A time line of British Taxes and Policies that led to War https://www.landofthebrave.info/taxes-in-the-colonies.htm http://www.stamp-act-history.com/british-taxation-colonial-america/list-of-british-acts/ Date/Tax or Policy 1. Navigational Acts : 1651-1653 2. 1675 3. 1696 4. 1699 5. 1732 6. 1733 7. 1750 8. 1763 9. 1764 10. 1764 Purpose Exclusive trade with England American Reaction Culpepper Rebellion 11. 1765 12. 1765 13. 1766 14. 1767 15. 1770 16. 1773 17. 1774 18. 1774 19. 1776