Uploaded by Seth Bader

Solar House Model Design Sheet

Solar House Model Design Sheet
Your team
Use the space below to draw a sketch (plan, front elevation and side elevation
views) of your house design, and label it with the materials you plan to use in its
construction. Show where the thermometer will be installed for the contest.
Plan View (as seen vertically from above)
Front Elevation (as seen horizontally from the front)
Side Elevation (as seen horizontally from the left side)
Design Concepts:
1. What part of your model acts like the Earth’s atmosphere, creating a
greenhouse effect inside? Explain.
2. What design features do you expect to help your model maximize the heat gain
during the simulated daytime period? Explain, and be specific!
3. What design features do you expect to help your model minimize the heat loss
during the simulated nighttime period? Explain, and be specific!
4. How would your design be different if there were no rules limiting your choice of
materials or methods?