Uploaded by Алена Токарчик


Short plan
Gymnasium № 41
Long-term plan unit:
Unit 6. Explorers & Inventors
Date: 18.02
Teacher’s name: Tokarchik A
Grades: 3 В
Number present:
Theme of the lesson: Exploring space
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is
contributing to
ICT skills
3.R5 understand the main points of short simple texts on a
limited range of familiar general and some curricular topics
by using contextual clues
3.R6 understand with considerable support, some specific
information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range
of general and some curricular topics
3.W2 write words and phrases of regular size and shape
Pronounce familiar words and short phrases clearly
Understand some specific information
Write words
 matches words with pictures
 solves crossword
 reads the text
no ICT
Previous learning
Exploring space
Lesson objectives
Success criteria
3 min
Planned activities
Organizational moment
Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take their
Good afternoon? Glad to see you.
How are you?
What day is it today?
What date is it today?
What is the weather like today?
Teacher presents lesson objectives to students
5 min
Warming up
(W) Learners take cards read them and arrange planets according their
position from the sun.
cards with words
10 min
Start up activity:
[P] “Scrambled Sentences”
Pupils working in pairs follow teachers’ directions to unscramble the
bur Xolbar Xyxtzbm hax zight planztx. Thz xubn ix at thbz czntzbr of
thz Xolar Xyxtzbm.
1. Change all the x’s to s’s.
2. Cross off all the b’s.
3. Change all the z’s to e’s.
4. Add capital O to the beginning of the first word.
Answer: Our Solar System has eight planets. The sun is at the center of
the Solar System.
(I) Students working individually solve crossword about planets.
20 min
cards with
I, f) Students read the text to the teacher about the Solar System.
Our Solar System has eight planets. The sun is at the center of the Solar
System. The sun is a star. A star is a hot ball of gas.
Mercury is the first planet from the sun. This is a small, hot and rocky
Venus is the second closest planet from the sun. Venus is rocky, cloudy,
windy and very hot.
We live on the Earth, the third planet from the sun. Earth is rocky and has
a lot of water.
Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. Mars is a rocky, red planet.
cards with text
Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun. This planet is a gas giant. It has
four rings.
Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun. This gas giant has seven beautiful
rings made of ice, dust and rocks.
Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun. It is a light-blue gas giant.
Uranus is very cold and windy.
Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun. This is a light-blue gas giant.
(G) Puzzle “Solar System”
This planet is very cold.
Criteria of assessment:
- reads the text without support
- reads the text with a little support
- reads the text with a huge support
2 min
(I) Wrap-up.I feel myself