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Valet Standards Module: Housekeeping NC II

After going this module, you are expected to:
1.1 Discuss basic roles of valet and butler service within the Philippine
hospitality industry.
1.2 Establish rapport and enhance feelings of goodwill between the guest
and the establishment through principles of good communication in
accordance with the establishment standards.
Lesson 1: Identify the role of a valet
Describe the services delivered by a valet
This unit applies to all establishments where specialist valet or butler
services are conducted.
This Section identifies the tasks a valet undertakes.
The job of the valet
A valet, sometimes also known as a 'butler', is
hotel to provide a personalised and specialist
guests for the duration of their stay.
employed by a
service to
They add a degree of service, class and style
associate with indulgence and opulence.
many people
Valet services are not common. Certainly not all establishments provide valet
service and the position may not exist in some countries. Many hotels will only
supply a „valet parking‟ service.
However international guests may have very high levels of expectation in relation
to the service provided by valets, especially American and Japanese guests. Many
expect the same level of service provided by other up-market hotels around the
The many roles of a valet
Many regard the valet as providing a combination of roles each with its own
demanding level of personalised and individualised services. The various roles
Housekeeper – performing a range of services
normally provided by room attendants in other
Confidant – being a trusted person whom the guest
confide in
when they need to talk or share an
experience or opinion
Guide – informing the guest of what is available both within and
outside the venue, when it is available, how to get there and how to obtain
entry, tickets, preferential treatment
Concierge – while all valets work together with the concierge in a venue, many
valets often take the role of concierge for the guests they are looking after
Organiser – organising activities including reservations, tickets to shows, entry
to events, meetings with people, daily schedules, on behalf of and under the
direction of the guest
Supervisor – overseeing the work of other
people (venue employees and outside workers)
provide products and service to the guest
Guest relations – ensuring the guest has a
pleasant stay in the venue, ensuring their
expectations are met and dealing with any
problems that arise during the stay.
It is true that a valet may be all these and more. Exactly what a valet is or
the services they provide, depends greatly on the needs of the individual
There is a special relationship between the valet and the concierge,
especially the nature of the working relationship between them that
demands instant responses to guest needs, quick supply of
information, and general professional support.
The valet must be able to respond immediately and appropriately to the
needs of individual guests who may all have widely diverse demands. It is
definitely a challenging position but, without doubt, an extremely rewarding
The role of valet would generally be undertaken by experienced staff
members or other people with sound organisational and interpersonal
Depending on the organisational structure of the venue, „valet‟ may be
located in Housekeeping, Front Office or another appropriate department
such as Finance or Sales and Marketing. The valet is always:
A front-of-house member of staff – they are not „back of house‟ staff
who work „behind the scenes‟
A guest contact staff member – as opposed to a manager or
administration officer
A service provider – while they perform some liaison and supervision
duties their primary role is one of service provision.
The main duties of a valet
The main duties of a valet refer to the services they
provide to their guests.
The Position Description for „valet‟ at your venue will
provide a good starting point regarding what they are
expected to do.
- The
nature and extent of these services will vary
between guests with some guests demanding constant attention and
others requiring little in the way of valet service.
- Services
can include, but are not limited to:
- Professionally
behalf of the
- Preparing
- Light
and confidentially communicating – with the guest and on
guest Unpacking and storing guest luggage
guest clothes and footwear – ready for use
pressing of garments – as required or requested
- Packing
guest luggage – for their departure
Establishing Good Communication Standards
- A professional and confident communication with the guest will help
in understanding and resolving differences of individuals, building
trustd and respects and creating a harmony in work. Proper
communication will help eliminate the misunderstanding that can
cause conflict in the employee and guest relationship.
Steps in good communication to guest:
Making eye to eye contact with the
guest – Looking
directly to the eyes of the guest with whom you interact will make a
more successful communication.
Showing positive attitudes and beliefs – Through showing
honesty, patient, optimism, sincerity, and respect. Also these
attitudes will bring impact to good communication.
Listening attentively to the instruction of the guest- A good
valet and butler professional should not only be able to speak
effectively, one must also listen carefully to what the is saying.
Personality Development
- Grooming and personality presentation may be correlated to wearing
of uniform, personal hygiene, and personal appearance. Having a
Valet or butler kit will help in maintaining personal appearance and
will help assist guest with little emergency problem that could come
up from time to time. A valet’s kit should include the following:
 Small scissors or clippers
 Tweezer
 Hairbrush and comb
 Clothes brush
 Polishing and application brushes for shoes
 Disposable gloves
 Needle and an assortment of threads and buttons
 Safety pins in different sizes
 Thumbtacks
 Nail varnish remover
 Stapler with staples
 Eraser
 Liquid paper
 Adhesive labels
 A small first aid kit, making sure there are several sizes of
 Matches or lighter, a valet should always carry a lighter in their
pocket whenever guest needs one in lighting a cigarette.
Good Grooming And Personal Hygiene
- There are strict requirements concerning the grooming and personal
presentation standards of valet or butler. One should be conscious of
issues concerning the following:
The need for high standards of grooming and personal presentation
Valets need to be professionally groomed
required to comply with the venue
requirements in relation to personal
presentation, personal hygiene and
and are
A valet's presentation will have a lasting
on the guest and it is important this
be of the highest standard at all times.
Note the use of the words „at all times‟.
Valet must
look as presentable five minutes before they finish, as they did when they
Other staff may have the luxury of allowing their appearance to show
„wear and tear‟ during the working shift, but valets do not.
How you stand and move reflects on the image of your personal
presentation. Be aware of your posture, body language and the speed of
your movement. Dignity is a good word to bear in mind. A valet should
carry themselves and discharge their duties with dignity.
Remember a uniform, as well as personal grooming and deportment,
completes the physical side of a valet’s professional and personal
presentation. The uniform deserves, merits and demands appropriate
Make sure you know and abide by any venue-specific requirements
relating to personal presentation, grooming and uniform.
Wearing Uniform
- Significant characteristics:
• It fits properly so it looks good, enables
freedom of movement and is comfortable to
• It is kept clean. It is a standard requirements
have at least one change of clothes available
them at work so uniforms can be changed
when they get dirty.
• It remains in good repair. There must be no loose threads or missing
• Type and style of shoes to be worn such as black, polished leather
• Whether or not a name tag is worn. Most valets or butler do not wear
a nametag as this is seen as detracting from and/or demeaning the
position of valets or butlers
• A jacket is worn by a valet and they commonly wear a different color
or style of epaulette to distinguish them from other service staff.
• A tie according to the required color.
Procedure in Performing Valets Services
- Policies and Procedures relating to the stipulation of valet or butler
services can be expected to be relatively standard across the
Picking, Checking, Sorting, Endorsing and Delivery of
- One of the responsibilities of a valet or butler is to make sure that all
laundry used by the hotel as well as any guest laundry requests are
clean and delivered on time. Below are specific task of a valet or
Responsible for the collection and delivery of guest laundry needs like
dry cleaning, pressing and washing. Make sures all of the items are
properly checked and labeled correctly.
Work closely with the housekeeping and laundry team to deliver
items on time. Give feedback to the laundry supervisor of any poor
quality service or any problems like missing laundry item, delays or
damaged items.
Ensure all laundry is inspected before dispatched
Make sure that guest laundry, dry cleaning and pressing are
collected and returned as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Check carefully the quality of guest items and the exact number
before returning them to guests.
Procedure in Keeping laundry Area Clean
- A lot of dirty works are done in the laundry area. It is therefore a must
to keep it clean and tidy by effi9ciently following a step by step
Sort linen and other items to be washed and deliver them to
required areas.
Maintain the laundry or valet work area in a tidy and orderly manner.
Observe all health and safety regulations when using laundry
Clear all clutter to avoid problems in work area.
Dispose properly stuff that is not to be used anymore. Make use of
proper disposal.
Clean all walls and cabinets to avoid dirt build up.
Clean laundry equipment using these steps:
- Sanitize the inside and clear away
soap scum by using a vinegar
- Wiping through a damp cloth or by
using fabric softener sheet, take
note that it can cause build up on
the screen so wash or vacuum the
- Clean by washing cleaner with a
cloth and wipe the faucet with a
microfiber cloth.
- Start cleaning from far corner of the
area, vacuum rugs, and run a mop
underneath all equipment. Clean
also areas behind the appliances.
Clean iron by making paste of
baking soda and water to clean up
mineral deposits build up.
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