatment duration (Ellouze et al. 2008a). Furthermore, in this study the use of sporal inoculum was not arbitrary but rather was based on a number of advantages that sporal inoculum has over mycelial inoculum. In this light, it’s noteworthy to mention that fungus spores often are more resistant than vegetative mycelium forms to the extremes of temperature (Ainsworth and Sussman, 2013). Another advantage of a spore inoculum is the possibility of obtaining a uniform standard and quantitative inoculum that allow the adjustment of the inoculum size according to the leachate treatment objectives. However, the major problem of using vegetative mycelium as inoculum in submerged cul­ ture is the high shear stress that could occur during the agitation which causes damage to mycelia (Papagianni, 2004; Cai et al., 2014). It has been reported also that mycelial inoculum can give rise to an extremely viscous broth which may be very difficult to aerate adequately and thus affects the treatment efficiency (Stanbury et al., 2013). The efficiency of using spores as inoculum in bioremediation was reported by many other studies. Sembries and Crawford (1997) reported all spore formulations showed good viability and ability to biodegrade the target compound, 2, 4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT), after 4 months of storage (Sembries and Crawford, 1997). All this confirms that leachate bioremediation using fungal spores of Aspergillus flavus proved to be an effective and practical method for removing organic compounds such as BOD5 and COD present in the three different types of leachate likely to be produced. 3.3. EEMs fluorescence spectra: Organic matter complexity revealed In the recent years, three dimensional excitation emission matrix (3D-EEM) fluorescence spectroscopy has been widely used for qualita­ tive characterization of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in landfill leachate samples (Zhang et al., 2013). This was attributed to the fact that this method is easy to implement, fast and non-expensive compared to several analytical methods techniques that use large volumes of solvents and long sample processing times, introducing the possibility for chemical alteration and interference of the initial material. Evolution of fluorescence spectra for each raw leachate and its corresponding treat­ ments are highlighted by Fig. 2. The general trend showed that the more aged was the raw leachate, the more peaks in all complex fluorescence regions. Indeed, higher number of peaks were located in complex fluo­ rescence zones for O-RL and I-RL than Y-RL. Indeed, the old leachate has been reported to contain more recalcitrant compounds as mentioned previously (Shouliang et al., 2008). That means fluorescence had a real potential to be linked with biodegradability of landfill leachate. These findings corroborate well the results of another study that compared the characteristics of DOM in raw leachate with different landfill ages through spectroscopic analysis (Shouliang et al., 2008). Focusing on Y-RL, the poorest fluorescence zones IV,V and VI was observed. How­ ever, fluorescence zones I, II and III were the main peaks. These zones are well known to be characteristic of protein-like compounds (Muller et al., 2011). This fluorescence fingerprint was reported as fresh organic matter which is rather easily biodegradable (Reynolds and Ahmad, 1997). Indeed, YL leachate has been reported in many studies to contain large amounts of readily biodegradable organic matter (Naveen et al., 2016). The intensities of the fluorescent peaks in YL has decreased sharply for treatments Y-100%RLI, Y-50%DRLI and Y-25%DRLI in zones I, II and III. However, fluorescence was observed to become more diffuse with important fluorescence intensity in zone IV and III which repre­ sents the fulvic acid-like molecules fluorescence. This was confirmed by the increase of the complexity index in YL treatment from 0.55 to around 0.87. The formation of these more complex organic matter could have resulted from the microbial degradation of volatile fatty acid (VFA) which are known to represent more than 80% of young leachate (Alvarez-Vazquez et al., 2004). Concerning IL, fluorescence zones I, II and III associated with the presence of less biodegradable compounds was also higher in I-RL than in all treated intermediate leachate. On the other hand, fluorescence was observed to become more distinct in zones IV,V and VI. However, as the concentration decreased, the fluorescence intensities decreased in these zones. In OL, no significant difference was found between the fluorescence intensities of the raw leachate and treated leachate spectra in all fluorescence zones. Especially in the zones referring to complex and refractory DOM such VI. Indeed, the fluores­ cence zone VI is usually associated to lignocellulose like compound (Muller et al., 2011), humic acid-like (Chen et al., 2003) or melanoidin-like compound fluorescence, known to be recalcitrant and slowly biodegradable (Chandra et al., 2008). 6 Y. Zegzouti et al. Journal of Environmental Management 255 (2020) 109821 Fig. 2. 3D-excitation emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy of dissolved organic matter from raw and treated leachate. The details of each leachate treatment has been described in detail previously in Table 3. Legend of fluorescence intensity: I, II and III are protein-like materials, IV is fulvic-like materials, V is an inner filter area, VI is glycated protein-like materials and VII is humic-like and lipofuscin-like materials. 120 100 Removal rate (%) 80 60 40 20 0 Y-100%RLI Y-50%DRLI Young Leachate Y-25%DRLI I-100%RLI I-50%DRLI I-25%DRLI O-100%RLI Intermediate Leachate Day 7 0-50%DRLI Old Leachate Day 14 Day 21 0-25%DRLI Y-RL I-RL 0-RL Raw Leachate Day 28 � Fig. 3. Removal rate of 100%, 50% and 25% leachate NHþ 4 by A. flavus after 4 weeks treatment in submerged culture incubated at room temperature (28 � 2 C), shaking at 150 rmp. Error lines represent � standard deviation of the mean. 7 Y. Zegzouti et al. Journal of Environmental Management 255 (2020) 109821 3.4. Effect of leachate types and concentrations on removal rate of nitrogen matter: (NHþ 4 –N) concentrations of leachate (Molina and Alexander, 1972). This absence of effect of dilution on the treatment of wastewater was observed in another study done by Kissi et al. (2001) aiming to treat biologically olive mill waste water (OMWW) using P. chrysosporium, they found that no significant differences in enzyme production could be observed be­ tween P. chrysosporium incubation in 20% and 50% (v/v) OMWW. Similar effect of leachate concentration on NHþ 4 removal rate in a lab-scale ammonia stripping reactor was reported by Hanira et al. (2017). These researchers found that the difference in the removal of NHþ 4 in diluted and raw leachate was insignificant. On the basis of all these previous findings A. flavus could be considered as a potential strain þ capable of removing NHþ 4 in landfill leachate. A high removal NH4 rates in the range from 90% to 95% were reported in aerobic treatment of landfill leachate in other studies (Agdag and Sponza 2005; Ellouze et al. 2008a). On the other hand, Yu et al. (2014) reported that Bascillus cereus and Enterococcus casseliflavus could remove 50.1% and 51.2% of NHþ 4 within 9 days in a mature landfill leachate. This was relatively similar to our results obtained in O-100%RLI, O-50%DRLI and O-25%DRLI at the 7th day after treatment. However, _Razarinah et al. (2015) reported when they studied ammonium removal ability of white-rot fungi þ T. menziesii to remove NHþ 4 in landfill leachate that no removal of NH4 occurred during a four weeks treatment period. Many factors might account for theses discrepancies, the most important ones are the different metabolic pathways leading to removal of NHþ 4 and endurance abilities of the high ammonium loads with different microorganisms (Liu et al., 2016). In another study, Ellouze et al.(2008a) demonstrated that a stirred tank reactor (STR) operated by feeding an acclimatized consortia consists of nitrifying bacteria was able to remove 92% of NHþ 4 for an ORL of 4.5 g 1 1per day. As previously proved that the A. flavus was able to remove organic matter efficiently, the NHþ 4 removal ability of this strain was also eval­ uated within and across the same treatment assays as described under materials and methods. The results are tabulated in Fig. 3. The results showed that the maximum NHþ 4 removal rate in IL of 79.89% was observed up to the 7th day of operation of treatment I-50%DRLI while in YL and OL, the maximum NHþ 4 removal rates of 57.49% and 55% were reached in Y-25%DRLI and O-50%DRLI treatments, respectively. The NHþ 4 removal rates were still maintaining their increase trend in all the treatment assays until the end of the experiment and reached a maximum ammonia removal rates of 98.23%, 79.37% and 98.81% during I-25%DRLI,Y-25%DRLI and O-25%DRLI treatments. Conse­ quently, through previously stated results the NHþ 4 removal rates increased among all treatment assays with the hydraulic retention time. Thus, generally the treatment proved to be effective in reducing the NHþ 4 load, especially that of the NHþ 4 removal rates by using A. flavus were much higher than those of the control experiments during the whole treatment process. These results raised the potential of A. flavus to metabolize the NHþ 4 . Indeed A. flavus has been reported to be one of the most interesting strains capable of performing heterotrophic nitrifica­ tion because this is one of the few microorganisms able to convert ammonium to nitrate as stated previously (Marshall and Alexander, 1962; Guest and Smith, 2002). However, with no knowledge of the favorable and limiting conditions in leachates and the amount of end products of the heterotrophic nitrification by A. flavus, it is difficult to speculate with any certainty the cause of decreased NHþ 4 or attribute it to the heterotrophic nitrification. Among the major conditions in which heterotrophic nitrification occurs are pH and substrate concentration (C/N) (Guest and Smith, 2002). These authors reported that fungi cannot nitrify below pH 6–5. In this study, the pH was maintained above this pH range during the different treatments without the regulation of the alkalinity. Indeed, the experiments revealed that the pH of all the different leachate treatments increased in the range of 6.1–9.52, 7.2–9.58 and 8.3–9.4 for YL, IL and OL, respectively. This might be associated to the production of alkaline compounds by A. flavus such the alkaline protease which is directly related to the increasing pH of the medium (Franco et al., 2017). Concerning the nitrification end products, NO3 was detected in no significant amounts in the treatments assays after the 28 incubation period. However, it is interesting to observe that the concentration of nitrates in leachate increased over all treatment assays achieving a maximum accumulation of 490.2, 612.4 and 747.575 mg/L at the end of O-25%RLI, Y-25%RLI and I-25%RLI treatments. This may indicate that the nitrification was occurring, however these values feel well outside the normal expected for nitrification products, which raise questions to the other possible fates of NHþ 4 . Guest and Smith (2007) found that the aerobic fungal nitrogen treatment of wastewater using Mucor. sp and Penicillium. sp was characterized by a lack of pro­ duction of nitrification end products, which was due to the fact that NHþ 4 was being assimilated into the cell mass for new cellular material. In the comparison of NHþ 4 removal rates among the treatments according the leachate types, the results showed that the maximum NHþ 4 removal rate of 79.37% was achieved during Y-25%DRLI treatment. While the maximum NHþ 4 removal rates in OL and IL were achieved 98.81%, 98.23% during. O-25%RLI and I-25%RLI treatments, respectively. This suggests that the type of leachate had a significant effect on NHþ 4 removal efficiency of this strain (p < 0.05). On the other hand, the comparison of NHþ 4 removal according to the leachate concentration indicated that the dilution had a non-significant effect on the NHþ 4 within each type of leachate (YL, OL and IL) (p > 0.05). The reason for the non-significance of the dilution effect on the NHþ 4 removal was not clear, however it may have been due to the production of the same amount of enzyme production such as catalase and peroxidase involved in the heterotrophic nitrification by A. flavus whatever the 3.5. Phytotoxicity assessment The results showed that there was no response of germination to raw leachates exposure observed in lettuce and Cress up to 10% and 1%. No germination was observed in the remaining leachate concentrations, 100%, 80%, 50% and 25%. The germination index of the lettuce and cress by varying the concentration of the leachate was indicated as a percentage with respect to the different treatments applied to the different types of leachate. The outcomes are presented in Fig. 4. The results for the raw leachates Y-RL, O-RL and I-RL at a concentration of 10% revealed a considerable inhibitory effect on both investigated species seeds germination judged by the germination index (GI) which range from 0% to 1.77%. This inhibitory effect might be associated to the fact that leachate contains a wide range of inorganic and xenobiotic organic compounds like ammonium, volatile, aromatic and aliphatic organic substances, the mixture of which affects the plant growth and especially the root meristematic tissues (Hou et al., 2017). The same effect of highly polluted raw leachate on the seed germination process � has also been reported in other studies (Del Moro et al., 2014; Vaverkova et al., 2017). However, the germination index has markedly increased after treatment in the three types of leachate. In this way, GI of lettuce increased to 35.28%, 37.14% and 40.18% for the Y-100%RLI, Y-50% DRLI and Y-25%DRLI treatments, respectively at 10% concentration, compared with Y-RL (Fig. 4A). The same increasing trend in GI was observed for the same treatments in YL at a concentration of 10% and 1% using cress with an order of magnitude higher than that obtained for lettuce seeds at 10% as shown in Fig. 4A. With regard to the effect OL and IL on seeds germination, the results showed that the germination index for both investigated species in raw leachate was, again, found lower that in treated leachates (Fig. 4B and C). For example, IG of cress for O-100%RLI, O-50%DRLI and O-25%DRLI treatments at a concen­ tration of 10% increased to 57.69%, 98.36% and 74.81%, respectively compared with O-RL. Thus, these high values of IG showed that treat­ ment using A. flavus in all treatments can effectively reduce the sub­ stances responsible of toxicity in landfill leachate. These results were expected due to the high removal rate of organic and nitrogen matter 8 Y. Zegzouti et al. Journal of Environmental Management 255 (2020) 109821 (A) 140 Germination index ( GI%°) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1% 10% 1% Y-100%RLI 10% 10% 1% Y-25%DRLI Cress (B) 1% Y-50%DRLI 10% RL lettuce 140 Germination index ( GI%°) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1% 10% 1% I-100%RLI 10% 1% I-50%DRLI Cress 10% 1% I-25%DRLI 10% I-RL Lettuce 120 (C) Germination index ( GI%°) 100 80 60 40 20 0 1% 10% 1% O-100%RLI 10% 1% 0-50%DRLI Cress 10% 0-25%DRLI 1% 10% RL Lettuce Fig. 4. Effect of treated leachate,Young (A), Intermediate (B) and Old (C) on germination index of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and Cress (Lepidium sativum L.) seeds. Error lines represent � standard deviation of the mean. 9 Y. Zegzouti et al. Journal of Environmental Management 255 (2020) 109821 achieved in all treatments as mentioned in the previous sections. Our results are consistent with the findings of other workers who also observed a decrease in seed germination with increase in the concen­ tration of the leachate effluent (Del Moro et al., 2014; Turki and Bouzid, 2017). The osmotic pressure of the effluent also increased at higher concentrations which retards germination. This may serve as another explanation for the effect of the leachate concentration on the seed germination of both cress and lettuce seeds (Ramana et al., 2002). The germination ability under high osmotic pressure differs with variety as well as with species (Suliasih et al., 2010). A good example of such effect is germination index variations of both cress and lettuce across all treatments. For instance, the GI of cress was greater than that of lettuce in I-50%DRLI at 10% and at 1%. This suggests a greater sensitivity of lettuce than cress. The same conclusion on the seeds sensitivity was reached in another study on landfill leachate (Del Moro et al., 2014). For all treatments, increase in GI of cress and lettuce seeds was at both concentration of 1% and 10% higher in comparison with raw leachate at the same concentrations. But the increase was maximum at 1% con­ centration, corresponding to an GI of 129.38% obtained in I-25%DRLI. This suggests that treated leachate played fertilizing effect on seed germination. This positive effect of nutrient value of landfill leachate on plant growth was also reported in other studies (Cheng and Chu, 2007; Alaribe and Agamuthu, 2016). 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