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BTEC Business Start-Up Assignment Brief

MCBS – BTEC Centre – 91177
When submitting evidence for assessment, each learner must sign a declaration confirming that the work is
their own.
Learner Name:
Assessor Name:
Mr. Muhammad Jehanzeb Khan
BTEC Programme Title:
BTEC International Level 3 Extended Diploma in
Unit or Component Number and Title:
Unit 36: Starting a Small Business
Assignment Title:
Date Assignment Submitted:
Assignment 1: Starting a Small Business
Please list the evidence submitted for each task. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found
or describe the nature of the evidence (e.g. video, illustration).
Assignment task reference
Task 1
Evidence submitted
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources
used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Learner signature:
2019_20 BTEC Assignment Brief
Version 1.0
Date: 1st March 2021
MCBS – BTEC Centre – 91177
BTEC Assignment Brief
BTEC International Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business
Unit or Component number
and title
Unit 36: Starting a Small Business
A. Be able to present the initial business idea using the relevant
Learning aim(s) (For NQF/RQF
B. Understand the skills and personal development needed to run
the business successfully
C. Know the legal and financial aspects that will affect the startup of the business
D. Be able to produce an outline business start-up proposal
Assignment title
Hand out date
Hand in deadline
Assignment 1: Starting a Small Business
Mr. Muhammad Jehanzeb Khan
01st March 2021
06th April 2021
You are frustrated with the routine nature of your current job as
your boss is not flexible and does not encourage creativity, so
you decided to quit and start your own business.
However, you should present a detailed report on a business idea
using the relevant criteria learned during the course, describe the
target market, and demonstrate an understanding of the research
method used for the proposed business.
Vocational Scenario or
Starting a small business is an ambition for many people. As you
have already highlighted and explained the initial idea for
developing a small business. Taking it further, for the second part
of your assignment you will:
• Evaluate the findings from the analysis of the skills and
personal development needed to run the business
• Give a complete explanation of the legal and financial aspects
that will affect the start-up of your business
• Outline a business proposal / plan for starting up a new small
2019_20 BTEC Assignment Brief
Version 1.0
MCBS – BTEC Centre – 91177
The first part of the report you are preparing for your business
should present a full description of your business idea as a
report using the criteria learned in the course that includes the
Type of business
Aim and objectives (SMART)
Unique selling point (USP)
The need / demand for your product / service
Balancing your personal and business life
Then you will provide a full description of your target market
(potential customers) and how you will identify your target
market. You need to carefully consider factors such as market
research, published research, sales forecast, customers’ actions
& choices, competition, SWOT, and PESTLE…
Task 1
You will demonstrate your understanding of the methods used
to identify the target market for the proposed business (for
instance; surveys and feasibility study). This will require you
to consider a range of methods that could be used and provide
reasons for your choice. You should come up with justifiable
explanation / reasoning for the method you may adopt. You
need to demonstrate your understanding of the methods used to
identify the target market for your proposed business. This will
require you to consider a range of methods that could be used
and to provide reasons for their choice. Market research will
almost certainly be included but you need to explain why.
Other methods may prove more challenging, but the selection
and justification should contribute to a possible business
launch, rather than just being a descriptive account of how they
could be applied.
Checklist of evidence
Criteria covered by this task:
To achieve the criteria, you must show that you are able to:
A. P1
A. P2
Present the initial business idea using relevant criteria
Explain how to identify the target market
Explain methods used to identify the target market for the proposed
2019_20 BTEC Assignment Brief
Version 1.0
MCBS – BTEC Centre – 91177
In this part you will describe essential skills / expertise you need
to run your business. You may consider the following skill sets
and reflect how you may be able to brush up your knowledge,
skills, and personal development.
Skills: your own contribution; technical / operational expertise –
relating to product / services, management, recording and
checking business performance, interpersonal skills (multitasking / team player), administration, experience, and your
Development: Identifying skill gap / shortages, professional
help, training, planning and time-management
Then, you will need to analyse personal development if you were
to launch a business.
Task 2
Previously, you have already highlighted relevant areas requiring
personal development. Now, you need to ensure you have
competency and confidence within yourself to manage your
business setup. Learners need to analyse these areas of
development and explain how they would pursue each to
strengthen their ability to start a business. Examples could
include sources of training with appropriate timelines that fit with
the business launch dates.
Checklist of evidence required Report
Criteria covered by this task:
B. P3
B. M2
To achieve the criteria, you must show that you are able to:
Describe the skills needed to run the business successfully and what areas
require further personal development
Analyse the personal development needed to run the business successfully
As you continue with your business start-up research, you need to
make a proposal describing the legal and financial aspects that
will affect the start-up of the business.
Task 3
Legal aspects: legal status (sole trader, partnership, limited
company, co-operative, legal liabilities, trading terms &
conditions, trading standards, licenses, record keeping, resolving
problems, national / local laws, regulations / bylaws, health &
safety, fire regulations, licensing, liabilities, planning permission,
contracts, duties & responsibilities
Financial aspects: personal survival budget, cost of premises,
equipment & supplies, running costs, employing staff, pricing
policy, breakeven, cash flow, forecasting; profit & loss, sources
of finance (grants, loans, borrowing, sponsorship).
2019_20 BTEC Assignment Brief
Version 1.0
MCBS – BTEC Centre – 91177
Checklist of evidence required Proposal
Criteria covered by this task:
C. P4
To achieve the criteria, you must show that you are able to:
Describe the legal and financial aspects that will affect the start-up of the
Once you can highlight the relevant financial and legal aspects,
then you need to form a business plan that should follow a formal
report format and can be developed into a
comprehensive document.
This should reflect legal aspects relating to the start-up of a new
business, but monetary aspects will need to involve some
simulation. The report should be supported by an oral discussion,
which may be undertaken with a specialist such as a bank
manager / a financial analyst at a consultancy.
Business Proposal: reviewing information & ideas, setting up
target & goals, purpose of the plan, components (types of
businesses / market scenario / resources, financial feasibility,
profit forecasts, business growth & development, contingencies.
Task 4
Proceeding ahead with your proposal you need to consider the
impact of legal and financial aspects. This may require you to
describe systems you will have in place for addressing such
issues, such as recording systems for tax and VAT liabilities. You
need to include a summary of how these will be embedded within
the overall business plan.
Lastly, you need to draw all your evidence together into a
comprehensive proposal that addresses all relevant aspects of
business start-up.
Checklist of evidence required
Criteria covered by this task:
C. P5
C. M3
D. D1
To achieve the criteria, you must show that you are able to:
Produce a proposal containing the essential information for the start-up of a
Assess the implications of the legal and financial aspects that will affect the
start-up of the business
Present a comprehensive business proposal that address all relevant aspects
of business start-up
2019_20 BTEC Assignment Brief
Version 1.0
MCBS – BTEC Centre – 91177
Sources of information to
support you with this
Other assessment materials
attached to this Assignment
BTEC Business Level 3 Handout (Unit 36 portion)
PowerPoint slides – (Class Lecture Slides)
Class Activities and Notes
Barrow C and Barrow P – The Business Plan Workbook,
3rd Edition (Kogan Page, 1998) ISBN 0749426969
Deakins D – Entrepreneurship and Small Firms
(McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1999) ISBN
FOR 2012 L1/2 FIRSTS ONLY: If you have not achieved the Level 2 criteria, your work will be
assessed to determine if the following Level 1 criteria have been met.
To achieve the criteria, you must show that you are able to:
2019_20 BTEC Assignment Brief
Version 1.0