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Jeremy Bentham & Utilitarianism: Principles & Case Study

Jeremy Bentham
Jeremy Bentham Biography
● * February 15, 1748 in London
● Child prodigy, started studying at Oxford at the age of 12
● was one of the most important social reformers in England, lawyer and philosopher,
who is considered the founder of utilitarianism
● called for general elections, women's suffrage, abolition of the death penalty, animal
rights, legalization of homosexuality & freedom of the press
● is considered a pioneer of feminism, a pioneer of democracy, liberalism and the rule
of law
● was convinced that people act out of utility
● † June 6, 1832 in London
Utilitarianism (Principle of Utility)
● Utility mainly describes the property of an object to bring about happiness or good, or
to protect against evil or misfortune
● The principle of utility means the principle of assent to an action based on the range
of one's tendency, or the opposite
● Nature has given mankind two masters, suffering and joy
● The two masters are the standard of right and wrong and determine what we
should/will do
● According to the principle of utility, ballast is used as the basis for that system whose
goal is to erect the edifice of bliss
● A matter is of further interest to an individual or community if it contributes to general
joy or reduces suffering
● One who is a believer in the principle of utility shows approval or disapproval
according to the laws of utility
Difference between action and rule utilitarianism
● According to action utilitarianism, the action that produces the most happiness is
● Rule utilitarianism pursues the same goal only under the general observance of a
hedonistic calculus
● Can be considered a goal of legislation
● Goal: increase satisfaction, decrease suffering
● The level of satisfaction depends on the intensity, duration, probability of its
occurrence and temporal proximity
Case study
Principle of utility: The well-being of the party guests increases, but everyone else in
society is disadvantaged.
Hedonistic Calculus: According to the Hedonistic Calculus, Person A's action is good for
the party guests because the water for the swimming pool does not contribute much to the
water shortage. However, it is disadvantageous for the rest of the residents.
Rule utilitarianism: According to rule utilitarianism, the action is not good because the
swimming pools will not be closed and water shortage will result.
Action utilitarianism: According to action utilitarianism, although not good, it is manageable
because the water consumed is not very significant