Uploaded by Tesfaye Habtemariam

Utilitarianism & Moral Imperatives Explained

1. Where did the idea of utilitarianism originate?
It is a moral theory that focuses on the result or consequences, of our actions, and traits
intentions as irrelevant.
2. What is the hedonistic moral theory?
The good is equal to the pleasant and we went to pursue pleasure and happiness work to avoid
3. Is utilitarianism an egoistic theory? If not what is it?
It is not. egoistic is everyone pursue their own good and utilitarianism - other-regarding
4. What is the principle of utility?
We should act always so as to produce the greatest good for the great number.
5. In utilitarianism does everyone count equally? Including yourself? Explain your answer.
utilitarians, anyone who can experience pain and pleasure counts, and everyone count equally.
1. What are hypothetical imperatives?
They are commands suggestions that are made in order to achieve something
2. What are categorical imperatives
an unconditional moral obligation that is binding in all circumstances and is not dependent on a
person's inclination or purpose.
3. What is the universalizability principle?
A moral test that invites us to imagine a world in which any proposed action is also adopted by
everyone else. Most notably, it is the foundational principle for deontological, or duty-based,