SSS Summer Bridge Program Goals - 2017 The TRIO SSS Summer Bridge Program is a multi-faceted enriching experience to develop awareness, knowledge, strategies and skills that enhance and support transition to becoming first-time college students. Through participation in the courses listed below, this experience bridges the gap between high school and college. It provides a head start to ease students’ transition by creating an atmosphere of encouragement and sense of belonging to the campus. Summer Bridge staff help students identify available academic and social support systems, infuse basic understanding of college terminology as well as highlight techniques for overcoming common challenges. Starting in February, SSS instructional staff met bi-weekly to develop a shared conceptual framework loosely based upon the Conley four cognitive facets of college readiness (Redefining College Readiness, Conley, 2007). The intent was to develop bridge courses to align with expected program outcomes. Through a reiterative process, our focus was how does each Bridge course's student outcomes contribute to the overall program goal(s) and how do program’s goals align with these courses expected student outcomes. A visual representation of expected program goals relationship to specific course outcomes, along with outlines of program goals and course outcomes, are displayed on the next page. The programmatic goals are by the end of the four-week academic enrichment process, participants will have gained: • Awareness and practice incorporating a growth mindset to balance academic responsibilities, change expectations, and foster independence for achieving collegiate progress and success including utilizing the campus’ Desire2Learn (D2L) learning platform and ALEKS PPL for math development. 1 • • • Knowledge and understanding the importance of personal engagement with campus resources including services, organizations, instructors, professionals, and peer support networks that enhance persistence in college. Strategies to communicate, advocate, and manage challenges while exploring personal goals that lead to purposeful direction and meaningful achievements. Skills needed to make academic progress in first-year courses and support critical thinking. Summer Bridge Curricula College Success 101 Course Objectives: 1. Identify and explain multiple UWM resources that students can access and benefit from as a new freshman. 2. Apply what students come to learn because of this course, during their first year of college and beyond; e.g., contacting Panther Academic Support Services (PASS) and English Writing Center for tutoring and writing support. 3. Understand and identify relevant college terminology. 4. Develop an understanding of a college course syllabus and its expectations. 5. Recognize ways on how to become involved in university life and skills required for academic success. Financial Literacy Course Objectives: Successful students in this class will: Ø Learn about: 1. Savings and investing 2. Compound interest and the impact of interest rates 3. Credit, credit scores, and credit reports 4. Basic investing principles such as diversification, asset allocation, and risk vs. return 5. Managing risk and choosing insurance policies 6. Basic cash management Ø Be able to: 1. Construct basic personal financial statements and develop a record-keeping system 2. Construct a spending plan that helps you reach your needed surplus 3. Read your own credit report and use credit strategically 4. Construct personal financial objectives 5. Strategically use financial aid and other forms of debt to achieve goals 2 College Reading (with writing lab) “If you can’t read, you can’t do anything.” Milwaukee State Representative Tamara Griggs, 2010 Class Objectives: 1. Provide techniques for improving college-level reading proficiency 2. Increase comprehension and critical thinking skills related to reading 3. Develop ability to locate and read research articles 4. Develop vocabulary-building methods 5. Practice effective note-taking strategies with reading 6. Develop writing skills for short essay/reading responses 7. Exposure to and activities to engage the 2018 Common Read (“Fifty Years Ago, Protesters Took On The Miss America Pageant and Electrified the Feminist Movement (Smithsonian Magazine, 2018; Retrieved 04/07/2018) Math Intellectual and Practical Skills Students will begin to: 1. Understand and apply methods employed in the mathematical sciences 2. Use critical and creative thinking to solve mathematical problems 3. Communicate mathematical thinking effectively to others (in writing and orally) 4. Master computation skills and formulas 5. Become competent in ALEKS software 6. Work with peers to solve increasing more challenging problems Personal and Social Responsibility Students will begin to: 1. Adhere to academic policies 2. Use time management skills 3. Overcome math-related anxiety 4. Evaluate learning progress 5. Discover campus resources available to promote student success 3