Electronics Party!

Electronics Party!
Mrs. Carpenter’s class earned 40 class points (wow!) and
therefore earned an electronics party. Way to go 5th graders!
Here’s some information about it:
When: Monday, April 11th (the day we get back from spring break)
What: Kids can bring electronics (phones, mp3 players, handheld game systems,
etc.) and have fun with their friends. We will have a Wii set up for (school
appropriate) games and Mrs. C will show some technology inspired TED talks.
Please see the list of items your student has requested to bring
below and sign underneath so I know you are aware these items
are coming to school. While I will be locking the door when we are
out of the room, please know I cannot guarantee the safety of
these items.
(sign here)_____________________________________________
I understand that these items are going to school with _________.