A STUDY ON AWARENESS AND ATTITUTE IN ADOPTION OF BIOGAS AMONG THE INSTITUTIONS IN TAMILNADU WITH SPECIAL REFERNCE TO KUPPAIKARN. Dear Respondent, You are requested to spare your precious time to fill up the questionnaire. Your views and answers are important to us, Please answer all questions as we cannot use the questionnaire if it is incomplete. The information given by you will be kept confidential and will be used for the academic purpose only. Possessors of Institutions; Name of the Institution:__________________________________________________________ 1. Gender of Possessor (a) Male (b) Female 2. Age of Possessor (a) Below 35 years (b) 36 to 45 years 3. Educational Qualification (a) Schooling 4. Area of operation (b) Under graduate (c) 46 to 55 years (d) Above 56 (c) Post graduate (d) others (a)Village Panchayat (b) Municipal Township (c) City Corporation 5. How will you describe your institutional waste products? S.No 1 Waste Product Category Leftover Food Waste, Fruit and Vegetable Waste (kitchen waste) 2 Organic Waste (biological waste) 3 Recyclable waste (Plastic, Soft Drink Cans, Nails, Broken Glass, Tumblers, Water Bottles,) Electrical appliances (computer related, mice, cables, lamps, Rubber items etc.,) Miscellaneous Waste 4 5 Yes I Do I Don’t 6. How would you describe your level of awareness about recycling of institutional waste? (a)Very low (b) Low (c) Average (d) High (e) Very high 7. What would be your food waste per day in your institution? (a) Less than 10 KG (b) 10 to 25 KG (c) 26 to 50 KG (d)50 to 75 KG (e) More Than 75 KG 8. Do you use Biogas Plant for food waste in your Institution? (a) Yes (b) No 9. How would you describe your level of awareness about Biogas using food waste and Organic Waste? (a)Very low (b) Low (c) Average (d) High (e) Very high 10. Please rank the following sources of awareness for their effectiveness in providing information regarding Biogas Plant? (assign ranks from 1-6, where rank 1 depicts most effective source of awareness and rank 7 depicts least effective) Sr. No. Sources 1 T.V 2 Magazines 3 Internet Ads 4 Friends/ Relatives 5 Newspaper 6 Seminars/Conferences Rank 11. Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each of the statements on a five point scale as given below: SD = Strongly Disagree, D= Disagree, UD = Undecided, A= Agree, SA = Strongly Agree S.No. STATEMENTS 1 Deterioration of the environment is a serious issue and Biogas Plant can contribute in saving the environment. 2 Manufacturing/Production of Biogas Plant is totall y environment friendly. 3 Environment deterioration is bound to happen and Biogas cannot help in protecting it. 4 Using Biogas gives a sense of satisfaction. 5 I want to be a part of green movement by using biogas plant. 6 Manufacturing of bio gas must be highly subsidized so that more companies can enter into manufacturing of alternative source of energy. 7 I am doubtful about the working performance of biogas plant. 8 Biogas is true to their environment friendly claims. 9 I would agree to pay even extra price for environment friendly products to save our environment. 10 Performance of biogas plant justifies its price. SD D UD A SA 12) How will you describe your level of satisfaction regarding biogas plant? (Attempt if you use Biogas Plant) (a) Very Much dissatisfied (b) Dissatisfied (c) Neutral (d) Satisfied (e) Very Much Satisfied 13) How would you express your willingness to recommend biogas plant to friends and relatives? (Attempt if you use Biogas Plant) (a)Very Much Unwilling (b)Unwilling (c)Willing (d)Neutral Willing (e)Very much willing 14) If you don’t use Bio gas plant please rate your reasons for non-usage SD = Strongly Disagree , D= Disagree, UD = Undecided ,A= Agree ,SA = Strongly Agree S.No. Statements SD 1 Lack of awareness about biogas products. 2 Biogas plant is very expensive. 3 Biogas plant is not promoted properly. 4 Lack of confidence in the utilisation of biogas plant 5 Biogas plant are not available in full range of variant 6 Biogas plant are not easily implement in institutions 7 Labels of biogas products are not informative, they don’t fully inform about their greenness. D UD A SA 15. If you don’t use bio gas plant. Will you consider using in the near future? (a)Not at all, (b) Intend to consider, (c) Consider but not in the immediate future (d) Consider to use sometimes (e) Consider to use always ****Thank You****