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Human Sexuality Exam Review Notes

Exam 3 Handwritten Review Notes
 Freud in his theory of psychosexual development even proposed that there was a latency
stage from age six until puberty during which sexuality remained _______.
 Dormant
 Match the dimension of sexual experience w/ its corresponding description:
 Cognitive – How a person comes to mentally understand & know about sexual activity
 Social (interpersonal) – How a person comes to associate others into their understanding
of sex & relationship
 Gender – How a person comes to understand their own gender identity as well as that of
 Orientation – How a person comes to understand who they are attracted to
 Erotic – How a person comes to understand what sexual pleasure feels like
 During the 19th century, views about childhood sexuality changed as a belief grew that
children should be preserved in a state of _______.
 Sexual innocence
 As infants, children experience a need for touch that is:
 Undifferentiated from other needs
 Even in infancy, research by Paul Quinn shows that some infants can already discriminate
 Male & female faces
 “Boy” vs. “girl” toys
 With regard to typical sexual experiences during infancy in the U.S.,
 Males may experience penile erections during sucking, rocking & whole body caress
 Females may experience genital lubrication while during an exciting game of “peek a
 Other people are @ first thought of as “objects” & later emerge as “persons” @ a later
stage in life
Masturbation (rubbing one’s genitals) may happen spontaneously during early childhood &
is experienced simply as a form of _______.
 Self-soothing / self-care
During early childhood, _______ also begin to develop, as children learn what sexual
relationships “should” look & feel like emotionally
 Love maps
For an infant, the most important characteristic of a sexual partner is that the person be
 Familiar
During preadolescence, sexuality becomes “other” incorporative. Crushes develop & the
idea that others can be a source of sex grows more _______.
 Concrete
During preadolescence, it is typical for children to:
 Start developing “crushes”
Hispanic cultures have the _______, which is a Catholic celebration for girls who turn 15 &
have remained virgins. The celebration involves a mass, dancing, & 14 damas &
chambelanes (“bridesmaids” & their dates).
 Quinceanera
According to _______, ultra-glamorous & sexually sophisticated media characters often
influence teens’ decisions about sex.
 Super peer theory
Which of the following could potentially be prosecuted as child sex abuse in most U.S.
 A 19-year-old who has sex w/ a 15-year-old
 A 15-year-old who has sex w/ a 9-year-old
 A 16-year-old who has sex w/ mentally handicapped 16-year-old
The age @ which children are most @ risk of being sexually abused is:
 7 – 10
Which of the following activities occurs in the most number of child sex abuse cases?
 Genital touching & fondling
The majority of child sexual abuse instances:
 Are committed by males
 Are committed in residences
 Are never reported
Which of the following is an example of the types of excuses child sex perpetrators typically
try to give for their actions?
 The child never seemed upset during OR after the time of sexual contact
 The child is more mature than most & knows a lot about sex already
 In other cultures, children have sex w/ adults all the time & no harm comes of it
Match the form of marriage/sexual relationship with its correct description.
 Polyandry – One wife married to multiple husbands
 Polygyny – many wives married to the same husband
 Polygamy – Common term for multiple people married to each other
 Harem – A form of polygyny
 Monogamy – Two people in a marriage
Match the historical model of marriage w/ its correct description.
 The practical marriage – Marriage as a contact required for the sustenance of a family
 The companionate marriage – Marriage as a basis for friendship & tending the needs of
the children vs. work
 The expressive marriage – Marriage as a means of achieving individual self-expression
Which of the following would be recommended by Finkel as a way to optimize one’s
 Schedule more one-on-one time together
 Rely more on other people in one’s social support network
 Lower your expectations regarding your marriage & partner
Polyamorous couples often report that instead of feeling jealous when observing their partner
flirt w/ someone else, they experience a sense of joy & giddiness. What’s this emotion that
they feel called?
 Compersion
According to Esther Perel, the secret to keep passion alive in a long-term relationship is:
 Retaining a sense of space & room to explore independently from your partner
What’s the most likely reason that research examining the sexuality of aging populations has
historically been so limited?
 Our culture has traditionally viewed sex among the aging w/ disdain
According to research, in females, the impact of menopause on sexual desire is:
 Declining estrogen can cause problems w/ lubrication
 Probably weaker than the impact of how attractive she feels
 Probably weaker than the impact of how responsive she perceives her partner to be
According to research on sexuality & aging, what can we conclude?
 Most older people do have pleasurable sexual experiences
 Most older people wish they were having more sexual experiences
 There’s a robust correlation between perceived attractiveness & sexual desire that’s
particularly relevant for aging adults
 Erectile dysfunction is NOT mostly a male problem
Research suggests that those in dominant roles during BDSM scenes enter an altered state
that’s associated w/ focused attention, a loss of self-consciousness & optimal performance of
a task. This state is called _______.
 Flow
Research shows that during BDSM scenes, submissives frequently experience reduced
sensations of pain, increased feeling of floating, feelings of peacefulness, feelings of living in
the here & now & time distortions. This experience is called _______.
 Transient hypofrontality
The diagnoses of a sexual practice as a paraphiliac disorder (as opposed to just a paraphilia)
does NOT rely on:
 The number OR gender of partners involved
 Whether the practice would be deemed unappealing to most people in the population
The diagnoses of a sexual practice as a paraphiliac disorder (as opposed to just a paraphilia)
DOES rely on:
 Whether consent was given (if another person is involved)
 The distress caused to the person due to the practice
 The legality of the sexual practice
What percentage of Americans fantasize about having sex in public places?
 26%
Match the paraphiliac disorder w/ its correct description.
 Exhibitionism – Exposing one’s genitals to an unsuspecting OR non-consenting person
 Voyeurism – Watching unsuspecting person undress OR engage in sexual activity
 Scatalogia – Making obscene phone calls to a non-consenting partner
 Frotteurism – Rubbing one’s body & genitals against a non-consenting person
According to research, compared to non-pedophiles, pedophiles tend to:
 Have lower IQs
 Be shorter
 Have less white brain matter
Match the paraphiliac disorder w/ its correct description.
 Necrophilia – Sexual desire directed toward dead bodies
 Somnophilia – Sexual desire directed toward sleeping people
 Urophile – Sexual desire involving urine
 Asphyxiophilia – Fixation w/ deriving sexual pleasure from cutting off one’s air supply
Research shows that pedophiles tend to have less white brain matter than non-pedophiles,
suggesting that they have trouble connecting appropriate responses to stimuli (e.g., children)
in their environment. Criticism of this theory has pointed out that results could be due to the
fact that white matter in the brain is also linked to ______.
 Impulsivity
From the perspective of classical conditioning, it’s possible that paraphilic disorders develop
as a result of:
 Repeated pairing b/w an object & sexual stimuli over time
Which of the following statements is true involving the notion of a cycle of abuse?
 People who sexually abuse others are more likely to have been sexually abused
Some researchers propose that certain paraphiliac disorders are actually courtship disorders.
Match the courtship disorder w/ it’s more typical, non-clinical form.
 Voyeurism – Locating & watching a potential sex partner
 Exhibitionism – Flirting & showing off for partner
 Frotteurism – Kissing, cuddling, hugging (making out)
 Rape – Consensual penetrative sex
Which is a type of therapy that encourages patients to identify the triggers in the environment
that set off the urge to engage in their paraphilic behavior?
 Relapse Prevention Therapy
Which is TRUE regarding the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)?
 They’re most commonly used to treat depression
 They’re effective in treating obsessive-compulsive disorder
 They cause a decline in sexual interest (libido) that can be helpful in treating patients w/
paraphiliac disorders
Which is TRUE regarding surgical castration?
 Many clinicians are ethically opposed to it
Which is NOT true regarding surgical castration?
 It’s a preferred method of treatment for those suffering from paraphilic disorders
 It maintains a male’s ability to feel sexual desire & have an erection
In her book American Couples, Pepper Schwartz describes the phenomenon of ______,
pointing to data suggesting that lesbian couples in committed relationships have less sex than
any other type of couple.
 Lesbian bed death
Concerns about premature ejaculation are often compounded by:
 Misperceptions concerning the average amount of time a typical male “lasts”
Which has NOT been implicated as a cause for premature ejaculation?
 Unusually high sex drive
Which HAS been implicated as a cause for premature ejaculation?
 A learned response resulting from rushed masturbatory practices
 Unusually low serotonin levels in the brain
 A serotonin to dopamine ratio that is too low
The ______ is a sex therapy technique used to treat premature ejaculation that instructs males
to stimulate the penis but stop just before they feel they’re about to ejaculate.
 Start-stop method
______ is a touching exercise, where couples take turns gently touching each other all over
their whole bodies, while focusing in a non-evaluative way on the sensations involved.
 Sensate focus
Which of the following has NOT been found to be a frequent cause of delayed ejaculation?
 High testosterone levels
Which of the following HAS been found to be a frequent cause of delayed ejaculation?
 Relationship issues
 Antidepressant drugs such as SSRIs
 A learned response (i.e., from masturbatory practices)
Which is a common cause of erectile dysfunction?
 Smoking
 Stress
 The natural aging process
Viagra works by:
 Increasing the responsiveness of the erectile tissue in the penis to nitric oxide
In this condition, a combination of psychological & physiological factors cause the walls of
the vagina, as well as pelvic floor muscles, to painfully spasm.
 Vaginismus
In addition to using the Coital Alignment Technique, anorgasmia is frequently remedied with
 Good sexual communication b/w partners
Which of the following is NOT a common reason that people fake orgasms?
 To get sex to last longer
Which of the following IS a common reason that people fake orgasms?
 To heighten their own arousal
 To protect their partner’s feelings
 To get sex to end
The bacterial STI w/ the highest incidence rate is ______.
 Chlamydia
The viral STI w/ the highest incidence rate is ______.
 Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
The most serious harm caused by pubic lice is usually:
 Intense itching which can lead to tearing of the skin
Scabies are:
 An arachnid
Trichomoniasis is a single-celled protozoan w/ whip-like flagella that causes:
 Frothy greenish OR darkish discharge from the genitals
 Abdominal pain
 An urge to frequently urinate
Syphilis is caused by a bacterium called Treponema Pallidum. This bacterium is a ______,
meaning it has a unique corkscrew shape.
 Spirochete
Left untreated, gonorrhea can lead to:
 Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in females
 Epididymitis in males
 Infection of the eyes
Which of the following concerning chlamydia is FALSE?
 Rates of chlamydia have dropped sharply since 1985
Which of the following concerning chlamydia is TRUE?
 ~ 1 in 10 adolescent females is infected
 It can impair fertility in females
 Most females experience NO symptoms
Which statement about herpes is CORRECT?
 HSV-2 is the most common cause of genital herpes
Which statements about herpes are INCORRECT?
 HSV-1 only leads to infections on the mouth OR lips
 Most herpes infections can be easily cleared w/ antibiotics
 A patient is only contagious during their first, initial outbreak
Which is true about HPV?
 A safe & effective vaccine exists
 HPV strains 16 & 18 are the types which cause most cervical cancers
 The vaccine is recommended for boys & girls @ age 11 OR 12
HIV leads to AIDS by attacking ______.
 CD4 lymphocytes
At ~ six (6) weeks to six (6) months after a person is infected w/ HIV, their body launches an
immune response that causes flu-like symptoms. This response is referred to as:
 Seroconversion
HIV is unique from most other STIs because:
 It’s a retrovirus
STIs are LEAST likely to be transmitted through:
 Body secretions including sweat, tears, saliva, & urine
Match the STI w/ its correct feature.
 Herpes – Leads to painful fluid-filled blisters
 Syphilis – Primary stage includes a painless fluid-filled sore (chancre)
 Hepatitis B – Leads to fatigue & fever
 Public lice – Involves small lice that attach to human pubic hairs
Scabies – Burrow under the skin & create red tracks
Chlamydia – Leads to an inflamed cervix (females) OR prostate (males)
HPV – Most common cause of cervical cancer
HIV – Eventually causes AIDS if left untreated
Gonorrhea – Causes frothy & foul-smelling discharge from vagina OR dark discharge
from penis
Latex condoms:
 Are most effective when used w/ water-based lubricants to prevent tearing
______ is a form of acquaintance rape & is used to describe situations where a consensual
sexual interaction is already underway when the rape occurs.
 Date rape
Approximately how many women will be a victim of rape in their lifetime?
 1 in 6
Which accurately reflects how society tends to response to male rape?
 Disbelief
 Ridicule
 Minimization
Which is NOT a common reason that a rape is NOT reported to the police?
 Sense that rape was “NOT a big deal”
Which IS a common reason that a rape is NOT reported to the police?
 Belief that police will NOT do anything
 Self-blame
 Desire to protect the perpetrator
Victims of rape often experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The collection of
symptoms, which including symptoms such as depression, anger, sleeplessness, & inability
to concentrate, are referred to as:
 Post trauma syndrome
The theory that humans are genetically programmed to rape is weakened by which piece of
 Rape does NOT occur @ the same rate across all societies
According to research by Malamuth, rapists tend to share all of the following qualities
 Lower IQs
According to research by Malamuth, rapists tend to share all of the following qualities:
 Prefer hooking up, NOT relationship
 Positive response to sex aggressive porn
 Misogyny – negative attitudes ~ females
Which is an example of a way in which rapists typically overcome external inhibitions to
 Belonging to groups where there’s perceived social support & tolerance for rape
 Endorsing the belief that rape is “private,” “personal,” “family business” & NOT to be
judged by others
 Endorsing dysfunctional male gender beliefs such as “boys will be boys”
The notion that a female who dresses in tight clothes & enjoys drinking & dancing @ bars is
“asking” to be raped is an example of:
 A rape myth
 Which of the following concerning Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is FALSE?
 Mostly only females are victims are IPV
 Mostly only males are perpetrators of IPV
 IPV is a problem that mostly only affects heterosexual couples
 According to research, most instances of violence in intimate relationships are:
 Common couple violence
 ______ is primarily perpetrated by men against women but can also occur in same-sex
relationships. Violence is used as part of a general pattern of control over one’s partner. It
usually escalates over time, is NOT mutual, & is more likely to involve serious injury.
 Intimate terrorism
 Match the phase of abuse w/ its correct description.
 Tension-building phase – Abuser is moody & suspicious & commits minor assaults;
victim tries to appease abuser
 Violent incident – Abuser commits major assault; victim fights back OR tries to flee OR
calls police
 Reconciliation phase – Abuser tries to make amends & declares love; victim recants
charges to police & lies ~ cause of injury
 Calm – Incident is forgotten; NO abuse taking place; “the honeymoon phase”
 The theory that sexual harassment is motivated by the perpetrator’s desire to enact power of
their victim is supported by which finding?
 Women who violate traditional gender norms & act more aggressive & assertive in the
workplace are more likely to be harassed than those who do NOT
 Match the type of sexual harassment w/ its correct description.
 Quid pro quo harassment – The most obvious form of sexual harassment as it involves
the suggestion that granting sexual favors will lead to certain tangible rewards
 Hostile work environment harassment – A pattern of unwelcome sexual attention that
makes life difficult for the victim
 Third party harassment – Employees are NOT the target of sexual harassment themselves
but suffer by losing out on opportunities (promotions, pay, etc.) granted to those
employees who are
 Match the type of stalking w/ its proper description.
 Intimate partner stalking – Stalker is often a current OR former boyfriend / girlfriend OR
spouse; stalking is an expression of suspicion & desire for control
 Delusional stalking – Stalker maintains belief that victim would fall in love w/ them if
they could only just meet
 Grudge stalking – Usually done for NON-romantic & purely as a form of maintaining
control over someone they think has wronged them
 Cyberstalking – Stalking that occurs over the Internet
 Prostitution reached its height in the U.S. during:
 The late 19th century, when red light districts began cropping up in cities
 From the video, how many violent incidents were report (in the first year of the red light
zone) compared to 49 in the previous year of 2013?
 61
 Which is generally true of streetwalkers?
 Their work puts them @ high risk of acquiring an STI
 In the video, Harley came to the brothel / ranch from a job as an EMT (Emergency Medical
Technician). Many of the other workers also came from other jobs. What’s the primary
reason for working @ the Moonlite Bunny Ranch?
 Financial
 Compared to streetwalking, working as a prostitute in a massage parlor offers:
 Higher pay
 What clientele does the male escort Adria primarily cater to?
 Professional women in their 30s
 Josh Brandon, the UK’s highest earning male escort in 2011, states that he falls into what gay
identity category?
 Twink
 According to the video, what makes it difficult for trans people to follow their adaptation
process in Venezuela?
 Severe shortages of over-the-counter hormones
 Match the type of sex trade worker w/ the best description.
 Gogo boy – Men who strip in gay bars
 Trade – Straight male sex workers who have sex w/ men
 Madam – A female owner of an establishment where people can engage in sexual activity
w/ a sex worker
 Stripper – A person who exotically dance in clubs OR bars OR for parties & outcalls
 Masseuse – A female who workers in parlors that offer services like “happy endings”
 Streetwalker – Sex workers are the greatest risk of physical violence that usually work &
may operate in other public places like bars & parks
 Escort – A person who works for an agency that provides some level of security b/c they
arrange the meeting
 Which of the following is TRUE ~ sex trafficking?
 Although some victims know they will work as prostitutes, rarely do they understand the
extent of the deal they are entering into
 Sex trafficking is the most common type of human trafficking in the world
 Young girls are often persuaded to leave their families by offers of exciting opportunities
in new lands
 Legal scholars make which points when arguing that pornography laws are hard to interpret?
 It’s hard to know which “community standards” are relevant in the age of the Internet
 What’s considered pornographic to one person may NOT be to another
1. All are true regarding HIV EXCEPT…
a. HIV is a bacteria
2. All are TRUE regarding HIV…
a. HIV does NOT always lead to AIDS
b. HIV is present in high concentrations in semen & vaginal fluid
c. HIV targets CD4 lymphocytes, which are a central part of the immune system
3. Which STI can be fatal if left untreated?
a. Syphilis
4. Hostile-environment harassment involves…
a. A pattern of unwelcome sexual attention that makes life difficult for the victim
5. Which is the correct order of the 4 stages that lead to rape?
a. Motivation, overcoming internal inhibitors, overcoming external inhibitors,
selecting a victim
6. Which is TRUE ~ delusional stalking?
a. They believe the person being stalked loves them back
7. What’s the most commonly used “date rape drug?”
a. Alcohol
8. Which statement is TRUE regarding rape?
a. Male rape (rape where the victim is male) has historically been a problem in
prison populations
9. Which statements are FALSE regarding rape?
a. Most rapes are reported to authorities & prosecuted
b. Transgender men & women are raped less frequently than those who are NOT
c. Most perpetrators of rape are unknown to the victim
10. ______ is a broad term that includes any forcible sexual act.
a. Sexual assault
11. Intimate partner violence typically occurs as part of a cycle that includes all phases,
a. The tension-reduction phase
12. Intimate partner violence typically occurs as part of a cycle that includes include all
a. The tension-building phase
b. The violent incident
c. The calm phase
13. How does Title IX impact colleges?
a. If cases are NOT prosecuted colleges can lose funding
14. Which is NOT an effect of sexual violence on the victim?
a. Bipolar disorder
15. Which IS an effect of sexual violence on the victim?
a. Alcoholism
b. Loss of interest in sexual activity
d. Depression
16. Expectations for how a female vs. a male should behave in sexual situations would be
best described as a:
a. Sexual script
17. Stripping is a legal form of sex work in the United States.
a. True
18. How do exotic dancers make most of their money?
a. Tips
19. Which claim supports the legalization of prostitution?
a. Harm reduction (fewer STIs & less violence among sex workers)
20. Why’s there an overrepresentation of transwomen sex workers?
a. It can be hard to get work elsewhere
b. High demand
21. Which is FALSE ~ streetwalkers?
a. All socioeconomic classes are represented proportionally
22. Which is TRUE ~ streetwalkers?
a. They have the highest homicide rate of sex workers
b. They have the least protection of the sex workers
23. Which best describes how Americans view prostitution?
a. They’re evenly split over whether prostitution should be legal
24. Which is a real difference b/w female & male sex workers?
a. Males experience less violence
25. What’s important to keep in mind when thinking ~ the correlation b/w violence & porn?
a. A certain type of man likely accounts for this correlation (pre-existing hostility;
men who are violent may tend to seek out more porn)
26. Who’s @ the top of “hierarchy of prostitution (e.g., safer, make more money)?
a. Those who work for escort services
27. Things like having an athletic build (in both sexes) & long blonde hair (in females) earn
you more money in sex work.
a. True
28. What two (2) things go into defining porn as “ethical”?
a. How it’s used
b. How it’s produced
29. ‘John’ is a term used to refer to…
a. People who hire sex workers / consume sex work
30. One of the first & most important court cases to address the distinction b/w pornography
& art involving sexuality / nudity involved which piece of work?
a. James Joyce’s “Ulysses”
31. Research examining the relationship b/w pornography & violence suggests that:
a. Men who have a pre-existing hostility toward women are especially likely to be
more violent after viewing pornography
32. Which factor causes the MOST harmful consequences for a child who’s sexually abused?
a. The sexual contact involved penetration
33. Which is an argument against trigger warnings / safe spaces?
a. They encourage victim mentality
b. They prevent conversation
34. Which is currently used to prevent / detect child sexual abuse?
a. Talking to children ~ their bodies & sexuality
35. Sexual abuse causes the most damage in children when:
a. There’s repeated sexual contact
b. There’s sexual penetration
36. Which is TRUE regarding the sexual abuse of children?
a. Perpetrators sometimes use the child’s mature emotional, physical OR cognitive
development as an excuse for their actions
37. Which are common excuses given by the adult in cases of child sexual abuse?
a. They’re sexually mature for their age
b. They seemed to enjoy it
c. It’s normal in other cultures
38. Which environmental factors increases the risk for child sexual abuse?
a. A single parent having a live-in partner
b. NOT living w/ their biological parent
39. What age is the most commonly reported for child sexual abuse?
a. 7-10 years old
40. Which is a characteristic of polyandry?
a. One female has than one male partner
41. The ______ model of polyamory gives each participant equal status in the group w/ NO
specific primaries, while ______ model of polyamory individuals usually have primaries
as well as peripherals.
a. Polyfidelity, Molecular
42. In aging adults, sexual satisfaction is positively correlated w/ which of the following?
a. Mental health
b. Physical health
c. Happiness
43. Which is TRUE of sex in male homosexual relationships?
a. Polyamory is more common than in lesbians & heterosexuals
b. Engage in more sexual activities than lesbians & heterosexuals
44. According to research, which of the following contributes to the decline in sex frequency
many couples experience during the course of marriage?
a. Habituation as partners become more familiar w/ each other
b. Birth of children
c. Declining levels of sex hormones as partners age
45. What’s the partner gap?
a. Older men (as a group) are more likely to be having sex than older women (more
women available!)
46. Which is NOT a physiological change in sexual response that typically accompanies
a. Refractory period shortens
47. Which IS a physiological change in sexual response that typically accompanies aging?
a. Penis becomes erect more slowly & becomes less hard
b. Erections are lost more rapidly
c. Vaginal walls become thinner
48. Which would BEST be described as fetishism?
a. A man being sexually aroused by feet
49. Which are reasons to crossdress?
a. Express gender identity
b. Entertainment
c. Autogynephilia
d. Transvestic fetishism
50. ______ is a term that applies to people who are sexually aroused by the act OR fantasy of
exposing their genitals to unsuspecting strangers
a. Exhibitionism
51. Which state is entered by the ‘bottom’ in a BDSM relationship?
a. Hypofrontality
52. Which turns a paraphilia into a paraphiliac disorder?
a. The sexual behavior must be distressing to the person
53. What does research suggest ~ the cause of paraphiliac disorders?
a. Paraphiliac disorders can be learned responses (e.g., via classical conditioning)
54. Which is where frotteurism would usually occur?
a. Crowded public transportation
55. Sam thinks he’s sexually aroused by socks b/c he used to masturbate w/ them when he
was a teenager. He can now be turned on just looking @ pictures of socks. Based on the
description, what’s Sam’s perspective on how his paraphilia developed?
a. Classical conditioning
56. Paraphiliac disorders should NOT be considered courtship disorders, b/c they consist of
normal dating behaviors, but expressed in a disordered way.
a. False
57. What’s the rationale behind using cognitive therapy as a treatment for paraphiliac
a. They’re trying to correct disordered thinking
b. They try to make the person feel empathy for their victims
58. Which is NOT considered when diagnosing a paraphiliac disorder?
a. Social attitudes
b. Statistical frequency of the activity
c. Number of participants
59. Which IS considered when diagnosing a paraphiliac disorder?
a. Legality
b. Involvement of someone that does NOT consent
c. Psychological distress
60. Paraphiliac disorders can develop from classical conditioning.
a. True
61. Social learning theory suggests that the development of paraphiliac disorder is due to…
a. Cycle of abuse
62. Which ARE behavioral therapies used to treat paraphilic disorders?
a. Aversion therapy
b. Masturbatory reconditioning
63. Which is TRUE ~ scatalogia?
a. It’s a form of exhibitionism
b. It involves non-consenting people
64. Which is FALSE ~ voyeurism?
a. It always involves consenting people
65. Which is TRUE ~ voyeurism?
a. It’s always illegal
b. Masturbation usually occurs during
66. When is surgical castration used to treat a paraphilic disorder?
a. Last resort
67. Which is FALSE ~ Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder?
a. Males are far more likely than females to experience a lack of interest in sex
68. Which is TRUE ~ Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder?
a. It’s defined as the persistent lack of sexual fantasies & desire for sexual activity in
either gender (to a point that disrupts relationships OR decreases quality of life)
b. Technology & work can have a negative impact on people’s sex life
c. Declining sex hormones can lead to low sexual desire
69. Sexual dysfunction can be grouped into which two (2) categories?
a. “Deficiencies” & “Overexcitement”
70. Which are PHYSICAL factors leading to Erectile Disorder (ED)?
a. Diabetes
b. Aging
c. Obesity
71. Many experts believe the term “______” is better than the term sex addiction when
describing the condition of hypersexuality.
a. Compulsive Sexual Behavior
72. Which is one of the problems associated w/ faking orgasms?
a. Extended deception
73. Which are considered causes of delayed OR absent ejaculation?
a. Excessive pornography viewing
b. Antidepressants
c. Marathon sessions
74. Which is central to how Viagra works?
a. Nitrous oxide
75. Which statements serve to perpetuate rape culture?
a. “She was so drunk; she was asking for it.”
b. “She was @ a fraternity late @ night, what do you expect?”
c. “You’re overreacting towards those jokes, they’re just boys being boys.”
76. Research suggests that many of today’s teenagers are learning ~ sex from pornography
online. What effect does this have on teens’ perceptions of sex?
a. It makes teens feel like their bodies do NOT measure up to what they see in porn
77. Which is a common reason that women often do NOT report rape?
a. Self-blame OR guilt
b. Shame OR embarrassment
c. Fear of NOT being believed