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Electronic Devices in School: Argument Template

Argument Template – Electronic Devices In School
By: Winnie Ng Yu Xuan
In recent discussions of having electronics in school, a controversial issue has
been whether if it’s beneficial or a disturbance to students. On the one hand,
some argue that it causes a variety of health issues after prolonged usage of
these devices. For instance, students may develop fuzzy visions from the
exposure of blue light, causes muscles in neck and back inflexible. From this
perspective, cyberbullying and inappropriate contents are just one click away,
parents and teachers are not able to prevent them from browsing it. On the
other hand, however, others argue that student can understand and get
information easily without the need to search in the library and boost their
knowledge efficiently. In the words of David Lassner, one of this view’s main
proponents, “The real power of interactive technologies is that they let us
learn in ways that aren’t otherwise possible or practical.” According to this
view, using electronics in school is definitely an advantage. In sum, then, the
issue is whether using devices in school really benefit students or not.
My own view is that using electronics in school definitely help students.
Though I concede that some students may misuse it, I still maintain that
majority of the students are quite responsible and they are more engaged in
class as they acknowledge what the lecturer is presenting. Although some may
object that students may not be able to resist themselves to browse and
check their social media notifications, I would reply that they have the
opportunity to excel in academics if they do what’s right and they have to do
what’s best for themselves, which let them to gain self-control. This
issue is important because many schools in Malaysia object and punishes
students that brings electronics to school, they can only use textbooks and
resources from library which are limited in information. This results our literacy
rate to be among the lowest and developing countries.
URL: https://www.classcraft.com/blog/features/pros-and-cons-of-electronics-inschool/
Website Title: Classcraft Blog
Article Title: The pros and cons of electronics in school
https://edtechreview.in/news/2112-technology-in-education-quotes ( Quote 18 )