MODULE1 1.Gener al Phar macol ogy 1.I ndi cat et het y peofact i onofadr ug,whi chi s i nt r oduced or al l y ,i s absor bed i nt ot he bl ood i n i nt est i neandact sont hecer t ai nor gansort i ssues: A.Gener al ( Resor pt i v e) * B.Ref l ex C.Mai n D.Local ( Topi cal ) E.I ndi r ect 2. Thef or mat i onofas ec ondar ymedi at ori sobl i gat or yi n membr anei nt r ac el l ul armec hani s m ofhor moneac t i on. Poi ntoutt hes ubs t anc et hati sunabl et obeas ec ondar y medi at or : A.Di acy l gl y cer ol B.Gl y cer ol * C.cAMP D.Ca2+ E.I nosi t ol 3. 4. 5t r i phosphat e 3.Whi ch f r om t he speci f i ed par amet er si s an obl i gat or y condi t i on of f ast per meat i on of t he medi ci nal agent st hr oughabl oodbr ai nbar r i er ? A.Shor thal f l i f e B.Wat ersol ubi l i t y C.Li pi dsol ubi l i t y* D.St r ongbi ndi ngt opr ot ei ns E.I oni zedst at e C.Wi l l decr ease D.Wi l l notchange E.Wi l l di sappear 8.Thebi oav ai l abi l i t yi sdef i nedasanav er agel ev eli f onei sequal : A.020% B.4070% C.100% D.>70% E.<40%* 9.Forpr ev ent i onr emot er el apsesof4day smal ar i aa 42y . o.pat i entwasgi v enpr i maqui ne.Ont he3dday oft het r eat mentwi t ht her apeut i cdosesoft hedr ug pat i entexper i enced abdomi nalpai n,car di ac pai n, dy spepsi a,gener al i zedcy anosi s.Whati st her eason oft heseadv er seef f ect soft hedr ug? A. Pot ent i at i onoft hedr ug’ sac t i onbyot hert her apeut i c agent B.Sl owi ngdownofdr ug’ ssecr et i onwi t hur i ne C.Decr easi ngofact i v i t yofl i v ermi cr osomal enzy mes D.Genet i cdef i ci encyofGl ucose6phosphat e dehydr ogenase* E.Cumul at i onoft het her apeut i cagent 10.Whi choneoft hef ol l owi ngi sTRUEf oradr ug whose el i mi nat i on f r om pl asma shows 1stor der ki net i cs? A.Thehal f l i f eoft hedr ugi spr opor t i onalt ot hedr ug concent r at i oni npl asma B.Theamountel i mi nat edperuni tt i mei sconst ant C.The r at e ofel i mi nat i on i s pr opor t i onalt ot he pl asmaconcent r at i on D.El i mi nat i on i nv ol v es a r at el i mi t i ng enzy mat i c r eact i onoper at i ngati t smaxi mal v el oci t y( Vm) E.Apl otofdr ugc onc ent r at i onv er s ust i mei sas t r ai ght l i ne 4.Whi choft hedr ugsr eadi l ypenet r at ei nt ot heCNS? A. Hy dr ophi l i c dr ugs wi t h a nonuni f or m di st r i but i onofel ect r ons B.Pol ardr ugs C.Li pi dsol ubl e* D.Bi ndi ngdr ugst opl asmapr ot ei ns E.I oni zeddr ugs 5. A 37 y . o. pat i ent ,suf f er i ng an obl i t er at i ng endar t er i t i soft hel egs, r ecei v espheny l i ni nadoseof 60mg/ kg.Becauseofconv ul si ondev el opment( br ai n t r auma i si n anamnesi s) ,phenobar bi t alhad been gi v en,af t ert he cancel l at i on ofwhi ch t he nasal bl eedi ng occur r ed at t he pat i ent . The gi v en compl i cat i oni sconnect edwi t h: A.Conj ugat i onofpheny l i nwi t hagl ucur oni caci d B. I nhi bi t i on by phenobar bi t al of enzy mes mi cr osomal oxi dat i onsi nal i v er C. I nduct i on by phenobar bi t al of enzy mes mi cr osomal oxi dat i onsi nal i v er * D.Oxi dat i v edeami nat i onofpheny l i n E.Al i phat i chy dr oxy l at i onofphenobar bi t al 11.Whi choneoft hef ol l owi ngi sTRUEf oradr ug whose el i mi nat i on f r om pl asma shows zer oor der ki net i cs? A.Thehal f l i f eoft hedr ugi spr opor t i onalt ot hedr ug concent r at i oni npl asma B.Theamountel i mi nat edperuni tt i mei sconst ant* C.Ther at eofel i mi nat i ondoesnotdependont he pl asmaconcent r at i on D.El i mi nat i on i nv ol v es a r at el i mi t i ng enzy mat i c r eact i onoper at i ngati t smaxi mal v el oci t y E.Apl otofdr ugc onc ent r at i onv er s ust i mei sas t r ai ght 6.Phar macoki net i cs i ncl udes al loft he f ol l owi ng pr ocessesEXCEPT: A.Absor pt i on B.Di st r i but i on C.Bi ot r ansf or mat i on D.El i mi nat i on E.Cl i ni cal use* l i ne. 12.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngt i meper i odsmostcl osel y descr i best hecl ear ancer at eofadr ugt hati si nf used atar at eof4mg/ mi nandpr oducesast eady st at e concent r at i onof6mg/ Li nt hepl asma? A.27ml / mi n B.40ml / mi n C.24ml / mi n D.667ml / mi n* E.1. 200ml / mi n 7.How phar mac ol ogi c alac t i v i t yofadr ugwi t hhi gh af f i ni t y t o pl as ma pr ot ei n wi l l be al t er ed at hy poal bumi nemi a? A.Wi l l sl i ght l ydecr ease B.Wi l l i ncr ease 1 13.Chooset hecor r ectst at ement : A.Weakbasesar eabsor bedef f i ci ent l yacr osst he epi t hel i al cel l soft hest omach B. Coadmi ni st r at i on of at r opi ne speeds t he absor pt i onofaseconddr ug C.Dr ugsshowi ngl ar geVdcanbeef f i ci ent l yr emov ed bydi al y si soft hepl asma D.St r essemot i onscanl eadt oasl owi ngofdr ug absor pt i on* E.I ft heVdf oradr ugi ssmal l ,mostoft hedr ugi si n t heext r apl asmi cspace 14.Adr ug, gi v eni na100mgsi ngl edose, r esul t si na peak pl asma concent r at i on of 20 μg/ ml . The appar entv ol ume di st r i but i on i s( assume a r api d di st r i but i on and negl i gi bl e el i mi nat i on pr i or t o measur i ngt hepeakpl asmal ev el ) : A.0. 5L B.1L C.2L D.5L* E.10L. 15.Whati st hemai nmechani sm ofdr ugabsor pt i on i nt heGI T? A.Fi l t r at i on B.Passi v edi f f usi on* C.Act i v et r anspor t D.Pi nocy t osi s E.Al l abov e 16.Pr oser i nei ncr easest het oneofskel et almuscl es af t ersy st emi cadmi ni st r at i on.Ft or ot an ( hal ot hane) i nduces skel et almuscl er el axat i on and r educes pr oser i neef f ect s.I ndi cat et hechar act erofpr oser i ne andf t or ot ani nt er act i on. A.Compet i t i v eant agoni sm B.Di r ectf unct i onal ant agoni sm C.I ndi r ectf unct i onal ant agoni sm * D.I ndependentant agoni sm E.Uni l at er al ant agoni sm 17.How dowecal lt hedr ugact i on,whi chcauses congeni t al mal f or mat i ons? A.Mut agenousact i on B.Embr y ot oxi cact i on C.Ter at ogeni c* D.Fet ot oxi c E.Al l abov e 18.How t o expl ai nt he r educt i on ofef f ect s of sal i cy l at esi nt hei nt er act i onwi t hphenobar bi t al ? A.I nhi bi t i onofenzy mesoft hel i v er B.Ant agoni stef f ect C.Tachy phy l axi s D.Tol er ance E.Act i v at i onofl i v erenzy mes* 19.Thebr eadt hoft her apeut i cact i oni sar angeof doses: A.Fr om av er aget her apeut i cdoset omi ni mum t oxi c dose B.Fr om si ngl edoset ocour sedose C.Fr om mi ni malt her apeut i cdos et omi ni mum t ox i c dos e* D.Fr om si ngl edoset odai l ydose E.Fr om mi ni mum ef f ect i v edoset o av er aget oxi c 20. Gi v et he cor r ect expl anat i on f or t he t er m “ t ol er ance” : A.Aconst antov er mast er i ngcr av i ngf ort aki ngadr ug B. Ampl i f i cat i on of dr ug act i on i n r epeat ed i nt r oduct i on C.Lower i ngofdr ugact i oni nr epeat edi nt r oduct i on* D.I ncr easedsensi bi l i t yt ot hedr ug E.Lower i ngofdr ugabsor pt i on 21.Whati st heacet y l at i onofdr ugs?К A.Conj ugat i onwi t hgl ucur oni caci d B.Oxi dat i onwi t hpar t i ci pat i onofCYP450 C.Bi ndi ngt oacet i caci d* D.Hy dr ol y si sofdr ugs E.Bi ndi ngt ogl ucur oni caci d 22.Whati st hegl ucur oni dat i onofdr ugs?К A.Conj ugat i onwi t hgl ucur oni caci d* B.Oxi dat i onwi t hpar t i ci pat i onofCYP450 C.Bi ndi ngt oacet i caci d D.Hy dr ol y si sofdr ugs E.Cy cl i zat i onofdr ugs 23.Whatdoest het er m« t achyphyl axi s»mean? A.St r ongwi shoft aki ngt hedr ug B. Ampl i f i cat i on of dr ug act i on i n r epeat ed i nt r oduct i on C.Lower i ngofdr ugact i oni nr epeat edi nt r oduct i on D. Rapi d decr ease of t he ef f ect i n r epeat ed i nt r oduct i on oft hedr ug wi t hi n shor tper i od of t i me* E.I ncr easedsensi bi l i t yt ot hedr ug 24.Thecumul at i onofdr ugsi spossi bl e: A.I ndecr easedr eabsor pt i oni nki dney B.I ni ncr easedsecr et i oni nr enal t ubul es C.I nl ower i ngoft hegl omer ul arf i l t r at i on* D.I nact i v at i onofmi cr osomalenzy mesoft he l i v er E.I ni ncr easeofbi ot r ansf or mat i on 25.A pat i entt ook PO a hal foft he gl ass of chl or ophos ( st r ong i nhi bi t or of t he acet y l chol i nest er ase) wi t h t he ai m of sui ci de. Besi desofgast r i cl av age,cl eansi ngenema,i nf usi on t her apy ,t hei nj ect i onofat r opi newasmade.Asa r esul toft hesi gnsoft hei nt oxi cat i ondi sappear ed. Det er mi net het y peofi nt er act i onbet weenat r opi ne andchl or ophos: A.I nhi bi t i onofenzy mesoft hel i v er B.Ant agoni stef f ect * C.Tachy phy l axi s D.Tol er ance E.Act i v at i onofenzy mesoft hel i v er 26. A pat i ent t ook t he l ongl ast i ng cour se of ant i bi ot i ct her apy i n connect i on wi t h i nf ect i ous di sease.Dur i ngt r eat menthebegant ocompl ai nof ski nr ash,i t chi ng,r hi ni t i s.Af t ert henexti nj ect i onof t heant i bi ot i casphy xi a,edemaofl i ps,i ncr easeof o bodyt wer e obser v ed.The doct orabol i shed t he ant i bi ot i ct her apy and i ndi cat ed necessar y dr ugs. Det er mi net het y peoft hi spat hol ogi cal condi t i on: A.I nhi bi t i onofenzy mesoft hel i v er B.Sensi bi l i zat i on* C.Tachy phy l axi s dose 2 D.Tol er ance E.Ant agoni stef f ect 27.Al ongcour seoft r eat mentwi t hcy ancobal ami n was admi ni st er ed I M t o t he pat i ent wi t h megal obl ast i canemi adevel opedaf t ergast r oect omy . What adv ant age does a par ent er al way of admi ni st r at i onhav eov eror al ? A.Thedr ugi squi ckl ydeduced B.Thedr ugi squi ckl yabsor bed C.Thedr ugci r cul at esi nbl oodf oral ongert i me D.Thedr ugdoesnotdi si nt egr at ei nt hel i v er E. Thi s way i s ef f ect i v e i n absence of gast r omucopr ot ei n* D.Phar macol ogi c* E.Compet i t i v e 33.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngphar macoki net i cv al ues mostr el i abl yr ef l ect st he t ot alamountofdr ug r eachi ngt het ar gett i ssueaf t eror al admi ni st r at i on? A.Vol umeofdi st r i but i on B.El i mi nat i onr at econst ant C.Peakbl oodconcent r at i on D.Ar eaundert hebl oodconcent r at i ont i mecur v e* E.Cl ear ance 34.I ndi cat echemi calr eact i onofdr ugmet abol i sm whi chbel ongst ot hephaseofsy nt het i cr eact i ons ( conj ugat i on) : A.Deami nat i on B.Deal ky l at i on C.Oxi dat i on D.Gl ucur oni dat i on* E.Reduct i on 28.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngst at ement sr esul ti na doubl i ngoft hest eady st at econcent r at i onofadr ug? A.Doubl i ngt her at eofi nf usi on* B.Mai nt ai ni ng t he i nf usi on r at e,butdoubl i ng t he l oadi ngdose C.Doubl i ng t her at eofi nf usi onand doubl i ng t he concent r at i onoft hei nf useddr ug D.Tr i pl i ngt her at eofi nf usi on E.Quadr upl i ngt her at eofi nf usi on 35.An agentwi t h mar ked l i pophi l i c pr oper t i es i s admi ni st er ed t o a pat i ent . What i s t he mai n mechani sm ofi t sabsor pt i on? A.Act i v et r anspor t B.Passi v edi f f usi on* C.Fi l t r at i on D.Pi nocy t osi s E.Bi ndi ngt ot r anspor tpr ot ei ns 29.Azi t hr omyci n,an ant i bi ot i c,has an appar ent v ol umeofdi st r i but i on( Vd)ofappr oxi mat el y30L/ kg. Thecor r ecti nt er pr et at i onoft hi si nf or mat i oni st hat Azi t hr omyci ni swhi choft hef ol l owi ng? A.Ef f ect i v eonl ywhengi v eni nt r av enousl y B. Ext ensi v el y di st r i but ed t o si t es out si de t he v ascul arandi nt er st i t i al spaces* C.El i mi nat edmai nl ybyr enalexcr et i on,wi t houtpr i or met abol i sm D.Unabl et o cr oss t he bl oodbr ai n orpl acent al bar r i er s E.Notext ensi v el yboundt opl asmapr ot ei ns 36.Excr et i onofdr ugsort hei rmet abol i t esacr osst he cel lmembr aneoccur sbyt hef ol l owi ngmechani sm onl y : A.Passi v edi f f usi on B.Act i v et r anspor t C.Fi l t r at i on* D.Pi nocy t osi s E.Si mpl i f i eddi f f usi on 30.Whi ch oft he f ol l owi ng admi ni st r at i on r out es mostl i kel ysubj ectadr ugt oa“ f i r st pass”ef f ecti n t hel i v er ? A.I nhal at i on B.I nt r amuscul ar C.I nt r av enous D.Or al * E.Subl i ngual 37.I ft hedr ugsubst anceort oxi ni nhi bi t ssy nt hesi s ofATP,whatmechani sm ofpenet r at i ont hr ought he cel l membr anei sbl ocked? A.Passi v edi f f usi on B.Act i v et r anspor t* C.Fi l t r at i on D.Pi nocy t osi s E.Si mpl i f i eddi f f usi on 31.Youar epl anni ngt oi nf useadr ugI Vataconst ant amountperuni tt i me ( r at e) .I thas a f i r stor der el i mi nat i onr at econst ant( kel)of0. 35/ h.Nol oadi ng dose wi l l be gi v en. How l ong wi l li tt ake appr oxi mat el yf orbl oodl ev el st or eachst eadyst at e af t ert hei nf usi onbegi ns? A.0. 7hour s B.1. 2hour s C.9hour s* D.24hour s E.36hour s 38.Whatphar macoki net i cpr oper t yi schar act er i st i c f orl i pophi l i cdr ugsubst ance? A.I ti smet abol i zedi nl i v er * B.Lowbi oav ai l abi l i t yi nor al i nt r oduct i on C.Qui ckr enal el i mi nat i on D.Lowper meabi l i t yacr osst i ssuebar r i er s E.Lowr enal r eabsor pt i on 39.Phar macol ogi cali ncompat i bi l i t y ofmedi ci nes, whi chi sf oundoutatal ev elofspeci f i cef f ect( f or exampl e,admi ni st r at i on of adr enomi met i cs and adr enobl ocker s) , i sknownas: A.Phy si cal B.Phar macoki net i c C.Chemi cal D.Phar macody nami c* E.Phar maceut i cal 32.Twodr ugsactont hesamet i ssueoror ganv i a act i v at i onofdi f f er entr ecept or s,r esul t i ngi nef f ect s t hatar equal i t at i v el yt heopposi t eofoneanot her . Whati st het y peofdr ugant agoni sm? A.Chemi cal B.Phy si ol ogi c C.Di sposi t i onal 40.I nf l uence of cer t ai n unf av or abl ef act or s,i n 3 par t i cul ar some medi calagent s,whi ch pr ecede pr egnancy ,enl ar ger i skofabi r t hoft hechi l dwi t h genet i cdef ect s.Howt hi sact i oni scal l ed? A.Embr y ot oxi cef f ect B.Mut ageni cef f ect * C.Ter at ogeni cef f ect D.Fet ot oxi cef f ect E.Bl ast omogeni cef f ect E.Mat er i al cumul at i on* 46.Apat i entwhohasbeent r eat edwi t hdi azepam on accountofneur osi scompl ai nsoft oot hache.Doct or admi ni st er ed hi m an anal get i c,buti t s dose was l ower t han av er age t her apeut i c dose. What phenomenondi dt hedoct ort akei nt oaccountwhi l e pr escr i bi ngt hepat i entanunder dose? A.Tol er ance B.Cumul at i on C.Summat i on D.Pot ent i at i on* E.Dr ugdependence 41.I ti s known t hati ndi v i dual s wi t h genet i cal l y caused def i ci ency of gl ucose6phosphat e dehy dr ogenase may dev el op RBC hemol y si si n r esponset ot headmi ni st r at i onofsomeant i mal ar i al dr ugs.Mani f est at i onofadv er ser eact i onst ot hese 2013 dr ugsi scal l ed: A.I di osy ncr asy* B.Sensi bi l i zat i on C.Al l er gi cr eact i on D.Tachy phy l axi s E.Tol er ance 47.Dur i ngsur gi caloper at i onwi t hadmi ni st r at i onofa my or el axant( neur omuscul arbl ocker ) ,adi st ur bance ofbr eat hi ngdev el oped.Admi ni st r at i onofpr oser i ne ( neost i gmi ne)hasi mpr ov edpat i ent ’ scondi t i on.What i st henameoft hi st y peofdr ugi nt er act i on? A.I ncompat i bi l i t y B.Ant agoni sm * C.Tachy phy l axi s D.Sy ner gi sm E.Cumul at i on 42.I napat i ent ’ sl i v ert hepr ocessesofdet oxi f i cat i on ofnat ur almet abol i t es and xenobi ot i cs i s br oken. Act i v i t yofwhatcy t ochr omecanber educed? A.Cy t ochr omeB B.Cy t ochr omeB1 C.Hemogl obi n D.Cy t ochr omeoxi dase E.Cy t ochr omeP450* 48.Doct orpr escr i bed5%ephedr i nenasaldr opst oa pat i entsuf f er i ng f r om acut er hi ni t i s.The pat i ent st ar t edt oputt hedr opsev er y30mi n.Asar esul t t her e was shar p weakeni ng oft he ef f ectoft he pr epar at i on.I ndi cat et her eason ofappear anceof t achyphyl axi s: A.Exhaust i onofsubst r at et hr oughwhi ch ephedr i neact s* B.Adapt at i onofcel l r ecept or s C.I ncr easeofact i v i t yofhepat i cenzy mes D.I ncr easeofexcr et i onofephedr i ne E.Bl ockadeofr ecept or s 43.Thepat i entwasgi v enadr ug“ A” .Af t eraf ewday s t heef f ectoft hedr ugsi gni f i cant l ydr oppedandf or r est or i ng oft he i ni t i alef f ecti twas necessar yt o i ncr easet hedr ug’ sdose.Whati st henameoft hi s phenomenon? A.Cumul at i on B.Tachy phy l axi s C.Dependence D.Tol er ance* E.I di osy ncr asy 49.I ndi cat et henumberofi nt r oduct i onofadr ugper dayi fi t shal f l i f eper i od( T1/2)i s20hour s: A.2t i mesaday B.3t i mesaday C.4t i mesaday D.Oncedai l y * E.Ev er y12hour s 44.Dur i ng t he embr y oni c per i od met abol i sm of medi cat i onsi sconsi der abl ysl owedt hani nanadul t or gani sm.The speci f i ed f eat ur e of an embr y o phar macoki net i cs i s caused,f i r stof al l ,by t he f ol l owi ng: A.The f unct i onali mper f ect i on of enzy mes, pr edomi nant l ybyt hei rabsence* B.The bi g per meabi l i t y of hi st ohemat ol ogi c bar r i er s C.Essent i al v ol umeofext r acel l ul arl i qui d D.Abi l i t yf orabsor pt i onandal l ocat i onofwat er sol ubl edr ugsbyt heski n E.Mat ur i ng”ofr ecept or si nor gansi ndi f f er ent t er ms 50.Whati shal f l i f eper i od( T1/2)ofadr ug? A.Bl oodpl asmav ol ume,whi chi scl ear edf r om t he dr ugi naper i odoft i me B.Per i oddur i ngwhi chconcent r at i onofadr ugi n bl oodpl asmai sdecr easedby50%* C.Per i odofcompl et eexcr et i onofadr ugf r om t he or gani sm D.Speedofexcr et i onoft hedr ugv i aki dney s E.Rat i o bet ween speed ofexcr et i on and bl ood pl asmaconcent r at i onofadr ug 45.Apat i entwi t hchr oni ccar di aci nsuf f i ci encyhad been t aki ng f oxgl ov e( Di gi t al i s)pr epar at i onsf ora l ongt i me.Duet ot hev i ol at i onofi nt akeschedul et he woman got sy mpt oms of i nt oxi cat i on. These sy mpt omsr esul tf r om: A.Tachy phy l axi s B.Sensi bi l i zat i on C.Funct i onal cumul at i on D.I di osy ncr asy 51.Benzy l peni ci l l i n nat r i um sal ti si nj ect ed t ot he pat i entwi t hpneumoni ai nadoze500, 000U6t i mes perday .Justaf t erani nj ect i ont hepat i entdev el oped f ev er ,spasms,l oss ofconsci ousness.Whathas happenedt ot hepat i ent ? A.Anaphy l act i cshock* B.I di osy ncr asy C.Tachy phy l axi s D.Cumul at i on 4 E.Tol er ance 58.Dur i ng t he v i si tt o a dent i st ,an at t ack of br onchospasm hasdev el opedi nt hepat i entwhohas been t r eat ed wi t h 5 % ephedr i ne hydr ochl or i de sol ut i oni nj ect i on.I n20mi nt heat t ackr eoccur r ed. Theaddi t i onali nj ect i onofephedr i nehadnoef f ect duet ot achy phy l axi s.Whatmechani sm under l i est hi s phenomenon? A. Exhaust i on of t he nor adr enal i ne depot i n pr esy napt i cendi ngs* B.I nhi bi t i onofadr enal r ecept or s C.Act i v at i onofadr enal r ecept or s D.Mat er i al cumul at i onoft hedr ug E.I nduct i onofmi cr osomalenzy mesy st em byt he 52.The pat i entsuf f er i ng f r om epi l epsyhasbeen r ecei v i ngdai l y0, 2gofphenobar bi t alcont i nuousl y . Recent l yat t acksbecamemor ef r equent ,suppr essed moodi sobser v ed.Whi chpr ocessbecamet hecause ofdet er i or at i onoft hepat i ent ’ sst at e? A.Li v ermonooxy genaseenzy messy st em i nduct i on* B.Li v ermonooxy genaseenzy messy st em i nhi bi t i on C.Li pol y si sact i v at i on D.Gl uconeogenesi sact i v at i on E.Gl y col y si si nhi bi t i on 53.Adoct orhaspr escr i bedt oa48y . o.manwi t ha st enocar di aat t ackapi l l ofni t r ogl y cer i nesubl i ngual l y . Whyhast hedoct orchosenasubl i ngualmet hodof t hemedi ci neadmi ni st r at i on? A.Badi nt est i nal absor pt i on B.Dr ugel i mi nat i onbygast r i cj ui ce C.Ef f ectdev el opsf ast er* D.I ti sact i v at edbysal i v a E.Onl ybecausei tdamagest hel i v er l i v er 59.Wer epeat edl yadmi ni st era dr ug or al l y .Ev er y dosei s100mg;t hei nt er v albet weendosesi s8h, whi chi si dent i calt ot hedr ugpl asmahal f l i f e.The bi oav ai l abi l i t yi s0. 5.Forasl ongasweconductt he exper i ment no i nt er act i ng dr ugs ar e added or st opped,and t her e ar e no pat i ent r el at ed f act or s ( excr et i on, met abol i sm)t hatmi ghtchanget hedr ug’ s phar macoki net i cs. Howl ongwi l li tt akef ort hedr ugt or eachst eady st at eser um concent r at i on( Css) ? A.( 0. 693xVd)/Cl B.0. 693/ke C.T1/2xke D.D/( FxT1/2) E.4. 5xT1/2 Abbr evi at i ons:F=bi oav ai l abi l i t y : ke=el i mi nat i onr at econst ant ; D=dose( mg) ; Сl =cl ear ance; T1/2=hal f l i f e( h) Vd=Vol umeofdi st r i but i on. 54.Phenobar bi t alwaspr escr i bedt oa54y ., suf f er i ngf r om i nsomni a.Thesl eepr hy t hm hasbeen nor mal i zed.Butgr adual l y , dur i ng2mont hs, t heef f ect of a medi ci ne has decr eased and i nsomni a r eoccur r ed.Whatf act orcauses t he r educt i on of somni f aci entmedi cat i onef f ect ? A.Badsol ubi l i t y B.Tol er ance* C.Badabsor pt i oni nt hest omach D.Accumul at i oni nl i pi ds E.Tachy phy l axi s 55.I ti sknown, t hati npeopl ewi t hgenet i cal l ycaused i nsuf f i ci encyofgl ucose6phosphat edehy dr ogenase enzy meofr edbl oodcel l s,l y si sofst at edcel l smay dev el op as a r eact i on t o some ant i mal ar i al medi cat i onsi nj ect i on.Howi ssuchunt y pi calr eact i on t omedi cat i onsdesi gnat ed? A.Sensi t i zat i on B.I di osy ncr asy* C.Al l er gi cr eact i on D.Tachy phy l axi s E.Tol er ance 56.Anal cohol i cwomanhasbor nagi r lwi t hment al andphy si caldev el opment all ag.Doct or sdi agnosed t hegi r lwi t hf et alal coholsy ndr ome.Whatef f ecti s t hecauseoft hegi r l ’ sst at e? A.Mal i gni zat i on B.Car ci nogeni c C.Mechani c D.Ter at ogeni c E.Mut ageni c 57.Thepat i entwi t hhy per t ensi onhasbeent aki ngan ant i hy per t ensi v edr ugf oral ongt i me, butsuddenl yhe st oppeddoi ngi t .Af t ert hatpat i ent ’ scondi t i onhas wor sened,hy per t ensi v ecr i si shasdev el oped.What ki ndofasi deact i oni si t ? A.Cumul at i on B.Wi t hdr awal sy ndr ome* C.Tol er ance D.Sensi t i zat i on E.Addi ct i on 60.Apat i entwhohasbeent aki ngadr ugf oral ong t i mecannotabr upt l yst opi t susebecauset hi smay l eadt opsy chi candsomat i cdy sf unct i ons.Namet he sy ndr omeofdi f f er entdi sor der scausedbyadr ug wi t hdr awal : A.Tachy phy l axi s B.Cumul at i on C.I di osy ncr asy D.Sensi bi l i zat i on E.Abst i nence* 61.Achi l dsuf f er sf r om dr ugi di osy ncr asy .Whati s 2012 t hecauseofsuchr eact i on? A.Her edi t ar yenzy mopat hy* B.Exhaust i onofsubst r at ei nt er act i ngwi t h phar maceut i cal subst ance C.Accumul at i onofphar maceut i cal subst ance D.I nhi bi t i onofmi cr osomal l i v erenzy mes E.Associ at eddi seasesoft ar getor gan 62.A50y . o.pat i entwi t hf oodpoi soni ngi sonadr i p of10%gl ucosesol ut i on.I tnotonl ypr ov i dest hebody wi t hnecessar yener gy , butal soper f or mst he f unct i onofdet oxi f i cat i onbyt hepr oduct i onofa met abol i t et hatpar t i ci pat esi nt hef ol l owi ng 2013 conj ugat i onr eact i on: A.Met hy l at i on B.Hy dr oxy l at i on C.Gl y cosy l at i on* D.Gl ucur oni dat i on 5 E.Sul f at i on E.Bi smut hsubni t r at e 2.Agent saf f ect i ngt heAf f er entNS 7.Bi smut hsal t sar et houghtt obeef f ect i v eadj unct s i nmanagi ng,i fnotheal i ng,r ef r act or ygast r i cul cer becauset heyhav ebact er i ci dal pr oper t i esagai nst : A.St aphy l ococcusaur eus B.Cl ost r i di um di f f i ci l e C.E.col i D.Hel i cobact erpy l or i * E.Bact er i ci desf r agi l i s 1.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngcondi t i onsi sNOT char act er i st i cofcocai neoverdosage? A.Di l at i onoft hepupi l B.Euphor i a C.Tachy car di a D.Per i pher al v asodi l at i on* E.Hal l uci nat i ons 8.I ndi cat et hemechani sm ofact i onofl ocal anest het i cs: A.For mat i onofal bumi nat eswi t ht i ssue’ spr ot ei ns B.Bl ockadeofsodi um channel s* C.Bl ockadeofMchol i nor ecept or s D.I nhi bi t i onofnonspeci f i cexci t at or ysy st emsof CNS E.Bl ockadeofal phaadr enor ecept or s 2.Apat i entwasdel i v er edt ot hesur gi caldepar t ment i n connect i on wi t h acut e appendi ci t i s.He was pr oposed t o make appendect omyundert he l ocal anest hesi a.Butf r om hi smedi calhi st or ywasknown t hathe had sev er e al l er gi cr eact i ons t o dr ugs. Choose t he dr ug t he most pr ef er abl ef or t he i nf i l t r at i onanest hesi ai nt hi ssi t uat i on: A.Nov ocai ne B.Li docai ne* C.Anest hesi ne D.Di cai ne E.Anyf r om i ndi cat edabov e 10.Adr i v erf el tshar ppai ni nt heey e.Hewas admi t t edt ot hehospi t al .Whi chl ocal anest het i cmay beappl i edf orr emov al ofaf or ei gnbodyf r om t heey e? A.Anaest hesi ne( Benzocai ne) B.Nov ocai n C.Li docai ne* D.Tr i mecai ne E.Sov cai num 3.Apat i entwasadmi t t edt oahospi t alwi t ht r auma oft heey easar esul tofhi t t i ngwi t hmet al l i cshav i ng. Edemaandhy per emi aoft heey e,hy per l acr i mat i on, pai nar eobser v ed.Chooset hel ocal anest het i ct ouse f orr emov al oft hef or ei gnbody : A.Pr ocai ne( Nov ocai ne) B.Tr i mecai ne C.Anest hesi ne D.Di cai ne* E.Anyf r om i ndi cat edabov e 11Whatmor phol ogi cal el ement sofski nandmucous membr anesar ei nv ol v edi ni nt er act i onwi t ht hedr ug i nt er mi nal anest hesi a? A.Sensi t i v ener v ousendi ngs* B.Epi der mi s C. Fat t yt i ssue D. Capi l l ar ywal l E. Der ma 4.Nat ur al l yoccur r i ngl ocal anest het i ci s: A.Nov ocai ne( Pr ocai ne) B.Anest hesi ne C.Li docai ne D.Cocai ne* E.Tr i mecai ne 12.I ndi cat et hepr i nci pl eofact i onofcov er i ngdr ugs: A.For mat i onofpr ot ect i v el ay eront hemucous membr anes* B.Bl ockadeofmucousmembr anesr ecept or s C.Coagul at i onofpr ot ei nsofsuper f i ci al l ay erof mucousmembr ane D.For mat i onofcompl exeswi t ht oxi cagent s E.Bl ockadeofNa+channel s 5.A23y . o.womanwi t hr edandi t chyeczemat ous der mat i t i sv i si t sadoct orof f i ce.Shehadadent al pr ocedur eonedayear l i erwi t hadmi ni st r at i onofa l ocalanaest het i c.Ther e wer e no ot herf i ndi ngs, al t hough she i ndi cat ed t hatshe had a hi st or yof al l er gi cr eact i ons.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngdr ugsi s mostl i kel yi nv ol v ed? A.Li docai ne B.Ul t r acai ne C.Bupi v acai ne D.Nov ocai ne( Pr ocai ne) * E.Tr i mecai ne 13.Foranest hesi adur i ngt oot hext r act i onsol ut i onof novocai n( pr ocai ne)hasbeenused.Whyi twasnot i nt r oducedi nt ogi ngi v al t i ssue, buti nt hepr oj ect i on ofner v ef i berpat h?Becauseof : A.Tr ansmi ssi onofpai ni mpul sesi sbl ocked* B.Al t er at i onoft i ssuepHi nanest hesi aar ea C.Depr essi onofaxonal t r anspor t D.Di st ur banceofact i onpot ent i al f or mat i onof t hepai nr ecept or s E.I ncr easi ngofexci t abi l i t yoft hepai nr ecept or s 6.Apat i entwi t hr enalf ai l ur eunder goesaper i odi c hemodi al y si swhi l eawai t i ngat r anspl ant .Bet ween di al y si s sessi ons we wantt or educe t he body ’ s phosphat e l oad by r educi ng di et ar y phosphat e absor pt i onandr emov i ngsomephosphat eal r eadyi n t he bl ood.Whi ch compound shal lwe admi ni st er or al l y ? A.Al umi num hy dr oxi de* B.Magnesi um hy dr oxi de C.Sodi um bi car bonat e D.Tanni n 14.Whynov ocai ne( pr ocai ne)i snotusedf ort er mi nal anaest hesi a? AI spoor l yabsor bedt hr oughnor mal ski nsur f ace andmucousmembr ane* B.Doesn’ tcausecov er i ngact i on CI ti seasi l yabsor bedandi nhi bi t st heCNS D.I r r i t at esmucousmembr ane E.Act i v at esMchol i nor ecept or s 6 15.I ndi cat et hemai nef f ectoft hel ocal anest het i cs: A.El i mi nat eal lki ndsofsensi bi l i t yduet obl ockadeof act i onpot ent i al * B.El i mi nat eal lki ndsofsensi bi l i t yduet opar al y si sof t heCNS C.Decr easeofexci t abi l i t yofner v eendi ngs D.Decr easeofexci t abi l i t yandconduct i v i t yoft he af f er entner v oussy st em E.Sel ect i v er el i ev eofpai nsensi bi l i t yi nl ocal act i on D.Tr i mecai ne E.Anaest hesi ne( Benzocai ne)* 23.Whi chdr ughast obeaddedt ol i docai nesol ut i on t opr ol ongi t sact i on? A.Nospa B.Caf f ei ne C.Adr enal i ne* D.At r opi ne E.Anapr i l i ne( Pr opr anol ol ) 16.Whatar et heai msoft her apybyi r r i t at i v edr ugs? A.Ref l exst i mul at i on B.Sl i m anal gesi cef f ectasar esul tofdi st r act i ng act i on C.Di l at i onofski nv essel s D.I mpr ov ementofi nneror gant r ophi ci t y E.Al l abov e* 24.Whati st hemai ni ndi cat i onf oradsor bi ngdr ugs use? A.Di ar r hea B.Hy poaci di cgast r i t i s C.Decr easei nt r y psi nact i v i t y D.Decr easei nbi l esecr et i on E.I nt oxi cat i on* 17.I ndi cat et hemai nef f ectofast r i ngentdr ugs. A.Decr easeofner v eendi ngsensi bi l i t y* B.Reduct i onofhy per emi aofmucous membr anesduet ov asoconst r i ct i on C.Rel i efofpai n D.Decr easeofsy nt hesi sofhi st ami ne E.Decr easeofgl andsecr et i on 25.Anur seusedmust ar dpl ast erwi t hwat erofmor e o t han600Ct andappl i edi tonpat i ent ’ sback.I n30 mi nshef oundt hatpat i ent ’ sski nundert hemust ar d pl ast erdi d notgetr ed.Whati st he r eason f or absenceofmust ar dpl ast eref f ect ? A.I nact i v at i onofmi r osi n* B.I nact i v at i onofchol i neest er ase C.Act i v at i onofmi r osi n D.I nact i v at i onofmonoami neoxi dase E.Act i v at i onofmet hy l t r anspher ase 18.Whi chdr ugf r om t hegr oupofl ocalanaest het i cs i snotusedt oget herwi t hsul f onami des? A.Nov ocai n( pr ocai ne)* B.Sov cai ne C.Li docai ne D.Tr i mecai ne E.Ul t r acai ne 26.I ti snecessar yt ocar r youtl ocalanest hesi aby l i docai neatext r act i onofaf or ei gnbodyf r om aney e. Whati st heact i onmechani sm oft hi sdr ug? A.Bl ocksNa+channel s* B.Br eakst r ansi tofK+t hr ought hemembr ane C.Decr easesdehy dr ogenaseact i v i t y D.Act i v at eK+channel s + E.Act i v at eNa channel s 19.Det er mi net hedr ug,whi chi susedf oral lt y pesof anaest hesi a. A.Nov ocai n( pr ocai ne) B.Anaest hesi ne( Benzocai ne) C.Li docai ne* D.Tr i mecai ne E.Di cai ne( t et r acai ne) 27.I ti snecessar yt opr ov i del ocalanest hesi at oa pat i entwi t hski nbur nswhi chr ecei v edasul f onami de agentsul f acyl sodi um ( sul f acet ami de sodi um)f or t he pr ev ent i on ofcont ami nat i on oft he wounds. Whi chl ocalanest het i ci sundesi r abl et oadmi ni st er si mul t aneousl ywi t hsul f onami des? A.Nov ocai ne( Pr ocai ne) * B.Li docai ne C.Tr i mecai ne D.Ul t r acai ne E.Py r omecai ne 20. A pat i ent wi t h i ncr eased sensi t i v i t y t o sul f onami de needs t oot h ext r act i on.Whi ch l ocal anest het i chast obeused? A.Anaest hesi ne( Benzocai ne) B.Di cai ne( Tet r acai ne) C.Li docai ne* D.Cocai ne E.Nov ocai ne( Pr ocai ne) 21.I nj ect i onofal ocalanest het i chast obegi v ent oa pat i entf ort oot hext r act i on.Whi chdr ugshoul dbe used? A.Cocai ne B.Di cai ne( Tet r acai ne) C.Anest hesi ne( Benzocai ne) D.Ul t r acai ne* E.Ket ami ne 28.A f ar merhasbeenadmi t t edt ohospi t alwi t ha shar ppai ni nhi sey e.Whatl ocal anest het i cwi l l cause t hest r ongestanest hesi aatt er mi nal anest hesi a? A.Nov ocai ne( Pr ocai ne) B.Li docai ne C.Tr i mecai ne D.Di cai ne( Tet r acai ne)* E.Anaest hesi ne( Benzocai ne) 22.Thi sagenti spoor l ysol ubl ei nwat er , soi ti sused f or super f i ci alanest hesi a onl yi nt he f or m of oi nt ment , past eandpowder .Whati st hi sdr ug? A.Sov cai ne B.Nov ocai ne( Pr ocai ne) C.Py r omecai ne 29.A26y . o.pat i entwi t hnumer ousbur nsoft heski n has been car r i ed outsuper f i ci alanest hesi a wi t h aer osol« Ampr ovi zol »t hatcont ai ns anaest hesi ne ( benzocai ne) . What el ement s of t he ski n and mucosalmembr anesar eaf f ect edbyanest het i cat t er mi nal anest hesi a? 7 A.Epi der mi s B.Wal l sofcapi l l ar i es C.Sensi t i v ener v eendi ngs* D.Der ma E.Subcut aneousf at t yt i ssue chol i ner gi cagoni stwi t haphar macol ogi cact i on? A.Pr oser i ne: st i mul at esat oni cbl adder B.Car bachol : i nducesr el easeofepi nephr i nef r om t he adr enal medul l a C.Acet y l chol i ne:decr easeshear tr at eandcar di ac out put D.Pi l ocar pi ne: r educesi nt r aocul arpr essur e E.Phy sost i gmi ne: decr easesi nt est i nal mot i l i t y * 30.I ti snecessar yf orpat i entt ocar r youtpar anephr al bl ockadeaf t erA. V. Vi shnev sky .Whatconcent r at i on ofnov ocai ne( pr ocai ne)i sr equi r edf ori nt r oduct i on f ort hi spur pose? A.0. 1250. 5%* B.0. 51% C.12% D.23% E.5% 4.Pr oser pi ne( Neost i gmi ne) : A.I scont r ai ndi cat edi ngl aucomaandmy ast heni a B.Mayi nduceobst i pat i on C.Decr easest heacet y l chol i neconcent r at i onatt he neur omuscul arj unct i on D.Mayr esul ti nbowelhy per mot i l i t y ,sal i v at i on,and sweat i ng* E.Exacer bat est ubocur ar i nepoi soni ng 31.A pat i entsuf f er i ng f r om chr oni c hy per aci di c gast r i t i s t akes an ant aci d dr ug f or hear t bur n el i mi nat i on.Af t eri t si ngest i ont hepat i entf eel sbet t er butatt hesamet i mehehasasensat i onofst omach swel l i ng.Whi chdr ugmi ghtbet hecauseofsuchsi de ef f ect ?2012 A.Sodi um hy dr ocar bonat e* B.Pepsi n C.Al umi ni um hy dr oxi de D.Magnesi um oxi de E.Magnesi um t r i si l i cat e 5.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngsi gnsi sNOTanexpect ed sy mpt om ofpoi soni ngwi t hneost i gmi ne( pr oser i ne) ? A.I ncr easei nskel et al muscl et onus B.I ncr easedbr onchi al secr et i ons C.Mi osi s D.Tachy car di a* E.Conv ul si ons 6.Whi ch of t he f ol l owi ng dr ugs I NCORRECTLY mat ches a chol i ner gi c agoni st wi t h a phar macol ogi cal act i on? A.Pr oser i ne: st i mul at esat oni cbl adder B.Car bachol : i nducesr el easeofepi nephr i nef r om t he adr enal medul l a C.Acet y l chol i ne:decr easeshear tr at eandcar di ac out put D.Pi l ocar pi ne: r educesi nt r aocul arpr essur e E.Gal ant ami ne: decr easesi nt est i nal mot i l i t y * 32.Whi chdr ugf r om t hegr oupofl ocalanest het i csi s notusedt oget herwi t hsul f onami des? A.Nov ocai ne( pr ocai ne)* B.Bupi v acai ne C.Li docai ne D.Tr i mecai ne E.Ul t r acai ne 3.Agent sAf f ect i ngt heEf f er entNS 3. 1.Chol i ner gi cAgent s 3. 1. 1.M, NChol i ner gi cAgent s.Ant i chol i nest er ases. 7.Whi chONEoft hef ol l owi ngdr ugswoul dbeusef ul i nt hel ongt er mt r eat mentofmy ast heni agr av i s? A.Ar duan B.At r opi ne C.Pr oser i ne( Neost i gmi ne) * D.Scopol ami ne E.Lobel i ne 1.Det er mi ne t he phar macol ogi calgr oup ofdr ugs accor di ng t o t hei r pr oper t i es: t hey i nhi bi t acet y l chol i nest er ase, del ay t he hy dr ol y si s of acet y l chol i ne, f aci l i t at e t he neur omuscul ar conduct i on, cause mi osi s and spasm of accommodat i on,i ncr easet het oni ci t yoft hesmoot h muscl esoft hei nneror gansandskel et al muscl es A.Ant i chol i nest er ases* phaadr enobl ocker s aadr enobl ocker s D.Mchol i nobl ocker s E.Nchol i nobl ocker s 8. Det er mi ne t he dr ug. I t i s t he r ev er si bl e acet y l chol i nest er asei nhi bi t orandcausest heef f ect s associ at ed wi t ht he ex ci t at i on of par asy mpat het i c ner v oussy st em:i tnar r owst hepupi l s,decr easest he i nt r aocul arpr essur e,causes br ady car di a,spasm of accommodat i on;st i mul at es smoot h muscl es and gl andsoft hegast r oi nt est i nal , r espi r at or y , ur i nar yt r act s and i n t he ey e; f aci l i t at es t he neur omuscul ar t r ansmi ssi on.Chemi cal l yi ti squat er nar yammoni um compound, hencei spoor l yabsor bedor al l y( or al dosei s 2030t i meshi ghert henpar ent er aldose)andpoor l y penet r at esi nt ot heCNS. A.Pheny l ephr i ne B.Neost i gmi ne( Pr oser i ne) * C.Gal ant ami ne D.Pi l ocar pi ne E.At r opi nesul f at e 2.I nexper i menthet er ozy gousmi ceamut at i onoft he gene codi ng pr ot ei n ofend pl at e oft he skel et al muscl es, whi ch f i xes acet y l chol i nest er ase i n a sy napse, has been r ecei v ed. Whi ch way wi l l neost i gmi ne ( pr oser i n)i nf l uenceonneur omuscul ar t r ansmi ssi onbechanged? A.Wi l l besl i ght l yampl i f i ed B.Wi l l besi gni f i cant l yampl i f i ed C.Wi l l benotchanged D.Wi l l bedecr eased* E.– 9.Pr oser i n has been admi ni st er ed t o a pat i ent suf f er i ngf r om my ast heni a.Af t eri t sadmi ni st r at i on t hepat i enthasgotnausea, di ar r hea, t wi t choft ongue 3.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngdr ugsi ncor r ect l ymat chesa 8 andskel et almuscl es.Whi chdr ugwi l lel i mi nat et he i nt oxi cat i on? A.At r opi nesul f at e* B.Py r i dost i gmi nebr omi de C.I sadr i ne D.Mesat on E.Phy sost i gmi ne B.Phy sost i gmi ne* C.Pi l ocar pi ne D.Di pi r oxi m E.At r opi ne 17.Af t eruse ofneost i gmi ne i nt he pat i entwi t h my ast heni a,such sy mpt oms as nausea,di ar r hea, t wi t chi ngofmuscl esoft ongueandskel et almuscl es hav e appear ed. Whi ch agent can abor t t he i nt oxi cat i on? A.Phy sost i gmi ne B.Met haci n* C.Mesat one( Phenyl ephr i ne) D.Tubocur ar i ne E.Py r i dost i gmi nebr omi de 10.A54y . o.mal ei sadmi t t edt ot heemer gencyr oom. Hecompl ai nsdr ymout h, phot ophobi a, bl ur r edv i si on. Hehashy per emi aanddr y nessofski n,my dr i asi s, i ncr easedi nt r aoc ul arpr es s ur e. Thehear tr at ei s140per mi nut eandBPi s100/ 70mm Hg.Whi c hofdr ugs houl d beadmi ni s t er ed? A.Pr oser i ne( Neost i gmi ne)* B.Pi l ocar pi ne C.Di pi r oxi m D.Dopami ne E.Adr enal i ne 11.Al loft hef ol l owi ngdr ugsdonotcr osst hebl ood br ai nbar r i erexcept : A.Pl at y phy l l i n B.Gast r osepi ne C.Gal ant ami ne* D.Neost i gmi ne( Pr oser i ne) E.Pi r enzepi ne 12.Thesubt y peofcar di acmuscar i ni cr ecept ori s pr edomi nant l y : A.M1 B.M2* C.M3 D.M1andM3 E.M1, M2andM3 13.Phy sost i gmi ne( Eser i nisul f as)usedmai nl yf ori t s par asy mpat homi met i cef f ect s, i nhi bi t s: A.Phosphodi est er ase B.Acet y l chol i nest er ase* C.Cat echol Omet hy l t r ansf er ase( COMT) D.Monoami neoxi dase( MAO) E.DOPAdecar boxy l ase 14.Dur i ngsur gi caloper at i onwi t hadmi ni st r at i onofa my or el axant( neur omuscul arbl ocker ) ,adi st ur bance ofbr eat hi ngdev el oped.Admi ni st r at i onofpr oser i ne ( neost i gmi ne)hasi mpr ov edpat i ent ’ scondi t i on.What i st henameoft hi st y peofdr ugi nt er act i on? A.I ncompat i bi l i t y B.Ant agoni sm * C.Tachy phy l axi s D.Sy ner gi sm E.Cumul at i on 15.Adoct orhaspr escr i bedcy cl odolf orPar ki nson di sease. What i s t he mechani sm of i t s ant i par ki nsoni anact i on? A.M chol i nomi met i cact i on B.M, Nchol i nobl ocki ngact i on* C.St i mul at i onofdopami ner ecept or s D.Bl ockadeofdopami ner ecept or s aadr enobl ockeract i on 18.Toapat i entwi t hgl aucomai ti snecessar yt o pr escr i be a medi ci ne. What ant i chol i nest er ase ( t er t i ar yami ne)i snotusedi nopht hal mi cpr act i ce becauseofsi gni f i canti r r i t antact i ononey e? A.Ar mi ne B.Py r i dost i gmi nebr omi de C.Pr oser i ne( Neost i gmi ne) D.Gal ant ami ne* E.Phy sost i gmi ne 19.Apat i entwi t hcompl ai nt sondr y nessi nmout h, phot ophobi aandv i sualdi st ur bancesi sadmi t t edt o an admi ssi on depar t ment .He has r edness and dr y nessofski n,pupi l s’di l at i onandt achy car di adue t opoi soni ngwi t hBel l adonnaal kal oi ds.Whatagent shoul dbeused? A.Ar mi ne B.Pi l ocar pi ne C.Pr oser i ne( Neost i gmi ne) * D.Di pi r oxi m E.Di azepam 20. At compl ex nar cosi s ( gener al anest hesi a) pr ot ocoldur i ngst omachr esect i on,apat i enthasgot an i nj ect i on of t ubocur ar i ne chl or i de as a my or el axant( neur omuscul arbl ocker ) .Whatagent– ant agoni stshoul dbeadmi ni st er edt ot hepat i entf or r est or at i onofhi ssel f dr i v enr espi r at i on? A.Pr oser i ne( Neost i gmi ne) * B.Di t hy l i n( Succi nyl chol i ne) C.At r opi ne D.Et i mi zol E.Benzohexoni um 21.Whatt he mostappr opr i at e ant i chol i nest er ase agent shoul d be gi v en t o combat t r aces of pol i omy el i t i s? A.Pr oser i ne B.Gal ant ami ne* C.Phy sost i gmi ne D.Ar mi ne E.Pl at y phy l l i n 22.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngdr ugsi ncor r ect l ymat ches achol i ner gi cagoni stwi t haphar macol ogi cact i on? A.Pr oser i ne: st i mul at esat oni cbl adder B.Car bachol : i nducesr el easeofepi nephr i nef r om t he adr enal medul l a C.Acet y l chol i ne:decr easeshear tr at eandcar di ac out put D.Pi l ocar pi ne: r educesi nt r aocul arpr essur e E.Phy sost i gmi ne: decr easesi nt est i nal mot i l i t y * 16.Thegl aucomai sdi agnosedi n43y . o.pat i entf or t he f i r st t i me. For t he t r eat ment doct or has pr escr i bedanant i chol i nest er aseagenti ney edr ops. I ndi cat et hi sagent : A.Сar bachol i ne 9 23.Ther ec ept or son t hes k el et almus c l eend pl at e r es pondt o: A.Acet y l chol i neandni cot i ne* B.Acet y l chol i ne, muscar i neandni cot i ne C.Ni cot i ne D.Muscar i ne E.Acet y l chol i ne 24.A82y . o.mani si ncr easi ngl yf or get f ul ,andhi s wi f ei saf r ai dofhei sdev el opi ngAl zhei mer ’ sdi sease. Youconsi derpr escr i bi nganant i chol i nest er asedr ug t o see i ft hi sdecr easeshi sf or get f ul ness.Bef or e wr i t i ngt hi spr escr i pt i on,y ouwantt obesur et hat t hesedr ugsar esui t abl e.Oft hepossi bl epr eexi st i ng condi t i ons l i st ed bel ow,y ou shoul d be t he l east concer nedabout : A.At r i ov ent r i cul arbl ockade B.Br ady car di a C.Ast hma D.Obst r uct i onoft heGI T E.Gl aucoma* 29. 3. 1. 2.MChol i ner gi cAgent s 1.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngcondi t i onsi schar act er i st i c ofpar asy mpat het i cst i mul at i on? A.Decr easei ni nt est i nal mot i l i t y B.I nhi bi t i onofbr onchi al secr et i on C.Cont r act i onofsphi nct ermuscl ei nt hei r i soft he ey e( my osi s)* D.Cont r act i onofsphi nct erofur i nar ybl adder E.I ncr easei nhear tr at e 2.Sel ect t he most appr opr i at e dr ug t o act at per i pher al and cent r al muscar i ni c chol i ner gi c r ecept or s: A.Pi r enzepi ne B.Neost i gmi ne C.Pl at y phy l l i n D.Scopol ami ne* E.I pr at r opi um br omi de 3.Sel ectt he mostappr opr i at e ant i chol i ner gi cf or ast hma: A.Pl at y phy l l i n B.Pi r enzepi ne C.Pi pecur oni um br omi de( Ar duan) D.At r opi ne E.I pr at r opi um br omi de* 4.A20y . o.pat i entwasadmi t t edt oahospi t alwi t ha shar p pai ni nt he abdomen,v omi t i ng,i mpeded br eat hi ng,and dy spnoea.He has t he moi stski n, hy per sal i v at i on, mi osi s, br ady car di a, muscul ar t wi t chi ng.I ti sknownf r om t heanamnesi st hatt he pat i enti sat oxoman,hebr eat hedi nt heaer osolf or ext er mi nat i onofi nsect s.Whatmechani sm ofact i on hast heagent , whi chhascausedpoi soni ng? A.Mchol i nobl ocki ng B.Nchol i nobl ocki ng C.Mchol i nomi met i c D.Nchol i nomi met i c E.M, Nchol i nomi met i c* 7.Thepat i entwi t hcompl ai nt sofconst antdr ymout h addr essedadent i st .Thedoct ormadet hedi agnosi s « xer ost omi a» .Tonor mal i zet hesecr et i onofsal i v ahe admi ni st er edPi l ocar pi ne56dr ops3t i mesaday .But t hepat i entv i ol at edt hei nst r uct i onsandt ookt hedr ug wi t houtf ol l owi ngt hei ndi cat eddosage.Soonbesi des t hedi sappear anceofmout hdr y nesshef el tcr amps, di ar r hea,i ncr eased br onchi alsecr et i on,sweat i ng, t ear i ng, br ady car di a, const r i ct i on i n t he chest , i nv ol unt ar yur i nat i on,hy pot ensi on.Wi t ht hehel pof whatdr ugcant hesi deef f ect sbeeasi l yel i mi nat ed? A.Acecl i di ne B.Cy t i t on C.Lobel i ne D.At r opi ne* E.Pr oser i ne 8.Det er mi net hedr ug.I ti st heal kal oi doft hesame pl ant sasat r opi nei s.I texer t ssi gni f i canti nhi bi t i ng 25.A 40y . o.mal ef ar m wor keri sbr oughtt ot he emer gencyr oom.He was f ound conf used i nt he or char dandsi ncet henhasl ostconsci ousness.Hi s HRi s45/ mi n;BPi s80/ 40mm Hg.Hei ssweat i ng and sal i v at i ng pr of usel y .Whi ch dr ug shoul d be admi ni st er ed? A.Gal ant ami ne B.Nor adr enal i ne C.Pr oser i ne D.At r opi ne* E.Pr ocai ne 26.A pat i entsuf f er i ngf r om my ast heni ahasbeen admi ni st er ed pr oser i n.Af t eri t sadmi ni st r at i on t he pat i enthasgotnausea,di ar r hea,t wi t choft ongue and skel et almuscl es.Whatdr ug woul d hel pt o el i mi nat et hei nt oxi cat i on? A.Py r i dost i gmi nebr omi de B.I sadr i ne C.Phy sost i gmi ne D.Mesat on E.At r opi nesul f at e* 27.A pat i entwas admi t t ed t o a hospi t alwi t h compl ai nt s aboutqui ckf at i gabi l i t yand si gni f i cant muscl e weakness. Exami nat i on r ev eal ed an aut oi mmunedi seaset hatcausesf unct i onaldi sor der ofr ecept or si nt heneur omuscul arsy napses.Thi swi l l r esul ti nt he di st ur bed act i v i t y of t he f ol l owi ng 2012 medi at or : A.Acet y l chol i ne* B.Dopami ne C.Gl y ci ne D.Ser ot oni n E.Nor adr enal i ne 28.Apat i entaf t erdi sr upt edcer ebr alci r cul at i onhas dev el opedpar al y si s.Chooset heant i chol i nest er ase dr ugt obepr escr i bedi nt hi scase: A.Met haci n B.Hexamet honi um ( Benzohexoni um) C.Pr oser i ne* D.Cor di ami n E.Acecl i di ne 10 i nf l uenceupont heCNS.I nt hecl i ni calpr act i cei t s i nhi bi t i ngact i onupont hecent er sconnect edwi t ht he v est i bul aranal y zeri s used f ort he t r eat mentof mot i onsi ckness. A.Met haci n B.Scopol ami ne* C.Pi r enzepi ne D.Gal ant ami ne E.Pl at y phy l l i n 9.Al lof f ol l owi ng si de ef f ect s ar e seen wi t h I pr at r opi um br omi deexcept : A.Ur i nar yr et ent i on B.Dr y nessofmout h C.Scr at chi ngi nt r achea D.Mi osi s* E.Gl aucoma 12.Apat i entwi t hr enal col i chasbeenadmi ni st er eda spasmol y t i c agent f r om t he gr oup of Mchol i nobl ocker s.Speci f yt hi sdr ug. A.Met haci n* B.Ephedr i ne C.Pi r enzepi ne D.Gal ant ami ne E.Nospa 13.A pat i entr ecei v es Acecl i di ne af t erabdomi nal sur ger y . Hi s hear tr at e f al l s sl i ght l y and she exper i encessomewheezi ng.Thesepul monar yand car di acr esponsesr epr esentorr ef l ect : A.Expect edsi deef f ect* B.I di osy ncr asy C.Par asy mpat het i cgangl i onact i v at i on D.Ref l ex( bar or ecept or )suppr essi onofcar di ac r at e E.Undi agnosedast hma 14.Wegi v ean‘ ef f ect i v edose’ ofat r opi net oaper son who i s poi soned wi t h an acet y l chol i nest er ase i nhi bi t or . Whi ch st r uct ur e wi l l cont i nue t o be ov er act edbyt heexcessacet y l chol i neaf t ert hi sdr ug i sgi v en? A.Ai r waysmoot hmuscl e B.SAnodeoft hehear t C.Sal i v ar yandl acr i mal gl ands D.Skel et al muscl e* E.Vascul arsmoot hmuscl e 15.Whi chi samuscar i ner ecept or bl ocki ngdr ugt hat i s admi ni st er ed by i nhal at i on t o cause br onchodi l at i on f orpat i ent s wi t h emphy sema and ast hma? A.Pl at y phy l l i n B.I pr at r opi um br omi de* C.Pancur oni um D.Pi l ocar pi ne E.Sal but amol 16. A dent i st pr escr i bed an agent st i mul at i ng sal i v at i ont oapat i entwi t hxer ost omi a.I ndi cat et he dr ug: A.Pi l ocar pi ne* B.Di t hy l i n C.Ar mi ne D.Scopol ami ne E.At r opi ne 17.Adoct orpr escr i bedacecl i di net oamansuf f er i ng f r om dr y ness oft he mout ht hatappear ed af t er r emov aloft onsi l s.Whi chef f ecti snotchar act er i st i c f ort hi sagent ? A.I ncr ease t he br onchismoot h muscl es t oni ci t y B.My dr i asi s* CSpasm ofaccommodat i on D.Br ady car di a E.Hy per sal i v at i on 18.I nt r oduct i onofaphar maceut i calsubst ancet oan exper i ment al ani mal r esul t ed i n r educt i on of sal i v at i on, pupi l my dr i asi s. Next i nt r av enous i nt r oduct i on of acet y l chol i ne di dn’ tl ead t o any si gni f i cant changes of hear tr at e. Name t hi s subst ance: A.Pr oser i ne B.Adr enal i ne C.Pr opr anol ol D.At r opi ne* E.Sal but amol 19. Mchol i nobl ocker s ar e wi del y used. Whi ch condi t i oni scont r ai ndi cat edf ort hei radmi ni st r at i on? A.At r i ov ent r i cul arbl ockade B.At onyofi nt est i ne* C.Br onchi al ast hma D.Li v erandr enal col i c E.Gast r i cul cer 20.Apat i enthasbeengi v enat r opi nesul f at ef orr api d r el i efofspast i ccol onsy mpt oms.Theuseoft hi s dr ugi scont r ai ndi cat eddur i ngt hef ol l owi ngdi sease: 2016 A.Hy pot ensi on B.Gl aucoma* C.Br ady car di a D.Br onchi al ast hma E.Gast r i cul cer 21.AM1chol i nobl ockerhasbeenadmi ni st er edt oa pat i entf ort he t r eat mentofgast r i c pept i c ul cer . I ndi cat et hi sagent : A.Pi r enzepi ne* B.Scopol ami ne C.I pr at r opi um br omi de D.Met haci n E.Pl at y phy l l i n 22.Awomanaskedt oadr ugst or emant osel lan ey edr opsAt r opi ne,butt hel astoner ef usedbecause At r opi nei scont r ai ndi cat edatgl aucoma.Why ? A.Di l at espupi l s B.I ncr easesi nt r aocul arpr essur e* C.Causespar al y si sofaccommodat i on( cycl opl egi a) D.Nar r owsv i ewf i el d E.Causesmy opi a 23.Af t erut i l i z at i onofopht hal mi cdr opspat i entwi t h gl aucomahasmi osi s,my opi a,anddr opofi nt r aocul ar pr essur e.Whi chphar macol ogi cgr oupcancausesuch ef f ect s? A.Mchol i nomi met i cs* B.Mchol i nobl ocker s C.Nchol i nomi met i cs D.Gangl i obl ocker s phaadr enobl ocker s 25.At r opi nei susedasanant i dot et ot r eatpoi soni ng 11 wi t h f l y agar i c. Whi ch mechani sm i nher ent t o at r opi ne l eads t o mushr oom t oxi n muscar i ne neut r al i zat i on? A.Enzy mat i c B.Phy si cal chemi cal C.Ant i enzy mat i c D.Met abol i c E.Recept or * 26.Choose t he agentused i n opht hal mol ogy t o exami net hef undusofey e: A.At r opi nesul phat e* B.Pr oser i ne C.Met haci n D.Pi l ocar pi ne E.I pr at r opi um br omi de 28.A pat i entwi t hdr ugi nt oxi cat i onpr esent edwi t h t hedr y nessofor almucousmembr aneandmy dr i at i c pupi l s.Suchact i onoft hi sdr ugi sassoci at edwi t ht he f ol l owi ngef f ect : A.Adr enor ecept orbl ock B.Muscar i ni cchol i nor ecept orst i mul at i on C.Adr enor ecept orst i mul at i on D.Muscar i ni cchol i nor ecept orbl ock* E.Ni cot i ni cchol i nor ecept orst i mul at i on r es t or ed.Whi c henz y medef i c i tpr ol ongst heac t i onof t hi smy or el ax ant ? A.Succi nat edehy dr ogenase + + B.KNaadenosi net r i phosphat ase C.Car boni canhy dr ase D.Pseudochol i nest er ase* E.Nacet y l t r ansf er ase 5.Apat i entwi t hf r act ur eofl owerj aw wasadmi t t ed t oamaxi l l of aci aldepar t ment .Af t erI Vi nt r oduct i onof my or el axantt her ear osef i br i l l arcont r act i onsoft he pat i ent ’ sf aci almuscl es. Whi ch my or el axant was admi ni st er ed? A.Di azepam B.Tubocur ar i nchl or i de C.Pi pecur oni um br omi de D.Di t hy l i n* E.Mel l i ct i n 6.Dur i ngsur gi caloper at i onwi t hadmi ni st r at i onofa my or el axant( neur omuscul arbl ocker ) ,adi st ur bance ofbr eat hi ngdev el oped.Admi ni st r at i onofpr oser i ne ( neost i gmi ne)hasi mpr ov edpat i ent ’ scondi t i on.What i st henameoft hi st y peofdr ugi nt er act i on? A.I ncompat i bi l i t y B.Ant agoni sm * C.Tachy phy l axi s D.Sy ner gi sm E.Cumul at i on 7.Dur i ng an oper at i on a pat i entgoti nj ect i on of muscl e r el axant di t hyl i num ( succi nyl chol i ne) . Rel axat i on ofskel et almuscl es and i nhi bi t i on of r espi r at i onl ast ed2hour s.Thi scondi t i onwascaused byabsenceoft hef ol l owi ngenzy mei nbl oodpl asma 2012 : A.But y r y l chol i neest er ase* B.Acet y l chol i neest er ase C.Gl ucose6phosphat ase D.Cat al ase E.Gl ut at hi oneper oxi de 8.Dur i ngsur gi caloper at i onapat i enthasdev el oped sy mpt omsofdi t hyl i n( succi nyl chol i ne)over dosage. Whatt r eat menti snecessar yt opr ov i det ot hepat i ent ? A.Admi ni st r at i onofant i chol i nest er ases B.Admi ni st r at i onofMchol i nobl ocker s C.Admi ni st r at i onofgangl i obl ocker s D.Bl oodt r ansf usi on* E.Admi ni st r at i onofNchol i nobl ocker s 9.A63y . o.pat i enthasgotani nj ect i onofpent ami ne f orhy per t ensi v ecr i si s.Whati si t sact i onmechani sm? A.St i mul at i onofMchol i nor ecept or s B.I nhi bi t i onofMchol i nor ecept or s C.I nhi bi t i onofM, Nchol i nor ecept or s D.St i mul at i onofNchol i nor ecept or s E.I nhi bi t i onofNchol i nor ecept or s* 10. The gangl i obl oc k er Benz ohexoni um has been admi ni s t er edt oapat i entwi t hhy per t ens i v ec r i s es . Whi c h ef f ec t s shoul d doct orbe wor r i ed aboutaf t ert he dr ug’ si nj ect i on? A.Suppr essi onofr espi r at i on B.Di ar r hea C.Reboundsy ndr ome D.I nf r i ngementoft ast esensat i on E.Or t host at i c( post ur al )hy pot ensi on* 29.A manwasi nt oxi cat edwi t hmushr ooms.They cont ai n muscar i ne t hat st i mul at es muscar i ni c chol i nor ecept or s. What sy mpt oms si gnal i ze i nt oxi cat i onwi t hi nedi bl emushr ooms?2012 A.Ri seofar t er i al pr essur e B.Br onchi di l at i on C.I ncr easedhear tr at e D.My dr i at i cpupi l s* E.My ot i cpupi l s* 3. 1. 3.NChol i ner gi cAgent s 1.Sel ectt hemostappr opr i at edr ugt ot r eatt he poi soni ngwi t hdepol ar i zi ngmyor el axant : A.Di t hy l i n B.Neost i gmi ne CFr eshbl oodt r ansf usi on* DScopol ami ne E.I pr at r opi um br omi de 2.Ni cot i ni cr ecept or sar eseeni n: A.Skel et al muscl e* B.Vi scer al smoot hmuscl e C.Car di acmuscl e D.Sal i v ar ygl ands E.Adi posecel l 3.A pat i entwi t h a hi s t or y ofas t hma ex per i enc es s i gni f i c antbr onc hos pas m andur t i c ar i a, andhi s t ami nei s amai nmedi at ori nt hes er es pons es .Whi c hdr ugmay pos eex t r ar i s kf ort hi spat i ent–notbec aus ei thasany br onc hoc ons t r i c t oref f ec t si ni t sownr i ght , butbec aus ei t r el eas eshi s t ami nef r ommas tc el l s ? A.At r opi ne B.Neost i gmi nesul f at e C.Pr opr anol ol D.Pancur oni um E.dTubocur ar i ne* 4.Di t hy l i n( Li st enone)hasbeeni nt r oduc edt oapat i ent bef or eanoper at i on.Af t ert heendofoper at i onand c es s at i onofanaes t hes i at hei ndi v i dual r es pi r at i onwas n’ t 12 11. Cur ar el i k emy or el ax ant sar eus edf ordec r eas i ngand c es s at i onofi mpul s et r ans mi s s i onf r om ner v eendi ngt o mus c ul arf i ber .Whati st hemec hani s m ofac t i onoft hi s gr oup? A. Bl ockade Nchol i nor ecept or s of post sy napt i c membr aneofneur omuscul arj unct i on B.I nhi bi t i onofacet y l chol i nest er ase C.I nhi bi t i onofNa+/K+pump D. Reduct i on of neur ot r ansmi t t er r el ease i nt o sy napt i ccl ef t E.Bl ockade ofCa2+ i nwar dt hr ough pr esy napt i c car di omy ocy t es D.Di r ecti nf l uenceupont hecel l wal l E, St i mul at i onofsy mpat het i cgangl i ons* 18.I ndi cat et hemai nf eat ur eofl obel i neact i on: A.I tst i mul at esdi r ect l yt her espi r at or ycent er B.I tcausest her el axat i onofbr onchi alsmoot h muscl es C.I ti sef f ect i v eaf t erper or al i nt r oduct i on D.I tact sbyr ef l exwayst i mul at i ngt her ecept or s ofcar ot i dzone* E.I tst i mul at est her espi r at or ymuscl es 19.I ndi cat et hedr ugwhi chexci t esbot hM-andNchol i nor ecept or s: A.Acet y l chol i ne* B.Pent ami ne C.Di t hy l i n D.Lobel i ne E.Tubocur ar i ne 20.I ndi cat et hecl i ni cal usesf orbenzohexoni um: A.I nt est i nal at ony B.Vascul arhy pot ensi on C.My ast heni agr av i s D.Hy per t ensi v ecr i si s* E.Respi r at or yar r est membr ane 12.A y oung man hasbr oken hi sl eg i n a ski i ng acci dent ,causi ng sev er e muscul ar spasm t hat necessi t at ed r el axat i on of t he muscl e wi t h a compet i t i v eNr ecept orant agoni stbef or et hef r act ur e coul dbeset .Att heendoft heor t hopedi cpr ocedur e, t hedoct orr est or edneur omuscul art r ansmi ssi onby admi ni st er i ng: A.Phy sost i gmi ne( Eser i ne) B.Neost i gmi ne( Pr oser i ne) * C.Gal ant ami ne D.Car bachol i ne( Car bachol ) E.Ar mi ne 13. A pat i ent wi t h a l i mb f r act ur e must be admi ni st er edadepol ar i zi ngdr ugf r om t hegr oupof myor el axant sf ort hepur poseofashor t t i mesur ger y . Whatdr ugi si t ? A.At r opi nesul f at e B.Di t hy l i n* C.Tubocur ar i nechl or i de D.Cy t i t on E.Pent ami ne 14.Theef f ect soft ubocur ar i necanbeant agoni zed by : A.Pi l ocar pi ne B.Acecl i di ne C.Cy t i t on D.Neost i gmi ne( Pr oser i ne) * E.Lobel i ne 15.A woman has t o pr oduce t r achea i nt ubat i on. Whi chdr ugshoul dbeadmi ni st er ed? A.At r opi nesul f at e B.Di t hy l i n* C.Pr oser i ne D.Cy t i t on E.Pent ami ne 16.I famanhasanat t ackofbr onchospasm i ti s necessar yt or educet heef f ectofv agusonsmoot h muscl esofbr onchi .Whatmembr anecy t or ecept or s 2011 shoul dbebl ockedf ort hi spur pose? A.αadr enor ecept or s B.Mchol i nor ecept or s* C.α-andβ-adr enor ecept or s D.Nchol i nor ecept or s E.β-adr enor ecept or s 21. Whi ch dr ug bel ongs t o t he compet i t i v e ant agoni st sofchol i nor ecept or s? A.Di t hy l i n B.Tubocur ar i ne* C.Lobel i ne D.Cy t i t on E.Ni cot i ne 22.I ndi cat et hemechani sm ofdi t hyl i nact i on A.I tbr eaksneur omuscul art r ansmi ssi onduet o st abl e depol ar i zat i on of post sy napt i c membr anesoft heskel et al muscl es* B.I tst i mul at esMchol i nor ecept or s C.I tbl ocksMchol i nor ecept or s D.I tcompet i t i v el ybl ockst heN-chol i nor ecept or s E.I tdi r ect l yact suponmy of i br i l s 23.I ndi cat et hesi deef f ectofgangl i onbl ocker s: A.I ncr easeofbl oodpr essur e B.I nt est i nal at onyandconst i pat i on* C.Sal i v at i on D.I r r i t at i ng i nf l uence on t he gast r i c mucous membr ane E.Di ar r hea 24.Cur ar i f or m subst ancesi nt r oducedi nt oahuman bodycauset her el axat i onofal lskel et almuscl es. Whatchangesi nt heneur omuscul arsy napsedoes t hi sef f ectcause?2013 A.Depol ar i zat i onoft hepost sy napt i cmembr ane B.I mpai r edacet y l chol i ner el ease C.Bl ockade ofCa2+ channel s oft he pr esy napt i c membr ane D. Bl ockade of Nchol i ner gi c r ecept or s of t he sy napt i cmembr ane* E.I mpai r edchol i nest er asesy nt hesi s 25.Whi ch dr ug can be used t o decr ease bl ood pr essur e? A.Cy t i t on 17.Whati st hemechani sm oft hei ncr easeofar t er i al pr essur ebyni cot i ne? A.Di r ectst i mul at i onofv ascul aradr enor ecept or s B.St i mul at i onofpar asy mpat het i cgangl i ons C.St i mul at i onofmembr aner ecept or sof 13 B.Tubocur ar i ne C.Lobel i ne D.At r opi ne E.Pent ami ne* C.St r ophant hi n D.Adr enal i ne* E.Nor adr enal i ne 6.Anaphy l act i cshockhasdev el oped i n a pat i ent af t er nov ocai n( pr ocai ne) i nj ect i on. What agent suppr esseshi st ami ner el easef r om mustcel l sand el i mi nat esmai nsy mpt omsofanaphy l act i cshock? A.Ket ot i f en B.Cr omol i nnat r i um C.Adr enal i ne* D.Mesat on E.Nor adr enal i ne 7.A 26y . o.pat i enthasbr onchi alast hmaat t acks appear i ng usual l y at ni ght accompany i ng wi t h br ady car di a,spast i ci nt est i ne pai n,and di ar r hea. Whatki ndofagent si st hemostappr opr i at ef ort hi s pat i ent ? A.Mchol i nobl ocker s* B.N-chol i nobl ocker s C.Bet aadr enomi met i cs D.Sy mpat homi met i cs E.Met hy l xant hi nes 8.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngdr ugsst i mul at escent r al pr esy napt i cal pha2r ecept or s? A.Adr enal i nehy dr ochl or i de B.Nor adr enal i nehy dr ot ar t r at e C.Mesat one( Pheny l ephr i ne) D.Cl ophel i ne* E.Doxazosi n 26.A 63y . o.mal epat i entwi t hbl adderat onyhad beenadmi ni st er edamedi cat i onwhi chhehadbeen ar bi t r ar i l yt aki ng at a hi gher dose.The pat i ent dev el oped hy per hy dr at i on, sal i v at i on, di ar r hea, muscl espasms. Theadmi ni st er eddr ugr el at est ot hef ol l owi nggr oup: 2016 A.Adr ener gi cbl ocker s B.Chol i nest er aser eact i v at or s C.Gangl i oni cbl ocker s D.Tocol y t i cs E.Chol i nomi met i cs 3. 2.Adr ener gi cAgent s 3. 2. 1.Adr enomi met i cs 1. Di ast ol i c pr essur e i s i ncr eased af t er t he admi ni st r at i onofwhi choneoft hef ol l owi ngdr ugs? A.Nor adr enal i ne B.Sal but amol C.I sadr i ne D.Or ci pr enal i ne( Al upent ) E.Ter but al i ne 2.Sy st ol i cpr essur ei si ncr easedaf t ert hei nj ect i onof whi choff ol l owi ngdr ugs? A.Nadol ol B.Dopami ne* C.Reser pi ne D.Or ni d E.Met opr ol ol 3.Dopami ne causes al lbutone oft he f ol l owi ng act i ons? A.I nhi bi t i ngi nf l uenceont hemot oneur onsof t hespi nal chor d B.Di l at esr enal v ascul at ur e C.I ncr easesBP D.I ncr easespr oduct i onofur i ne E.Decr easescar di acout put * 4.Al l oft hef ol l owi ngst at ement sar et r ueEXCEPT: A.Amongt hephy si ol ogi cr esponsescausedbyal pha r ecept or st i mul at i on ar e v asoconst r i ct i on, my dr i asi s, anddecr easedgast r oi nt est i nal mot i l i t y . B.Amongt hephy si ol ogi cr esponsescausedbybet ar ecept or st i mul at i on ar ev asodi l at i on,car di ac st i mul at i on, andbr onchi al r el axat i on. C.Nor adr enal i nehasast r ongeraf f i ni t yf oral phar ecept or scompar edt obet ar ecept or s. D.Admi ni st r at i onofat r opi nepr i ort onor adr enal i ne l eads t o an i ncr ease i n hear tr at e af t er nor adr enal i neadmi ni st r at i on. E.Dobut ami nei sapot entv asoconst r i ct or * 5.A doct ordi agnosed hy pogl ycemi c coma i na pat i ent wi t h di abet es mel l i t us and admi ni st er ed gl ucose sol ut i on I V.Pat i ent ’ s condi t i on i mpr ov ed. Whi chdr ugcanbeusedaddi t i onal l yasachemi cal ant agoni stofi nsul i n? A.Dopami ne B.Mesat on 14 9.Thepat i enthasabr upthy pot ensi on.Whi chdr ug t hat st i mul at es adr ener gi cr ecept or s shoul d be i nt r oducedt onor mal i zebl oodpr essur e? A.Met opr ol ol B.Mesat on( Pheny l ephr i ne) * C.Xy l omet hazol i ne D.Cl ophel i ne E.Doxazosi n 10. A pat i ent has dev el oped br onchospasmi c sy ndr ome.St i mul at or s ofwhi ch r ecept or s wi l lbe phy si ol ogi cal l yr easonabl ef oremer gencyt r eat ment ? pha1adr enor ecept or s B.Dr ecept or s C.M1chol i nocept or s phaandbet aadr enor ecept or s a2adr enor ecept or s* 11 A 24 y . o.pat i enthasbr onc hi alas t hma.Fort he t r eat mentofas t hmaat t ac kadoc t orhaspr es c r i bed sal but amol . Whati st hemec hani s m ofc ur at i v eac t i onof t heagent ? pha-andbet ar ecept or sst i mul at i on a2adr enor ecept or sbl ockade a2adr enor ecept or sst i mul at i on* a1adr enor ecept or sbl ockade a1adr enor ecept or sbl ockade R 12.Al pha1r ecept oract i onsar emedi at edt hr ough: A.сAMP B.сGMP C.Ca2+ i ons* D.ADP E.K+Channel s 13.Wi t h exci t at i on of whi ch r ecept or s ar et he f ol l owi ng ef f ect s associ at ed – st i mul at i on oft he hear twor k,i ncr easei ncar di acout putandHR,AV conduct i on accel er at i on, i ncr ease i n hear t aut omat i sm? A.M1-chol i nor ecept or s B.M2-chol i nor ecept or s a1--adr enor ecept or s* a2-adr enor ecept or s pha1--adr enor ecept or s 14.Wi t h exci t at i on of whi ch r ecept or s ar et he f ol l owi ng ef f ect s associ at ed – di l at i on ofbl ood v essel s, decr easeoft oni ci t yoft hebr onchi al muscl es andmy omet r i um, st i mul at i onofgl y cogenol y si s? pha1-adr enor ecept or s pha2-adr enor ecept or s a1-adr enor ecept or s a2-adr enor ecept or s* a3-adr enor ecept or s 15.Anambul ancewascal l edf ora22y . o.pat i ent wi t h st at us ast hmat i cs.Whatr out e ofadr enal i ne admi ni st r at i onwi l lbet hemostappr opr i at ei nt hi s case?R A.I nt r av enous* B.I nhal at i on C.Subcut aneous D.Subl i ngual E.I nt r amuscul ar 16.I ndi cat et he br onchol y t i c agentwhi ch act i on mechani sm i ssel ect i v est i mul at i onofbr onchi al2adr enor ecept or s: A.At r opi ne B.Fenot er ol * C.Ami nophy l l i ne( Euphyl l i ne) D.I sadr i ne E.Adr enal i ne 17.A 63 y . wi t h col l apse sy mpt oms was admi t t edt ot heemer gencyhospi t al .Aphy si ci anhas chosennor adr enal i nagai nsthy pot ensi on.Whati si t s mechani sm ofact i on?2012 A.Act i v at i onofal pha1adr enor ecept or s* B.Act i v at i onofser ot oni nr ecept or s C.Act i v at i onofdopami ner ecept or s D.Bl ockofMchol i nor ecept or s E.Act i v at i onofbet aadr enor ecept or s 18.Apat i enti l lwi t hbr onchi alast hmadi dn’ ti nf or m hi sdoct ort hathehadat t acksofst enocar di a.Doct or admi ni st er edhi m amedi cat i on, whi cht aki ngr esul t ed i nl ess f r equentat t acks ofbr onchi alast hma,but st enocar di a at t acks became mor ef r equent .What medi cat i onwasadmi ni st er ed? A.Sal but amol B.Ami nophy l l i ne C.I sadr i n* D.Cr omol i nsodi um E.Phenot her ol 19.Apat i entwi t hbr onchi alast hmahasbeengi v en 0. 5% sol ut i on of i sadr i n ( i sopr ot er enol ) . Br onchospasm wasr emov ed,butt hepat i entst ar t ed t ocompl ai nofapai ni ncar di acar ea.I ti sl i nkedt o st i mul at i onof : A.Acet y l chol i nesy nt hesi s pha1adr enor ecept or s a1-adr enor ecept or s a2-adr enor ecept or s E.Mchol i nor ecept or s 20.A 42 y . o.pat i enthas been suf f er i ng f r om br onchi alast hmaandt achy car di af oral ongt i me. Admi ni st er t he opt i mal dr ug f or r emov i ng of br onchospasm: A.Adr enal i ne B.Ephedr i ne C.Or ci pr enal i ne D.I sadr i n E.Sal but amol * 21.Apat i enthasanaphy l ac t i cs hoc k .Nameadr ugof c hoi c e. A.Mesat one( Pheny l ephr i ne) B.Adr enal i ne C.Ephedr i ne D.Nor adr enal i ne E.Fenot er ol 22.Tot hepat i entwi t hanacut er hi ni t i s5% sol ut i on of ephedr i ne has been pr escr i bed.Howev er ,t he pat i enti nst i l l edt hedr ugi nt henoseeach2030mi n. Becauseofdev el opmentt achyphyl axi s,ef f ectoft he dr ug shar pl y decr eased. What mechani sm of under l i esdev el opmentoft hi sphenomenon? A. Depl et i on of medi at or depot i n pr esy napt i c endi ngs* B.Act i v at i onofadr enor ecept or s C.Bl ockadeofadr enor ecept or s D.Mat er i al cumul at i on E.I nduct i onofmi cr osomal enzy mesbyl i v er 23.An opht hal mol ogi stwi t h di agnost i c pur pose ( di l at i onoft hepupi lf orey ebot t om obser v at i on)has used1% Mesat on ( Phenyl ephr ene)sol ut i on.Whi ch mechani sm under l i esmy dr i asi scausedbyt heagent ? A.Act i v at i onofal pha1adr enor ecept or s* B.Act i v at i onofal pha2adr enor ecept or s C.Bl ockadeofbet a1-adr enor ecept or s D.Bl ockadeofal pha1-adr enor ecept or s E.Act i v at i onofMchol i nor ecept or s 24.Chooset hedr ugwi t hf ol l owi ngchar act er i st i cs:a sy nt het i ccat echol ami ne,st i mul at esbot h1-and2adr enor ecept or s,i ncr easescar di accont r act i l i t yand hear tr at e,decr easesdi ast ol i cAPandi nhi bi tl abor act i v i t y . I t i s phar macol ogi cal ant agoni st of pr opr anol ol . A.Sal but amol B.Pi l ocar pi ne C.I pr at r opi um br omi de D.Acecl i di ne E.I sadr i ne* 25.Apat i enthasmar keddr oppi ngofbl oodpr essur e dur i ng sur gi cal oper at i on wi t h hy gr oni um admi ni st r at i on. Repr esent at i v es of whi ch phar macol ogi calgr oupcoul dnor mal i zeBPi ngi v en si t uat i on? A.Nchol i nomi met i cs phaadr enomi met i cs* a1-adr enobl ocker s a2-adr enomi met i cs E.Mchol i nomi met i cs 26.Af t ert oot hext r act i onpat i enthasdev el opedl ocal bl eedi ng.Adent i stappl i edspongewi t hamedi ci ne 15 andbl eedi ngsubsi ded.Whatmedi ci nedi dt hedent i st use? A.I sadr i ne B.Sal but amol C.Adr enal i ne* D.Pr azosi n E.Ti mol ol 27.Acut ear t er i alhy pot ensi onhasdev el opedi na pat i entdue t o oct adi ne ( guanet hi di ne)over dose. Whi chagentshoul dbeusedt onor mal i zeAP? A.Ephedr i ne B.Nor adr enal i ne* C.Caf f ei ne D.Cor di ami n( Ni ket hami de) E.Dopami ne 28.Apat i entwi t hchr oni cbr onchi t i shasbeent aki ng wi t hephedr i nef oral ongt i me.Whati st hedr ug’ s act i onmechani sm? A.St i mul at i on ofnor adr enal i ner el eas ei nt os y napt i c c l ef t * B.Bl ockadeofnor adr enal i ner el easei nt osy napt i c cl ef t C.St i mul at i onofal phaadr enor ecept or s D.Bl ockadeofbet aadr enor ecept or s E.Di r ectspasmol y t i cact i on 31.Mesat on ( Phenyl ephr i ne)was i nt r oduced t oa pat i entwi t hcol l apsef orBPcor r ect i on.Whati st he mechani sm ofact i onoft hedr ug? A.Act i v at i onofMchol i nor ecept or s B.Act i v at i onofal pha2adr enor ecept or s C.Bl ockadeofbet a1-adr enor ecept or s D.Bl ockadeofal pha1-adr enor ecept or s E.Act i v at i onofal pha1adr enor ecept or s* B.Act i v at i onofal pha2adr enor ecept or s C.Bl ockadeofal pha1-adr enor ecept or s D.Bl ockadeofbet a1-adr enor ecept or s E.Act i v at i onofbet a2adr enor ecept or s* 34.A12y . o.chi l dhasav i r al i nf ect i oncompl i cat edby obst r uct i v e br onchi t i s. Br onchospasm can be el i mi nat edbyi nhal at i onofadr ugf r om t hef ol l owi ng 2013 phar macol ogi cal gr oup: A.Anal ept i cs B.Mant i chol i ner gi cs C.Nchol i nomi met i cs a1-adr ener gi cbl ocker s a2-agoni st s* 35.Apat i entwi t hbr onchi alast hmahadbeent aki ng or al l yanagent ,whi chcausedi nsomni a,headache, i ncr eased AP. What medi ci ne can cause such compl i cat i on? A.Ephedr i ne* B.I sadr i n C.Pr az osi n D.Adr enal i ne E.Dopami ne 36.Apat i entwi t hbr onchi alast hmahasbeengi v en 0. 5% sol ut i on of i sadr i num ( i sopr ot er enol ) . Br onchospasm wasr emov ed,butt hepat i entst ar t ed t ocompl ai nonapai ni ncar di acar ea.Whati st he r eason? A.I nhi bi t i onofacet y l chol i nesy nt hesi s B.Act i v at i onofal pha1adr enor ecept or s C.St i mul at i onofbet a1-adr enor ecept or s D.St i mul at i onbet a2-adr enor ecept or s E.Act i v at i onofMchol i nor ecept or s 37.Ambul ancehasbeen cal l ed t o a 22y . becauseofbr onchi alast hmaat t ack.Whatwayof adr enal i neadmi ni st r at i oni st hemostappr opr i at ei n t hi scase? A.I nt r av enous* B.I nt r amuscul ar C.I nhal at i on D.Subcut aneous E.Subl i ngual 38.A 63y . o.pat i entwi t hcol l apsesy mpt omswas admi t t edt ot heemer gencyhospi t al .Aphy si ci anhas chosen nor adr enal i nf orhy pot ensi on.Whati si t s mechani sm ofact i on? A.Act i v at i onofal pha1-adr enor ecept or s* B.Act i v at i onofser ot oni nr ecept or s C.Act i v at i onofdopami ner ecept or s D.Bl ockofMchol i nor ecept or s E.Act i v at i onofbet a–adr enor ecept or s 32.Col l aps ehasdev el opedi napat i entduet odec r eas e i n per i pher alv es s el st one.Whi c h agents houl d be admi ni s t er ed? A.Met opr ol ol B.Mesat on( Pheny l ephr i ne)* C.Xy l omet hazol i ne D.Pr oser i ne( Neost i gmi ne) E.Pr azosi n 39.Dur i ngl ocalanest het i zat i ont hepat i enthasgone i nt o anaphy l act i c shock. What dr ug must be admi ni st er edt ot hepat i ent ? A.Pr opr anol ol B.At r opi nesul f at e C.Ni t r ogl y cer i ne D.Epi nephr i nehy dr ochl or i de* E.Di az epam 33.Fenot er olwasi nt r oducedt oa32y . egnant woman wi t h t hr eat ened abor t i on. I ndi cat e i t s mechani smofact i on: A.Act i v at i onofMchol i nor ecept or s 40. 29.I ndi cat et he st at e whi ch r equi r es ephedr i ne i nt r oduct i on: A.Tachy car di a B.I nsomni a C.Caf f ei nepoi soni ng D.Ar t er i al hy pot ensi on* E.Ar t er i al hy per t ensi on 30.A pat i entwi t hobst r uct i v ebr onchi t i shasbeen t aki ng ephedr i ne f ora l ong t i me wi t houtdoct or ’ s cont r ol .Whatsi de ef f ectcan be obser v ed i nt he pat i ent ? A.Apat hy B.Sl eepi ness C.Exci t at i onoft heCNS* D.Br ady car di a E.Hy pot ensi on A. B. 16 C. D.* E. hav emedi at ort y peofact i on,decr easet hest r engt h ofhear tcont r act i onsandHR,i nhi bi taut omat i sm of my ocar di um, i ncr easeper i pher alv ascul arr esi st ance. Thedr ugsar eusedt ot r eatangi napect or i s,car di ac ar r hy t hmi as,ar t er i alhy per t ensi on.Thei rmai n si de ef f ect s ar e br onchospasm, di sor der s of AV conduct i on,i nhi bi t i onofcont r act i l ef unct i onoft he my ocar di um. phaadr enomi met i cks phaadr enobl ocker s C.det a1adr enomi met i cks a2adr enomi met i cks aadr enobl ocker s* 40. 3. 2. 2.Adr enobl ocker s 1.A pat i ent 50 y . o.wi t h compl ai nt s of hear t pal pi t at i on,pai ni nt hehear tar ea,headache,v er t i go wasdel i v er edt oahospi t al .Dur i ngt heexami nat i on angi na pect or i s,car di ac ar r hy t hmi a( par oxy smal t achy car di a, at r i um f i br i l l at i on) and ar t er i al hy per t ensi on( 180/ 90mm Hg)wer er ev eal ed.Make t her at i onal choi ceoft hedr ugi nt hi ssi t uat i on. A.Pr opr anol ol ( Anapr i l i ne)* B.Epi nephr i ne C.Ephedr i ne D.Neost i gmi ne E.Reser pi ne 2.A 60 y . o.ast hmat i c man compl ai ns ofsome di f f i cul t yi n« st ar t i ngt our i nat e» .Hehasasl i ght l y enl ar gedpr ost at e.BP160/ 100mm Hg. .Whi choft he f ol l owi ngagent sshoul dbeadmi ni st er ed? A.Phent ol ami ne B.Reser pi ne C.Ephedr i ne D.Doxazosi n* E.Pr opr anol ol 8.Amal epat i entwhohasbeen‘ sur f i ngt heWeb’i n sear ch ofan aphr odi si ac orsome ot heragentt o enhance’ sex ualper f or mance’ di scov er sy ohi mbi ne.He consumest hedr ugi nex cessanddev el opssy mpt oms oft ox i ci t yt hatr equi r ey ouri nt er v ent i on.Youconsul t y ourdr ug r ef er ence and l ear nt haty ohi mbi ne i sa sel ect i v e α2adr ener gi c ant agoni st .Whatwoul dy ou ex pectasar es ponset ot hi sdr ug? A.Tachy car di a B.Br ady car di a C.Reducedcar di acout putf r om r educedl ef t v ent r i cul arcont r act i l i t y D.Hy per t ensi on* E.Br onchoconst r i ct i on 9.Al lt hef ol l owi ngdr ugsar eusedt opi cal l yi nt he t r eat mentofchr oni c wi deangl e gl aucoma.Whi ch oner educesi nt r aocul arpr essur ebydecr easi ngt he f or mat i onoft heaqueoushumor ? A.Ti mol ol * B.Pi l ocar pi ne C.Phy sost i gmi ne D.Neost i gmi ne E.Acecl i di ne 10. A 40 y . o. pat i ent compl ai nt s of i nt ensi v e hear t beat s, sweat i ng, nausea, v i si oni mpai r ment , ar m t r emor ,hy per t ensi on.Fr om hi sanamnesi s:2y ear s ago he was di agnosed wi t h pheochr omocyt oma. Whathy pot ensi v eagentshoul dbeadmi ni st er ed? A.Capt opr i l B.Pr azosi n* C.Dr ot av er i ne D.Ni f edi pi ne E.Pl at y phy l l i n 12.Thedr ugf r om t hegr oupofbet aadr enobl ocker s has been admi ni st er ed t o 47 y . o.pat i entf ort he t r eat mentofi schemi chear tdi sease.Whenar eβadr enobl ocker sabsol ut el ycont r ai ndi cat ed? A.Ar t er i al hy per t ensi on B.Br onchi al ast hma* C.Hy per t r ophi ccar di omy opat hy D.Thy r ot oxi cosi s E.Hi st or yofmy ocar di al i nf ar ct i on 3.A35y . o.mal ewor keri sbr oughtt ot heemer gency r oom.HR150/ mi n,BP180/ 100mm Hg.Whi chdr ug shoul dbeadmi ni st er ed? A.Neost i gmi ne B.Phent ol ami ne C.At r opi ne D.Pr opr anol ol * E.Pr azosi n 4.A 38 y . o.f emal e has t aken unknown dr ug t o decr easehi ghBP.Af t eri t sadmi ni st r at i onsy st ol i c pr essur edecr easedbutt achy car di aappear ed.What dr ughadbeenadmi ni st er ed? A.At enol ol B.Reser pi ne C.Phent ol ami ne* D.Pr opr anol ol E.Pr azosi n 5.A pat i ent wi t h hy per t ensi on i sr egi st er ed at pr ophy l act i c cent er .He has concomi t antdi sease br onchi alast hma.Hei st oadmi ni st erabet abl ocker . Whatdr ugwi l l y ouchoose? A.Ti mol ol B.Met opr ol ol * C.Sal but amol D.Reser pi ne E.Pr opr anol ol ( Anapr i l i ne) 6.Bet abl oc k erwi t ht hel eas tent r yc r os sbl oodbr ai n bar r i er : A.Pr opr anol ol ( Anapr i l i ne) B.Car v edi ol C.Nadol ol * D.Ti mol ol E.Oxpr enol ol 13.A 64y . o.womanwi t ht ox i cgoi t erc ompl ai nsof per manent pal pi t at i on. Whi c h agent s houl d be admi ni s t er ed? A.I sadr i n B.Sal but amol C.Pent ami ne D.Pr opr anol ol ( Anapr i l i ne) * 7.Det er mi net hephar macol ogi cgr oupofdr ugs.They 17 E.Fenot er ol adr enobl ocker s: A.Gl aucoma B.I nt est i nal at ony C.Ar t er i al hy per t ensi on* D.I nt est i nal at ony E.Br onchi al ast hma 14. The pat i ent suf f er i ng f r om i di opat hi c hy per t ensi on had been admi ni st er ed t he compl ex t r eat ment .Lat erhebegant ocompl ai nofpai nsi nt he epi gast r i cr egi on,di ar r hea,hear t bur n.Whi chagent coul dpr ov oket hel i st edadv er seef f ect si nt hepat i ent ? aAdr enobl ocker s( Anapr i l i ne) B.Gangl i obl ocker s( Pent ami ne) C.Sy mpat hol y t i cs( Reser pi ne) * ) D.aal pha1-adr enobl ocker s( Pr azosi n) E.Spasmol y t i cs( Papaver i ne) 21.I ndi cat et hemechani sm ofact i onofpr azosi n: A. Bl ockade of al pha- and bet aadr enor ecept or s B.Bl ockadeofal phaadr enor ecept or s C.Bl ockadeofal pha1adr enor ecept or s* D. Bl ockade of al pha1- and al pha2adr enor ecept or s E.Bl ockadeofbet a1adr enor ecept or s 15.A pat i entsuf f er i ngf r om hy per t ensi onhadt he accompany i ng di seases:cor onar y hear t di sease, at r i um f i br i l l at i on,chr oni cbr onchi t i s.Thephy si ci an hasdeci dest ouseanagentf r om t hegr oupofadr enobl ocker s.Whi chagentshoul dbeused? A.Ti mol ol B.Anapr i l i ne C.Met opr ol ol * D.Reser pi ne E.Cl ophel i ne( Cl oni di ne) 22.I ndi cat et hemechani sm ofact i onofanapr i l i ne: A.Bl ockadeofal pha1adr enor ecept or s B.Bl ockadeofbet a1adr enor ecept or s C.Bl ockadeofbet a1-andbet a2adr enor ecept or s* D.Bl ockadeofal pha-andbet aadr enor ecept or s E.Bl ockadeofbet a2adr enor ecept or s 23.I ndi cat et hemechani sm ofact i onofmet opr ol ol : A.Bl ockadeofal pha1adr enor ecept or s B.Bl ockadeofbet a1adr enor ecept or s* C. Bl ockade of bet a1- and bet a2adr enor ecept or s D. Bl ockade of al pha- and bet aadr enor ecept or s E.Bl ockadeofbet a2adr enor ecept or s 16.A pat i entwhohadbeensuf f er i ngf r om ar t er i al hy per t ensi on was t r eat ed wi t h an agent whi ch mechani sm ofact i oni sconnect edwi t hexhaust i onof nor epi nephr i necont enti nsy mpat het i cner v eendi ng. I ndi cat et hi sagent : A.Cl ophel i ne( Cl oni di ne) B.Anapr i l i ne C.Pr azosi n D.Met opr ol ol E.Reser pi ne* 24.I ndi cat et hecl i ni cal usef orbet aadr enobl ocker s: A.Ar t er i al hy pot ensi on B.Ar t er i al hy per t ensi on* C.Br onchi al ast hma D.At r i ov ent r i cul arbl ockade E.Obl i t er at i ngendar t er i t i s 17.El ongat i onofPQi nt er v alwasr ev eal edonECG. I ndi cat et hedr ug, whi chcancauset hi sef f ect : A.Pr azosi n B.At enol ol * C.Reser pi ne D.Oct adi ne( Guanet hi di ne) E.Phent ol ami ne 25.I ndi cat et he pr i nci pl e oft he sy mpat hol y t i cs’ act i on: A.Bl ockadeofal phaadr enor ecept or s B.Bl ockadeofexci t at i ont r ansmi ssi onont hel ev elof t headr ener gi cner v eendi ngs* C.Act i v at i on of exci t at i on on t he l ev elof t he adr ener gi cner v eendi ngs D.Bl ockadeofal pha-andbet aadr enor ecept or s E.I nhi bi t i onoft heenzy meswhi chdest r oyadr enal i ne 18.A pat i entsuf f er i ngf r om hy per t ensi onhadt he accompany i ng di seases:cor onar y hear t di sease, at r i um f i br i l l at i on,chr oni cbr onchi t i s.Thephy si ci an hasdeci dest ouseanagentf r om t hegr oupofadr enobl ocker s.Whi chagentshoul dbeused? A.Ti mol ol B.Anapr i l i ne C.Met opr ol ol * D.Reser pi ne E.Cl ophel i ne( Cl oni di ne) 26.I ndi cat et hephar macol ogi cal ef f ect sofr eser pi ne: A.Reduct i oni nt hegast r i cj ui cesecr et i on B.Exci t at i onoft heCNS C.Di ar r hea D.I ncr easei nt hegast r oi nt est i nal mot i l i t y E.Decr easeoft hear t er i al pr essur eand br ady car di a* 27.A 60y . o.mal epat i enthasa9y earhi st or yof di abet es and t akes i nsul i n Semi l ent e f or t he cor r ect i onofhy per gl y cemi a.10day sagohebegan t aki ng anapr i l i ne f orhy per t ensi on.One houraf t er admi ni st r at i on of t he ant i hy per t ensi v e dr ug t he pat i entdev el opedhy pogl y cemi ccoma.Whati st he mechani sm ofhy pogl y cemi ai n caseofanapr i l i ne use?2013 A.Decr easei ngl ucoseabsor pt i on B.I ncr easei nbi oav ai l abi l i t yofi nsul i n 19.A pat i entwhohasbeensuf f er i ngf r om sev er e f or m ofar t er i alhy per t ensi on was di agnosed wi t h pheochr omocy t oma( t umorofadr enalmedul l awhi ch i s accompani ed by i ncr eased sy nt hesi s of epi nephr i ne) .I ndi cat et he dr ug gr oup t ot r eatt he pat i entbef or esur gi cal t r eat ment : phaadr enobl ocker s* B.Al phaadr enomi met i cks C.Gangl i obl ocker s D.Sy mpat homi met i cs aadr enobl ocker s 20.I ndi cat et hecl i ni calappl i cat i onf oruseofal pha18 Semi l ent e C.I ncr easei ni nsul i nSemi l ent ehal f l i f e D.I nhi bi t i onofgl y cogenol y si s* E.Reduct i onofgl ucagonhal f l i f e 28.Apat i entwi t har t er i al hy per t ens i onhasbeent r e at i ng wi t hr es er pi nef oral ongper i odoft i me. 23week sagohe dev el opeds t omac hac he, hear t bur n, naus ea.I ndi c at et he gr oup ofdr ugs whi c hi s abl et o ant agoni z et hes e s y mpt oms ? A.Mchol i nobl ocker s* B. Ast r i ngentdr ugs C.Ant aci ds D.Pr ot onpumpi nhi bi t or s E.H2hi st ami nobl ocker s B.Act i v at i ngant i t hr ombi nI I I , i nhi bi t i ngt hr ombi n C.Bl oc k i ngpl a t e l e taggr e gat i onbypr e v e nt i ngbr i dgi ng be t we e n gl y copr ot ei n I I b/ I I I a r ecept or s on nei ghbour i ngpl at el et s D.I nhi bi t i ng hepat i cv i t ami n Kdependentcl ot t i ng f act orsy nt hesi s E.Pr ev ent i ngpl at el etaggr egat i onbyi nhi bi t i ng t hr omboxaneA2sy nt hesi s* 5.Aspi r i n causes si gni f i cantbr onchospasm and br onchospasm i n pat i ent s who ar e subsequent l y descr i bedas‘ aspi r i nsensi t i v e’ .Whi chmechani sm i s i nv ol v ed? A.Bl ockedepi nephr i nebi ndi ngt obet a2r ecept or son ai r waysmoot hmuscl ecel l s B.Dr ugmedi at edhy per sensi t i v i t yofH1 r ecept or son ai r waysmoot hmuscl es C.I nhi bi t edsy nt hesi sofendogenousPGst hathav e br onchodi l at oract i v i t y* D. Dr ugmedi at ed hy per sensi t i v i t y of muscar i ni c r ecept or sonai r waysmoot hmuscl ecel l s E.Enhancedf or mat i onofant i bodi esdi r ect edagai nst t hesal i cy l at eonai r waymastcel l s 29.Whi c h dr ug i nt er f er es wi t ht he c y c l oox y genas e pat hwayofpr os t agl andi nss y nt hes i sbynons el ec t i v el y i nhi bi t i ngbot hCOX1andCOX2? A.Mel oxi cam B.Cel ecoxi b C.Par acet amol e D.I ndomet haci n* E.Nal t r exone 3 6Whi chsy mpt om woul dbesuggest i v et hatpl asma l ev el s ofaspi r i n ar e get t i ng t oo hi gh – supr at her apeut i c? A.Const i pat i on B.Cough C.Ti nni t us* D.My opi a E.Hy per t ensi on 7.A pat i entt akesanacut e,massi v eov er doseof aspi r i n, whi ch may be f at al wi t hout pr oper i nt er v ent i on.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngcondi t i onswoul d y ouexpecti nt headv anced( l at e)st agesofaspi r i n? A.Met abol i cal kal osi s B.Respi r at or yal kal osi s C.Respi r at or yal kal osi s+met abol i caci dosi s* D.Hy pot her mi a E.Vent i l at or yst i mul at i on 8.I naddi t i ont opr ov i di ngsy mpt omat i c,suppor t i v e car e,whi choft hef ol l owi ngdr ugswoul dbeahel pf ul adj unctt omanagesev er easpi r i npoi soni ng? A.Acet ami nophen B.Acet y l cy st ei ne C.Di azepam D.Sodi um bi car bonat e* E.Uni t hi ol 9.I naddi t i ont opr ov i di ngsy mpt omat i c,suppor t i v e car e,whi choft hef ol l owi ngdr ugswoul dbeahel pf ul adj unct t o manage sev er e Par acet amol ( Acet ami nophen)poi soni ng? A.Nal oxone B.Acet y l cy st ei ne* C.Di azepam D.Sodi um bi car bonat e E.Uni t hi ol 10.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngcondi t i onsi st hepr i mar y cause of deat h f r om massi v e Par acet amol ( Acet ami nophen)over doses? A.Acut enephr opat hy B.St at usepi l ept i cus 4.TheAgent sAf f ect i ngt heCNS 4. 1Nonopi oi dAnal gesi cs 1.A58y . o.pat i entwi t har t hr i t i scompl ai nsofnausea, di st r essi nepi gast r i um dur i ngt r eat mentwi t haspi r i n. Thedoct orhascancel l edi tandpr escr i bedaNSAI D f r om t he gr oup of sel ect i v e cy cl ooxy genase2 i nhi bi t or s.I ndi cat ei t : A.Anal gi n( Met ami zol e) B.But adi on( Phenyl but azone) C.Tr amadol e D.I ndomet haci n E.Mel oxi cam* 2.Whi c h dr ug i nt er f er es wi t ht he c y c l oox y ge nas e pat hwayofpr os t agl andi nss y nt hes i sbynons el ec t i v el y i nhi bi t i ngbot hCOX1andCOX2? A.Mel oxi cam B.Cel ecoxi b C.Nal oxone D.Di cl of enacnat r i um * E.Nal t r exone 3.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngaspi r i nef f ect si sexpect ed i nusual t her apeut i cdoses? A.I nhi bi t edgr owt hofbact er i at hatcausef ev er asasy mpt om ofi nf ect i on B.I nhi bi t i onofur i caci dsy nt hesi s C. Pr ot ect i on agai nst br onchospasm i n ast hmat i cs D.Ef f i cacygr eat ert hanpar acet amol easant i i nf l ammat or yagent* E.Ef f i cacyl esst hanacet ami nophenf orr el i ev i ng si mpl eheadache 4.Whi ch of t he f ol l owi ng aspi r i n desi r ed ( and somet i mesunwant ed)ef f ect sonbl oodcl ot t i ngi s i nv ol v ed? A.Bl ocki ngpl at el etr ecept or sf orADP 19 C.St at usast hmat i cus D.AVconduct i ondi st ur bances E.Li v erf ai l ur e* * 17.Pai ni nt hebackdev el opedaf t ert hel i f t i ngof heav y l oads, and l umbosacr al r adi cul i t i s was di agnosed.I ti sknownf r om t heanamnesi st hata pat i entwassuf f er i ngf r om ul ceroft heduodenum f or al ongper i odoft i me.Maket her at i onalchoi ceof NSAI D: A.But adi on B.Di cl of enacsodi um C.I ndomet haci n D.Mel oxi cam * E.Aspi r i n How do Met hot r exat e, gol d sal t s, Hydr oxychl or oqui ne ( Pl aqueni l ) , or Peni ci l l ami ne di f f erf r om ‘ t r adi t i onal ’ NSAI DsasDi cl of enacnat r i um orI ndomet haci ni nt hecont extofmanagi ngar t hr i t i c 11. i nf l ammat or ydi sease? A.Act i v at et hei mmunesy st em r esponses B.Ar er emar kabl yf r eef r om ser i oust oxi ci t i es C.Ar e pr i mar yt her api es f orhy per ur i cemi a,gout , gout yar t hr i t i s D.Pr ov i demuchqui ckerr el i efofar t hr i t i ssy mpt oms E.Sl ow st op,possi bl yr ev er se j oi ntpat hol ogy i n r heumat oi dar t hr i t i s* 18.Gum bl eedi ngar osei nt hepat i entaf t erext r act i on oft het oot h.I twasr ev eal edf r om anamnesi st hatt he pat i enti ssuf f er i ng f r om r heumat oi d ar t hr i t i s,and wast r eat edwi t haspi r i n.I ndi cat et her easonofar i sen bl eedi ng: A.Suppr essi onofsy nt hesi sofur i caci d B.Pr omot i onoft hr ombol y si s C.I nhi bi t i onofhaemopoi esi s D.Decr easi ngofbl oodcoagul at i on E.Suppr essi onoft hr omboxanesy nt hesi s* 12.Themai nr easonf orusi ngcel ecoxi b( sel ect i v e COX2i nhi bi t or )r at hert han a nonsel ect i v e COX i nhi bi t or( aspi r i n)i st hatcel ecoxi b: A.Cur esar t hr i t i s, r at hert hanj ustgi v esy mpt om r el i ef B.Ef f ect i v el yi nhi bi t sur i caci dsy nt hesi s C.Hasal owr i skofcar di ot oxi ci t y D.I s associ at ed wi t hal owerr i sk ofgast r i c or duodenal ul cer at i on* E.Hassi gni f i cantf ast eronsetofact i on 19.Ut i l i zat i onofar achi doni caci dv i acy cl ooxygenase pat hway r esul t si nf or mat i on ofsome bi oact i v e subst ances.Namet hem: A.Bi ogeni cami nes B.I nsul i nl i kegr owt hf act or s C.Thy r oxi ne D.Pr ost agl andi ns* E.Somat omedi ns 13.A 46 y . o.pat i enthas been di agnosed wi t h r heumat oi dpol y ar t hr i t i s.Whi chagenti sappr opr i at e f ort hi spat i ent ? A.Di cl of enac( Vol t ar en) B.Aspi r i n* C.But adi on( Pheny l but az one) D.Par acet amol E.Tr amadol e 20.Fort het r eat mentofchr oni cr heumat oi dar t hr i t i s, t hepat i enthast akenamedi ci nef oral ongt i me. Lat eron,weakness,mal ai se and necr ot i c angi na hav edev el oped.Ther ei sadecr easeofgr anul ocy t es i nbl oodanal y si s. Whatdr ugcoul dcausesuchcompl i cat i on? A.Par acet amol B.Aspi r i n C.Pi r oxi cam D.Anal gi n( Met ami zol e)* E.Mel oxi cam 14.A60y . o.pat i entwi t hr heumat oi dpol y ar t hr i t i shas beent aki ngi ndomet haci nf oral ongt i me.Whati st he mechani sm ofact i onoft hi sdr ug? A.Bl ockadeofl i poxy genase B.Bl ockadeofacet y l chol i nest er ase C.Bl ockadeofcy cl ooxy genase* D.Bl ockadephosphodi est er ase E.Bl ockadeofphosphol i pase 15.Achi l dwi t hf ev erwasgi v enadr ugwi t hst r ong ant i py r et i c act i on and no i nf l ammat or yact i v i t y .I t under goes i nact i v at i on t hr ough conj unct i on wi t h gl ut at hi one. At t oxi c doses i t can damage hepat ocy t es. Dur i ng poi soni ng ant i dot es ar e Acet yl cyst ei neandMet hi oni ne.Def i net hi sagent : A.Par acet amol * B.Aspi r i n C.Ni mesul i de D.Cel ecoxi b E.Mel oxi cam 21.A pat i entwi t h gouthas t aken a dr ug,whi ch decr eased a j oi ntpai n.I naf ew day s,nausea, v omi t i ng,di ar r hea,abdomi nalpai n,andedemahav e dev el oped. Whi chdr ughasbeent akenbyt hepat i ent ? A.Par acet amol B.Mel oxi cam C.Cel ecoxi b D.But adi on( Phenyl but azone)* E.Nal t r exone 16.Ataspi r i nover dose,met hodofur i neal kal i zat i on i sused.Thi smet hodi sdi r ect edt o: A.St i mul at e a secr et i on oft he aci di n pr oxi mal t ubul es B.Neut r al i zeaci di nbl ood C.St i mul at er eabsor pt i onoft heaci di nt ubul es D.Suppr ess a secr et i on oft he aci di n pr oxi mal t ubul es E.Suppr essr eabsor pt i onoft heaci di nr enalt ubul es 22. A pat i ent wi t h r heumat oi d ar t hr i t i s was pr escr i bed aNSAI D – Di cl of enacsodi um.Af t era per i odoft i met hepat i entexper i encedaggr av at i onof aconcomi t antdi seaset hatf or cedt owi t hdr aw t he dr ug.Whatconcomi t antdi seasecoul dl eadt ot he dr ug’ swi t hdr awal ? A.Di abet esmel l i t us B.I schaemi chear tdi sease С.Pept i cul cerofast omach* 20 D.Br onchi al ast hma E.Hy per t ensi v edi sease r espi r at or ydi seaseandt emper at ur er i seupt o39oC hascal l edi nadoct or .Thedoct ori nsi st edonher av oi di ngt aki ngpar acet amol ,becausei nt hi sper i od 2016 ofpr egnancyt her ei sar i skofi t s: A.Fet ot oxi ci t y B.Embr y ot oxi ci t y C.Ter at ogeni ci t y* D.Hepat ot oxi ci t y E.Al l er geni ci t y 23.Aspi r i ncausesant i i nf l ammat or yact i oni nr esul t ofdepr essi onoft hecy cl ooxy genaseact i v i t y .Lev elof whatbi ol ogi cal l yact i v esubst ancewi l l dr op? A.Bi ogeni cami nes B.Pr ost agl andi ns* C.I odt hy r oni nes D.Leukot r i enes E.Cat echol ami nes 30.Apat i entwhohadbeent aki ngdi cl of enacsodi um f orar t hr i t i sofmandi bul arj oi ntdev el opedanacut e condi t i onofgast r i cul cer .Suchsi deef f ectoft hi s medi ci ne i s caused byi nhi bi t i on oft he f ol l owi ng 2016 enzy me: A.Phosphodi est er ase B.Li poxy genase C.Cy cl ooxy genase1( COX1) * D.Cy cl ooxy genase2( COX2) E.Monoami neoxi dase 24.A f emal e consul t ed a doct oraboutpai n and l i mi t edmov ement si nt hekneej oi nt s.Whi choft he f ol l owi ngNSAI Dsshoul dbeadmi ni st er edt aki ngi nt o consi der at i ont hatt hepat i enthasahi st or yofchr oni c gast r oduodeni t i s?2011 A.Pr omedol B.But adi on C.Acet y l sal i cy l i caci d D.Di cl of enacsodi um E.Cel ecoxi b* 4. 2Opi oi dAnal gesi csandAnt agoni st s 25.Apat i enthasbeendi agnosedwi t hi nf l uenza.Hi s condi t i on became dr ast i cal l y wor se af t er t aki ng ant i py r et i cdr ugs.Hi sconsci ousnessi sconf used, AP i s80/ 50mm Hg,psi s140/ mi n.Bodyt emper at ur e dr opped down t o 35. 8° C. What compl i cat i on dev el opedi nt hi spat i ent ?2012 A.Hy per t her mi a B.Hy pov ol emi a C.Al kal osi s D.Aci dosi s E.Col l apse* 1.I ndi cat e a sy nt het i c opi oi d anal gesi c,whi ch i ncr easesmy omet r i um cont r act i onandr el axest he neckofut er usandi sadmi ni st er edi nl abour : A.Omnopon B.Pr omedol ( Tr i meper i di ne)* C.Mor phi ne D.Fent any l E.Fenot er ol 2.Aper sonwhowasphy si cal l ydependentonher oi n buy sadr ugi nt hest r eet .Het akesi tandr api dl ygoes i nt owi t hdr awal .Whi choft hef ol l owi ngdr ugsdi dhe t ake? A.Her oi n B.Pent azoci ne* C.Mor phi ne D.Pr omedol ( Tr i meper i di ne) E.Omnopon 26.Apat i entwi t har t hr i t i sandv ar i cosev ei nshas beent ak i ngaNSAI Df oral ongt i me, whi chcaused t hr ombosi sofski nv ei ns.Whi choft hef ol l owi ng dr ugsmi ghthav ecausedt hi scompl i cat i on? A.I ndomet haci n B.I bupr of en C.Cel ecoxi b* D.Pheny l but azone E.Aspi r i n 3.Apat i entwi t hsev er e,acut et r aumapai nr equi r es anal gesi a.Thephy si ci anpr escr i besmor phi ne.Whi ch oft hef ol l owi ngconcomi t antcondi t i onswoul dpose t hegr eat estr i skf r om mor phi ne’ suse? A.Acut epul monar yedema B.Hy per t ensi on C.Cl osedheadi nj ur y* D.Opi oi dabuse E.Recentmy ocar di al i nf ar ct i on 27.Apat i enthasbeenadmi ni st er edanant i i nf l ammat or ydr ugt hatbl ockst heact i v i t yof cy cl ooxy genase.Speci f yt hi sant i i nf l ammat or yagent : 2013 A.Anal gi n B.Al l opur i nol C.Thi ami ne D.Cr eat i ne E.Aspi r i n* 4.Al loft hef ol l owi ngst at ement sconcer ni ngf ent anyl ar ecor r ectexcept : A.I thasl esspot entanal gesi cact i v i t yt hant hat ofmor phi ne* B.I thasshor t erdur at i onofact i ont hant hatof mor phi ne. C.I ti sef f ect i v epar ent er al l y D.I tcausesami l derwi t hdr awal sy ndr omet han mor phi ne. E.I thast hegr eat estact i ononμr ecept or s 28.Apat i entwi t har t hr i t i sandv ar i cosev ei nshas beent aki nganonst er oi dal ant i i nf l ammat or ydr ug f oral ongt i me, whi chcausedt hr ombosi sofski n v ei ns.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngdr ugsmi ghthav e causedt hi scompl i cat i on?2013 A.I ndomet haci n B.I bupr of en C.Aspi r i n D.Cel ecoxi b* E.Pheny l but azone 5.Whi chst at ementaboutpent azoci nei si ncor r ect ? A.I ti sami xedagoni st ant agoni st B.I tmaybeadmi ni st er edPOorpar ent er al l y 29. An 8week pr egnant woman wi t h acut e 21 C.I tpr oducesl esseuphor i at hanmor phi ne D.I ti sof t encombi nedwi t hmor phi nef ormaxi mal anal gesi cef f ect s* E.Hi ghdosesofpent azoci nei ncr easeAP D.I nhi bi t i onofcy cl ooxy genase E.I nhi bi t i onofpr ost agl andi nsy nt hesi s 13.A dr ugabuserwi t hsy mpt omsofov erdosage wi t hnar cot i canal gesi cshasar r i v edatr esusci t at i on uni t . Compl et ed emer gency act i ons appear ed i nef f i ci ent .Whatwast hemostl i kel ycauseofdeat h? A.Renal f ai l ur e B.Li v erf ai l ur e C.Col l apse D.I nhi bi t i onofr espi r at or ycent er* E.Br onchospasm 14.Mor phi neunder goesgl ucur oni dat i oni nt hel i v er . Bi ndi ngoft hedr ugwi t hgl ucur oni caci ddur i ngi t s bi ot r ansf or mat i onwi l l : A.I ncr easei t sphar macody nami cact i v i t y B.I ncr easei t swat ersol ubi l i t y* C.Reducei t swat ersol ubi l i t y D.Notchangei t sphar macody nami cact i v i t y E.I nduceCYP450sy st em 15. The pat i ent was admi ni st er ed a nar cot i c anal gesi c, agoni st ant agoni stofopi oi dr ecept or st hat i sweakert hanmor phi ne.Whati st heagent ? A.Nal t r exone B.Fent any l C.Pent azoci ne* D.Codei nephosphat e E.Nal oxone 6. I n t he post oper at i v e per i od pr omedol was admi ni st er edcont i nuousl yt oapat i ent .Cancel l at i on oft hemedi cat i oncausedheav yment alandsomat i c di sor der s.Whati st hi sphenomenondesi gnat ed? A.Cancel l at i onsy ndr ome B.I di osy ncr asy C.Tachy phy l axi s. D.St eal i ngsy ndr ome E.Abst i nentsy ndr ome* 7. Mor phi nehy dr ochl or i dehasbeengi v ent or educ epai n att r aumat i cs hoc k .I ndi c at et hemec hani s m ofac t i onof t hedr ug: ABl ockofper i pher al sensat i onr ecept or s B.I nhi bi t i onofpr ost agl andi nssy nt hesi s C.Bl ockadeofopi oi dr ecept or s D.St i mul at i onofopi oi dr ecept or s* E.Bl ockadeofadr enor ecept or s 8.I ndi c at et hedr ugs t i mul at i ngt heopi oi dr ec ept or si n t heCNS, whi c hl eadst oi nhi bi t i onoft het r ans mi s s i onof pai ni mpul s es . A.I ndomet haci n B.Bupr enor phi ne* C.Acet y l sal i cy l i caci d D.Anal gi n E.Nal oxone 9. Nal t r exonewasadmi ni st er edt oa23y . o. mant ot r eat her oi nmani a.I ndi cat et hemechani sm ofact i onoft he dr ug: A.St i mul at i onofopi oi dr ecept or s B.Bl ockadeofbenzodi azepi ner ecept or s C.Bl ockadeofadeny l cy cl ase D.Bl ockadeofGABAr ecept or s E.Bl ockadeofopi oi dr ecept or s* 10. Apat i enthass i gnsofac ut epoi s oni ngwi t hmor phi ne: mi os i s ,l os s ofc ons c i ous nes s ,dec r eas ed BP and Chey neSt ok es r es pi r at i on. Admi ni s t er t he phar mac ol ogi c al ant agoni s t : A.Nal or phi ne B.Pr omedol C.Pent azoci ne D.Nal oxone * E.Tr amadol e 11.A dr ug addi c twas admi t t ed t ot he emer genc y depar t menti nc omawi t hs i gnsofpoi s oni ngwi t hopi oi ds . Whatadv er s eef f ec tofmor phi ne cont r i but ed t ot he poi s oni ng? A.Const i pat i on B.Euphor i a C.Reduct i onofdi ur esi s D.Tachy phy l axi s E.Tol er ance* 12.Fent anylhasbeenadmi ni st er edt or educet he pai n atcar di ogeni c shock.Whati st he anal gesi c act i onmechani sm oft hedr ug? A.Bl ockadeofNa+channel s B.St i mul at i onofGABAr ecept or s C.St i mul at i onofopi oi dr ecept or s* 16.A 4y . o.chi l dwasadmi t t edt ot heor t hopedi c depar t ment wi t h shi n f r act ur e t oget her wi t h di spl acement .Bone f r agment sr eposi t i on r equi r es pr el i mi nar y anal gesi a. What dr ug shoul d be admi ni st er ed?2010 A.Mor phi nehy dr ochl or i de B.Pr omedol * C.Panadol D.Anal gi n E.Nal oxone 17.Whyi si tundesi r abl et ousemor phi nei npat i ent s wi t hheadi nj ur y ? A.I tpr ov okescar di acar r hy t hmi as B.I tr educesbl oodpr essur e C.I ncr easesi nt r acr ani al pr essur e D.I tcausesphy si ol ogi cal dependence E.I tsuppr essesr espi r at i on * 18.A30y . o.manhasbeenadmi t t edt ot hehospi t al r ecept i onaf t ercaracci dentwi t hhi pf r act ur e.Hehas decr easedBP,t hr eadl i kepul se,l ocalt ender nessof t hebr okenhi p.Whati snecessar yt oadmi ni st erf or t r aumat i cshockpr ev ent i on? A.Pr omedol B.Nal t r exone C.Fent any l* D.Nal oxone E.Aspi r i n 19.A 65 woman wi t h br eas tc anc erhas r ec ei v ed mor phi nef oral ongt i me.Whatdoesnotbel ongt ot he phar mac ol ogi c al ef f ec t sofmor phi ne? A.Const i pat i on B.I nhi bi t i onofr espi r at or ycent er C.Spasm ofOddi sphi nct er D.Decr easeofr at eofr espi r at i on 22 E.My dr i asi s* C.Mor phi ne * D.Ni mesul i de E.Di cl of enacsodi um 20.Whi chst at ementaboutPent azoci nei si ncor r ect ? A.I ti sami xedagoni st ant agoni st B.I ti sadmi ni st er edor al l yorpar ent er al l y C.I tpr oducesl esseuphor i at hanmor phi ne D.I ti sof t encombi nedwi t hmor phi nef ormaxi mal anal gesi cef f ect s* E.Hi ghdosesofpent azoci nei ncr easeBP 4. 3Neur ol ept i cs, Tr anqui l i zer s, Sedat i v es 1.A 42 y . who hasbeen i nj ur ed i n a car acci denti s br oughtt ot he emer gency r oom.Hi s bl ood al coholl ev elon admi ssi on i s 250 mg/ dL. Hospi t alr ecor ds show a pr i orhospi t al i zat i on f or al coholr el at edsei zur es.Hi swi f econf i r mst hathe hasbeendr i nki ngheav i l yf or3weeks. Whatt r eat mentshoul dbepr ov i dedt ot hepat i ent i fhegoesi nt owi t hdr awal ? A. Di azepam * B. Phenobar bi t al C. Pent obar bi t al D. Di pheni n( Pheny t oi n) E. None 21.Exami nat i on ofa pat i entr ev eal ed ext r emel y my ot i c pupi l s,l abour ed Chai nSt ock’ sr espi r at i on, ur i nar yr et ent i on,sl owi ngdownofHR,l ow BP and enhanced spi nalr ef l exes.Whatagentcaused t he poi soni ng? A.Nar cot i canal gesi cs* B.Nonnar cot i canal gesi cs C.Muscur i ni cr ecept orbl ocker s D.Local anaet het i cs E.Bet aadr enobl ocker s 22.A pat i enthasbeendi agnosedwi t ht r ansmur al my ocar di ali nf ar ct i on.Whatdr ugshoul dbegi v ent o pr ev entcar di ogeni cshock?2012 A.Phent ol ami ne B.Anal gi n C.Pr omedol * D.Oct adi ne E.Reser pi ne 23.Apat i entdi agnosedwi t hmor phi ni sm hasbeen admi t t edt ot henar col ogi caldepar t ment .A doct or not ed a decr ease i n phar macol ogi calact i v i t y of mor phi ne.Repet i t i v euseoft hedr ugmayr esul ti n t ol er ancet oi t sef f ect , andt hi sphenomenoni scal l ed: 2.A17y . o.pat i entc ons ul t edadoc t orabouti ns omni a mani f es t edi nhar df al l i ngas l eept hatl edt of at i gue, weak nes s ,and di f f i c ul t y of l ear ni ng. The c l i ni c al ex ami nat i on r e v eal ed i r r i t abi l i t y ,emot i onali ns t abi l i t y , pul s eandBP al t er at i on.Thedoc t ordet er mi nedt hat i nsomni awasassoci at edwi t hneur osi sl i kest at eand v eget ov ascul ardi st oni a.Choose t he mostr at i onal agentf orcor r ect i onoft hi scondi t i on. A.Dr oper i dol B.Ni t r azepam * C.Ami nazi ne( Chl or pr omazi ne) D.Phenobar bi t al E.Hal oper i dol 2012 A.Cumul at i on B.Al l er gy C.Ant agoni sm D.Addi ct i on* E.Tachy phy l axi s 3. A pat i ent has been t aki ng a mi xt ur e f or neur ast heni a f or a week. He f el t bet t er , but conj unct i v i t i s,r ash,i ner t i a,decr ease of memor y appear ed.He has been di agnosed wi t h br omi sm. Whatshoul dbeadmi ni st er ed? A.Nal oxone B.At r opi ne C.Panangi n D.Sodi um chl or i de* E.Pi l ocar pi ne 24. A pat i ent wi t h ur ol i t hi asi s has unbear abl e spasmodi cpai n.Topr ev entpai nshock,hehasbeen gi v enani nj ect i onofat r opi neal ongwi t hanar cot i c anal gesi chav i ngant i spasmodi cef f ect s.Whatdr ug wasi t ?2013 A.Tr amadol e B.Pr omedol ( Tr i meper i di ne)* C.Mor phi nehy dr ochl or i de D.Et hy l mor phi nehy dr ochl or i de E.Nal or phi ne 4. Choose dr ug combi nat i on pr oduci ng neur ol ept anal gesi a. A.Hal oper i dol +Par acet amol B.Dr oper i dol +Nal oxone C.Di cl of enacnat r i um +Hal oper i dol D.Dr oper i dol +Fent any l ( I nnovar )* E.Ami nazi ne+Ni mesul i de 25.A pat i enti s di agnosed wi t h acut e mor phi ne hy dr ochl or i de i nt oxi cat i on.Admi ni st eran oxi di zi ng 2016 agentf orgast r i cl av age: A.Pot assi um per manganat e* B.Sul f ocamphocai ne( Pr ocai ne+ Sul f ocamphor i caci d) C.Chl or ami ne D.Cer i gel E.Chl or hexi di ne( bi ) gl uconat e 5.A 45 y . o.pat i entdev el oped t he s y mpt oms of par k i ns oni s m dur i ng ps y c hos i s t r eat ment . Whi c h ant i ps y c hot i cdr ughaspr obabl ybeenused? A.Sul pi r i de( Egl oni l ) B.Ti apr i de C.Cl ozapi ne D.Ami nazi ne( Chl or pr omazi ne)* E.Di azepam 26.Due t o sev er e pai n sy ndr ome a pat i entwas pr escr i bedanar cot i canal gesi c.Namet hedr ug: A.Met ami zol e( Anal gi n) B.I ndomet haci n 6.A40y . o.pat i entwasadmi t t edt ot hepsy chi at r i c cl i ni ci nast at eofexci t at i on,aggr essi on,del i r i um. Whatdr ugshoul dbeadmi ni st er edt ot hepat i ent ? 23 A.Reser pi ne B.Ami nazi ne( Chl or pr omazi ne) * C.Di azepam D.Di cl of enacsodi um E.Sodi um oxy but y r at e D.Fl umazeni l * E.Al l oxi m 13.Whi chgr oupofdr ugsi susedasmoodst abi l i zer s i nmani cdepr essi v epsy chosi s? A.Ant i depr essant s B.Sedat i v es C.Neur ol ept i cs D.Tr anqui l i zer s E.Li t hi um sal t s* 14.Whi chdr ugshoul dbeadmi ni st er edt oapat i enti n t hecaseofpoi soni ngwi t hdr oper i dolt ost abi l i zeBP? A.Pl at y phy l l i n B.St r ophant hi n* C.Adr enal i ne D.Mesat on E.Met opr ol ol 15.The maj or i t yofdr ugsf r om t hi sgr oup pr oduc e ex pr es s eds edat i v ehy pnot i candmy or el ax antac t i ont hat i swhyt heydec r eas ec onc ent r at i onandr eac t i ont i meof t hec ur edpat i ent s . Det er mi net hi sgr oup: A.Tr anqui l i zer s* B.Bet aadr enomi met i cs C.Sy mpat homi met i cs D.Sal i cy l at es E.Monoami nooxi dasei nhi bi t or s 16. Ther e i s a necessi t y t o admi ni st er an ant i psy chot i cdr ugt oapat i entwi t hpar ki nsoni sm. Whi chneur ol ept i chast hel eastr i skf ort hepat i ent ? A.Ami nazi ne( Chl or pr omazi ne) B.Dr oper i dol C.Tr i f t azi ne D.Cl ozapi ne( Leponex) * E.Hal oper i dol 17.Ami naz i ne was admi ni s t er ed t o a pat i entwi t h s c hi z ophr eni a. Whi c h phar mac ody nami c ef f ec t of ami naz i nei st hebas i cf ort hi spat i ent ? A.Anxi ol y t i c B.Ant i psy chot i c* C.My or el axant D.Hy pot ensi v e E.Hy pot her mi c 18. A 45 y . o. pat i ent suf f er s f r om neur osi s char act er i zed by i r r i t abi l i t y , sl eepl essness, and mot i v el essanxi et y .Whatdr ugwoul del i mi nat eal lt he sy mpt oms? A.Lev odopa B.Py r acet am C.Val er i anext r act D.Di azepam * E.Caf f ei nesodi um benzoat e 19.Amet hodofgener alhy pot her mi ai snecessar yt o use f orper f or mi ng an oper at i v e measur e.Whi ch agent i n combi nat i on wi t h phy si calcool i ng wi l l pr ov i det heexpr essedhy pot her mi a? A.Sul pi r i de( Egl oni l ) B.Ti apr i de C.Chl or di azepoxi de( Chl ozepi de) D.Li t hi um car bonat e E.Ami nazi ne* 20.I ndi cat e a dr ug wi t h st r ong,qui ck butshor t neur ol ept i cact i on.I tpot ent at esact i onofanal gesi cs, hy pnot i cs,and al cohol ,possesses ant i shock and 7.A pat i ent ,get t i ng t r eat mentf orneur osi s wi t h Di azepam compl ai ns of a t oot hache.A doct or pr escr i bedananal gesi ci nal es sdos et hanav er age t her apeut i c .Whatphenomenon di d doc t ort ak ei nt o c ons i de r at i onwhi l edec r eas i ngt hedos e? A.Summat i on B.Cumul at i on C.Tol er ance D.Addi t i v eef f ect E.Pot ent i at i on* 8 A woman wi t h an act i v el i f est y l e consul t ed a doct orcompl ai ni ngofbadmood, mi gr ai ne, emot i onal l i abi l i t y ,and chestpai n.Whi ch dr ug shoul d be admi ni st er ed t aki ng i nt o accountt hatt he woman spendsal otoft i meatwor k? A.Gi dazepam * B.Phenazepam C.Tr i f t azi ne D.Phenobar bi t al E.Ami nazi ne( Chl or pr omazi ne) 9Apat i entv i si t edadoct orcompl ai ni ngofemot i onal i nst abi l i t y ,f eel i ngofpsy choemot i onalt ensi onand f ear on meet i ng hi s chi ef accompani ed by t achy car di a,hy per emi a oft he f ace,hand t r emor , sweat i ng.Thedoct ordi agnosedv eget at i v eneur osi s. Whi chdr ugshoul dbeadmi ni st er ed? A.Sul pi r i de( Egl oni l ) B.Ti apr i de C.Lor azepam * D.Sodi um br omi de E.Li t hi um car bonat e 10. Ane ur ol ept i cwi t hex pr es s edhy pot ens i v eac t i v i t yhas been admi ni s t er ed t o a pat i ent s uf f er i ng f r om s c hi z ophr eni a ac c ompani ed by ar t er i alhy per t e ns i on. I ndi c at et hi sdr ug: A.Hal oper i dol B.Ri sper i done C.Ami nazi ne( Chl or pr omazi ne)* D.Di azepam E.Tr i f t azi ne 11.At r uckdr i v erconsul t edadoct oraboutemot i onal t ensi on,anxi et y .Thedoct ordi agnosedneur ast heni a. Chooset hedayt i met r anqui l i zerf ort hi spat i ent : A.Phenazepam B.Mezapam * C.Chl ozepi de( chl or di azepoxi de) D.Di azepam E.Lor azepam 12.A26y . o.f emal ehast akennozepam f orneur osi s f oral ongt i me.Onedayshedev el opedweakness, nausea,sl ur r ed speech,di scoor di nat i on,unst eady gai t .Sheconsul t ed adoct orand headmi ni st er ed benzodi azepi neant agoni st .Det er mi net hi sant i dot e: A.I soni t r ozi ne B.Nal t r exone C.Nal oxone 24 ant i emet i cact i on, bel ongst obut y r ophenones: A.Cl ozapi ne B.Dr oper i dol * C.Sul pi r i de D.Ami nazi ne( Chl or pr omazi ne) E.Lor azepam 21.Apat i entaskedadoct orf orhel pt oov er comehi s f earbef or edent almani pul at i on.Whi chdr ugdi dt he doct orr ecommend? A.Sul pi r i de B.Ami nazi ne( Chl or pr omazi ne) C.Dr oper i dol D.Di azepam * E.Li t hi um car bonat e 27.I mpai r mentofmov ementcoor di nat i on,shi v er i ng oft hehandsandsl eepi nessdev el opedi napat i ent suf f er i ngf r om schi zophr eni aandt aki ngpsy chot r opi c dr ugs.I ndi cat et hi sgr oupofdr ugs. A.Neur ol ept i cs* B.Anal gesi cs C.Tr anqui l i zer s D.Ant i depr essant s E.Psy cost i mul ant s 28.I nt r oduct i onofami nazi net oapat i entsuf f er i ng f r om chr oni c al cohol i sm f or el i mi nat i on of aggr essi on and del i r i um, caused l oss of consci ousness.I ndi cat et hepr obabl er easonoft hi s compl i cat i on. A.Or t host at i ccol l apse* B.I nhi bi t i onoft her et i cul arf or mat i on C.Suppr essi onoft hel i mbi csy st em D.I mpai r mentofoxi dat i v epr ocessesi nt hebr ai n t i ssue E.I mpai r mentofcor onar yci r cul at i on 22.Gl ut amat edecar boxy l at i onr esul t si nf or mat i onof i nhi bi t or yt r ansmi t t eri nCNS.Namei t : A.Ser ot oni n B.GABA* C.Gl ut at hi one D.Hi st ami ne E.Aspar agi nes 29.I ndi cat et hedr ug f orel i mi nat i on oft heacut e psy chosi s f r om t he gr oup of der i v at i v es of phenot hi azi ne: A.Ami nazi ne( Chl or pr omazi ne) * B.Dr oper i dol C.Cl ozapi ne D.Sul pi r i de E.Ti apr i de 23.Adoc t orhasadmi ni s t er edanagentI Vt ot hepat i ent wi t hac ut eps y c hos i s ,whi c hac c ompani edbydel i r i um andhal l uc i nat i ons .Sy mpt omsofps y c hos i shav ebeen el i mi nat ed, butwhent hepat i enthasr i s enf r om abed, he bec ame pal e and l os tc ons c i ous nes s .The doc t or di agnos edor t hos t at i c( post ur al )c ol l aps e. Whi c hagenti s mos tl i k el yt oi nv ol v e? A.Reser pi ne B.Ami nazi ne* C.Di azepam D.Dr oper i dol E.Cl ozapi ne 24.A35y . o.pat i entwi t hschi z ophr eni acompl ai nsof di scoor di nat i on of mov ement ,t r emor of hands, dr owsi ness. Thepat i enthasbeent ak i ngapsy chot r opi c agentf oral ongt i me.Whi chgr oupi smostl i k el yt o i nv ol v e? A.Tr anqui l i zer s B.At y pi cal neur ol ept i cs C.Ty pi cal neur ol ept i cs* D.Ant i depr essant s E.Psy chost i mul ant s 25.Lor azepam hasbeenadmi ni st er edt oapat i ent wi t h hy per exci t abi l i t y , i r r i t abi l i t y , t ear f ul ness, sl eepl essness.Whati st hemechani sm i t sact i on? A.Bl ockadeofGABAr ecept or s B.Bl ockadeofbenzodi azepi ner ecept or s C.St i mul at i onofbenzodi azepi ner ecept or s* D.St i mul at i onofGABAr ecept or s E.Bl ockadedopami ner ecept or s 30.Det er mi ne t he gr oup ofdr ugs,whi ch doesn’ t causedr ugdependence. A.Neur ol ept i cs* B.Tr anqui l i zer s C.Bar bi t ur at es D.Opi oi danal gesi cs E.Pheny l al ky l ami nes 31.A doct oradmi ni st er ed ami nazi ne t o apat i ent suf f er i ngf r om schi zophr eni at oel i mi nat edel i r i um, hal l uci nat i ons, t o decr ease aggr essi on and psy chomot orexci t ement .Whati st hemechani sm of ant i psy chot i cact i onofami nazi ne? A.St i mul at i onofMchol i nor ecept or si nt heCNS B.St i mul at i onofopi oi dr ecept or s C.Bl ockadeofD2r ecept or si nt heCNS* D.St i mul at i onofadr ener gi canddopami ner ecept or s i nt heCNS E.I nhi bi t i onofMAO 32.Aneur ol ept i cf r om t hegr oupofbut y r ophenones wasadmi ni st er edt oapat i entwi t hal cohol psy chosi s. Det er mi net hedr ug: A.Ti apr i de B.Chl ozepi de( Chl or di azepoxi de) C.Sul pi r i de D.Hal oper i dol * E.Ami nazi ne( Chl or pr omazi ne) 33.A 32 y . o.woman wi t h compl ai nt soft emper , t i r edness,i nsomni a,i nt er nalt ensi onhasdi agnosed wi t h neur osi s and admi ni st er ed a t r anqui l i zer ( di azepam) .Whi ch ef f ect of t he dr ug i s mor e i mpor t anti nt hi ssi t uat i on? A.Ant i psy chot i c B.Anxi ol y t i c* 26.Hal oper i dolhasbeenadmi ni s t er edf ordel i r i um and hal l uc i nat i on. Whati st hemec hani s mofi t sant i ps y c hot i c ac t i on? A.Bl ockadeofr eupt akeofcat echol ami nes B. St i mul at i on of adr ener gi c and dopami ner gi c pr ocessesi nt heCNS C. I nhi bi t i on of adr ener gi c and dopami ner gi c pr ocessesi nt heCNS* D.Bl ockadeofMchol i nor 5ecept or s E.St i mul at i onofMchol i nor ecept or s 25 C.Ant i conv ul si v e D.My or el axant E.Ant i emet i c 34.A dent i sti nt r oduced di azepam t o a 47 y . o. woman bef or e ext r act i on of t oot h.I ndi cat et he anxi ol y t i cact i onmechani sm oft hedr ug: A.St i mul at i onofopi oi dr ecept or s B.I nhi bi t i on of dopami ne r ecept or s and adr enor ecept or s C. St i mul at i on dopami ne r ecept or s and adr enor ecept or s D.Agoni stofbenzodi azepi ner ecept or s* E.I nhi bi t i onofbenzodi azepi ner ecept or s ofbenzodi azepi ner ow hasbeenusedf oranal gesi a. Whi ch agenthasbeen admi ni st er ed f oranal gesi a 2014 pot ent i at i on? A.Car bamazepi ne B.Tr i f t azi ne C.Dr oper i dol D.Di azepam * E.I mi zi ne 35.A pat i entv i si t ed a doct orwi t h compl ai nt sof i r r i t abi l i t y ,i nsomni a,f at i gue.Adoct oradmi ni st er eda sedat i v edr ugt ohi m.I naweekt hepat i entbegant o compl ai nofcough,sl eepi ness,decr easeofmemor y , sy mpt oms of r hi ni t i s, conj unct i v i t i s, der mat i t i s. Whi chgr oupoft hedr ugswasadmi ni st er edbyt he doct or ? A.Neur ol ept i cs B.Tr anqui l i zer s C.Li t hi um D.Br omi des* E.Nonst er oi dal ant i i nf l ammat or yagent s 3. 4Hy pnot i c, Ant i epi l ept i cDr ugandPhar macol ogi c ManagementofPar ki nsoni sm 1.Whi choneoft hef ol l owi ngst at ement si scor r ect ? A.Ami nazi nei si ndi cat edi nt r eat i ngt henausea B.Vi t ami nB6i ncr easest heef f ect i v enessofl ev odopa C. Admi ni st r at i on of dopami ne i s an ef f ect i v e t r eat mentofPar ki nson΄ sdi sease D.Lev odopai nducednauseai sr educedbycar bi dopa E.Nonspeci f i cMAOi nhi bi t or s, suchasni al ami de,ar e ausef ul adj unctt ol evodopat her apy 2. Whi ch one of t he f ol l owi ng st at ement s i s I NCORRECT? A.Tr eat mentwi t hsel egel i ne( depr enyl )candel ayt he par ki nsoni ansy mpt oms B.Ov er t r eat mentofPar ki nson΄ sdi seasecanr esul ti n t hesy mt omsofpsy chosi s C.Di et sr i chi npr ot ei nmaydecr easet heef f ect sof l ev odopa D. Vi t ami n B6 decr eases t he ef f ect i v eness of l ev odopa E.Par ki nsoni an pat i ent s ar e char act er i zed by a i ncr eased r at i o of dopami ner gi c/ chol i ner gi c act i v i t yi nt heneost r i at um. 36.Whi chef f ecti snotdev el opedaf t erami nazi ne ( chl or pr omazi ne)admi ni st r at i on? A.Ant i emet i cact i on B.Hy pot her mi a C.Ar t er i al hy pot ensi on D.Ant i hi st ami neact i on E.St i mul at i onoft hebr ai ncor t ex* 37.A man dev el ops akat hi si a,a Par ki nsonl i ke sy ndr ome,gal act or r hea,andamenor r headur i ngt he t her apy .Whi ch of t he f ol l owi ng mechani sms i s i nv ol v ed? A.Bl ockadeofM chol i nor ecept or s B.St i mul at i onofdopami ner ecept or s C.Bl ockadeofal phaadr ener gi cr ecept or s D.Bl ockadeofdopami ner ecept or s* E.Bl ockadeofNchol i nor ecept or s 3.A v er yagi t at edy oungmal ewasbr oughtt ot he emer gency r oom by t he pol i ce. Psy chi at r i c exami nat i onr ev eal edt hathehadsnor t edcocai ne sev er alt i mesi nt hepastf ewday s;t hel astt i mewas 12hour sago.Hewasgi v enadr ug,whi chsedat ed hi m,andhef el lasl eep.Thedr ugv er yl i kel yusedt o count ert hi spat i ent ’ sappar entcocai newi t hdr awal was: A.Phenobar bi t al * B.Lor azepam C.Cocai ne D.Di pr azi ne( Pi pol phen) E.Fl uoxet i ne 38.Apat i entwhohasbeent r eat edi naneur alcl i ni c andhasbeent aki ngasedat i v ef oral ongt i megot t hef ol l owi ngcompl i cat i on:cough,r hi ni t i s,epi phor a ( l acr i mat i on) .Whatdr ugcausedt hesedi st ur bances? 2011 A.Sodi um br omi de* B.Phenazepam C.Reser pi ne D.Di azepam E.Val er i an 39.A pat i enthas r ecur r entat t acks ofepi l ept i c sei zur esandst ay sunconsci ousbet weent hem.I n or dert ost opconv ul si onst hedr ugsoft hef ol l owi ng 2013 gr oupshoul dbeusedi nt hef i r stpl ace: A.Sedat i v es B.Neur ol ept i cs C.Muscl er el axant s D.Tr anqui l i zer s* E.Anal ept i cs 40.Anopi oi danal gesi ci ncombi nat i onwi t hanagent 4.Dr ugofchoi cef orpsy chomot orepi l epsyi s: A.Val pr oi caci d B.Car bamazepi ne* C.Et hosuxi mi de D.Bar bi t ur at e E.Di pheni n 5.Whi ch ant i epi l ept i c act s by augment at i on of r el easeofi nhi bi t or yt r ansmi t t erGABAbyi nhi bi t i ngi t s degr adat i on ( by GABAt r ansami nase) as wel las pr obabl ybyi ncr easi ngi t ssy nt hesi s? 26 A.Val pr oi caci d* B.Car bamazepi ne C.Di pheni n( Pheny t oi n) D.Et hosuxi mi de E.Bar bi t ur at es E.Bl ockscent r al chol i nor ecept or s 13.Thedoct orhaspr escr i bedcy cl odolf orPar ki nson di seaset r eat ment .Whati st hemechani sm ofant i par ki nsoni anact i onoft hedr ug? A.M chol i nomi met i cact i on B.M chol i nobl ockeract i on* C.St i mul at i onofdopami ner ecept or s D.Bl ockadeofdopami ner ecept or s aAdr enobl ockeract i on 6.Whi chant i epi l ept i cact sbypr ol ongat i onofNa+ channel si nact i v at i onaswel l asbyi nhi bi t i ngki ndl i ng? Thedr ugal so hasant i di ur et i cact i on,pr obabl yby enhanci ngADHact i ononr enal t ubul es. A.Car bamazepi ne* B.Phenobar bi t al C.Dr oper i dol D.Val pr oat esodi um E.Et hosuxi mi de 14.A 56 y . o.pat i enthas t aken phenobar bi t ali n connect i onwi t hi nsomni a.Af t eracancel l at i onoft he dr ugt hepat i enthasdi f f i cul t yi nf al l i ngasl eepagai n, f r equent l ywakesupatni ght ;sl eepi saccompani ed bydr eadf uldr eams.Whati st her easonoft hegi v en undesi r abl eef f ectofphenobar bi t al ? A.Dependence B.I di osy ncr asy C.Tachy phy l axi s D.Reboundsy ndr ome* E.Tol er ance 7Whi chant i conv ul santi snotusedi ngener al i zed t oni ccl oni cconv ul si on? A.Phenobar bi t al B.Et hosuxi mi de* C.Di pheni n D.Di azepam E.Sodi um oxy but y r at e 15.A pat i entdef i ed hi sdoct or ’ si nst r uct i onsand cont i nued t o use phenobar bi t al over 3 weeks. Meanwhi l e,he was f or ced t oi ncr ease t he dr ug’ s dose.Howt oexpl ai nf al l i ngofphenobar bi t alef f i cacy ? A.Act i v at i onofl i pol y si s B.I nhi bi t i onofmonooxy genasesy st emsoft hel i v er C.I nduct i onofmonooxy genasesy st emsoft hel i v er* D.I nhi bi t i onofl i pol y si s E.I nduct i onofgl y col y si s 8.Al l ar eusedi nt het r eat mentofepi l epsyexcept : A.Et hosuxi mi de B.Reser pi ne* C.Lamot r i gi ne D.Di azepam E.Sodi um oxy but y r at e 9.Dr ug,whi chdecr easesexci t i ngneur ot r ansmi t t er ami noaci ds( gl ut amat e, aspar t at e)l ev el i nbr ai n: A.Di azepam B.Phenobar bi t al C. Sodi um v al pr oat e D.Car bamazepi ne E.Lamot r i gi ne* 16. A 56 y . o. man wi t h i nsomni a was gi v en phenobar bi t al .Thesl eepwasnor mal i zed.Howev er , af t er2weekst heef f ectofPhenobar bi t alf el ldown. Whatr easoncauseddecr easi ngofhy pnot i cact i onof phenobar bi t al ? A.I t spoorsol ubi l i t y B.Tol er ancedev el opment * C.I t spoorabsor pt i oni nt hest omach D.I t sf i xat i oni nl i pi ds E.Tachy phy l axi sdev el opment 10.A maj orpr obl em t hatmustbe f aced when admi ni st er i ng ant i conv ul sant s wi t h many ot her medi cat i ons ( i ncl udi ng ot her ant i epi l ept i c dr ugs) i nv ol v esdr ugi nt er act i onsduet oal t er edmet abol i sm. Whi ch oft he f ol l owi ng dr ugs i sl i kel yt o cause excessi v eort oxi cef f ect sf r om someot herdr ugsby i nhi bi t i ngmet abol i sm? A.Et hosuxi mi de B.Car bamazepi ne C.Phenobar bi t al D.Pheny t oi n E.Val pr oi caci d* 17.A pat i entwi t h epi l epsywas r ecommended a medi ci neknown asa pr opy l v al er i caci d der i v at i v e t hati nhi bi t sGABAt r ansf er aseandi ncr easesGABA l ev eli nt he br ai n;i nhi bi t s exci t abi l i t yand sei zur e capabi l i t yofmot orzoneoft heCNS.I tcanbeused R f oral l t y pesofepi l epsy .Namet hi smedi ci ne: A.Reser pi ne B.Di azepam ( Seduxen) C.Di pheni n D.Sodi um br omi de E.Sodi um v al pr oat e* 16.Admi ni s t ert oapat i entwi t hi ns omni aamoder n hy pnot i c .I ti sani mi daz opy r i di neder i v at i v e ;ac t i v at es benz odi az epi ner ec ept or si nt heCNS;doesnotal t er ei t hers l eeps t r uc t ur eorac t i v i t yofl i v erenz y mes ,does notc aus edependenc e: A.Phenobar bi t al B.Ni t r azepam C.Zol pi dem * D.Chl or al hy dr at e E.Fl umazeni l 11.Det er mi ne t he hy pnot i c dr ug,whi ch doesn’ t i nf l uencet hest r uct ur eofsl eep: A.Bar bi t al B.Phenobar bi t al C.Ni t r azepam * D.Thi opent al sodi um ( Aet hami nal umnat r um) E.Secobar bi t al 12.A pat i enthas been admi ni st er ed l evodopa i n compl ex t her apy of Par ki nson di sease. What changest hi sdr ugpr oducesi nt heCNS? A.Enhancesdopami nemedi at i on* B.Decr easesdopami nemedi at i on C.St i mul at esdopami ner ecept or s D.Bl ocksdopami ner ecept or s 27 17.Anat t ac kofgener al i z edt oni c c l oni cc onv ul s i ons ac c ompani ed byl os sofc ons c i ous nes sand gener al s uppr es s i onoft heCNSdev el opedi napat i entaf t er t r auma.Whi c hagents houl dbeadmi ni s t er edt ot hi s pat i e nt ? A.Et hosuxemi de B.Car bamazepi ne C.Phenobar bi t al D.Sodi um oxy but y r at e* E.Tr i met hi ne( Tr i met hadi one) 18. Sy mpt oms of poi soni ng wi t h der i v at i v e of bar bi t ur i caci dar er ev eal edi napat i ent .Whatdr ug can i ncr ease excr et i on ofbar bi t ur at es f r om t he or gani sm? A.Nat r i um chl or i de B.Sodi um hy dr ocar bonat e* C.Pot assi um chl or i de D.Magnesi um oxi de E.Magnesi um sul f at e 19.Whatphenomena may be dev el oped i nl ong t aki ngofbar bi t ur at es? A.Dr ugt ol er ance* B.Dr ugdependence C.Ext r apy r ami dal sy ndr ome D.Sensi bi l i zat i on E.I nhi bi t i onofenzy mesofl i v er 20.A pat i ent has consul t ed t he dent i st about hy per t r ophyandpai ni nt hegumsandhy perpl ast i c gi ngi v i t i s was di agnosed.I thas been est abl i shed f r om t heanamnesi s,t hatt hepat i enthast akenan ant i epi l ept i cagentf oral ongt i me.Speci f yt hi sdr ug: A.Phenobar bi t al B.Hexami di ne C.Di pheni n( Phenyt oi n)* D.Car bamazepi ne E.Tr i met hi ne( Tr i met hadi one) 21.Apat i entwi t hcr ani ocer ebr ali nj ur yhasgotbr ai n edemaandhy poxi ccr amps.Whatagentshoul dbe admi ni st er ed? A.Cor di ami n B.Anapr i l i ne( Pr opr anol ol ) C.Bemegr i de D.Sodi um oxy but i r at e* E.Pi r acet am 22.A57y . o.mani nacomahasbeendel i v er edt o hospi t al .I ti sknown f r om hi sanamnesi st hathe suf f er edf r om i nsomni a.Ati nspect i ont hef ol l owi ng i s r ev eal ed: r espi r at or y depr essi on, f al l en BP, o pr ogr essi ngcar di acweakness,decr easeofbodyt , i nhi bi t i onoft endonr ef l exes.Whatdr ugcoul dcause poi soni ng? A.Fl uoxet i ne B.Phenobar bi t al * C.Ti nct ur eofVal er i an D.Lev odopa E.Sodi um br omi de 23.A hy pnot i cdr ug wi t ht r anqui l l i zi ng ef f ectwas pr escr i bedt oapat i entwhosuf f er sf r om i nsomni a causedbyemot i onaldi sor der .Whathy pnot i cwas pr escr i bed?2010 A.Thi opent al sodi um B.Phenobar bi t al C.Ni t r azepam* D.Ami nazi ne( Chl or pr omazi ne) E.Sodi um br omi de 24.Di pheni n( Phenyt oi n)hasbeenadmi ni st er edt oa pat i entf orepi l epsywi t ht oni ccl oni cat t acks.Whati s t heact i onmechani sm oft hedr ug? A.Act i v at i onofGABAsy st em B.Bl ockadeofCa2+channel s C.St i mul at i onofdopami ner ecept or s D.Bl ockadeofdopami ner ecept or s E.Bl ockadeofNa+channel s* 25. A pat i ent s uf f er s f r om Par ki nson’ s di sease ac c ompani edwi t hmus c l er i gi di t y ,c ons t r ai nedmot i ons , andc ons t antt r emorofar ms .Whatdr ugs houl dbe admi ni s t er ed? A.Phenobar bi t al B.Lev odopa* C.Di azepam D.Di pheni n E.Et hosuxi mi de 26.Apat i entsuf f er i ngwi t hpar ki nsoni sm hasbeen t aki ng f or a l ong t i me t he agent wi t h cent r al chol i nol y t i cact i onmechani sm whi chef f i ci encyhas gr adual l ydecr eased.I ndi cat edr ugwhi chshoul dbe admi ni st er edi nst eadofusedone? A.Cy cl odol ( Tr i hexypheni dyl ) B.Lev odopa* C.My docal m( Tol per i zon) D.Tr opaci n( Di phenyl t r opi n) E.Bel l at ami nal 27.A76y . o.pat i enthasappeal edt ot hedoct orwi t h compl ai nt sofsuper f i ci alshor t t er m sl eepwi t hof t en awakeni ngs caused by sense ofi nt er nalt ensi on, anxi et y ,f ear .Seni l esl eepl essnesswasdi agnosed. Makear at i onalchoi ceofahy pnot i ci nt hegi v en si t uat i on: A.Phenobar bi t al B.Chl or al hy dr at e C.Ni t r azepam* D.Lamot r i gi ne E.Car bamazepi ne 28.Apat i entwi t hconv ul si onswasadmi t t edt ot he hospi t alwher e st at us epi l ept i cus was di agnosed. I ndi cat et hef i r stchoi cedr ugt ot r eatt hepat i ent : A.Car bamazepi ne B.Di azepam * C.Phenobar bi t al D.Lev odopa E.Chl or al hy dr at e 29.I ndi cat et hechar act erofchangesi nt hest r uct ur e ofsl eepundert heact i onoft hehy pnot i cagent sf r om t hegr oupofbar bi t ur at es: A.Deepeni ng ofsuppr essi on oft he CNS dur i ng UNREM sl eepphase B.Shor t eni ngoft hel at entper i odt hef i r stepi sodeof t heREMsl eep C.Ext ensi onofREMsl eep( par adoxi cal )phase D.Shor t eni ngofREMsl eep( par adoxi cal )phase* E.Lengt heni ngoft hedur at i onofepi s odesoft heREMs l eep 30.A17y . r lt ookahi ghdoseofphenobar bi t alt o commi tasui ci de.Anambul ancedoct orcl eansedher 28 st omachandgav eheranI Vi nj ect i onofbemegr i de andsodi um bi car bonat esol ut i on.Whatwassodi um bi car bonat ei nj ect edf or ? A.Fori ncr easi ngr enal excr et i onofphenobar bi t al * B.Forbr i ngi ngt hepat i entt oconsci ousness C.Forbr eat hi ngst i mul at i on D.Forphenobar bi t al i nact i v at i on E.Forar t er i al pr essur enor mal i zat i on 31. Apat i entpr e s ent swi t hdy s f unc t i onofc er ebr al c or t ex ac c ompani ed by epi l ept i cs ei z ur es .He has been admi ni s t er ed a bi ogeni c ami ne s y nt hes i z ed f r om gl ut amat eandr es pons i bl ef orc ent r ali nhi bi t i on.What s ubs t anc ei si t ?2012 A.Acet y l chol i ne B.Hi st ami ne C.Gammaami nobut y r i caci d* D.Ser ot oni n E.Dopami ne 32.A66y . o.pat i ents uf f er swi t hPar k i ns on’ sdi s eas e s hows an i mpr ov ementi nl oc omot orac t i v i t y af t er pr ol onge dus eofac er t ai ndr ugwhi c hi sc onv er t edt o dopami nebydec ar box y l at i on.Whatdr ughast hepat i ent t ak en?2013 A.Cel ecoxi b B.Lev odopa* C.Chl or pr omazi ne D.Dr oper i dol E.Nal oxone E.Dr oper i dol 5.A doct oradmi ni st er edami t r i pt y l i net oapat i ent wi t hendogenousdepr essi on.Expl ai nt hemechani sm ofact i onoft hi sdr ug: A. I nhi bi t i on of t he neur onal r eupt ake of nor adr enal i ne B.I nhi bi t i onoft heneur onal r eupt akeofser ot oni n C.MAOi nhi bi t or D.I ncr easeofr el easeofnor adr enal i neandser ot oni n E. I nhi bi t i on of t he neur onal r eupt ake of nor adr enal i neandser ot oni n* 6 A man was addr essed t ot he psy chi at r i stwi t h compl ai nt s and desper at i on,t endency t o sui ci de. Det er mi net hegr oupofdr ugsf ort het r eat mentof t hi spat i ent ? A.Ant i depr essant s* B.Sedat i v es C.Neur ol ept i cs D.Tr anqui l i zer s E.Li t hi um 6.Thi sgr oupofdr ugi ncl udespsy chot r opi cagent sof pl antor i gi n.Thesedr ugsar eusedi nast heni cst at es af t er sev er ei nf ect i ous di seases.They i ncr ease gener al v i t al t oni ci t y of t he or gani sm and i t s r esi st ancet oi nf ect i ousdi seases.Thesedr ugsar e used i nt he f or m oft i nct ur es orl i qui d ext r act s. Chooset hi sgr oupofdr ugs: A.Sedat i v e B.Adapt ogens* C.Psy chost i mul ant s D.Ant i depr essant s E.Noot r opi cagent s 7.48.A 36y . o.manhasacr ani ocer ebr alt r auma. Obj ect i v el y :di mi ni shedbr eat hsounds,t hr eadypul se, andnor ef l exes.Whatwayofpy r acet am i nt r oduct i on wi l l bet hemostappr opr i at ei nt hi scase? A.I nhal at i on B.Subcut aneous C.Rect al D.I nt r av enous* E.Per or al 8.Thi sdr ughasst i mul at i ngact i onpr omot i ng sy nt hesi sofpr ot ei nsandATP, i ncr easest hecapaci t y f orphy si cal andment al per f or mance.I ti susedf ora l ongt i meandshoul dnotbet akenbef or esl eep. A.Gi nsengt i nct ur e* B.Val er i ant i nct ur e C.Zol pi dem D.Ni al ami de E.Ami t r i pt y l i ne 9.Ananal ept i cofr ef l ect i v et y pef r om t hegr oupofNchol i nomi met i cswasgi v ent oapat i entf orbr eat hi ng r est or at i on af t erpoi soni ng wi t h car bon monoxi de. Whatagentwasadmi ni st er edt ot hepat i ent ? A.Adr enal i ne B.Lobel i ne* C.Mesat on D.Nal oxone E. Caf f ei ne 10.I ndi cat et hemechani sm ofact i onofcaf f ei ne. A.Bl ockadeofMonoami noox i dase( MAO) 4. 5. CNSSt i mul ant s 1.MAOi nhi bi t or sar econt r ai ndi cat edwi t hal loft he f ol l owi ngEXCEPT: A.I ndi r ectadr ener gi cagent s, suchasephedr i ne B.Tr i cy cl i cant i depr essant C.Par acet amol * D.Beerandcheese E.Dopami ne 2.Av er yupsetmot herbr i ngsi nher12y . o.sont o askhel pi ndeal i ngwi t hhi sbedwet t i ng.Whi choft he f ol l owi ngdr ugsmi ghtal l ev i at et hi spr obl em? A.Fl uoxet i ne B.I mi zi ne( I mi pr ami ne)* C.Di azepam D.Pi r acet am E.Zol pi dem 3.Awomant r i edt ocommi tsui ci de,herpsy chi at r i st madet hedi agnosi sofendogeni cdepr essi on.What dr ugshoul dbegi v enf orhert r eat ment ? A.Ami t r i pt y l i ne* B.Noot r opi l C.Sy dnocar b( Mesocar be) D.Et i mi zol E.Caf f ei ne 4. Apat i entaddr es s edt oadoc t orwi t hc ompl ai nt sabout badmood,t hatwasac c ompani edbyex pr es s edf eel i ng of f ear ,anx i et y .The c l i ni c alex ami nat i on r ev eal ed ps y c hi c al depr es s i on.Whatdr ugs houl dbeadmi ni s t er ed t ot hi spat i ent ? A.Caf f ei ne B.Sul f ocamphocai ne C.Py r acet am D.Ami t r i pt y l i ne* 29 B.I nhi bi t i onoft heneur onal capt ur eofnor adr enal i ne C.I nhi bi t i onofphosphodi est er ase( PDE) D.Bl ockadeofadenosi ner ecept or s. E.Bl ockadeofadenosi ner ecept orandi nhi bi t i onof phosphodi est er ase* B.Sodi um oxy but y r at e C.Sy dnocar b D.Mer i di l ECor di ami n( Ni ket hami de) 19.A pat i entwi t hpost t r aumat i cencephal opat hyi s admi t t ed t o t he neur ol ogi cal depar t ment wi t h compl ai nt s of di sor der s of memor y ,i nt el l ect , headache,v er t i go.Chooset hegr oupofdr ugsf ort he pat i entt r eat ment : A.Psy chost i mul ant s B.Anal ept i cs C.Noot r opi cagent s* D.Ant i depr essant s E.Adapt ogens 11.I ndi cat et hecondi t i onf ort heuseofPi r acet am: A.Angi napect or i s B.Ment al i nsuf f i ci ency* C.Conv ul si ons D.Hy per t ensi v ecr i si s E.Congest i v ehear tf ai l ur e 12.I ndi cat et heanal ept i cofmi xedt y peofact i on: A.Cor di ami n( Ni ket hami de) * B.Caf f ei ne C.Lobel i nehy dr ochl or i de D.Bemegr i de E.Et i mi zol 13.I ndi cat et heanal ept i cofdi r ectt y peofact i on: A.Cor di ami n( Ni ket hami de) B.Cy t i t on C.Lobel i ne D.Bemegr i de* E.Sul f ocamphocai ne 14.Apat i ent ’ sr espi r at i oni ssi gni f i cant l ydepr essed dur i ng t he oper at i on under gener alanaest hesi a. Whi ch agentshoul d be used wi t houtpausi ng t he gener al anest hesi a? A.Et i mi zol * B.Sy dnocar b C.Mer i di l D.Cy t i t on E.Lobel i ne 15.I ndi cat et he dr ug possessi ng anal ept i c and psy chost i mul at i ngact i v i t y : A.Caf f ei ne* B.Bemegr i de C.Et i mi zol D.Cor di ami n( Ni ket hami de) E.St r y chni ne 16.Speci f ycl i ni cal usef orBemegr i de: A.Par ki nsoni sm B.Hy per t ensi v ecr i ses C.Ov er doseofgener al anest het i cs* D.Br ai nhy poxi a E.Conv ul si ons 17. The CNS st i mul at i on pr oduced by met hy l xant hi nes,suchascaf f ei ne,i smostl i kel yt he r esul toft heant agoni sm wi t ht hef ol l owi ngr ecept or s: A.Mchol i nor ecept or s B.Nchol i nor ecept or s C.Al pha1adr enor ecept or s D.Adenosi ner ecept or s* E.GABAr ecept or s 18.Apat i enti sadmi t t edt ot heneur ol ogydepar t ment duet ocompl ai nt sofdecr easeofmemor y ,ment al and wor kcapaci t y ,sl eepl essnessand v er t i go.Hi s sy mpt omsar econnect edwi t habr ai nconcussi on, t aki ngpl ace2y ear sagoasar esul tofanaut omobi l e acci dent .Whi chdr ugshoul dbeadmi ni st er edt ot he pat i ent ? A.Pi r acet am ( Noot r opi l )* 20.Speci f yt hemai nef f ectofPy r acet am ( Noot r opi l ) . A.St i mul at i onofmy ocar di um act i v i t y B.Tr anqui l i zi ngef f ect C.I nhi bi t i onuponexci t at i oni nt heCNS D.I mpr ov est hepr ocessesofmemor i zi ngand t hi nki ng* E.Decr easest heneur onal st abi l i t yt ohy poxi a 21.A28y . o.pat i enti sdel i v er edt ot hei nt ensi v ecar e uni twi t ht hedi agnosi sofpoi soni ngwi t hbar bi t ur at es of moder at e degr ee.Admi ni st er a st i mul ant of r espi r at i onwhi chwi l l beper t i nenti nt hi scase: A.Et i mi zol B.Bemegr i de* C.Sy dnocar b D.Pi r acet am E.Cor di ami n 22.Thi opent alnat r i um wasi nt r oducedt ot hepat i ent f ori ni t i algener alanest hesi at hatcausedt hear t er i al hy pot ensi onandr espi r at or ydepr essi on.Sel ectt he dr ugt or est or ebr eat hi ngandbl oodci r cul at i on: A.Lobel i ne B.Di pi r oxi m C.Nal oxone D.Cy t i t on E.Bemegr i de* 23.I ndi cat et hechar act er i st i csi deef f ectof bemegr i de. A.Gast r i t i s B.Br onchi ospasm C.Hepat i t i s D.Ar t er i al hy pot ensi on E.Conv ul si ons* 24.Achi l dwasbor nasphy xi at ed.Whatdr ugmustbe admi ni st er edt ot henewbor nt ost i mul at ebr eat hi ng? 2016 A.Pr oser i ne( Neost i gmi ne) B.Nal oxone C.Pr azosi n D.At r opi ne E.Aet hi mi zol um * 25.A68y . o.pat i enti sdel i v er edt ot hei nt ensi v ecar e uni twi t ht hedi agnosi sofpoi soni ngwi t hbar bi t ur at es ofami l ddegr ee.Speci f yast i mul antofr espi r at i on, whi chwi l l beper t i nenti nt hi scase. A.I nst enon B.Sy dnocar b 30 C.Cor di ami n* D.Pi r acet am E.Encephabol E.Caf f ei nebenzoat esodi um 33.Thi sdr ugi susedf ort het r eat mentofdi sor der s ofmemor y ,cer ebr alat her oscl er osi s,af t ercer ebr al i nj ur i es,al coholencephal opat hy ,and dement i a.I t i mpr ov es t he pr ocesses of memor i zi ng and cogni t i v el y .Det er mi net hegr oupofdr ug. A.Ami t r i pt y l i ne B.Py r acet am * C.Par acet amol D.Bemegr i de E.Di azepam 26.A pat i entwi t hdepr essi onhasbeenpr escr i bed Ni al ami de.Thedoct orhaswar nedt hepat i entabout necessi t yt o excl ude f r om hi d di et dur i ng t he t r eat ment : A.Cheese* B.Appl es C.Pot at o D.Cabbages E.Pear s 34.Apat i entwi t ht r aumat i cencephal opat hywas admi t t edt ot heneur ol ogi cal depar t mentwi t h compl ai nt sofdi sor der sofmemor y , i nt el l ect , headache, v er t i go.Chooset hegr oupoft he t r eat mentoft hepat i ent . A.Psy chost i mul ant s B.Anal ept i cs C.Noot r opi cagent( cogni t i v eenhancer s)* D.Ant i depr essant s E.Adapt ogens 27.I mpai r mentofl ear ni ng,r et ar dat i onofi nt el l ect ual dev el opmenti sr ev eal edat9y . o.chi l d.Whi chgr oup admi ni st r at i oni sappr opr i at ei nt hi scase? A.Neur ol ept i cs B.Noot r ops* C.Tr anqui l i zer s D.Ant i depr essant s E.Adapt ogens 28.Thepat i entabusesamphet ami nes.Dev el opment ofwhatef f ecti sunusual af t eri nt akeoft hi sagent ? A.Anor exi a B.Dependence C.Br ady car di a* D.Ri si ngofAP E.Ar r hy t hmi as 35.Apat i entt ookaf ewt abl et sofphenobar bi t alt o f al l asl eepf ast er .Soonhi sr espi r at i onwas suppr essedandi twasdi f f i cul tt owakehi m up.Hi s wi f ecal l edf oranambul ance.Whi chspeci f i c ant agoni stshoul dbeused? A.Bemegr i de* B.Caf f ei ne C.Lobel i ne D.Cy t i t on E.At r opi ne 29. For r est or at i on of t he CNS f unct i on af t er i schaemi c st oke a 63 y . o.woman wer et aki ng pi r acet am.Shei mpr ov edsi gni f i cant l y .Whati st he mechani sm ofact i onofgi v endr ug? A.Bl ockageofmonoami neoxi di ze B.Bl ockageofchol i nest er ase C.Bl ockageofcat echol –Omet hy l t r ansf er ase D.I mpr ov ementofmet abol i sm i nt heCNS* E.Bl ockageofdopami nehy dr oxy l ase 36.Phar macol ogi cal ef f ect sofant i depr essant sar e baseduponi nhi bi t i ngt heenzy met hatact sasa cat al y stf ort hebr eakdownofbi ogeni cami nes nor adr enal i nandser ot oni ni nt hemi t ochondr i aof cephal i cneur ons.Whatenzy mest akepar ti nt hi s pr ocess? A.Ly dase B.Tr ansami nase C.Pept i dase D.Decar boxy l ase E.Monoami neoxi dase* 30.Anant i depr essant ,whi chi scapabl et oi nv okea st at eofagi t at i onandsl eepl essnessi nhumans,has beenpr escr i bedt ot he22y . o.pat i ent .Namet hi s dr ug. A.Fl uoxet i ne B.Ami t r i pt y l i ne C.Mocl obemi de( Aur or i x)* D.Hal oper i dol E.Caf f ei ne 37.Whi l eunderbar bi t ur at eanaest hesi aa65 y . o. mal e pat i ent dev el oped r espi r at or y i nhi bi t i on. Anaest hesi ol ogi sti nt r oduced hi m 10 mlof0. 5% bemegr i de sol ut i onI V.Thepat i ent ’ scondi t i ongot bet t er ,t hepul monar yv ent i l at i onv ol umei ncr eased. Whatphenomenonunder l i est hei nt er act i onoft hese medi cat i ons?2012 A.Di r ectant agoni sm B.Di r ectsy ner gi sm C.I ndi r ectant agoni sm * D.I ndi r ectsy ner gi sm E.Uni l at er al ant agoni sm 31.Apat i entwi t hr espi r at or ydepr essi onwasami t t ed t ot he hospi t al .Agent s ofwhi ch phar macol ogi c gr oupshoul dbeadmi ni st er ed? A.Neur ol ept i cs B.Tr anqui l i zer s C.Anal ept i cs* D.Ant i depr essant s E.Anal gesi cs 32.A pat i entneedsadr ugt hati mpr ov esmemor y and cogni t i v ef unct i oni nor gani cdamagesoft he br ai n.Sel ecti tout : A.Ni t r azepam B.Py r acet am * C.Mezapam D.Di azepam 38.Apat i entwi t hepi l epsyanddepr essi v er eact i on hasbeenadmi ni st er edadr ugt hatr educedepi l epsy mani f est at i on and i mpr ov ed t hatpat i ent ’ spsy chi c condi t i on.2012 A.Ami t r i pt y l i ne* B.Pheny t oi n 31 C.Sodi um v al pr oat e D.Et hosuxemi de E.Phenobar bi t al B.Thi opent al sodi um C.Di et hy l et her D.Sombr ev i n E.Fl uor ot ane( Hal ot hane) 3. 6.Gener al Anest het i cs.Et hy l Al cohol 6.Thi opent alsodi um was I V admi ni st er ed t oa pat i entf oran i nt r oduct i on nar cosi s.Wi t hi naf ew mi nut es l ar y ngospasm and hy per sal i v at i on hav e dev el oped.Whi chdr ugcoul dhav epr ev ent edsuch ef f ect s? A.Ni t r azepam B.Adr enal i ne C.Al l oxi m D.At r opi ne* E.Pr oser i ne( Neost i gmi ne) 1.Apat i entwi t hcr ani ocer ebr ali nj ur ywasadmi t t ed t oahospi t al .Pr ogr essi v ei ncr easeofneur ol ogi cal sy mpt omsal l owedt omaket hedi agnosi sofbr ai n cont usi on,whi chbecamet her easonofi ncr easi ng br ai nedemaf ol l owedbyhy poxi aofi t sst r uct ur es. Admi ni st era gener alanaest het i c,whi ch pr oduces benef i ci al i nf l uencei nbr ai nhy poxi a: A.Ft or ot an( Hal ot hane) B.I sof l ur ane C.Pr opani di de( Sombr evi ne) D.Ket ami ne E.Sodi um Oxy but y r at e( GOBA) * 7.Thecombi nat i onofader i v at i v eoft hebar bi t ur i c aci d and i nhal ed anaest het i c was used dur i ng a sur gi caloper at i onf ort hegener alanaest hesi a.What combi nat i onhasbeenused? A.Phenobar bi t al +Ket al ar( Ket ami ne) B.Thi opent al +Ft or ot an( Hal ot hane)* C.Ket al ar( Ket ami ne)+Ft or ot an( Hal ot hane) D.Hexenal +Pr opani di de E.Ft or ot an( Hal ot hane)+Hexenal 2.To anaest het i ze t he mani pul at i on r el at ed t oa bur nedsur f acet r eat ment , apat i entwasI Vi nj ect eda shor t act i ng anaest het i c.Wi t hi n 1 mi nt he pat i ent bei ng under anaest hesi a had an i ncr eased AP, t achy car di a,i ncr eased t one ofskel et almuscl es; r ef l exesr emai ned.Af t erawakeni ngt hepat i enthad di sor i ent at i onandv i sualhal l uci nat i ons.Whatagent wasadmi ni st er ed? A.Ni t r ousoxi de B.Thi opent al sodi um C.Di et hy l et her D.Sombr ev i n E.Ket ami ne* 8.Pr oser i ne i ncr easesskel et almuscl et onewhen gi v en sy st emi cal l y . Ft or ot an ( hal ot hane) i nduces r el axat i onofskel et almuscl esandr educespr oser i ne ef f ect s.Whati st henat ur eofpr oser i nandhal ot hane i nt er act i on?2011 A.Di r ectf unct i onal ant agoni sm B.Noncompet i t i v eant agoni sm C.I ndi r ectf unct i onal ant agoni sm * D.I ndependentant agoni sm E.Uni l at er al ant agoni sm 3.A23y . o.pat i entwi t hhumer usabscesshasbeen admi t t ed t o a sur gi caldepar t ment .Whatki nd of anest hesi a and whi ch agentt o usear et hemost appr opr i at ef ort hi spat i ent ? A.Et hernar cosi s B.Spi nal anest hesi awi t hnov ocai ne C.Hexenal nar cosi s D.Local anest hesi awi t hl i docai ne* E.Ket ami nenar cosi s 9.I n a pat i entdur i ng f t or ot an nar cosi s BP has abr upt l ydecr eased.Whi chdr ugshoul dbeusedf or r est or at i onofBPl ev el ? A.Adr enal i ne B.I sadr i ne C.Mesat one( Phenyl ephr i ne)* D.Nor adr enal i ne E.Ephedr i ne 4.Det er mi net hedr ugf orI Vanest hesi awi t hqui ck onset and shor t dur at i on of act i on. Gener al anest hesi ai sdev el opedi n2040secandl ast s35 mi n.Thest ageofexci t ementi sabsent .Thi sdr ug doesnotcauseaf t er anaest het i csl eep.I tpr act i cal l y doesnoti nhi bi tt hemy ocar di um act i v i t y .I ti susedi n ambul antpr act i cef ori ni t i alanest hesi aandi nshor t oper at i ons. The possi bl e compl i cat i on i s hy per v ent i l at i onf ol l owedbyr espi r at i ondepr essi on, t achy car di a,hy per t ensi on,andhy per emi aal ongt he v ei n A.Ni t r ousoxi de B.Thi opent al sodi um C.Sombr ev i n( Pr opani di de) D.Nat r i um oxy but y r at e E.Ket ami ne* 10.Gener al anaest het i cwi t hul t r ashor tact i on( 5mi n) wasi nt r oducedt oapat i entI Vf oranal gesi aofbi opsy . I tcaused a muscul art wi t chi ng,decr ease ofAP, r espi r at or y ar r est f or a shor t per i od of t i me. Det er mi net hi sdr ug. A.Ket ami ne B.Nat r i um oxy but y r at e C.Pent azoci ne D.Pr opani di de* E.Ft or ot an( Hal ot hane) 11.Pr opani di de i s of t en used i n dent alpr act i ce. Det er mi net hecont r ai ndi cat i onf oruseoft hi sdr ug. A.Reposi t i onofj awbonef r agment s B.Shock* C.Reposi t i onofdi sl ocat i onsofj aw D.Taki ngoutt hest i t ches E.Di ssect i onofpul pcav i t y 5.A25y . o.pat i entwi t hpol y t r aumai nunconsci ous st at ewasadmi t t edt ot hehospi t al .AP95/ 70mm Hg, pul se75/ mi n,r espi r at i onsuper f i ci alwi t hf r equency 30/ mi n.Whatagentshoul d be used f orgener al anest hesi a? A.Ket ami ne* 12.Expr essedbr ady car di a, f al l ofAPappear eddur i ng f t or ot ananest hesi a.Whatdr ugi scont r ai ndi cat edt o 32 st abi l i zehemody nami csdur i ngf t or ot ananest hesi a? A.Pr edni sol one B.At r opi ne C.Mesat on( Phenyl ephr i ne) D.Caf f ei ne E.Adr enal i ne* B.Ft or ot an( Hal ot hane) * C.Sodi um oxy but i r at e D.Et herpr onar cosi s E.Pr opani di de 20.I nwhatconcent r at i oni set hy lal coholusedf or ant i mi cr obi al pr ocessi ngofski n: A.96% B.70%* C.40% D.50% E.60% 21.A 35y . o.pat i entwhoof t enconsumesal cohol wast r eat edwi t hdi ur et i cs.Ther eappear edser i ous muscl eandhear tweakness,v omi t i ng,di ar r hea.AP 100/ 60mm Hg,depr essi on.Thi scondi t i oni scaused byi nt ensi f i edexcr et i onof : A.Cal ci um B.Pot assi um* C.Chl or i ne D.Phosphat es E.Sodi um 13.Themostappr opr i at eanaest het i cusedmai nl yi n obst et r i cpr act i ce: A.Met hoxy f l ur ane* B.Ft or ot an C.Ket ami ne D.Nat r i um oxy but y r at e E.Et herpr onar cosi s 14.Thi opent alsodi um was I V admi ni st er ed t oa pat i entf orani ni t i alnar cosi sandt henl ar y ngospasm andhy per sal i v at i onhav edev el oped.I nt r oduct i onof whatagentcoul dpr ev entundesi r abl eef f ect s? A.Adr enal i ne B.Neost i gmi ne( Pr oser i ne) C.Pl at y phy l l i n* D.Dobut ami ne E.I sadr i ne 22.Wi t ht hepur poseofwar mi ngaf t ercool i ng,t he pat i entusedsol ut i onofet hanol .How doeset hanol i nf l uenceont her mor egul at i on? A.I ncr easesheatr el ease* B.Decr easesheatr el ease C.I ncr easesheatpr oduct i on D.Decr easesheatpr oduct i on E.Decr easesheatpr oduct i onandheatr el ease 15.A pat i enthad an acut el esi on oft he l i v er ( hepat i t i s)af t err epeat edsur gi caloper at i ons.What gener alanaest het i c mostl i kel yhas caused gi v en pat hol ogy ? A.Ni t r ousoxi de B.Ft or ot an( Hal ot hane) * C.Ket ami ne D.Sodi um oxy but y r at e E.Et herpr onar cosi s 23.A pat i entsuf f er sf r om chr oni cal cohol i sm wi t h t he f ol l owi ng sy mpt oms:pai ni n ar ms and l egs, i mpai r mentofski n sensi t i v i t y ,muscl e weakness, edemas.Whi chv i t ami nshoul dbepr escr i bedt ot he pat i ent ? A.Er gocal ci f er ol B.Thi ami ne* C.Ret i nol D.Rut i n E.Vi casol ( Menadi one) 24.Fl ushi ngoccur swhenal cohol i st akenal ongwi t h: A.Uni t hi ol B.Met r oni dazol e* C.Gl i bencl ami de D.Dr ot av er i ne( Nospa) E.I t r aconazol e 25.I nsev er eal coholi nt oxi cat i on,t hebl oodet hanol exceeds: A.0. 5g/ L B.1g/ L C.2g/ L D.3g/ L E.4g/ L* 26.Thesamedoseofal coholi nv okesadi f f er ent degr eeofal coholi nt oxi cat i oni ndi f f er entpeopl e.I ti s l i nkedwi t h: A.Hi ghpl asmal ev el ofbet al i popr ot ei ns B.I nhi bi t i onofi nsul i nsy nt hesi s C.Genet i cal l ydet er mi ned i nsuf f i ci encyofal cohol dehydr ogenasesynt hesi s* D.I nhi bi t i onofhepat i cmi cr osomal enzy mes E. Low act i v i t y of pseudochol i nest er ase ( but yr yl chol i nest er ase) 16.Apat i entt r eat edwi t hcl ophel i ne( cl oni di ne)due t oar t er i alhy per t ensi on,hadt akenanal cohol i cdr i nk t hatcausedashar pi nhi bi t i onoft heCNS.Whati st he nameoft hi si nt er act i on? A.Pot ent i at i on* B.Summat i on C.Cumul at i on D.I nt oxi cat i on E.I di osy ncr at i cr eact i on 17.Asuddenf al lofAPar osei napat i entwhowas bei ng oper at ed under gener alanaest hesi a.The doct ori nt r oducedepi nephr i nef ol l owi ngbyv ent r i cl e f i br i l l at i on.I ndi cat egener alanaest het i c,whi chcoul d mostl i kel yi nducet hi scompl i cat i on: A.Ni t r i coxi de B.Pr opani di de C.Ft or ot an( Hal ot hane) * D.Ket ami ne E.Thi opent al sodi um 18.I ndi cat et hegener alanaest het i c,whi chcausesa l ongandexpr essedst ageofexci t ement : A.Et herpr onar cosi s* B.Pr opani di de C.Ft or ot an( Hal ot hane) D.Ket ami ne E.Thi opent al sodi um 19.I ndi cat et he gener alanaest het i c dur i ng whi ch appl i cat i onadr enal i nemustnotbeused: A.Ni t r ousoxi de 33 27.I ndi cat et heemet i cagentexci t i ngv omi t i ngcent er di r ect l y ,whi chi susedi nav er si ont her apyofchr oni c al cohol i sm: A.I pecacuanha B.Apomor phi ne* C.Di sul f i r am ( Tet ur am) D.Met r oni dazol e E.Nal t r exone 28.Adoct orhaspr escr i bedTet ur am ( Di sul f i r am)f or al cohol i sm.Whati st hemechani sm ofact i onoft he dr ug? A.Act i v at i onofv omi t i ngcent er B.Augment at i onofacet y l chol i nest er ase C.I nhi bi t i onofacet y l chol i nest er ase D. Augment at i on of al dehy de dehy dr ogenase act i v i t y E.I nhi bi t i onofal dehy dedehy dr ogenase* 29.Anal cohol i chasal cohol i cpsy chosi swi t hev i dent psy chomot or agi t at i on. Whi ch neur ol ept i c dr ug shoul dbeadmi ni st er edf oremer gencyai d?2015 A.Sodi um br omi de B.Di azepam C.Hal ot hane D.Ami nazi ne E.Reser pi ne 30.Dur i nganest het i zat i onapat i entpr esent edwi t h sy mpt oms oft onus i ncr ease ofpar asy mpat het i c ner v ous sy st em such as hy per sal i v at i on and l ar y ngospasm.What dr ug coul d hav e pr ev ent ed t heseundesi r abl eef f ect s?2011 A.At r opi nesul phat e* B.Py r acet am C.Anal gi n D.Adr enal i nehy dr ochl or i de E.Neost i gmi ne 31.A 55 y . had been admi t t ed t ot he r esusci t at i on uni tunconsci ous.Rel at i v es r epor t ed hi mt ohav emi st akenl ydr unkanal cohol i csol ut i onof unknown or i gi n.On exami nat i on t he pat i entwas di agnosedwi t hmet hanoli nt oxi cat i on.Whatant i dot e shoul dbeusedi nt hi scase?2016 A.Pr ot ami nesul f at e B.Et hanol * C.Di sul f i r am ( Tet ur am) D.Acet y l cy st ei n E.Nal t r exone 32.Sev er almi nut es af t era dent i stadmi ni st er ed novocai nef orl ocalanaest hesi aofapat i ent ’ st oot h, t he f ol l owi ng sy mpt oms shar pl ydev el oped i nt he pat i ent :f at i gue,ski ni t chi ng,Obj ect i v el yt hef ol l owi ng can be obser v ed:ski n hy per emi a,t achy car di a,BP dr oppeddownt o70/ 40mm Hg.Whatki ndofal l er gi c r eact i oni st hi spat hol ogy ? A.Cy t ot oxi c B.Cel l medi at edi mmuner eact i on C.St i mul at i ng D.Anaphy l act i c* E.I mmunecompl ex 34 Module 2 5.1. Cardiotonic and AAD (fever, hypotension, tachycardia, oliguria, confusion). What hemodynamic support would be helpful? A. Fluid administration B. Dobutamine infusion C. Fluid and dobutamine infusion * D. Atropine administration E. Antibiotic administration 1. Dopamine causes all but one of the following actions? A. Increases cardiac output B. Dilates renal vasculature C. Dilates bronchi * D. Increases BP E. Increases production of urine 2. A patient suffering from CHF develops the typical signs of acute heart failure: dyspnea, cyanosis, tachycardia, pulse 96/min, BP 100/60 mm Hg. Indicate the drug to be used to treat the patient: A. Propranolol B. Epinephrine C. Enalapril D. Nifedipine E. Digoxin* 3. During the ambulant tooth extraction a patient who had been suffering from chronic congestive heart failure showed the typical signs of acute heart failure: dyspnea, cyanosis, tachycardia, ps 96 per minute, BP 100/60 mm Hg. Indicate the drugs to be used to treat this patient. A. Strophanthine + Verospirone B. Lisinopril + Furosemide C. Anapriline + Sulfacamphocaine D. Strophanthine + Furosemide* E. Anapriline + Furosemide 4. The side effects of Digitalis are all except: A. Ventricular Tachycardia B. Ventricular Bigeminy C. Vasodilatation* D. AV blockade E. Vomiting 5. All of the following mechanisms of action correctly match a drug EXCEPT: A. Quinidine: Blocks Na+ channels B. Amiodarone: Blocks K+ channels C. Verapamil: Blocks Ca2+ channels D. Propranolol: Blocks β adrenoreceptors E. Novocainamide: Blocks K+ channels* 6. A drug of choice for supraventricular tachycardia in patients with decreased BP is: A. Diphenin B. Amiodarone C. Propranolol D. Digoxin * E. Lidocaine 7. A drug of choice for supraventricular tachycardia in patients with increased BP is: A. Digoxin B. Propranolol * C. Lidocaine D. Amiodarone E. Diphenin 8. Which statement about dopamine is correct? A. Used in congestive cardiac failure B. Its plasma half-life is 6 hours * C. Therapeutically useful in parkinsonism D. Acts only on dopaminergic receptors E. Therapeutically useful in tachycardia 10. The action of electric current on the excitable myocardial cell caused depolarization of its membrane. Movement of what ions through the membrane caused depolarization? A. Сa2+ B. K+ С. ClD. Na+ * E. HCO3 11. Treatment of digitals toxicity can include all except: A. Potassium B. Phenytoin C. Lidocaine D. Dialysis * E. Unitiol 12. A 45 y.o. patient has been prescribed Digoxin to treat chronic heart failure. What is its mechanism of action? A. Inhibition of Na+/K+- ATPase* B. Decreases intracellular Na+ concentration C. Decreases release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum D. Increases the intracellular level of ATP E. Stimulates production of cAMP 13. A patient with a cardiac arrhythmia is being treated for a long time with amiodarone. This drug can cause biochemical changes and clinical signs and symptoms that resemble those associate with which of the following disease? A. Diabetes mellitus B. Addison's disease C. Hypothyroidism* D. Diabetes insipidus E. Cushing’s syndrome 14. Which antiarrhythmic drug has relatively few electrophysiological effects on normal myocardial tissues, but suppresses the arrhythmogenic properties of ischemic tissues? A. Digoxin B. Propranolol C. Lidocaine* D. Amiodarone E. Phenytoin 15. Which one of the following statements is incorrect? A. Lidocaine must be given parenterally B. Lidocaine is used mainly for atrial arrhythmia* C. Novocainamide is associated with a reversible lupus phenomenon D. Quinidine is active orally E. All antiarrhythmic drugs can suppress cardiac contractions 16. Specify the mechanism of antiarrhythmic action of Amiodarone: A. Blockade of Na+ channels of the cardiomyocyte membranes B. Blockade of Ca2+ channels of the cardiomyocyte membranes C. Blockade of K+ channels of the cardiomyocyte membranes* D. Blockade of β–adrenoreceptors 9. A 35 y.o. male has undergone surgery for necrotic bowel. Despite having been treated with antibiotics, on the 5th postoperative day, he develops symptoms of septic shock 1 E. Blockade of α–adrenoreceptors E. Summation 26. In homozygous mice with defect of the gene-coding frame of beta1 adrenoreceptors, it has been probed action of an agent on inotropic function of heart. What agent will lose the activity in these conditions? A. Dobutamine * B. Mesatone (Phenylephrine) C. Strophanthin D. Caffeine E. Digoxin 27. A patient has been prescribed a water-soluble cardiac glycoside. What concomitant pathology can promote the cumulation of water-soluble cardiac glycosides? A. Renal failure * B. Liver failure C. Hyperacid gastritis D. Hypoacid gastritis E. Hypothyroidism 28. A lipid-soluble cardiac glycoside has been prescribed to a patient. What concomitant pathology can promote a cumulation of lipid-soluble cardiac glycosides? A. Renal failure B. Liver failure* C. Hyperacid gastritis D. Hypoacid gastritis E. Hypothyroidism 29. A patient suffering from heart insufficiency was treated with digoxin. He took diuretic dichlothiazide without the doctor’s knowledge and after 2 days he felt worse and was obliged to address to the doctor. Doctor administered the treatment including unitiol. Indicate its mechanism of its action. A. Decreases oxygen consumption B. Increases oxygen consumption С. Promotes retention of K+ ions D. It has got free sulfhydril groups which bind to the molecules of digoxin* E. Promotes retention of Ca2+ ions 18. In terms of therapeutic usefulness, the most important pharmacologic action of digoxin in congestive heart failure is: A. The reduction of cardiac size B. The increase in ventricular contractile force* C. The slowing of heart rate D. The diuretic effect E. The increase in blood pressure 19. A patient with a cardiogenic shock has been delivered into an emergency room. Which drug should be administered for hemodynamics restoration? A. Dopamine * B. Propranolol C. Cordiamin D. Adrenaline hydrochloride E. Enalapril 20. The drug of choice in anaphylactic shock is: A. Dopamine B. Propranolol C. Cordiamin D. Adrenaline hydrochloride* E. Enalapril 21. The half life of digoxin is: A. 12 hrs B. 24 hrs C. 36 hrs* D. 5 days E. 2 weeks 22. A patient complained of unpleasant sensations in the heart region, and attacks of weakness and loss of consciousness. Inspection of the patient’s ECG had revealed the presence of II degree atrioventricular block. Specify a drug, which should be used: A. Isadrin * B. Novocainamide C. Nitroglycerine D. Strophanthin E. Anapriline 23. A cardiotonic drug has been prescribed to a 50 y.o. patient with chronic cardiac insufficiency and tachyarrhythmia. What drug was prescribed? A. Dobutamine B. Amiodarone C. Dopamine D. Digoxin * E. Mildronate 24. What medication should be administered to a patient with chronic left-ventricular failure? 2010 A. Reserpine B. Bemegride C. Piracetam D. Etimizol E. Digoxin * 30. Indicate the mechanism of anti arrhythmic action of novocainamide. A. Blockade of Na+ channels of the cardiomyocyte membranes * B. Blockade of Ca2+ channels C. Blockade of beta–adrenoreceptors of the myocardium D. Blockade of alpha– and beta– adrenoreceptors of the myocardium E. Blockade of M-cholinoreceptors 31. Specify the cardiac glycoside, which possesses the fastest onset of the action: A. Strophanthin * B. Celanide (Lantoside) C. Digitoxin D. Digoxin E. Adoniside 32. Indicate the group of drugs which is the most expedient to treat atrial fibrillation in patients with low BP: A. M- Cholinoblockers B. Cardiac glycosides * C. Na+– channels blockers D. Beta – adrenomimetics E. Alpha – adrenomimetics 33. Indicate the group of drugs, overdosage of which is accompanied by following sings: nausea, vomiting, 25. Digitoxin (1 tab. tid) had been prescribed to a patient with congestive heart failure. In 15 days, the signs of intoxication developed: bradyarrhythmia, disturbance of AV conduction, upset of colour vision. What could cause the specified phenomena? A. Functional cumulation B. Material cumulation * C. Potentiation D. Tolerance 2 diarrhea, infringement of heart activity (extrasystoles, delay of atrioventricular conductivity), headache, vision impairment (xanthopsia, diplopia): A. Calcium channels blockers B. Organic nitrates C. Cardiac glycosides * D. Beta - adrenoblockers E. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors 41. Symptoms of cardiac glycosides toxicity have been developed in a patient with chronic congestive heart failure. What agent should be administered to decrease adverse effects of cardiac glycosides? A. Etimizol B. Dipiroxim C. Potassium chloride* D. Atropine sulfate E. Novocainamide 42. A 55 y.o. patient with continuing ventricular arrhythmia was admitted to the hospital. The patient is taking Timolol drops for glaucoma, daily insulin injections for diabetes mellitus, and an ACE inhibitor for hypertension. You have decided to use Phenytoin (Diphenin) instead of Procainamide (Novocainamide). What is the reason? A The anticholinergic effect of procainamide would aggravate glaucoma * B. The cholinergic effect of procainamide would aggravate the diabetes C. The hypertensive effect of procainamide would aggravate hypertension D. The local anesthetic effect of procainamide would potentiate diabetes E. The local anesthetic effect of procainamide would aggravate hypertension 34. A patient suffers from allergic reaction to iodine. Indicate an anti-arrhythmic agent, which is absolutely contraindicated to him. A. Amiodarone * B. Verapamil C. Novocainamide (Procainamide) D. Ornide (Bretylium) E. Quinidine sulfate 35. What antiarrhythmic preparation does not belong to membrane stabilizers? A. Diphenin (Phenytoin) B. Amiodarone * C. Novocainamide (Procainamide) D. Quinidine sulfate E. Lidocaine 36. A 64 y.o. patient suffering from bronchial asthma develops atrium fibrillation. What antiarrhythmic agent is contraindicated to this patient? A. Quinidine B. Verapamil C. Anapriline (Propranolol) * D. Ethmozin (Moracizin) E. Novocainamide (Procainamide) 37. A patient develops a lengthening P-Q interval during the treatment with an antiarrhythmic drug. What agent could cause it? A. Lidocaine B. Isadrin C. Atropine D. Propranolol * E. Phenytoin (Diphenin) 38. A 65 y.o. patient with chronic heart failure has been taking digitoxin in self-administered dosages for a long time. She was admitted to the hospital for general health aggravation, arrhythmia, nausea, reduced dieresis, insomnia. What is the primary action to be taken? 2012 A. To administer digoxin B. To withhold digitoxin * C. To administer strophanthine IV D. To reduce digitoxin dose E. To give an IV injection of calcium gluconate solution 43. Ventricular arrhythmia has developed in a patient with myocardial infarction. An antiarrhythmic drug with local anesthetic activity was administered to normalize the cardiac rhythm. What is the drug? A. Verapamil B. Quinidine C. Sotalol D. Propranolol E. Lidocaine hydrochloride * 44. A patient has developed paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia against the background of cardiac infarction. What antiarrhythmic drug should be chosen to avoid lowering cardiac output? 2015 A. Lidocaine hydrochloride * B. Procainamide C. Propranolol D. Potassium chloride E. Verapamil 44. An atrioventricular blockade has been revealed in a 25 y. o. patient during inspection. Name the agent used for the treatment of AV blockade: A. Amiodarone B. Proserine (Neostigmine) C. Verapamil D. Metoprolol E. Isadrin * 45. A patient has an attack of tachycardia. What type of membrane receptors of cardiomyocytes is wise to block for stopping of the attack? A. M-cholinoreceptors B. Beta–adrenoreceptors * C. N- cholinoreceptors D. Alpha- adrenoreceptors E. M-and N- cholinoreceptors 46. For correction of the arrhythmias caused by poisoning with cardiac glycosides, the antiepileptic agent diphenin 39. Indicate the drug and its group, which is used for the treatment of atrioventricular blockade. A Cardiac glycoside Digitoxin B. Beta-adrenomimetic Isadrin (Isoprenaline) * C. Sympatholytic Ornide (Bretylium) D. Beta –adrenoblocker Anapriline (Propranolol) E. Blocker of slow Ca2+ channels Verapamil 40. Indicate the group of drugs used to treat total atrioventricular block: A. M-Cholinoblockers* B. Membrane-stabilizing agents C. Local anesthetics D. Beta –adrenoblocker E. Potassium channels blockers 3 (phenytoin) can be used. What effect is typical for diphenin (phenytoin)? A Quickens repolarization and reduces the efficient refractory period * B. Blocks beta- adrenoreceptors C. Decreases contractility of myocardium D. Suppresses contractility of heart E. Prolongs Phase 3 repolarization 47. The permeability of the irritable cell membrane has been increased for potassium ions during an experiment. What changes of membrane electric status can occur? A. Depolarization B. Action potential C. No changes D. Local response E. Hyperpolarization * 48. Which one of the following statements is INCORRECT? A. Quinidine prolongs repolarization and the effective refractory period B. Lidocaine shortens repolarization and decreases the effective refractory period C. Amiodarone prolongs repolarization D. Anapriline (Propronalol) increases Phase 4 depolarization E. Verapamil shortens the duration of the action potential * 53. A patient complaining of rapid pulse, dyspnea and bluish color of mucosa has been admitted to the cardiological department. The objective symptoms are as follows: edema of lower extremities, ascites. Which of the given medicines should be administered intravenously to improve the patient’s general state? 2016 A. Cordiamin B. Digitoxin C. Corglyconum * D. Drotaverine E. Adrenaline hydrochloride 49. A cardiotonic drug from the group of cardiac glycosides has been administered PO to a patient with chronic cardiac insufficiency. What drug is it? A. Strophanthine B. Corglycon C. Digoxine * D. Cordiamin E. Amiodarone 50. A patient with coronary heart disease and arrhythmia had been administered a drug that blocks K+ channels and prolongs the action potential. What drug is it? A. Dobutamine B. Corglycon C. Nitroglycerin D. Lisinopril E. Amiodarone * 51. During a surgery with the use of hygronium the patient had an abrupt fall in blood pressure. Blood pressure may be normalized by the representatives of the following drug group: 2013 A. N-cholinergic agents B. Ganglionic blockers C. M-cholinergic agents D. α- adrenergic agonists E. α-blockers 1. All of the following statements concerning nitroglycerine are correct EXCEPT: A. It causes an elevation of intracellular cGMP B. It undergoes significant first-pass metabolism in liver C. It may cause significant reflex tachycardia. D. It significantly decreases AV conduction E. It can cause postural hypotension. 54. During local anesthetization the patient has gone into anaphylactic shock. What agent must be administered to the patient? A. Propranolol B. Epinephrine hydrochloride * C. Atropine sulfate D. Nitroglycerin E. Diazepam 1 5.2. Agents Normalizing Coronary and Brain Blood Flow. Antianginal Agents 2. Which of the following adverse effects is associated with nitroglycerine? A. Hypertension B. Throbbing headache C. Bradycardia D .Sexual dysfunction E. Anemia 3. Which drug is appropriate and generally regarded as most effective for relieving and preventing ischemic episodes in patients with variant angina? A. Aspirin B. Metoprolol C. Propranolol D. Nifedipine* E. Nitroglycerine 4. Nitrites used in management of angina have all the following actions EXCEPT: A. Increase total coronary blood flow B. Decrease cardiac O2 consumption C. Decrease preload and after load D. Redistribution of blood into subendocardial vessels E. Dilatation of cerebral vessels 52. A patient with acute heart failure was administered nonglycoside cardiotonic drug stimulating myocardial beta1 adrenoreceptors, increasing blood circulation and diuresis. It is used only as IV infusion due to fast inactivation in the body. Which drug is it? A. Digoxine B. Corglycon C. Dobutamine * D. Anapriline E. Adrenaline 5. In a patient with angina pectoris who is taking insulin to treat diabetes, which of the following drugs is to be used with extra caution and advice to the patient? A. Aspirin B. Verapamil C. Propranolol 4 12. Ca2+ channel blocker with maximum peripheral action is: A. Verapamil B. Nifedipine * C. Diltiazem D. Papaverine E. Molsidomine 13. Hyperlipidemia is caused by: A. Nifedipine B. Propranolol* C. ACE Inhibitors D. Methyldopa E. Theophylline 14. In a patient with myocardial infarction, if congestive cardiac failure develops, the dose of digoxin should be: A. Reduced * B. Increased C. Unaltered D. None of the above 15. Drugs that may precipitate vasospastic angina pectoris are: A. Beta blockers B. Nitrates C. Alpha blockers D. Calcium channel blockers E. Benzodiazepines 16. After tooth extraction the patient experienced persistence chest pain. In result of sublingual use of an antianginal agent the chest pain disappeared, but patient complained on headache and dizziness. What agent did the patient use? A Anapriline (Propranolol) * B. Validol C. Nitroglycerine * D. Verapamil E. Metoprolol 17. A 37 y.o. patient complains of chest pain at excitement and exercise stresses. He has been diagnosed with IHD (ischaemic heart disease). What agent will you use to treat the patient? A. Asparcam B. Isradipine (Lomir)* C. Doxazosin D. Vinpocetin (Cavinton) E. Amiodarone (Cordarone) 18. Indicate the antianginal agent, which does not cause decrease of BP for a patient suffering from angina pectoris accompanied by arterial hypotension: A. Enalapril B. Pentoxiphylline (Trental)* C. Nitroglycerine D. Anapriline (Propranolol) E. Nifedipine 19. Indicate the nitrate of prolonged action: A Sustac-forte * B. Validol C. Dipyridamole D. Talinolol E. Amlodipine 20. A 27 y.o. man with angina pectoris was admitted to a cardiologic department. A phosphodiesterase inhibitor was included to the complex therapy. Concentration of what substance will increase in the cardiac muscle? A. ATP B. Cyclic-AMP * D. Diltiazem E. Nitroglycerine 6. Beta-blockers are used in all cases except: A. Thyrotoxicosis B. Mild hypertension C. Glaucoma D. Variant angina * E. Atrial arrhythmias 7. Determine the drug. This drug is the main agent for the arrest of angina pectoris attacks. The onset of its action develops in 2-3 min, and lasts up to 30 min. The drug increases the coronary circulation (especially in subendocardial zones). The main mechanism of antianginal action is relaxation of vascular smooth muscle by their intracellular conversion to nitrate ions and then to nitric oxide, which in turn activates guanylate cyclase and increases the cells’ cyclic GMP. Elevated cGMP ultimately leads to dephosphorylation of the myosin light chain resulting in vascular smooth muscle relaxation. It causes a decrease in myocardial O2 consumption because of decreased cardiac work. A. Aspirin B. Verapamil C. Propranolol D. Diltiazem E. Nitroglycerine 8. Which drug can relieve angina pectoris by decreasing myocardial work, but may precipitate congestive heart failure? A. Phentolamine B. Strophanthine C. Propranolol D. Atropine E. Enalapril 9. We want to compare and contrast the cardiac and hemodynamic properties of immediate-acting dihydropyridine-type Ca2+ channel blockers Nifedipine and non-dihydropyridines, benzothiazepines Verapamil and Diltiazem. The most striking difference is that compared with Nifedipine and Diltiazem, Verapamil: A. Cause significant dose-dependent slowing of AV nodal conduction velocity* B. Cause a much higher incidence of reflex tachycardia C. Cause significant vasodilation, leading to profound orthostatic hypotension D. Have significant positive inotropic effects E. Are suitable for use in conjunction with a β blocker or digoxin 10. The advantages of metoprolol over propranolol include all of the following except: A. More likely to be effective in sinus tachycardia * B. Less likely to produce sudden rises in BP after physical exertion C. More likely to be effective in sinus bradycardia D. Less likely to produce temporary rise in peripheral resistance at the start of therapy E. Less likely to provoke bronchoconstriction 11. All the following statements are true about enalapril except: A. A prodrug B. Used to treat hypertension C. Used to treat CHF D. Inhibits ACE E. Blocks Angiotensin-1 5 C. ADP D. GMP E. AMP 21. After a serious psychoemotional stress a 48 y.o. patient suddenly developed acute heart ache irradiating to the left arm. Nitroglycerine relieved pain after 10 minutes. What is the leading pathogenetic mechanism of this process development? cramps. What is the pathogenetic mechanism that underlines these signs? A. Formation of the reduced hemoglobin B. Formation of an oxyhemoglobin C. Formation of a carbhemoglobin D. Formation of carboxyhemoglobin E. Formation of a methemohlobin* 28. After a psycho-emotional stress a 45 y.o. patient suddenly felt constricting heart pain irradiating to the left arm, neck and left scapula. His face turned pale, the cold sweat stood out on it. The pain attack was stopped with nitroglycerine. What process has developed in this patient? A. Stenocardia* B. Myocardial infarction C. Psychogenic shock D. Stroke E. Stomach ulcer perforation 29. A patient with myocardial infarction was admitted to the cardiologic department. For pain relief it was decided to potentiate fentanyl action with a neuroleptic. What neuroleptic is the most suitable for neuroleptanalgesia? A. Haloperidol B. Triftazine C. Aminazine D. Sulpiride E. Droperidol* 30. A patient with coronary artery disease was admitted to the cardiology department. For stenocardia prevention a drug from the group of beta-adrenoreceptor blockers was administered. What drug is it? A. Morphine hydrochloride B. Oxytocin C. Metoprolol * D. Furosemide E. Atropine sulfate 31. Acetylsalicylic acid 75 mg a day has been administered to a patient with myocardial infarction. What is the purpose of this administration? A. Coronary vessel dilatation B. Temperature reduction C. Reduction of platelet aggregation* D. Inflammation relieve E. Pain relief 32. A patient suffering from coronary artery disease had taken a certain drug many times a day in order to arrest stenocardia attacks. Overdose with the drug finally produced intoxication. Objectively: cyanotic skin and mucous membranes, dramatic fall in the AP, tachycardia, and respiration inhibition. Blood has increased concentration of met-Hb. The drug the patient had taken relates to the following group: A. Ca2+ channel blockers B. Adenosine drugs C. Myotropic spasmolytics D. Organic nitrates * E. α- adrenoblockers 33. A patient suffers from stenocardia takes isosorbide mononitrate. He was administered a complementary drug with disaggregating effect. What drug is it? 2012 A. Nitroglycerine B. Propranolol C. Validol D. Nifedipine E. Acetylsalicylic acid * 2012 A. Spasm of coronary arteries * B. Increase in myocardial oxygen consumption C. Dilation of peripheral vessels D. Compression of coronary vessels E. Obstruction of coronary vessels 22. A patient suffering from stenocardia has been taking nitroglycerine which caused restoration of blood supply to myocardium and relieved pain in the cardiac area. What intracellular mechanism provides restoration of energy supply to insulted cells? 2012 A. Intensification of RNA generation B. Intensification of oxygen transporting into the cell C. Intensification of ATP resynthesis D. Increased permeability of membranes E. Reduction of ATP resynthesis 23. A 48 y.o. patient with ischaemic heart disease is getting medical treatment. Specify the antianginal agent that has benefits to improve endocardial circulation: A. Anapriline (Propranolol) B. Sustac-forte* C. Prazosin D. Papaverine E. Euphylline (Theophylline) 24. In a 29 y.o. man a stenocardia attack has appeared. A physician gave tablet of nitroglycerine sublingually. The doctor chose this route of nitroglycerine administration because of: A. Poor intestinal absorption B. Instability in gastric medium C. Activation in saliva D. Sublingual route provides fast onset of action * E. Hepatotoxicity 25. After a tooth extraction a patient felt persistent pain behind his breastbone. After sublingual intake of an antianginal drug the pain behind the breastbone disappeared, but the patient complained of headache and dizziness. What drug are these properties typical for? A. Propranolol B. Metoprolol C. Validol D. Verapamil E. Nitroglycerine * 26. A patient who had been treated with a vitamin agent for the prophylaxis of brain vessel constriction complained of unpleasant sensations: flushing of upper part of the body, vertigo, flushing of blood to the head. What agent exerts this effect? A. Tocopherol acetate B. Thiamine bromide C. Riboflavin D. Nicotinic acid* E. Anapriline (Propranolol) 27. A 3 y.o. child is admitted to the hospital reception with signs of the nitrates poisoning such as cyanosis, dyspnoea, 6 34. A patient with ischemic heart disease has been administered an anti-antianginal drug that reduces the myocardial oxygen consumption and improves blood supply of myocardium. What drug is it? A. Propranolol * B. Nitroglycerine C. Validol D. Retabolil E. Promedol A. Hydroxy-Methyl-Glutaril-CoA reductase * B. Glucose-6-phosphatase C. Acetyl CoA carboxylase D. Pyruvate kinase E. Acetylcholinesterase 6. Antihypertensive with not central action: A. Clonidine B. Methyldopa C. Propranolol D. Amlodipine * E. Reserpine 7. A patient, who has been treating with clopheline (clonidine) due to arterial hypertension, has taken an alcoholic drink that has caused the sharp inhibition of the CNS. What is the name of this interaction? A. Potentiation * B. Summation C. Cumulation D. Intoxication E. Idiosyncratic reaction 8. What is true about Minioxidil? A. Increase hair growth B. Antihypertensive C. Peripheral vasodilator D. All above * E. None above 35. A patient has arterial hypertension. What long-acting drug from the group of Ca2+ channel blockers should be administered? 2016 A. Amlodipine * B. Reserpine C. Pyrroxanum D. Atenolol E. Octadine 36. A 68 y.o. patient consults a cardiologist, complaining of high arterial BP, pain in the heart region, intermittent pulse. Administer the beta1 adrenoreceptor blocker for the treatment of the described pathology: 2016 A. Nootropil B. Morphine hydrochloride C. Metoprolol * D. Benzylpenicillin E. Fenoterol 9-18. Listed below are short descriptions of various patients, all of whom have been recently diagnosed Stage II essential hypertension. You are to start oral therapy for the hypertension. Your goal is to select the antihypertensive agent with a profile that makes it the best choice – or, in other stated instances, the worst choice – for the patient described. A letter may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. β-adrenergic blocker B. Nifedipine C. Verapamil D. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor E. Thiazide diuretic 5.3. Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Drugs 1. A 55 y.o. man comes in for a check-up and complains that he is having some difficulty in «starting to urinate». Physical examination indicates that the man has a BP of 160/100 mm Hg and a slightly enlarged prostate. Which of the following medications would be useful in treating both of these conditions? A. Doxazosin * B. Labetalol C. Enalapril D. Phentolamine E. Propranolol 2. Which drug is a Ca2+ blocker selective on cerebral blood vessels? A. Nifedipine B. Amlodipine C. Nimodipine * D. Diltiazem E. Verapamil 3. Cough has appeared in a patient with hypertension at regular use of an antihypertensive agent. Which agent can cause the given adverse effect? A. Prazosin B. Verapamil C. Clopheline (Clonidine) D. Dichlothiazide E. Enalapril * 4. One of the following signs is not a side effect of captopril: A. Cough B. Renal dysfunction C. Hyperkalaemia D. Haemolytic anaemia * E. Fever 5. Statins decrease activity of: 9. Best choice for a 45 y.o. man with well-controlled type 2 diabetes and normal renal function- D 10. Most likely to trigger a gout attack or worsen asymptomatic hyperuricemia - E 11. Best choice for a patient who has a history of vasospastic (variant, or Prinzmetal’s) angina pectoris - B 12. Best choice for a patient who is tachycardic and has chronic open-angle glaucoma - A 13. Worst choice for a patient with vasospastic angina because it may worsen the condition - A 14 Most likely to exacerbate tachycardia in a patient who is already taking sublingual nitroglycerine for chronicstable (exercise-induced) angina pectoris -B 15. May cause breathing difficulty for an asthmatic patient by thickening airway mucus secretion and so obstructing the airway with viscous mucus – E 16. Most likely to exacerbate asthma by facilitating or causing bronchoconstriction -A 17. Worst choice for a pregnant woman -D 18. Poorest choice for a patient with poorly controlled insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus because it will mask a symptom of severe hypoglycemia and delay recovery from a hypoglycemic episode – A 7 19. All of the following drugs produce a significant decrease in peripheral resistance except: A. Chronic administration of diuretics B. Hydralazine C. beta-blockers * D. ACE inhibitors E. Clopheline B. Clofeline and Furosemide * C. Captopril and Verospirone D. Atenolol and Verospirone E. Anapriline and Amiloride 28. A patient with arterial hypertension has some accompanying diseases: chronic bronchitis with asthmatic component, chronic gastritis with increased acid-producing function. Indicate the antihypertensive drug(s), which is (are) contraindicated in this situation. A. Propranolol B. Captopril C. Reserpine D. Octadine E. All above * 29. Drug of choice in hypertensive crisis in a patient with pheochromocytoma is: A. Clofeline B. Capoten C. Amlodipine D. Phentolamine * E. Drotaverine 30. All of the following antihypertensives decrease plasma renin activity except: A. Clonidine B. Methyldopa C. Atenolol D. Hydrochlorothiazide * E. Enalapril 31. What is true about Minioxidil? A. Increase hair growth B. Antihypertensive C. Peripheral vasodilator D. All above* E. None above 32. Sodium nitroprusside causes hypotension mainly by: A. Arterial dilatation* B. Vein dilatation C. Central action D. Negative inotopic effect on heart E. Alpha-receptors’ blockade 20. Which of the following drugs should not be given to a pregnant, hypertensive women? A. Hydrochlorothiazide B. Propranolol C. Aminophylline D. Enalapril * E. Verapamil 21. Which drug is not used in hypertensive emergency? A. Dibazole B. Pentamine C. Captopril * D. Sublingual Nifedipine E. Aminophylline 22. Cough is a side effect with intake of: A. Captopril * B. Prazosin C. Nifedipine D. Thiazide E. Euphylline 23. A 54 y.o. man suffering from hypertension complains of severe tachycardia after administration of antihypertensive drug. Which one is most likely to cause reflex tachycardia? A. Prazosin B. Verapamil C. Hydralazine* D. Propranolol E. Captopril 24. A 45 y.o. hypertensive male has manifested hypoglycemia after administration of antihypertensive drug. Select the one most likely to lower plasma sugar. A. Captopril B. Prazosin C. Nifedipine D. Propranolol * E. Verapamil 25. A 17 y.o. young man presents the symptoms of the familial hypercholesterolemia. He was prescribed an agent inhibiting enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase. What was the agent? A. Simvastatin * B. Nicotinic acid C. Gemfibrozil D. Cholestiramine E. Probucol 26. Drug which reduced afterload but not preload: A. Captopril B. Isosorbide dinitrate C. Nitroglycerine D. Hydralazine * E. Furosemide 27. A 55 y.o. patient suffering from arterial hypertension develops hypertensive crisis: he felt acute headache, darkening in the eyes, nausea, pulse 64/min, BP 210/110 mm Hg. Administer the agents to stabilize hemodynamics: A. Anapriline and Captopril 33. A 40 y.o. patient complains of intensive heartbeats, sweating, nausea, vision impairment, arm tremor, hypertension. From his anamnesis: 2 years ago he was diagnosed with pheochromocytoma. What hypotensive agent should be administered? A. Captopril B. Prasozine * C. Drotaverine D. Nifedipine E. Platyphyllin 34. A patient with hypertensive disease has been taking a hypotensive medication. After a while arterial pressure decreased, but the patient started complaining of flaccidity, sleepiness, indifference. A bit later he felt stomach pain. He was diagnosed with gastric ulcer. What hypotensive medication has the patient been taking? A. Furosemide B. Verapamil C. Reserpine * D. Dibazole E. Captopril 35. A 35 y.o. patient, who had been suffering from idiopathic hypertension, was treated by an antihypertensive 8 drug. After 4 days his AP decreased, but he started complaining of sleepiness and psychological suppression. What drug was the patient treated with? A. Clopheline (Clonidine) * B. Prasozine C. Captopril D. Enalapril E. Apressin 36. A patient had been suffering from hypertonic disease had been treated for a long time with the drug from the group of Rauwolfia alkaloids and began to complain of heartburn, pain in the epigastrial area and bad mood. Indicate the drug which caused these complications: A. Octadine B. Reserpine * C. Clopheline (Clonidine) D. Prasozine E. Enalapril 37. A patient who had been suffering from arterial hypotension had taken a hypotensive drug, but in an hour his BP increased and 2 hours after it decreased. Indicate this antihypertensive agent: A. Nifedipine B. Prasozine C. Captopril D. Anapriline E. Octadine* 38. A patient had been suffering from hypertonic disease accompanied by chronic bronchitis with asthmatic component. Indicate the drug which is contraindicated due to its action on the bronchi: A. Anapriline * B. Captopril C. Prasozine D. Nifedipine E. Dichlothiazide mechanism of action is the inhibition of the vasomotor center activity due to excitation of alpha 2-adrenoreceptors and I1imidazoline receptors of nucleus tractus solitarius zone of medulla oblongata. Indicate this drug: A. Phentolamine B. Reserpine C. Hydrochlorothiazide D. Clopheline (Clonidine) * E. Captopril 43. It was observed primary short-term increase of BP in a patient after IV administration of a hypotensive agent. Indicate this drug: A. Clopheline (Clonidine) * B. Reserpine C. Prasozine D. Anapriline E. Hydrochlorothiazide 44. Hypertensive crisis characterized by sharp headache, dizziness, hyperemia of face, pains in the region of heart, rapid pulse, AP 220/110 mm Hg has developed in a patient suffering from essential hypertension. What agent is necessary to introduce to the patient? A. Enalapril B. Clopheline (Clonidine) * C. Prasozine D. Anapriline E. Hydrochlorothiazide 45. Indicate the antihypertensive agent which can cause such adverse effects as dryness in the mouth, constipation and water retention: A. Hydralazine (Apressin) B. Enalapril C. Verapamil D. Clopheline (Clonidine) * E. Hydrochlorothiazide (Dichlothiazide) 46. Stable arterial hypertension has developed in a patient suffering from chronic glomerulonephritis. Indicate the most effective group of drugs to treat this patient: A. Ganglioblockers B. Peripheral vasodilators * C. Alpha-adrenoblockers D. Beta-adrenoblockers E. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors 39. A doctor has administered clonidine (clopheline) to a patient to combat hypertensive crisis. What group does the named agent belong to? A. Agonists of central alpha 2 adrenoreceptors B. Antagonists of central alpha 2 adrenoreceptors C. Agonists of central L1 –imidazoline receptors D. Antagonists of central L1 –imidazoline receptors E. Non-selective agonists of central alpha 2adrenoreceptors and imidazoline receptors * 47. A patient with a hypertensive crisis was admitted to the cardiologic department. He was given an IV injection of an antihypertensive drug – alkali-earth metal salt. What drug was injected? A. Benzohexonium B. Calcium lactate C. Potassium chloride D. Sodium hydrocarbonate E. Magnesium sulfate * 40. A doctor has administered clonidine (clopheline) to a patient to treat hypertensive crisis. What class of antihypertensive drugs does the named agent belong to? A. Drugs affecting the renin-angiotensin system B. Peripheral neurotropic C. Diuretics D. Central neurotropic * E. Peripheral vasodilators 41. Indicate the drug which inhibits activity of vasomotor centre: A. Hydralazine (Apressin) B. Clopheline (clonidine) * C. Verapamil D. Enalapril E. Hydrochlorothiazide (Dichlothiazide) 42. A woman addressed to a doctor complaining of headache, fatigue, insomnia. Examination revealed high level of BP (200/100 mm Hg). The doctor administered a drug whose 48. Which is the most common side effect of antihyperlipidemic drug therapy? A. Decreased blood pressure B. Headache C. Neurological problems D. Heart palpitation E. Gastrointestinal disturbances * 49. Which drug binds bile acids in the intestine, thus preventing their return to the liver via the enterohepatic circulation? A. Nicotinic acid 9 B. Gemfibrozil C. Cholestiramine* D. Lovastatin E. Probucol 50. A patient suffering from initial hypertension has been taking an antihypertensive drug for a long time. Suddenly he stopped taking the preparation. After this his condition became worse and this led to hypertensive crisis development. This by-effect can be classified as: A. Cumulation B. Dependence C. Sensibilization D. Tolerance E. Abstinence syndrome 56. A patient who had been continuously taking drugs blocking the production of angiotensin II developed bradycardia and arrhythmia. A likely cause of these disorders is: 2013 A. Hyperkalemia * B. Hypokalemia C. Hypernatremia D. Hypercalcemia E. Hypocalcemia 57. A patient has arterial hypertension. What long-acting drug from the group of calcium channel blockers should be prescribed? 2013 A. Pyrroxanum B. Atenolol C. Reserpine D. Octadine E. Amlodipine * 51. Which drug causes a decrease in liver triglyceride synthesis by limiting available free acids needed as building blocks for this pathway? A. Nicotinic acid B. Clofibrate C. Cholestiramine D. Lovastatin E. Probucol 52. If the patient is given clofibrate to treat hyperlipidemia what enzyme or receptor activity will be most increased? A. Cytochrome P 450 B. Lipoprotein lipase C. 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase D. Low density lipoprotein receptors E. High density lipoprotein receptors 58. A patient with arterial hypertension was administered an antihypertensive agent. Arterial pressure normalized but the patient began complaining of persistent dry cough. Which agent has the given adverse effect? 2014 A. Reserpine B. Anapriline C. Clopheline D. Nifedipine E. Lisinopril * 59. A 47 y.o. patient developed intestinal colic against the background of essential hypertension. In this situation it would be most efficient to arrest the colic by using drugs of the following group: 2016 A. Myotropic antispasmodics * B. Anticholinesterase agents C. M-cholinomimetics D. Sympathomimetics E. Adrenomimetics 53. A 66 y.o. female got IV injection of MgSO4 for the purpose of elimination of hypertensive crisis. But AP didn’t go down and after repeated administration of the same drug there appeared sluggishness, slow response, inhibition of consciousness and respiration. What preparation is an antagonist of MgSO4 and can eliminate symptoms of its overdose? 2012 A. Potassium permanganate B. Calcium chloride* C. Potassium chloride D. Sodium chloride E. Activated charcoal 6. Drugs Affecting the Respiratory System 1. A patient suffering from bronchial asthma had been taking tablets which caused insomnia, headache, increased AP. What medicine can cause such complication? A. Cromolyn sodium B. Ephedrine * C. Euphylline D. Adrenaline E. Isadrine 54. A patient with essential hypertension has a high rate of blood rennin. Which of antihypertensive drugs should be preferred? 2011 A. Prazosin B. Dichlothiazide C. Propranolol * D. Lisinopril E. Nifedipine 2-4. A 12 y.o. boy with history of asthma complained of cough, dyspnea and wheezing. His symptoms became so severe that his parents brought him to the emergency room. Physical examination revealed diaphoresis, dyspnea, tachycardia and tachypnea. His respiratory rate was 42/min, pulse rate was 110 beats per minute and AP was 130/70 mm Hg. From the list below choose: 2. The most appropriate drug to reverse the bronchoconstriction rapidly.- C 3. The drug most likely to provide sustained resolution of the patient’s symptoms. - A 4. A drug contraindicated in this patient. - H 55. For relief of hypertensive crisis a doctor administered to a patient a drug that apart from antihypertensive effect has also sedative, spasmolytic and anticonvulsive effect. The drug was administered parenterally. When it is administered enterally it acts as a laxative and cholagogue. What drug was administered? A. Magnesium sulfate * B. Apressin C. Dibasolum D. No-spa E. Reserpine A. Methylprednisolone B. Salmeterol 10 C. Salbutamol D. Ipratropium E. Cromolyn F. IV Methylprednidsolone G. Inhaled Beclomethasone H. Anapriline (Propranolol) C. Libexine* D. Glaucine E. Bromhexine 13. During a surgical operation on the patient in deep general anesthesia a danger of apnea was developed. To prevent this complication 1 ml of cytitonum was introduced to the patient intravenously, but the beneficial effect wasn’t reached. Indicate the analeptic which should be used in this situation: A. Cordiamin B. Coffeinum C. Bemegride * D. Sulphocamphocaine E. Lobeline 5. Indicate the mechanism of broncholytic action of ipratropium bromide. A. Direct spasmolytic action B. Blockade of M-cholinoreceptors* C. Stimulation of β-receptors D. Inhibition of phosphodiesterase E. Activation of adenyl cyclase 6. Indicate the mechanism of Euphyllin action: A. Stimulation of β-receptors and activation of adenyl cyclase B. Inhibition of phosphodiesterase C. Inhibition of phosphodiesterase and blockade of adenosine receptors * D. Blockade of β-receptors E. Blockade of M-receptors 14. Determine the drug. This drug is a derivative of nicotinic acid. It occurs stimulant effect upon the respiration and blood supply. The increase of respiration is associated with the direct action upon the respiratory center as well as with the reflex action upon it – through chemoceptors of the Sino carotid zone. A. Cordiamin * B. Caffeine C. Etimizol D. Bemegride E. Cytiton 7. Indicate the mechanism of Salbutamol action: A. Stimulation of β-receptors B. Activation of adenyl cyclase C. Stimulation of β-receptors and activation of adenyl cyclase* D. Inhibition of phosphodiesterase E. Blockade of adenosine receptors and inhibition of phosphodiesterase 15. Determine the drug. This drug is an alkaloid, derivative of methylxanthine. It exerts significant psychostimulating action associated with the excitation of the brain cortex. It activates respiratory and vasomotor center directly, and also possesses a direct cardiotonic effect. The direct action upon the blood vessels is accompanied by their dilation and the action upon vasomotor center leads to the increase of the vascular tonicity. As a result the vessels of the abdominal cavity narrow and the cardiac, cerebral, pulmonary, renal, skeletal muscles blood vessels dilate. A. Cordiamin B. Caffeine* C. Etimizol D. Bemegrid E. Cytiton 8. Indicate the strategy to treat pulmonary edema and left ventricular failure. A. Strophanthin IV B. Furosemide IV C. Euphyllin IV D. Strophanthin, Furosemide, Euphyllin IV E. Strophanthin, Mannitol, Euphylline IV infusion 9. Indicate the stimulant of respiration with sedative effect and anti-inflammatory properties: A. Bemegride B. Etimizol * C. Caffeine D. Cordiamin E. Lobeline 16. A 20 y.o. woman treated for asthma develops a skeletal muscle tremor that is drug-induced. Which of the following medications is the most likely cause? A. Beclomethasone B. Theophylline C. Cromolyn D. Salbutamol* E. Ipratropium 10. Indicate the antitussive agent with central non-narcotic type action: A. Codeine B. Ethylmorphine C. Lobeline D. Glaucine* E. Bromhexine 17. An adult patient with COPD is being managed with several drugs, one of which is inhaled ipratropium bromide. What is the main effect that accounts for the beneficial effects of this drug? A. Blockade of endogenous bronchoconstrictor mediator action* B. Enhanced release of epinephrine from the adrenal medulla C. Inhibition of cAMP breakdown via phosphodiesterase inhibition D. Stimulation of adenylyl cyclase E. Prevention of antigen-antibody reactions that lead 11 Indicate the antitussive agent with central non-narcotic type action: A. Codeine B. Ethylmorphine C. Lobeline D. Tusuprex* E. Bromhexine 12. Indicate the antitussive agent of peripheral action: A. Codeine B. Ethylmorphine to mast cell mediator release 11 18. A young boy with asthma receives montelukast. What is the main mechanism by which this drug produces its beneficial effects? A. Prevention of antigen-antibody reactions that lead to mast cell mediator release B. Enhanced release of epinephrine from the adrenal medulla C. Stimulation of adenylyl cyclase D. Blockade of receptors for pro-inflammatory and bronchoconstrictrictor mediators * E. Inhibition of cAMP breakdown via bronchospasm development during its administration. Which drug has been administered? A. Sodium bicarbonate B. Thermopsis grass C. Bromhexine D. Acetylcysteine * E. Libexine 26. The child was born asphyxiated. What drug should be administered to the newborn to stimulate breathing? 2014 A. Aethimizolum * B. Atropine C. Prazosin D. Proserine E. Lobeline phosphodiesterase inhibition 19. The most potent bronchoconstrictor is: A. Histamine B. Bradykinin C. Leukotriens * D. Acetylcholine E. Adenosine 27. A child patient has dry cough. What non-narcotic antitussive drug will relieve the patient’s condition? 2016 A. Codeine phosphate B. Morphine hydrochloride C. Althea officinalis root extract D. Glaucine hydrochloride * E. Potassium iodide 20. Use of adrenaline is in: A. Bronchospasm B. Hypotension C. Anaphylactic shock D. Bradycardia E. All of above * 7. Drugs Affecting the Gastrointestinal Tract 21. To the patient with psychomotor excitation 2 ml of 2,5% solution of aminazine (chlorpromazine) was injected IM. AP felt down (pre collapse state). Which drug should be administered? A. Anaprilin (Propranolol) B. Atropine C. Cordiamin * D Domperidone E. Pentamine 1. Determine the drug that is not used as an antiemetic in motion sickness: A. Scopolamine B. Aeron C. Validol D. Suprastine E. Metoclopramid* 2. Determine the drug that is not used as an anti emetic in motion sickness: A. Validol B. Ondansetron* C. Aeron D. Dimedrol E. Scopolamine 22. To the patient with acute bronchitis has been administered an agent that caused vomiting. What agent could most likely cause such action? A. Acetylcysteine B. Potassium iodide C. Bromhexine D. Salbutamol E. Thermopsis grass infusion 3. Indicate the pharmacological group that inhibits the motility of the stomach and intestine: A. M-cholinomimetics B. M-cholinoblockers* C. Cholinesterase inhibitors D. N-cholinomimetics E. β1-adrenomimetics 23. A patient suffering from chronic bronchitis takes a synthetic mucolytic drug that facilitates the sputum thinning. What drug is it? A. Diazepam B. Enalapril C. Acetylcysteine* D. Heparin E. Furosemide 4. Indicate the pharmacological group that stimulates the motility of stomach and intestine: A. Ganglioblockers B. M-cholinoblockers C. Anticholinesterases * D. Myorelaxants E. β1-adrenomimetics 24. In order to stimulate breathing in a child born with asphyxia, the doctor gave him a drug injection into umbilical vein. What drug might have been injected? 2013 A. Sulfocamphocaine B. Cordiamin C. Etimizol D. Coffeinum * E. Labetalol 5. A 35 y.o. woman was admitted to the surgical department with the symptoms of acute pancreatitis: vomiting, diarrhea, bradycardia, hypotension, weakness, dehydration of the organism, amylase of the blood plasma – 128U. What agent should be used first of all? A. Pirenzepine B. Platyphyllin C. Contrical (Aprotinin)* 25. A patient with chronic bronchitis has been administered an expectorant acting by splitting the disulfide bonds of glycosaminoglycan of sputum, decreasing its viscosity. The physician has warned the patient about possible 12 D. Methacin E. Atropine B. Prostaglandin E2 C. Sucralfate D. Al3+-containing antacids 24. Hypothalamic ventromedial nuclei stroke was diagnosed in a 50 y.o. woman. Her behavior is characterized by unsatisfied hunger, weight gain. Which drug may be used to reduce her appetite? A. Etimizol B. Phepranone * C. Piracetam D. Lipostabil E. Caffeine 25. An anticholinesterase drug has been administered to a patient in postoperative period to stimulate intestinal peristalsis and tonus of urinary bladder. Which drug is it? A. Propranolol B. Reserpine C. Dichlothiazide D. Mannitol E. Proserine* 6. Indicate the mechanism of the emetic action of apomorphine: A. Stimulation of the parasympathetic ganglions B. Activation of chemoreceptors of trigger zone of the emetic center in medulla oblongata * C. Irritation of the gastric mucus D. Increase in the tonicity of smooth muscles E. Increase in hydrochloric acid secretion 7. A doctor has administered Metoclopramide to a 37 y.o. man with the symptoms of acute pancreatitis and severe vomitus. Indicate the mechanism of action of this drug. A. Blocks M-cholinoreceptors B. Blocks dopamine D2-receptors * C. Stimulates M-cholinoreceptors D. Blocks histamine H2-receptors E. Stimulates β-adrenoreceptors 8-13. Select the most appropriate drug from the following list, which is: 8. Given in combination regiment to enhance antiemetic potency- C* 9. Highly effective against cytotoxic drugs induced emesis – A* 10. Can cause extrapyramidal side effects – F* 11. Approved for managing postoperative nausea and vomiting – B* 12. Useful in managing nausea and vomiting due to motion sickness – D* 13. Low antiemetic potency – E* A. Granisetron B. Ondansetron C. Dexamethasone D. Suprastine E. Lorazepam F. Metoclopramide 26-29. Select the most appropriate drug to induce the numbered adverse effects from the following list: A. Sodium bicarbonate B. Cimetidine C. Loperamide (Imodium) D. Metoclopramide 26. Gynecomastia – B* 27. Metabolic alkalosis – A* 28. Extrapyramidal symptoms – D* 29. Toxic megacolon – C* 30. An agent, capable to inhibit essentially 100% of gastric acid secretion in a single daily dose was administered to a patient suffering from the ulcer of the stomach with the increased acid-producing function. What agent is it? A. Atropine B. Ranitidine C. Famotidine D. Omeprazole* E. Platyphyllin 31. Agents, which dissolve cholesterol stones, are: A. Chenodeoxycholic acid* B. Clofibrate C. Cholestiramine D. A and B are correct E. Lipoic acid 32. Which of the following drugs is useful in dissolving Gall bladder stone: A. Clofibrate B. Chenodeoxycholic acid* C. Lactulose D. Gemfibrosil E. Lipoic acid 33. A patient with severe arthritis will be placed on longterm therapy with indomethacin. Which of the following drugs is the most appropriate choice to administer as an add-on (adjunct) to prevent gastric ulcers caused by this NSAID? A. Misoprostol* B. Celecoxib C. Nimesulide D. Cimetidine E. Meloxicam 14-19. Select the most appropriate drug from the following list, which: 14. It softens the stool – C* 15. It may adsorb intestinal toxins – F* 16. It diminishes fluid secretion in the bowel – A* 17. It irritates the gut and causes increased peristalsis – B* 18. It retains water and produces intestinal distension – E* 19. It inhibits peristalsis – D* A. Bismuth subsalicylate B. Phenolphthalein (Purgen) C. Docusate sodium (Norgalax) D. Loperamide (Imodium) E. Magnesium sulfate F. Activated charcoal 20-23. Select the most appropriate drug from the following list: 20. It is approved for prevention of NSAID-induced gastric ulcers – A * 21. It diminishes gastric acid production by inhibiting adenyl cyclase – B * 22. It can alter absorption of other drugs – D * 23. It binds to mucus forming physical barrier to HCl and pepsin – C * A. Misoprostol 13 34. A liquidator of a breakdown at a nuclear power plant who was irradiated complained about vomiting that occurs all of a sudden. What medication should be prescribed? A. Metoclopramide* B. Reserpine C. De-Nol D. Atropine E. Aeron 35. Which agent has properties not only to stimulate bile formation but also bile migration? A. Cholosas B. Oxaphenamid * C. Cholecystokinin D. Cholenzym E. Allochol 36. A 60 y.o. man presents with weakened peristaltic activity of the bowels. Which of the following foodstuffs would stimulate peristalsis most of all? A. Tea B. Lard C. Meat D. White bread E. Brown bread* B. Nicodinum C. Allochol D. Cholenzyme E. Magnesium sulfate 41. A doctor prescribed trasylol (contrical, gordox) to the patient to prevent attacks of acute pancreatitis. The drug is an inhibitor of: A. Gastriscin B. Phospholipase C. Carboxypeptidase D. Elastase E. Trypsin 42. A 65 y.o. female patient has chronic constipation due to the colon hypotonia. What drug should be chosen in this case? 2013 A. Bisacodyl * B. Magnesium sulfate C. Metoclopramide D. Neostigmine methylsulfate E. Castor oil 43. A 40 y.o. female patient diagnosed with acute pancreatitis has been admitted to the admission department of a regional hospital. What drug should be administered to the patient in the first place? A. Contrical * B. Pirenzepine C. Platyphyllin D. Atropine E. Methacin 37. A patient with chronic hyperacid gastritis takes an antacid for heartburn. After its ingestion he feels better but at the same time he has a sensation of stomach swelling. Which of the following drugs might be the cause of such side effect? A. Sodium hydrocarbonate * B. Aluminium hydroxide C. Magnesium trisilicate D. Magnesium oxide E. Pepsin 44. A 40 y.o. patient with hyperacid gastritis suffers from night hunger pains. Administer him a histamine H2 receptor blocker of the III generation which will decrease hydrochloric acid secretion (especially at night) and increase mucus formation: A. Platyphyllin hydrotartrate B. Pirenzepine C. Famotidine * D. Atropine sulphate E. Methacin 45. What drug will be most appropriate for the patient who has chronic gastritis with increased secretion? 2016 A. Pancreatin B. Chlorphentermine C. Pepsin D. Aprotinin E. Pirenzepine * 38. A patient has multiple gastric ulcers but has done nothing about them. Shortly after consuming a large meal he experiences significant GI distress. He takes a remedy for heartburn. Within a minute he develops ‘bad bloating feeling’. Several of the ulcers have begun to bleed and he experiences severe pain. The patient becomes profoundly hypotensive from upper GI blood loss and is transported to the hospital. Endoscopy confirms multiple bleedings. The endoscopist remarks that it appears as if the lesions had been literally stretched apart, causing additional tissue damage that led to the hemorrhage. The drug the patient most likely took was: A. Aluminum hydroxide B. Magnesium hydroxide C. Sodium bicarbonate * D. Tannin E. Bismuth subnitrate 39. An elderly patient has chronic obstipatons induced by large intestine hypotonia. Which drug should be administered? 2014 A. Proserine B. Aceclidine C. Sodium sulphate D. Bisacodyl * E. Castor oil 40. A patient with biliary dyskinesia and constipations has been prescribed a cholagogue having also a laxative effect. What drug has been administered? 2013 A. Cholosas 8. Drugs affecting the Kidney and Uterus 1. Which effect can hydrochlorothiazide produce? A. Hyperkalemia B. Hyperuricemia* C. Hypertension D. Hypoglycemia in diabetic patients E. Hypolipidemia 2. The alternative usage of dichlotiazide, etacrinic acid and furosemide did not cause a marked diuretic effect in the patient with developed peripheral edema. The aldosterone 14 level in the plasma is increased. Which diuretic would be most effective in this case? A. Amilorid B. Spironolactone* C. Mannit D. Clopamide E. Urea 3. A doctor administered allopurinol to a 37 y.o. man with the symptoms of gout. What pharmacological action of allopurinol ensures therapeutical effect? A. Increasing uric acid excretion B. Inhibiting leukocyte migration into joint C. Inhibiting uric acid synthesis* D. Increasing uric acid biotransformation E. General anti-inflammatory effect 4. Which of the following enzymes is responsible for the ultimate formation of uric acid, which contributes to hyperuricemia and the pathophysiology of chronic and acute gout? A. 5’-Lipoxygenase B. Xanthine oxidase* C. Phospholipase D. Cyclooxygenase-1 E. Cyclooxygenase-2 5. The diuretic, which causes hypercalcemia, is: A. Hydrochlorothiazide* B. Lasix C. Bumetanide D. Indapamide E. Mannitol 6. Which diuretic promotes Ca2+ reabsorption? A. Verospirone B. Lasix C. Amiloride D. Indapamide E. Hydrochlorothiazide* 7. There is a pregnant woman in a delivery room that on term of gestation should already have labors. The uterus cervix is not opened at inspection. Indicate an agent for acceleration of uterus cervix ripening and for parturition activity stimulation: A. Progesterone B. Dinoproston (PGE2) * C. Estrone D. Testosterone E. Ergometrine 8. A parturient woman has uterine bleeding in connection with disturbances of contractility of the myometrium in postpartum period. Which drug should be administered to stop bleeding? A. Partusisten (Terbutaline) B. Atropine C. MgSO4 D. Adrenaline E. Ergometrine * 9. A 32 y.o. parturient woman is suffering from severe pain. Which medicine should be administered to reduce the pain? A. Codeine phosphate B. Morphine hydrochloride C. Promedol (Trimeperidine) * D. Analgin (Metamizole) E. Paracetamol 10. Examination of a patient revealed hyperkaliemia and hyponatremia. What diuretic was administered? A. Verospirone * B. Furosemide C. Hydrochlorthiazide D. Bumetanide E. Ethacrinic acid 11. A 35 y.o. patient who often consumes alcohol was treated with diuretics. There appeared serious muscle and heart weakness, vomiting, diarrhea. AP 100/60 mm Hg, depression. This condition is caused by intensified excretion of: A. Calcium B. Potassium* C. Chlorine D. Phosphates E. Sodium 12. Choose a drug to stimulate myometrium in a pregnant woman, taking into account that she has inclination to arterial hypertension: A. Oxytocin * B. Pituitrin C. Fenoterol (Partusisten) D. Dinoprost E. No-spa 13. A doctor has administered pituitrin to a 35 y.o. parturient woman with the weakness of labor activity. Which concomitant disease is a contradiction for this drug administration? A. Hypotension B. Bronchial asthma C. Peptic ulcer D. Diabetes mellitus E. Hypertension * 14. A vitamin-containing therapy was administered to a pregnant woman with a history of habitual abortion. Select vitamin promoting maintenance of pregnancy: A. Tocopherol* B. Pyridoxine phosphate C. Folic acid D. Rutin E. Cyanocobalamine 15. A 34 y.o. woman with threatened (habitual) abortion has admitted to the obstetrician department. Which tocolytic should be administered to the patient? A. Dinoproston B. Fenoterol (Partusisten) * C. Cotarnine D. Ergometrine E. Drotaverine 16. A tocolytic agent was administered IM to a pregnant woman to prevent preterm delivery. The drug is also known as anticonvulsive, hypotensive, antiarrhythmic, cholagogic and laxative. Which agent had been used? A. Oxytocin B. Dinoprost C. Fenoterol D. Magnesium sulfate * E. Partusisten 17. Despite the administration of cardiotonics and a thiazide diuretic a patient with chronic heart failure has persistent edemas and the risk of ascites arose. What medication should be administered in order to enhance the diuretic effect of the drugs used? 2015 A. Amiloride B. Spironolactone * C. Furosemide 15 D. Clopamide E. Mannitol 18. A 65 y.o. female suffers from chronic renal failure accompanied by evident edemata caused by chronic glomerulonephritis. What diuretic should be administered for forced diuresis? 2010 A. Cyclometazide B. Acetazolamide C. Hydrochlorothiazide D. Chlorthalidone E. Furosemide 19. Which of the following agents WILL NOT have diuretic effect on a patient with Addison’s disease? A. Spironolactone * B. Triamterene C. Furosemide D. Hydrochlorothiazide E. Ethacrynic acid 20. A 26 y.o. pregnant woman at 40 weeks of pregnancy has been taken to the maternity ward. Objectively: the uterine cervix is open, but contractions are absent. The doctor administered a hormonal drug to her to stimulate the labour. Name this drug: 2013 A. Oxytocin * B. Estrone C. ACTH D. Testosterone E. Hydrocortisone 21. A hypertensive patient had been keeping to a salt-free diet and taking antihypertensive drugs together with hydrochlorothiazide for a long time. This resulted in electrolyte imbalance. What disorder of the internal environment occurred in the patient? 2013 A. Hypochloremic alkalosis * B. Metabolic acidosis C. Hyperkalemia D. Increase in circulating blood volume E. Hypermagnesemia 9. Drugs affecting Blood 1. There is an inhibited coagulation in the patient with the bile ducts obstruction, bleeding due to the low level of absorption of a vitamin. What vitamin is in deficiency? A. A B. D C. E D. K* E. Carotene 2. A 2 y.o. child has got intestinal dysbacteriosis, which results in hemorrhagic syndrome. What is the most probable cause of the hemorrhage in the child? A. Vitamin K deficiency* B. PP hypovitaminosis C. Activation of tissue tromboplastin D. Hypocalcaemia E. Fibrinogen deficiency 3. Inhibition of leucopoiesis is observed in a 43 y.o. radiologist. The amount of leukocytes equals 3.5x109/L. Specify the agent for correction of leucopoiesis: A. Ferroplex B. Folic acid C. Cyanocobalamin D. Ascorbic acid E. Pentoxyl * 4. A patient with hypochromic anemia suffers from splitting and loss of hair, increased nail fragility and taste alteration. What is the mechanism of the symptoms development? A. Vitamin K deficiency B. Vitamin A deficiency C. Iron-containing enzymes deficiency * D. Decreased production of thyroid hormones E. Vitamin B12 deficiency 5. A patient with acute myocardial infarction has been administered heparin as a part of complex therapy. Some time after heparin injection the patient developed hematuria. What heparin antagonist should be injected to remove the complication? 2015 A. Protamine sulfate* B. Aminocaproic acid C. Vicasol D. Fibrinogen E. Neodicumarin 22. A woman with kidney disease accompanied by marked edema was administered a diuretic inhibiting Na+ and water reabsorption and enhancing K+ and Mg2+ excretion by the kidney, induces hyperuricemia and powerful diuretic effect . Indicate this agent: A. Spironolactone B. Triamterene C. Furosemide * D. Allopurinol E. Diacarb 23. A patient with chronic heart failure with edema has increased level of blood aldosterone. Which diuretic would be most effective in this case? 2016 A. Triamterene B. Spironolactone * C. Hydrochlorothiazide D. Furosemide E. Acetazolamide 6. Indicate the alkylating drug used for the treatment of leucosis: A. Fluoracil B. Mercaptopurine C. Methotrexate D. Cyclophosphamide* E. Vincristine 7. Indicate the mechanism of the heparin action: A. Inhibition of synthesis of the clotting factors in the liver B. Inhibition of thrombin C. Inhibition of the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin* D. Activation of profibrinolysin E. Causes proteolysis of plasminogen to plasmin 8. Indicate the clinical use of cyanocobalamin: A. Leucopoenia B. Malignant megaloblastic anemia* 16 C. Acute leucosis D. Gout E. Thyrotoxicosis 9. Indicate the properties of sodium citrate: A. It activates proteolysis B. It binds to Ca2+ ions C. It inhibits the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin D. It is used for blood preservation E. B and D* C. Vicasol D. Deferoxamine * E. EDTA 17. Examination of a 43 y.o. anephric patient revealed anemia symptoms. Which agent should be administered? A. Epoetin alpha * B. Vitamin B12 C. Vicasol D. Folic acid E. Fercoven 18. A 27 y.o. woman suffers from hypochromic anemia in connection with significant blood loss after thyroidectomy. Which drug should be administered to the patient? A. Cyanocobalamine B. Coamide C. Folic acid D. Pentoxyl E. Ferrum-lek* 10. Indicate the mechanism of aspirin antiplatelet action: A. Inhibition of PDE that promotes the accumulation of cAMP B. Stimulation of adenyl cyclase in thrombocytes C. Inhibition of cyclooxygenase and prevention of synthesis of thromboxane* D. Block of adenosine uptake E. Increase of prostacyclin synthesis 11. Indicate the drug used locally to stop bleeding from the small vessels. A. Calcium chloride B. Contrical C. Amben D. Thrombin * E. Vicasol 12. Indicate the mechanism of the streptokinase action: A. Inhibition of synthesis of the clotting factors in the liver B. Inhibition of thrombin C. Inhibition of the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin D. Activation of profibrinolysin E. Causes proteolysis of fibrin * 19. During a competition there are the indirect proofs of the forbidden drug erythropoietin usage in the sportsmenskiers by results of the dope-control. Define, what is not typical for erythropoietin? A. It is produced by recombinant technologies B. It decreases level of erythrocytes in blood* C. It is synthesized by the kidney in hypoxemic environment D. It stimulates erythropoiesis E. It can be used for the treatment of anemia due to chronic renal failure 20. To the patient suffering from stenocardia and taking isosorbide mononitrate, has been given an agent with antiplatelet activity. Indicate this agent: A. Anapriline (Propranolol) B. Acetylsalicylic acid* C. Nifedipine D. Nitroglycerine E. Validol 21. The patient with myocardial infarction had been receiving each 6 hours an anticoagulant IV. In a few days, he has developed bleeding gums, nasal bleeding; erythrocytes in urine have appeared. What drug was introduced to the patient? A. Aminocaproic acid B. Neodicumarin C. Vicasol D. Calcium gluconate E. Heparin* 22. Symptoms of internal bleeding developed at a patient of gynecologic department. What agent should be given for inhibition of fibrinolysis and arrest of hemorrhage? A. Calcium chloride B. Dicynon C. Vicasol D. Contrical* E. Fibrinogen 23. The patient was admitted to the traumatologic department due to fracture of chin bones, damages of soft tissues and massive bleeding. Examination revealed paleness of the skin, pain in palpation of area of trauma, swelling of the skin, bleeding on the whole surface of the wound. Specify a drug for local use to stop the bleeding: A. Vicasol 13. Indicate the mechanism of the cytostatic action of Methotrexate: A. Inhibition of dihydrofolate reductase - blocking the conversion of dihydrofolic acid to tetra hydrofolic acid* B. Inhibition of the conversion of inosine monophosphate to adenine and guanine nucleotides C. Inhibition of thymidilate synthesis and selective failure of DNA synthesis D. Production of highly reactive carbonium ion intermediates, which transfer alkyl groups to macromolecules by forming covalent bonds E. Block of adenosine uptake 14. A 45 y.o. patient is admitted to the hospital in connection with thromboembolism of pulmonary artery, which developed after physical exertion. Choose the drug of choice for this patient: A. Aspirin B. Dipyridamole C. Abciximab D. Streptokinase * E. Clopidogrel 15. The anticoagulant activity of neodicumarin can be potentiated by all of the following drugs EXCEPT: A. Rifampicin * B. Aspirin C. Pentoxifylline D. Cimetidine E. Disulfiram 16. Indicate the pharmacological antidote for the iron preparations: A. Ascorbic acid B. Protamine sulfate 17 B. Calcium chloride C. Thrombin * D. Aminocaproic acid E. Amben 24. Anticoagulants are used for the prevention and treatment of thrombosis. Specify an anticoagulant which antagonist is protamine sulfate. A. Phenylin B. Neodicumarin C. Warfarin D. Sodium citrate E. Heparin* 25. A 38 y.o. woman has been on a slim diet consisted of 2 cups of coffee without sugar, 3 crackers from white bread, 2 eggs or 2 sausages a day for a mouth. She lost 5 kg her weight but developed headaches, often nasal bleedings, bleeding sickness of gums, shaking of teeth, shelling of skin and shedding of hair. What vitamin drug is expedient in this case? A. Ascorbic acid* B. Cyanocobalamin C. Folic acid D. Vicasol (Menadione) E. Retinol acetate 26. Specify the antagonist of anticoagulants with indirect type of action. A. Vicasol * B. Fercoven C. Pentoxyl D. Protamine sulfate E. Contrykal 27. Specify the coagulant agent available for local use only (to stop bleedings from small blood vessels). A. Aminocaproic acid B. Vicasol C. Calcium chloride D. Hemostatic sponge * E. Fibrinogen 28. Specify the thrombolytic agent with direct action which belongs to plasm proteins. A. Contrical B. Streptokinase C. Fibrinolysin * D. Urokinase E. Streptodecase 29. After a disease a 16 y.o. boy presents with a decreased function of protein synthesis in the liver as a result of vitamin K deficiency. This may cause disorder of: A. Blood coagulation B. Osmotic blood pressure* C. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate D. Anticoagulant production E. Erythropietin production 30. Before tooth extraction a patient was administered a drug for haemorrhage prevention. Which drug was it? A. Asparcam B. Vicasol * C. Dimedrol D. Heparin E. Magnesium sulfate 31. A 54 y.o. patient took levomicetin (chloramphenicol) for a long time without doctor permission. The patient examination revealed leucopenia. Which drug should be administered for stimulation of leucopoiesis? A. Pentoxyl * B. Methotrexate C. Mercaptopurine D. Cyanocobalamin E. Prednisolone 32. A patient has myocardial infarction with thrombosis of the left coronary artery. What pharmacological preparation group should be used to reestablish blood flow? 2012 A. Glucocorticoids B. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors C. Narcotic analgetics D. β-adrenoblockers E. Fibrinolysis activators * 33. Examination of a child who hasn’t got fresh fruit and vegetables during winter revealed numerous subcutaneous hemorrhages, gingivitis, carious cavities in teeth. What vitamin combination should be administered? 2012 A. Ascorbic acid and rutin * B. Folic acid and cobalamin C. Thiamine and pyridoxine D. Calciferol and ascorbic acid E. Riboflavin and nicotinamide 34. A patient has a slowly healing fracture. Which medicine can be used to accelerate formation of connective tissue matrix? 2012 A. Cyclosporine B. Prednisolone C. Cyclophosphan D. Methotrexate E. Methyluracil * 35. As a result of home injury, a patient suffered a significant blood loss, which led to a fall in BP. Rapid blood pressure recovery after the blood loss is provided by the following hormones: 2013 A. Oxytocin B. Adrenaline, vasopressin C. Sex hormones D. Cortisol E. Aldosterone 36. A 46 y.o. female is scheduled for a maxillofacial surgery. It is known that the patient is prone to high blood coagulation. What natural anticoagulant can be used to prevent blood clothing? 2013 A. Fibrinolysin B. Hirudin C. Sodium citrate D. None of the listed substances E. Heparin * 37. A 20 y.o. male patient complains of general weakness, rapid fatigability, irritability, decreased performance, bleeding gums, petechiae on the skin. What vitamin deficiency may be a cause of these changes? 2013 A. Ascorbic acid * B. Retinol C. Riboflavin D. Folic acid E. Thiamine 38. A 40 y.o. man was diagnosed with hypochromic anaemia. Which agent should be administered? 2014 A. Vicasol B. Fercoven * C. Pentoxyl D. Cyanocobalamine E. Heparin 18 39. A 30-y.o. patient with a past history of virus B hepatitis complains of prolonged nosebleeds. Which drug will be most efficient in remedying this condition? 2016 A. Folic acid B. Dipyridamole C. Vicasol * D. Asparcam E. Fraxiparin 8. Best preparation of insulin for intravenous injection is: A. Lente Insulin B. Semilente Insulin C. Regular insulin * D. Humulin E. Ultralente Insulin 9. Which drug decrease insulin release? A. Glibenclamide B. Carbamazepine C. Sodium valproate D. Diazoxide* E. Butamide 10. The following states are adverse reactions of oral contraceptives except: A. Thromboembolism B. Weight gain C. Carbohydrate intolerance D. Galactorrhea * E. Hyperlipidemia 11. Hormones and Antihormones 1. A 32 y.o. woman visited gynecologist with the complaints of the usual abortions during the first months of pregnancy and the disorders of the menstrual cycle. The doctor established the diagnosis of pituitary insufficiency. Administer the hormonal drug to treat this patient: A. Corticotrophin B. Glibenclamide C. Oxytocin D. Gonadotropin menopausticum * E. Pituitrin 11. A 42 y.o. woman taking an oral contraceptive (estrogen + progestin) for 3 years is diagnosed epilepsy and started on phenytoin (diphenin). Which state is the most probable consequence of adding phenytoin? A. Reduced contraceptive efficacy* B. Increased risk of craniofacial abnormalities in the fetus D. Aplastic anemia E. Seizures B. Thromboembolism 12. A 32 y.o. man has complained of a headache, fatigue, thirst, pains in the spine and joints for the last 2 years. Clinically it was observed disproportional enlargement of hands, feet, nose, superciliary arches. He noted that he needed to buy 3 times bigger shoes. What is the main reason of such disproportional enlargement of different parts of the body? A. Increased sensitivity of the tissues to growth hormone B. Increased sensitivity of the tissues to insulin C. Cartilaginous tissue proliferation under growth hormone influence* D. Joint dystrophy development E. Joints chronic inflammation development 2. A patient had been suffering from atopic bronchial asthma for a long time. Last time he was treated with prednisolone due to worsening of his state. Long treatment with prednisolone produced the development of edemas, increase in glucose concentration, increased excitability and sleeplessness. Indicate hormone drug, which should be administered for prevention of this complication: A. Androcur (Cyproterone acetate) B. Retabolil C. Glibenclamide D. Tocopherol acetate E. Corticotropin* 3. Determine the drug for hyperprolactinemia: A. Bromocriptine* B. L-Dopa C. Oxytocin D. Pituitrin E. Estradiol 4. Glucocorticoids are contraindicated in all cases except: A. Organ transplants* B. Peptic ulcers C. Hypertension D. Diabetes mellitus E. Tuberculosis 5. The corticosteroid without any glucocorticoid activity is: A. Triamcinolone B. Dexamethasone C. DOCA (Desoxycorticosterone acetate)* D. Cortisol E. Hydrocortisone 6. What is not true about Beclomethasone? A. Indicated for chronic use B. Inhalation steroid C. Effective in acute asthma * D. Predispose to fungal infections E. All above 7. Inhaled corticosteroid is: A. Dexamethasone B. Beclomethasone* C. Triamcinolone D. Prednisolone E. Hydrocortisone 13. A patient has been taking glucocorticoids for a long time. When the preparation was withdrawn he developed the symptoms of aggravation, decreased blood pressure and weakness. What is the reason of this condition? A. Sensibilization B. Adrenal insufficiency * C. Cumulation D. Hyperproduction of ACTH E. Idiosyncrasy 14. A 2 y.o. child has experienced tetanic convulsions due to lowering Ca2+ concentration in the plasma. Administer the hormonal drug to treat the patient: A. Prednisolone B. Insulin C. Calcitrin D. Calcium chloride E. Parathyroid hormone * 15. A 17 y.o. female suffers from tachycardia at rest, weight loss, excessive sweating, exophthalmus, irritability, elevated thyroxine in her serum. What treatment should be administered to the patient? A. Thyrotropin 19 B. Calcitonin C. Reserpine D. Mercazolyl (Methimazole)* E. Prednisolone 25. Testosterone and its analogs increase volume of skeletal muscles that makes this drug useful for the treatment of myodystrophy. Interaction with what cellular substrate determines this action? 2011 A. Membrane receptors B. Ribosomes C. Nuclear receptors * D. Chromatin E. Protein-activator of transcription 26. A 35 y.o. woman suffering from chronic polyarthritis has been treated for a long time with some drugs. She is complaining on rising of BP, redistribution of fat tissues, disturbances of menstrual cycle. Which drug administration are these complaints related to? A. Beclomethasone B. Phenylbutazone (Butadion) C. Meloxicam D. Prednisolon * E. Diclofenac-natrium 16. Taking oral contraceptives containing sex hormones inhibits endogenous pituitary secretion. Select the hormone which secretion is inhibited while taking oral contraceptives containing sex hormones. A. Follicle-stimulating hormone * B. Oxytocin C. Pituitrin D. Growth hormone E. Thyroid-stimulating hormone 18. Best drug of stopping fibrosis: A. Antibiotics B. Aspirin C. Steroids * D. Enzyme preparation E. Nimesulide 27. A 32 y.o. woman was taking tri-regol for a long time. What does not belong to the adverse effects of this drug? A. Thrombosis B. Pyelonephritis C. Weight gain D. Hepatotoxicity E. Osteoporosis * 19. Which of the following is true of propylthiouracil? A. It is used in the treatment of hypothyroidism B. It has a long half-life in the circulation C. It increases proteolysis of thyroglobulin D. It inhibits thyroid hormone synthesis * E. It enhances thyroid hormone synthesis 20. Somatostatin inhibits all except: A. Insulin B. Growth hormone C. Thyroxine D. Epinephrine * E. Glucagon 28. A pregnant woman has been admitted to a obstetrician department. Indicate the agent of the hormonal nature to intensify parturition activity. A. Progesterone B. Oxytocin * C. Methandrostenolone D. Hydrocortisone E. Aldosterone 21. Hyperglycemia is caused by all preparations except: A. Glucocorticoids B. Thiazide diuretics C. Glucagon * D. Propranolol E. Contraceptives 29. A gynecologist has recommended to a 24 y.o. woman a peroral contraceptive, which should be applied immediately after the sexual intercourse for the prevention of undesirable pregnancy. Specify this drug: A. Rigevidon B. Triziston C. Levonorgestrel (Postinor) * D. Estradiol E. Proginova 22. Stress increases all hormones level except: A. B. C. D. E. ACTH Noradrenalin Insulin Glucagon * Adrenalin 30. A 27 y.o. woman who from time to time uses peroral contraceptives has addressed to the doctor with a question on composition of these agents. What steroid substances are included to postcoital peroral contraceptives? A. Gonadotropins B. Progestins * C. Androgens D. Anabolic steroids E. Glucocorticoids 23. A patient with diabetes mellitus type II glibenclamide was administered by endocrinologist. Indicate the main mechanism of its action: 2016 A. Promotes glucose utilization by peripheral tissues B. Stimulates beta-cells isles of Langerhans * C. Suppresses beta-cells isles of Langerhans D. Facilitate glucose transport through cellular membranes E. Inhibits glucose absorption in the intestine 31. A 27 y.o. woman has arrived to the obstetrician department because of threatened (habitual) abortion. What hormonal agent should be administer? A. Folliculin B. Progesterone * C. Ethinylestradiol D. Gonadotropin menopause E. Estradiol 24. A 68 y.o. patient that complains of thirst and frequent urination has been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus and was administered metformin. What is the mechanism of action of this agent? A. Promotes glucose utilization by peripheral tissues * B. Stimulates beta-cells isles of Langerhans C. Suppresses beta-cells isles of Langerhans D. Inhibits glucose transport through cellular membranes E. Inhibits glucose absorption in the intestine 32. Many kinds of pathology (inflammation, pulmonary edema, shock of different origin) are accompanied by 20 violation of permeability of vessels. Which drug can be used for elimination of the reaction at any of the termed states? A. Dimedrol (Diphenhydramine) B. Acid acetylsalicylic C. Indomethacin D. Prednisolone * E. Beclomethasone caused spastic pain of skeletal muscles. What medication should be used in order to correct potassium exchange? A. No-spa B. Dithylin C. Asparcam * D. Thyrocalcitonin E. Diazepam 33. Continuous use of a drug can result in osteoporosis, erosions of stomach mucosa, hypokaliemia, retention of Na+ and water, decreased concentration of corticotropin in blood. What drug is it? A. Indomethacin B. Prednisolone * C. Digoxin D. Hypothiazide E. Reserpine 40. Parents of a 10 y.o. boy consulted a doctor about extension of hair-covering, growth of beard and moustache, low voice. Intensified secretion of which hormone must be assumed? A. Cortisol B. Oestrogen C. Somatotropin D. Testosterone * E. Progesterone 34. A patient with infectious mononucleosis has been taking glucocorticoids for two weeks. This resulted in remission but the patient got exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis. This complication is induced by the following effect of glucocorticosteroids: 2010 A. Immunosuppressive * B. Anti-inflammatory C. Antitoxic D. Antishock E. Antiallergic 42. It is required to administer hormonotherapy for the purpose of immunosuppression to prevent the transplant rejection after organ transplantation. What hormones are used for this purpose? A. Sexual hormones B. Glucocorticoids * C. Catecholamine D. Mineralocorticoids E. Thyroid 43. A patient suffers from diabetes mellitus. After the regular insulin injection his condition became worse: there appeared anxiety, cold sweat, tremor of limbs, general weakness, dizziness. What preparation can eliminate these symptoms? 2010 A. Noradrenaline B. Caffeine C. Glibutide D. Butamide E. Adrenaline hydrochloride * 35. A 3 y.o. child has convulsions as s result of lowered concentration of Ca2+ in blood plasma. What hormone should be administered concomitantly with Ca2+ agent? A. Calcitrin B. Parathyroid hormone * C. Miacalcic D. L - Tyroxine E. Prednisolone 36. Inhabitants of territories with cold climate have high content of an adaptive thermoregulatory hormone. What hormone is meant? A. Insulin B. Somatotropin C. Glucagon D. Cortisol E. Thyroxin * 37. A 45 y.o. woman suffers from Cushing’s syndrome – steroid diabetes. Biochemical examination revealed: hyperglycemia, hypochloremia. Which of the undermentioned processes is the first to be activated? A. Glycogenolysis B. Glycolysis C. Gluconeogenesis * D. Glucose reabsorption E. Glucose transport to the cell 44. Examination of a 70 y.o. patient revealed insulindependent diabetes. What drug should be administered? 2011 A. Insulin * B. Glibenclamid C. Cortisone D. Parathyroidin E. Mercazolil 45. A patient has been given high doses of hydrocortisone for a long time. This caused atrophy of one of the adrenal cortex zones. Which zone is it? 2011 A. Fascicular * B. Glomerular and reticular C. Reticular D. None E. Glomerular 46. A 60 y.o. male patient has type II diabetes mellitus. A doctor administered him a long-acting synthetic hypoglycemic drug that is a sulphonylurea derivative. What drug was it? 2016 A. Metformin B. Glibenclamide * C. Butamide D. Acarbose E. Actrapid (soluble insulin) 38. A 60 y.o. male has type 2 diabetes mellitus accompanied by obesity, atherosclerosis, and coronary artery disease. Basal hyperinsulinemia is also present. Which drug would be the most appropriate? A. Glibenclamid * B. Retabolil C. Amlodipine D. Insulin E. Lovastatin 47. A nurse accidentally injected a nearly double dose of insulin to a patient with diabetes mellitus. The patient 39. A patient with collagenosis has been taking prednisolone for a long time. Hypokaliemia development 21 lapsed into a hypoglycemic coma. What drug should be injected in order to help him go out of coma? 2012 A. Glucose * B. Lydase C. Somatotropin D. Nor5adrenaline E. Insulin synthesis of one of the following substances. Choose the correct answer. A. Leukotriens* B. Prostacyclin C. Prostaglandins D. Thromboxanes E. Platelet-activating factor 48. Parodontitis is treated with calcium preparations and a hormone that stimulates tooth mineralization and inhibits tissue resorption. What hormone is it? 2012 A. Calcitonin c B. Aldosterone C. Thyroxin D. Adrenaline E. Parathormone 2. A 23 y.o. man suffers from allergic seasonal coryza caused by the ambrosia blossoming. Which medicine stabilizing adipose cells can be used for prevention of this disease? A. Phencarol B. Diazolin C. Dimedrol D. Tavegyl E. Ketotifen* 49. A 20 y.o. patient complains of morbid thirst and hyperdiuresis (up to 10 L daily). Glucose concentration in blood is normal and it is absent in urine. The patient has been diagnosed with diabetes insipidus. What hormonal drug is the most appropriate for management of this disorder? A. Insulin B. Thyroxin C. Vasopressin * D. Cortisol E. Oxytocin 50. A comatose patient was admitted to a hospital. He has a history of diabetes mellitus. Objectively: Kussmaul breathing, low blood pressure, acetone order of breath. After the emergency treatment the patient’s condition improved. What drug had been administered to the patient? 2013 A. Adrenaline B. Isadrin C. Furosemide D. Glibenclamide E. Insulin 51. A female patient with bronchial asthma had taken prednisolone tablets (1 tablet 3 times a day) for 2 months. Due to a significant improvement of her condition the patient suddenly stopped taking it. What complication is likely to develop in this case? A. Hypotension B. Upper body obesity C. Withdraw syndrome D. Gastrorrhagia E. Cushing’s syndrome 3. A patient has mild cutaneous and systemic manifestations of an allergic response. Before you prescribe a short course of dimedrol (diphenhydramine) for symptoms relief, you should realize, that this drug has one mechanism of action, causes many side effects similar to, and share many contraindications that are applied to one of the prototypic ‘autonomic’ drug. What is it? A. Atropine* B. Epinephrine C. Norepinephrine D. Propranolol E. Ephedrine 5. A woman with an allergic disorder experiences significant bronchoconstriction and urticaria, and histamine is a main mediator in these responses. Which of the following drugs may pose extra risk for this patient – not because it has any bronchoconstrictrictor effects, but because it quite effectively releases histamine from mast cells? A. Atropine B. Neostigmine C. Propranolol D. Pancuronium E. d-Tubocurarine* 6. A 30 y.o. woman with a 3-year history of chronic renal failure requiring dialysis consents to transplantation. A donor kidney becomes available. She is given cyclosporine to prevent rejection. Which of the following states is the most probable adverse effect of the drug? A. GIT ulceration B. Seizures C. Hepatotoxicity D. Nephrotoxicity * E. Bone marrow depression 52. A woman with rheumatoid arthritis began complaining of intermissions in the heart work after three-week treatment with prednisolone. What is the reason of such an adverse effect development? A. Hyperkalemia B. Hypoglycemia C. Hypokalemia D. Hyperglycemia E. Hyperuricemia 7. A woman working as railway traffic controller suffers from seasonal vasomotor rhinitis. She was prescribed an antihistamine that has no effect upon the CNS. What drug is it? 2010 A. Diprazin (Promethazine) B. Dimedrol (Diphenhydramine) C. Suprastine D. Loratadine* E. Tavegil (Clemastine) 8. A 22 y.o. woman has a runny nose and itching eyes from a bout with the common cold. dimedrol (diphenhydramine) provides symptomatic relief. Indicate the mechanism of action that is most likely associated whis the named drug: 11. Antihistamine Drugs. Immunopharmacology 1. Arachidonic acid is metabolized by two main pathways: cyclooxygenase and lipooxygenase. The latter, initially involving 5’- lipooxygenase, is responsible for the 22 A. beta-adrenoreceptors blockade B. α-adrenergic stimulation C. Histamine (H1) receptor blockade* D. MAO inhibition E. Muscarinic receptor blockade C. Beclomethasone D. Ephedrine hydrochloride E. Loratidine * 14. A patient suffering from chronic generalized parodontitis requires the treatment with an immunostimulant which also possesses anthelmintic activity. Indicate this drug. A. Thymalin B. laferon C. Cycloferon D. Cyclosporin E. Levamisole 15. Dimedrol (diphenhydramine) is administered to a patient with urticaria to reduce itching rashes on the skin. What mechanism provides its efficiency in this case? A. Competitive blockade of H1-histamine receptors * B. Inhibition of synthesis of histamine C. Suppression of release of histamine D. Acceleration of histamine E. Blockade of H2- histamine receptors 9. An asthma patient has symptoms flare-ups during hay fever season. He visits the local superstore and buys an over-the-counter antihistamine/allergy remedy containing dimedrol (diphenhydramine). After a few days of using it, his breathing becomes worse. You examine him and conclude that what the patient viewed as the allergy cure was actually the cause of the problems. Which of the following is the most likely mechanism by which the dimedrol worsened this patient condition? A. Enhancing metabolic clearance of other asthma agents (lowering their serum levels) B. Drying the airways, increasing mucus viscosity* C. Releasing histamine D. Causing bronchoconstriction by releasing more Ach in the airways E. Blocking the endogenous bronchodilator effects of circulating epinephrine 16. Which drug should be administered to the patient who suffers from rashes due to allergic reaction accompanied by reddening, edema, and strong itch of skin which causes sleeplessness? A. Nitrazepam B. Dimedrol (Diphenhydramine) * C. Chloral hydrate D. Sodium oxybutyrate (oxybate sodium) E. Phenobarbital 10. A 25 y.o. man has had a kidney transplant. He receives cyclosporine as part of the immunosuppressant regimen. What is the main mechanism of cyclosporine’s immunosuppressants effects? A. Inhibits calcinurenin and IL-2 synthesis that is necessary for B and T cell proliferation * B. Inhibits antigen-activated lymphocytes, reduces responsiveness of T-lymphocytes to IL-1, reduces IL-2 production by lymphocytes and monocytes C. Directly inhibits B and T lymphocyte proliferation D. Directly destroys proliferating B and T lymphocyte proliferation E. Blocks the CD3 site on T lymphocytes, blocks all T cell functions 17. The patient with allergic rhinitis has taken antihistaminic drug PO. In half an hour the patient felt dryness in mouth, retardation and sleepiness. Indicate this drug: A. Phenobarbital B. Diazolin (Mebhydroline) C. Dimedrol (Diphenhydramine) * D. Diazepam E. Paracetamol 18. Indicate “day time” antihistaminic agent (with the least expressed sedative and hypnotic activity). A. Dimedrol (Diphenhydramine) B. Diprazin (Promethazine) C. Tavegil (Clemastine) D. Suprastin (Choloropyramine) E. Diazolin (Mebhydroline) * 11. A 35 y.o. patient suffering from bronchial asthma is hospitalized in a state of anaphylactic shock. Which agent is the drug of choice to treat anaphylaxis? A. Dimedrol (diphenhydramine) B. Adrenaline * C. Chromoglicic-acid D. Salbutamol E. Ephedrine 12. A 21 y.o. man with aspirin asthma experiences severe bronchospasm in response to even small doses of the drug. The most likely explanation for this is that the aspirin. A. Induces hypersensitivity of H1 receptors on airway smooth muscles B. Suppresses airway inflammatory processes C. Blocks synthesis of endogenous prostaglandins that have bronchodilator activity* D. Prevents or reduce epinephrine binding to β2-adrenergic receptors E. Induces hypersensitivity of muscarinic receptors on airway smooth muscles 19. A 40 y.o. patient is hospitalized with expressed Quinke’s edema after stung of a bee. Indicate an antihistaminic drug to be introduced without sedative and hypnotic action: A. Suprastin (Choloropyramine) B. Phencarol (Quifenadine)* C. Diprazin (Promethazine) D. Prednisolone E. Dimedrol (Diphenhydramine) 20. A girl was treated with antibiotic from the group of semisynthetic penicillins due to acute bronchitis. On the 3 rd day of treatment allergic dermatosis has developed. Indicate an antiallergic drug which should be administered t the patient. A. Suprastin (Chloropyramine) * B. Levamisole C. Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic acid) D. Cyclosporin E. Dexamethasone 13. A girl receives antibiotics of the penicillin group for acute bronchitis. On the 3d day of treatment she developed allergic dermatitis. Which drug should be administered? 2013 A. Levamisole B. Cromolyn sodium 23 21. A 27 y.o. patient has been diagnosed with allergic dermatitis. A blocker of H1-histamine receptors was administered. Indicate this drug: A. Cromolyn sodium B. Diprazin (Promethazine)* C. Prednisolone D. Adrenaline E. Hydrocortisone 22. Indicate the group of antiallergic agents which Loratadine belongs to: A. Glucocorticoids B. Membrane stabilizers C. Antagonists of leukotriene receptors D. Blockers of histamine receptors * E. Blockers of serotonin receptors D. Membrane stabilizers E. Antagonists of leukotriene receptors 31. To prevent bronchial asthma attacks, a doctor administered cromolyn sodium (cromoglycate) to the patient suffering from bronchial asthma. Indicate the principle of action of this drug: A. Decrease of immunoglobulins level B. Binding of free histamine C. Stabilization of membranes of mast cells * D. Inactivation of histamine E. Blockade of histamine receptors 32. A 45 y.o. woman suffers from allergic seasonal coryza caused by ambrosia blossoming. Which drug from the group of stabilizers of mast cells can be used for prevention of the disease? A. Ketotifen * B. Phencarol C. Tavegil D. Dimedrol E. Diazolin 33. Ketotifen was administered to a patient with bronchial asthma. Indicate the mechanism of its action: A. Blocks H2-histamine receptors B. Blocks H1-and H2-histamine receptors C. Inhibits synthesis of histamine D. Blocks H1- histamine receptors * E. Activates enzymes which cleave histamine 23. Treatment by anti-inflammatory drugs was administered to the patient with rheumatic endocarditis. After a while hyperglycemia was developed. Which group of drugs is capable to provoke such side effect? A. Nonsteroid anti-inflammatory agents B. Antibiotics of the group of Penicillins C. Ascorbic acid D. Sedatives E. Glucocorticoids * 24. The immunodepressive effect of Prednisolone is cause by: A. Inhibition of protein synthesis due to activation of gluconeogenesis * B. Inhibition of collagen synthesis C. Activation of synthesis of inhibitors pf proteases D. Inhibition of synthesis of mucopolysaccharides E. Diminution of activity of plasmin 34. Which adrenomimetic is the most effective for topical administration in allergic rhinitis? A. Mesaton (Phenylephrine) B. Naphthyzine (Naphazoline) C. Phencarol D. Salbutamol E. Ephedrine * 36. A patient with chronic infectious disease requires treatment with non specific immunomodulating agent. Indicate this drug. A. Mercaptopurine B. Methyluracil * C. Azathioprine D. Cyclophosphamide E. Azathioprine 37. A 48 y.o. woman who is suffering from exacerbation of chronic pneumonia requires treatment with an immunomodulating agent. Indicate this drug. A. Sulfocamphocaine B. Thymalin * C. Biseptol (co-trimoxazole) D. Dimedrol E. Cyclosporin 38. Indexes of immune response are worsened in a patient during chemotherapy of malignant tumour. What drug should be administered in this state? A. Thymalin * B. Cyanocobalamin C. Iron preparations D. Prednisolone E. Acetylsalicylic acid 39. A drug from the group of immunomodulators which is an analogue of natural biogenic substrate and almost devoid side effects after topical administration is administered to a 4 y.o. child. Indicate this drug: A. Thymalin 25. A patient develops anaphylactic shock after intracutaneous test on sensitivity to penicillin. Doctor administered a drug which eliminated bronchospasm and arterial hypotension. Indicate this drug: A. Mesatone (Phenylephrine) B. Noradrenaline C. Adrenaline * D. Atropine E. Salbutamol 27. Indicate the drug which is the most expedient to use topically to treat allergic dermatitis? A. Sea buckthorn oil B. Solution of furacilinum (nitrofuran) C. Liniment of methylsalicylate D. Ichthyol ointment E. Hydrocortisone ointment * 29. The doctor has administered a glucocorticoid Synaflanum (fluocinoline) in the form of ointment to the patient with dermatitis. What pharmacological effect is not characteristic for this drug? A. Magnification of hyperemia * B. Diminution of itch C. Diminution of edema D. Deceleration of wound repair E. Inhibition of skin immune response 30. Fluocinolone acetonide is administered to the patient, suffering from allergic cheilitis for smearing of lipline and mucous of the lips. Indicate the group which this drug belongs to? A. Antagonists of histamine H1 receptors B. Antagonists of histamine H2 receptors C. Glucocorticoids * 24 B. Prodigiosan C. Interferon * D. Pyrogenal E. Levamisole 40. It is necessary to administer an antihistamine agent to a woman suffering from seasonal vasomotor rhinitis, who works as a dispatcher on the railway. Indicate the drug to treat the patient: A. Cromolyn sodium (cromoglycate sodium) B. Diprazin (promethazine) C. Prednisolone D. Telfast* E. Hydrocortisone 41. A female patient was administered loratidine for allergic cheilitis treatment. What is the mechanism of the drug’s action? 2011 A. It stimulates the activity of monoamine oxidase B. It inhibits the activity of Na+, K+-ATP-ase C. It blocks the activity of H1 histamine receptors * D. It inhibits the activity of choline esterase E. It blocks the adrenergic receptors A. Vitamin A* B. Vitamin B6 C. Vitamin C D. Vitamin E E. Vitamin K 3. Fat-soluble vitamins, compared with their water-soluble forms, generally have a greater potential toxicity as they are: A. Involved in more essential metabolic pathways B. Involved in less essential metabolic pathways C. Avidly stored by the body * D. Capable of dissolving membrane phospholipids E. Administered in larger doses 4. Which is not a fat-soluble vitamin? A. Vitamin A B. Vitamin D C. Vitamin K D. Vitamin E E. Vitamin C * 5. The patient should be told to avoid taking supplemental vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) if he is being treated with one of these drugs: A. Digoxin for heart failure B. Haloperidol C. Niacin for hypertriglyceridemia D. Levodopa for Parkinson’s disease * E. Phenytoin for epilepsy 42. A patient developed Quincke's edema after penicillin introduction. Which agent should be administered? 2014 A. No-spa B. Prednisolone * C. Ascorbic acid D. Sulfacyl sodium E. Rifampicin 43. A patient with insomnia induced by allergic rash and itch has been administered the drug that has antihistamine and hypnotic effect. Specify this drug: 2016 A. Analgin B. Benadryl * C. Loratidine D. Prednisolone E. Acetylsalicylic acid 6. You have a patient who has been consuming extraordinarily large amounts of alcohol for several years. He goes into acute withdrawal and manifests nystagmus and bizarre ocular movements and confusion (Wernicke’s encephalopathy). Although this patient’s alcohol consumption pattern has been accompanied by poor nutrient intake overall, you specifically manage the encephalopathy by administering one of these drugs. Choose the correct answer. A. Vitamin A B. Folic acid C. Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) D. Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) E. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)* 16. A. B. C. D. E. 7. Indicate the main feature of trisaminum (trometamol) that sodium bicarbonicum is unable: A. It is available for taking orally B. It is available for IV infusion C. It penetrates into the cell, binding to hydrogen ions outside and inside the cell* D. It does not penetrate into the cell that is why it eliminates extracellular acidosis only E. It increases BP 12. Vitamins. Enzymes and Enzymatic inhibitors. Agents, regulating fluids and electrolytes balance 8. You are doing summer volunteer work at health clinic in a very poor region of the world. A 19 y.o. woman is diagnosed vitamin D-resistant rickets. Apart from a highdose of vitamin D and oral phosphate, an additional therapeutic approach might be used. What agent should you choose? A. Estrogen B. Hydrochlorothiazide C. Folic acid D. Calcitriol* E. Vitamin B12 1. Hydroxylation of the endogenous substrates and xenobiotics requires a donor of protons. Which of the following vitamins can play this role? A. Vitamin A B. Vitamin B6** C. Vitamin C D. Vitamin E E. Vitamin K 2. Which vitamin or nutrient, also an ingredient in some prescription medications for severe, refractory acne vulgaris, is “highly” teratogenic and should not be administered pregnant women? 9. A 57 y.o. postmenopausal woman develops weakness, polyuria, polydipsia, and significant increases of palsma 25 creatinine concentration. A computed tomogram (CT scan) indicates nephrocalcinosis. A drug is considered to be the cause. Which drug is the most relevant? A. Prednisolone B. Estrogen C. Vitamin D* D. Metformin E. Progesterone D. Tocopherol E. Acetylsalicylic acid 17. Radiation therapy is performed to the patient. What vitamin drug with antioxidant properties is to administer to increase stability of tissues? A. Thiamine chloride B. Vitamin B6 C. Ascorutin * D. Cyanocobalamin E. Folic acid 18. Define a vitamin, which participates in oxidative phosphorylation: A. Nicotinic acid * B. Thiamine C. Ascorbic acid D. Tocopherol E. Ergocalciferol 19. The patient treated with a vitamin for prophylaxis of vasospasm of the brain complains of the unpleasant sensations related to the drug administration: reddening of the face and the upper half of a trunk, giddiness, sense of flush of blood to a head. Which drug was administered? A. Tocofecol acetate B. Nicotinamidum C. Thiamine bromide D. Nicotinic acid * E. Calcium pangamate 20. Diarrhea, dementia and dermatitis are observed in a patient. Which vitamin should be included into a complex treatment? A. Thiamin B. Cyanobalamine C. Nicotinamide (vitamin PP) * D. Calcium pantothenate E. Cyanocobalamine 21. Bioflavonoids (rutin, quercetin) possess all listed below pharmacodynamic effects, except for: A. Antioxidant activity B. Dilation of capillaries * C. Inhibition of hyaluronidase activity D. Protections of ascorbic acid, assistance to its transport and accumulation E. Decrease of capillary wall permeability 10. Which drug is used for the treatment of megaloblastic anemia? A. Vitamin A B. Folic acid* C. Riboflavin D. Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) E. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 11. Which drug is used to inhibit pancreas function? A. Urokinase B. Pancreatin C. Alteplase D. Contrical (Gordox)* E. Lydazum 12. A patient with symmetric dermatitis of open-area-skin consults a doctor. Which vitamin deficit is the most possible in this patient? A. Calciferol B. Folic acid C. Nicotinic acid * D. Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) E. Ascorbic acid 13. Indicate the vitamin, which deficiency can produce sterility in experimental animals, and which is applied to complex treatment of female infertility: A. Vitamin A B. Vitamin K C. Vitamin B1 D. Vitamin D E. Vitamin E * 14. A 45 y.o. patient was admitted to the hematological department with acute anemia: RBCs 1.5 x 1012/L, Hb 80g%, colour index 1.3. Hyperchromic anemia was diagnosed. Which drug should be administered to the patient? A. Hemostimulin B. Ergocalciferol C. Cyanocobalamine * D. Ferrum-Lek E. Folic acid 22. A woman suffers from hemeralopia (disturbance of vision in darkness). What vitamin should be recommended? A. Riboflavin B. Tocoferol acetate C. Pyridoxine D. Ascorbic acid E. Retinol acetate * 23. What vitamin promotes growth and development of epithelial cells, including epidermal ones? A. Retinol * B. Ergocalciferol C. Ascorbic acid D. Nicotinic acid E. Lipoid acid 24. A 37 y.o. patient suffers from hyperkeratosis, disturbance of vision in darkness, frequent infectious diseases. Which vitamin should be administered? A. Pyridoxin 15. Which acid decreases permeability of connective tissue structures, possesses antioxidant activity due to ability to be transformed from the oxidized from into reduced and on the contrary? A. Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) B. Hydrochloric acid C. Mefenamic acid D. Ascorbic acid * E. Aminocaproic acid 16. For synthesis of the basic substances of connective tissue (mucopolysaccharides and collagen) an essential agent is: A. Nicotinic acid B. Retinol C. Folic acid * B. Retinol acetate * 26 C. Riboflavin D. Ergocalciferol E. Tocopherol acetate 25. The patient had been taking vitamin D for a long time for rickets. The phenomena of intoxication have developed: depression of appetite, nausea, headache, fatigue, disorders of sleep, increase of body temperature, changes in urine – hyaline cylinders, protein, leucocytes. What vitamin drug should be administered to weaken arisen symptoms? A. Vicasol (Menadione) B. Vitamin B12 C. Vitamin A (Retinol acetate) * D. Vitamin PP E. Riboflavin 26. What vitamin is formed in skin under influence of ultraviolet radiation? A. Ascorbic acid B. Retinol acetate C. Calcium pantothenate D. Riboflavin E. Cholecalciferol * 27. Parasthesia, xeroderma and sticking out fontanel are observed at the 6 months child under the treatment by a vitaminic drug. Specify this drug. A. Retinol acetate B. Pyridoxine C. Riboflavin D. Ergocaiciferol * E. Tocoferol acetate 28. What of the listed below vitaminic drugs possesses expressed radioprotctive property? A. Ergocaiciferol B. Thiamine chloride C. Riboflavin D. Tocoferol acetate * E. Folic acid 29. The dentist administered to his patient liposoluble vitamin with antioxidant activity for treatment of parodontitis. Indicate this vitaminic drug: A. Ascorbic acid B. Tocoferol acetate * C. Rutin D. Nicotinic acid E. Ergocaiciferol A. Pyridoxine B. Vicasol C. Tocopherol acetate D. Thiamine chloride E. Retinol acetate * 33. A 64 y.o. woman has impairment of twilight vision (hemeralopy). What vitamin should be recommended in the first place? A. Vitamin E B. Vitamin A C. Vitamin C D. Vitamin B6 E. Vitamin B2 34. A sportsman was recommended to take a medication that contains carnitine in order to improve his results. What process is activated by carnitine the most? A. Synthesis of ketone bodies B. Synthesis of steroid hormones C. Synthesis of lipids D. Tissue respiration E. Fatty acids transport to mitochondrions * 35 Examination of a man who hadn’t been consuming fats but had been getting enough carbohydrates dermatitis, poor wound healing, vision impairment. What is probable cause of metabolic disorder? A. Lack of oleic acid B. Low caloric value of diet C. Lack of palmitic acid D. Lack of vitamins PP, H E. Lack of linoleic acid, vitamins A, D, E, K * 36 Removal of gall bladder of a patient has disturbed processes of Ca2+ absorption through the intestinal wall. What vitamin will stimulate this process? A. PP B. B12 C. C D. K E. D3 * 37 A patient diagnosed with focal tuberculosis of the upper lobe of the right lung receives isoniazid as a part of combination therapy. After some time the patient reported of muscle weakness, decreased skin sensitivity, blurred vision, impaired motor coordination. Which vitamin preparation should be used to address these phenomena? 2013 A. Vitamin C B. Vitamin B6 * C. Vitamin E D. Vitamin D E. Vitamin B12 30. What enzymatic drug is used with the purpose of reduction of density and rising of permeability of connective tissue structures? A. Amylase B. Lipase C. Cocarboxylase D. Cholinesterase E. Lydase * 38. A 66 y.o. woman had intravenous injection of magnesium sulfate solution to stop hypertensive crises. However her arterial pressure did not decrease and after repeated introduction of the same preparation she developed sluggishness, slow response to stimuli; the patient is unconsciousness and her respiration is inhibited. What preparation is antagonist of magnesium sulfate and can remove the symptoms of its overdose? 2015 A. Sodium chloride B. Potassium chloride C. Potassium permanganate D. Activated carbon E. Calcium chloride* 31. According to clinical indications a patient was administered pyridoxal phosphate. What processes is this medication intended to correct? A. Dissemination of purine nucleotide B. Synthesis of purine and pyrimidine bases C. Transamination and decarboxylation of aminoacids * D. Protein synthesis E. Oxidative decarboxylation of kenotic acids 32. A patient suffers from vision impairment – hemeralopy (night blindness). What vitamin preparation should be administered to the patient to restore his vision? 27 39. A patient addressed to a doctor with complaints of acute worsening of vision in the evening time and the conditions of a dull light, sensation of dryness and cutting pain in eyes, dryness and peeling of the skin. In patient’s examination: eye conjunctiva is dull, with whitish spots, hyperkeratosis of the skin. Indicate the type of hypovitaminosis and the drug, which should be used for the treatment. A. Vitamin D B. Vitamin C C. Vitamin E D. Vitamin B12 E. Vitamin A * Hydrogen Peroxide to be cleaned from the pus. Foam was not observed. What caused inefficiency of the drug? A. Pus in the wound B. Shallow wound C. Inherited insufficiency of catalase* D. Low concentration of H2O2 E. Inherited insufficiency erythrocyte’s phosphatdehydrogenase 2. Determine the drug: it possesses antiseptic and deodorizing action. In the presence of organic compounds it releases oxygen, which provides antiseptic and deodorizing effects. In high concentrations it exerts irritative and cauterizing action. The drug is administered in the form of solution for rinsing, syringing, washing of wounds, disinfection of burns, gastric lavage in poisonings by morphine and other alkaloids. A. Silver nitrate B. Furacilinum C. Potassium permanganate * D. Hydrogen peroxide E. Iodophormum 40. How can you explain the fact that the isoniazid doze for the treatment of tuberculosis is selected individually with the obligatory control of concentration of the medication in urine after its first application? A. Development of hemolytic anaemias B. Hyperglycemia after drug administration C. Development of renal insufficiency D. Irritating effect of the drug E. Genetically caused methylation of the drug* 41. A 10 y.o. girl has a history of repeated acute respiratory viral infection. After recovering she presents with multiple petechial hemorrhages on the sites of friction from clothing rubbing the skin. What kind of hypovitaminosis has this girl? 2011 A. B1 B. B2 C. A D. C * E. B6 3. Burned skin surface has been treated with a preparation which antiseptic properties are provided by atomic oxygen that is formid in presence of organic substances. What preparation was applied? 2010 A. Sodium hysrocarbonate B. Alcoholic iodine solution C. Furacilin D. Chlorhexidine E. Potassium permanganate * 4. A 23 y.o. patient addressed to an ophthalmologist with complaints of eye discomfort, discharge of purulent exudate, disorders of vision. Specify the antiseptic to rinse the eyes: A. Lugol’s solution B. Potassium permanganate C. Ammonium solution D. Silver nitrate* E. Chlorhexidinum 42. In order to accelerate healing of a radiation ulcer a vitamin drug was administered. What drug is it? 2011 A. Retinol acetate B. Retabolil C. Prednisolone D. Levamisole E. Methyluracil 43. Obstructive jaundice and biliary fistulas are often accompanied by prothrombin deficiency. Which vitamin deficiency is it connected with? A. E B. K * C. A D. C E. B6 5. What is the most important influence of Iodophormum on the microorganisms? A. Bactericidal and sporicidal effect* B. Bacteriostatic and sporicidal effect C. Fungistatic effect D. Bactericidal effect E. Sporicidal effect 44. A patient complaints of photoreception disorder and frequent acute viral diseases. He has been administered a vitamin that affects photoreception processes by producing rhodopsin, the photosensitive pigment. What vitamin is it? 6. Indicate the antiseptic, which belongs to the group of oxidizers. A. Silver nitrate B. Furacilin C. Potassium permanganate D. Hydrogen peroxide E. C and D* 2016 A. Cyanocobalamine B. Tocopherol acetate C. Pyridoxine hydrochloride D. Thiamine E. Retinol acetate * 7. A doctor used 5% spirituous solution of iodine for operation field cleaning. Indicate its mechanism of action: A. Inhibition of dehydrogenase B. Interaction with amino groups of microbes proteins that promotes to their denaturation* C. Dehydration of protoplasm’s proteins D. Binding to enzymes’ sulfhydryl groups E. Formation of albuminates 13. Antiseptics and Disinfectants 1. A patient with the abscess of the cut wound applied to the traumatologist. The wound was washed with 3% 28 8. What is the most important influence of iodine on the spore? A. Bacterial effect B. Inhibition C. Absorption to bacterial membranes D. Sporicidal effect* E. Fungistatic effect 17. Chloramine possesses all following effects, except: A. Antiseptic B. Deodorizing C. Spermicidal D. Fading E. Antiallergic* 18. 70% solution of ethyl alcohol is used for surgeon’s hands cleaning before operation. Explain the mechanism of action of the drug: A. Protein dehydration of microbes’ protoplasm* B. Interaction with hydroxyl groups of microbes’ enzymes C. Interaction with aminogroups of protoplasm proteins of microbes D. Blockade of sulfhydryl groups of enzymes E. Oxidation of organic components of microbes protoplasm 9. What is the most important influence of iodophor on the microorganism? A. Bactericidal and sporicidal effect * B. Bacteriostatic and sporicidal effect C. Bactericidal effect D. Fungistatic effect E. All above 10. What peroxide? A. B. C. D. E. are the sporicidal concentrations of hydrogen 10-25% * 0,5-1,5% 60-90% 40-45% 0.001-0,005% 19. Which antiseptic is used for surgical tools cleaning? A. Furacilin B. 70% solution of ethyl alcohol C. 95% solution of ethyl alcohol* D. Ethonium E. Resorcin 12. Indicate the antiseptic which is used for disinfection of operation field and surgeon’s hands: A. Furacilin B. 70% solution of ethyl alcohol* C. 95% solution of ethyl alcohol D. Ethonium E. Resorcin 14. Antibiotics 1. Choose the drug for 6 months old child with mycoplasma infection: A. Tetracycline B. Streptomycin C. Clotrimazole D. Erythromycin * E. Penicillin 2. Which antibiotic is not used in myasthenia gravis? A. Tetracycline B. Gentamicin* C. Clarithromycin D. Ceftriaxone E. Azithromycin 3. A 20 y.o. patient was hospitalized to the surgical department due to infection caused by blue pus bacillus (Pseudomonas aeruginosa), which is sensitive to penicillin antibiotics. Indicate which penicillin has a marked activity on the Pseudomonas aeruginosa? A. Benzylpenicillin B. Methicillin C. Phenoxymethylpenicillin D. Carbenicillin * E. Oxacillin 13. A 57 y.o. patient with varicose dilation of veins develops the trophic ulcer of the leg. The bacteriological examination of the ulcer discharge has revealed Staphylococcus infection. Determine the antiseptic in the form of ointment from the group of detergents for local treatment of the ulcer: A. Ethonium* B. Brilliant green C. Furacilin D. Potassium permanganate E. Ethacridin lactate 14. Determine the drug: it contains a halogen, exerts antimicrobial and deodorizing action, is used for disinfection of non-metal instruments, domestic use items and premises; as an antiseptic – for processing of hands: A. Chloramine * B. Hydrogen peroxide C. Formaldehyde D. Phenol E. Resorcin 4. A patient with pneumonia was treated with antibiotics for a long period. After the treatment the patient complains of frequent and watery stools, abdominal pain. What is the reason of intestinal disorder? A. Hereditary enzyme defect B. Bacteria toxins influence C. Intestinal dysbacteriosis development * D. Antibiotics toxic influence on the GIT E. Allergic reaction 15. All antiseptics possess all following properties except: A. Selective antimicrobial action* B. Versatile antimicrobial action C. Are not introduced parenterally D. Highly toxic for human E. Bactericidal action 16. Formaldehyde solution is used for disinfection of nonmetallic surgical tools. Indicate the name of drug group of formaldehyde: A. Aromatic agent B. Aliphatic agent* C. Alcohols D. Halogen-containing agents E. Detergents 5. Purulent endometritis developed in a woman after delivery. Treating with antibiotics inhibitors of murein synthesis was ineffective. Wide spectrum bactericidal antibiotic was administered. In 6 hours to rapidly increased up to 40oC with shiver. Muscle pains have appeared. BP dropped down to 29 70/40 mm Hg, oliguria. What is the reason for the development of this condition? A. Toxic effect of preparation B. Endotoxic shock* C. Anaphylactic shock D. Bacteremia E. Internal bleeding. 12. Which of the following drugs is the most effective agent in the treatment of rickettsia, mycoplasma, and chlamydia infections? A. Penicillin B. Gentamicin C. Erythromycin D. Chloramphenicol E. Tetracycline* 6. Choose the drug of choice for cholera prophylaxis: A. Chloramphenicol B. Benzylpenicillin C. Doxycycline * D. Erythromycin E. Streptomycin 13. Streptomycin and other aminoglycosides inhibit bacterial protein synthesis by binding with one of the following substances. A. 30S ribosomal particles* B. DNA C. mRNA D. Peptidoglycan units in the cell wall E. RNA polymerase 7. Antibiotic, which acts by inhibiting cell wall synthesis A. Penicillin* B. Gentamycin C. Doxycycline D. Chloramphenicol E. Tetracycline 14. Which cefalosporin would have increased activity against anaerobic bacteria such as Bacteroides fragilis? A. Cefaclor B. Cephalexin D. Cephalotin D. Cefoxitin * E. Ceftriaxone 8. All of the following clinical indication may require a combination of antibiotics (rather than a single agent) EXCEPT: A. Treatment of mixed infections B. Treatment of gonorrhea * C. Treatment of tuberculosis D. Treatment of meningitis E. Treatment of bacterial endocarditis 15. A child who previously was healthy develops bacterial meningitis. Assuming no specific contraindications, which of the following drugs will you prescribe? A. Erythromycin B. Tetracycline C. Doxicycline D. Ceftriaxone* E. Novocain penicillin 9. A 50 y.o. woman who had underwent chemotherapy for lymphoma a week ago was brought to the emergency room. She had a fever of 40.3oC and was confused. Respiration was rapid, BP 75/40 mm Hg. She was neutropenic. Gram’s strains of the urine and sputum are negative. Which of the following actions is the most beneficial to the patient? A. Send a clinical sample to the laboratory for identification and then administer an appropriate antibiotic. B. Administer a combination such as Clindamycin and an aminoglycoside * C. Administer a broad-spectrum antibiotic like Tetracycline D. Administer Clindamycin E. Administer Tobramycin 16. A patient being treated for springtime allergies with loratadine develops an upper respiratory problem. He receives an antibiotic and develops a cardiac arrhythmia. Which antibiotic it was? A. Cefaclor B. Oxacillin C. Cefalotin D. Erythromycin* E. Amoxicillin 17. Which of the following drugs is both penicillinaseresistant and effective by oral administration? A. Methicillin B. Carbenicillin C. Ceftriaxone D. Amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid* E. Procaine penicillin 10. A 60 y.o. alcoholic male with poor dental hygiene is to have his remaining teeth extracted for subsequent dentures. He has mitral valve stenosis with mild cardiac insufficiency and is being treated with captopril, digoxin and furosemide. The dentist decides that his medical history warrants prophylactic antibiotic therapy prior to the procedure and prescribes: A. Vancomycin B. Amoxicillin* C. Tetracycline D. Co-trimoxazole E. Imipenem 18. The penicillin that is effective against Proteus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa is: A. Ampicillin B. Amoxiclav C. Amoxicillin D. Carbenicillin* E. Oxacilline 11. A 35 y.o. man has an infection with Legionella. Assuming no contraindications, which of the following drugs should you choose? A. Penicillin B. Gentamicin C. Erythromycin * D. Chloramphenicol E. Tetracycline 19. Chronic ulceration would most likely occur after administration of: A. Carbenicillin B. Clindamycin * C. Chloramphenicol D. Gentamycin E. Doxycycline 30 20. The penicillin with the longest duration of action is: A. Benzylpenicillin-natrium B. Amoxicillin C. Procaine penicillin D. Bicillin-5* E. Ampicillin 28. Determine the drug that is able to penetrate to bone tissue and bone marrow to treat bone infections: A. Gentamicin B. Neomycin C. Clindamycin* D. Oleandomycin E. Erythromycin 21. Inhibition of protein chain initiation at the ribosomal level is the principal mechanism of antibacterial action of. A. Chloramphenicol B. Amikacin C. Erythromycin * D. Tetracycline E. Benzylpenicillin-natrium 29. Staphylococcus aureus resistant to methicillin and other beta-lactam antibiotics has revealed in bacteriological blood test of a 27 y.o. woman with puerperal sepsis. Which drug should be administered? A. Vancomycin* B. Tetracycline C. Cefazoline D. Gentamycin E. Amphotericin 22. Acute enterocolitis was developed in a three-month baby upon artificial feeding. What drug should be administered to the patient? A. Polymyxine M* B. Tetracycline C. Erythromycin D. Oxacillin E. Streptomycin 30. A patient with diminished hearing has severe bacillary infection. Which pharmacological group is contraindicated to the patient? A. Tetracyclines B. Macrolides C. Tetracyclines D. Aminoglycosides* E. Fluoroquinolones 31. Infectious agent determined by lab tests is known to be sensitive to third generation cephalosporins. Choose the drug for treatment: A. Cefazolin B. Cefalotin C. Cefalexin D. Cefoperazone E. Ceftriaxone * 23. Most serious adverse effect of penicillins is: A. Skin rashes B. Jarish Hexheimer reaction C. Anaphylaxis * D. Convulsions E. Urticaria 24. Mechanism of action of Chloramphenicol in prokaryotes: A. Interferes DNA synthesis B. Interferes with cell wall synthesis C. Binds with 50S ribosome * D. Causes m-RNA misreading E. Interfere RNA syntesis 32. A patient with stomach ulcer has been treated with an antacid drug almagel. For acute bronchitis treatment he was prescribed antibiotic methacycline. However within next 5 days fever didn’t fall, cough and sputum nature remained unchanged. A physician came to the conclusion that the drugs were incompatible. What type of drug incompatibility is the case? A. Pharmaceutical B. Pharmacodynamic C. Pharmacokinetic, absorption stage * D. Direct antagonism E. Pharmacokinetic, biotransformation stage 25. To treat an exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis the doctor has prescribed a drug from the group fluoroquinolones. What is the mechanism of antimicrobial action of fluoroquinolones? A. Inhibition of DNA-gyrase B. Inhibition of synthesis of peptidoglycan C. Inhibition of protein synthesis by binding to 30S ribosomes D. Inhibition of protein synthesis by binding to 50S ribosomes E. Increasing of bacterial wall permeability 33. As a result of durative antibiotic therapy a 37-y.o. patient developed intestinal dysbacteriosis. What type of drugs should be used in order to normalize intestinal microflora? A. Sulfanilamides B. Vaccines C. Bacteriophages D. Vitamins E. Eubiotics * 26. A patient suffers from severe postoperative pseudomonades infection. Which antibiotic should be administered in this case? A. Amikacin sulfate * B. Benzylpenicillin C. Erythromycin D. Cephazolin E. Doxycycline 34. A 5 y.o. child has been diagnosed with acute right side pneumonia. Sputum inoculation revealed that the causative agent is resistant to penicillin, but is sensitive to macrolides. Which drug should be administered? 2012 A. Tetracycline B. Streptomycin C. Ampicillin D. Azithromycin * E. Gentamycin 27. An antibiotic with ability to penetrate to bone tissues and cumulate there was administered to 25 y.o. patient with osteomyelitis. After 3 weeks of using it the patient felt much better. Indicate the drug: A. Chloramphenicol (Levomicetin) B. Oxacillin C. Ampicillin D. Penicillin E. Lincomycin* 31 35. A patient underwent appendectomy. In the postoperative period he has been administered an antibiotic. The patient complains about hearing impairment and vestibular disorders. What group of antibiotics has such by-effects? 2012 A. Tetracyclines B. Macrolides C. Penicillins D. Aminoglycosides* E. Cephalosporins be drug-induced: cough, dyspnea, and pulmonary infiltrates; neutropenia and bleeding tendencies. Which of the following can most likely cause this patient’s symptoms? A. Amoxicillin B. Ciprofloxacin C. Azithromycin D. Furadonin (Nitrofurantoin)* E. Isoniazid 3. Hypokalemia is not caused by: A. Amphotericin B B. Enalapril * C. Etacrinic acid D. Furosemide E. Hydrochlorthiazide 36. Administration of doxycycline hydrochloride caused an imbalance of the symbiotic intestinal microflora. Specify the kind of imbalance caused by the antibiotic therapy: 2016 A. Dysbacteriosis * B. Superimposed infection C. Bacteriosis D. Idiosyncrasy E. Sensibilization 37. A 50 y.o. patient has been administered levomicetin for the treatment of typhoid fever, but the next day the patient’s condition worsened, the temperature rose to 39.6o C. The deterioration of the patient’s condition can be explained by: 2013 A. Secondary infection B. Insensitivity of the pathogen to levomicetin C. Effects of endotoxins of the causative agent * D. Re-infection E. Allergic reaction 4. Which of the following drugs is primarily used in amebiasis and leishmaniasis as well as anaerobic bacterial infections? A. Сo-Trimoxazole (Biseptol) B. Ciprofloxacin C. Azithromycin D. Metronidazole* E. Carbenicillin 5. A patient requires an antibiotic that is the most effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Which of the following drugs is the quinolone of choice? A. Ofloxacin B. Ciprofloxacin* C. Lomefloxacin D. Norfloxacin E. Enoxacin 38. A 26 y.o. female patient with bronchitis has been administered a broad spectrum antibiotic as a causal treatment drug. Specify this drug: 2016 A. BCG vaccine B. Doxycycline * C. Dexamethasone D. Ambroxole E. Interferon 39. A patient with acne has prescribed doxycycline hydrochloride. What recommendations should be given to the patient while he is taking this drug? 2016 A. The course of treatment should not exceed 1 day B. Avoid long stay in the sun * C. Take before meal D. Take with large quantities of liquid, preferably milk E. Do not take with vitamins 6. Which property or mechanism of action is shared by the penicillins, the cephalosporins, and Amphotericin B? A. Act, though various mechanisms, on cell walls or membranes of susceptible organisms* B. Contraindicated in immunocompromised patients C. Interact with many drugs by inducing their hepatic metabolism D. Interact with many drugs by inhibiting their hepatic metabolism E. Nephrotoxicity precludes use in patients with impaired renal function 7. A 37 y.o. woman complains of itching in the vulval area. Hanging-drop examination of the urine reveals trichomonads. Which of the following drugs is preferred for the treatment of trichomoniasis? A. Amoxicillin B. Ciprofloxacin C. Azithromycin D. Furadonin (Nitrofurantoin) E. Metronidazole * 15. Sulfonamides, Fluoroquinolones, Nitrofurans, Quinoxalines, and Antifungal agents 1. A 25 y.o. man with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) develops cryptococcal meningitis. He refuses IV medication. Which of the following antifungal agents is the best choice for the oral therapy of meningitis? A. Fluconazole * B. Amphotericin B C. Ketoconazole D. Metronidazole E. Nystatin 8. A 28 y.o. patient with an opportunistic infection with Pneumocystis carinii is receiving a combination of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. What is the mechanism by which this combination exerts its desired effects – and does it better than if just one of the drugs was administered? A. The combination exerts significant antiviral activity B. Sulfamethoxazole permeabilizes bacterial cell walls, allowing better penetration of trimethoprim C. Trimethoprim inhibits normal transmission of resistance factors directed aginst Sulfamethoxazole 2. A patient on antimicrobial therapy develops the following signs and symptoms that ultimately are found to 32 D. They inhibit sequential steps in bacterial synthesis of tetrahydrofolic acid* E. Trimethoprim kills gut flora that otherwise would reduce oral bioavailability of the Sulfamethoxazole E. Ceftriaxone 17. A patient consulted a dentist about itching and burning in the oral cavity, high temperature. The patient was diagnosed with trichomonal gingivostomatitis. Whoch drug should be chosen for his treatment? 2012 A. Ampicillin B. Nystatin C. Gentamicin sulfate D. Doxycycline hydrochloride E. Metronidazole* 18. Some infectious diseases caused by bacteria are treated with sulfonamides which block the synthesis of bacteria growth factor. What is the mechanism of their action? 2013 A. They are allosteric enzyme inhibitors B. They are involved in redox processes C. They inhibit the absorption of folic acid D. They are antivitamins of para-amino-benzoic acid E. They are allosteric enzyme 9 A patient has been diagnosed with gonorrhea after bacterioscopy of the smear from urethra. Taking into account that agents of choice for the treatment of gonorrhea are fluoroquinolones the patient is necessary to administer: A. Erythromycin B. Ciprofloxacin* C. Furazolidone D. Clarithromycin E. Rifampicin 10. Trimethoprim: A. Is less potent that sulfamethoxazole B. Inhibits formation of dihydrofolic from PABA C. Inhibits dihydrofolate reductase * D. Resistance has not been observed in microorganisms. E. Stimulates purine synthesis 19. The diagnosis of sepsis has been made to a patient. It was decided to use a drug from the group of fluoroquinolones. Determine this drug. A. Erythromycin B. Ciprofloxacin C. Gentamycin D. Tetracyclines E. Amikacin 11. A patient with pneumonia has intolerance to antibiotics. Which combined sulfonamide preparation should be administered for the treatment of this patient? A. Sulfadimezine B. Sulfadiazine C. Co-trimoxazole* D. Sulfasalazine E. Sulfamethoxazole 16. Antituberculous and Antiviral drugs 12. Maximum endocrinal side effects (gynecomastia, impotence) are seen with: A. Ketoconazole * B. Fluconazole C. Myconazole D. Nystatin E. Ampicilline 1. .A bactericidal antitubercular drug is: A. Streptomycin* B. Ethionamide C. Pyrazinamide D. Thioacetazone E. Ethambutol 13. Determine the drug: it is for the treatment and prophylaxis of gonorrheal infection of eyes in newborns and adults, in conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and corneal ulcers. It is well dissolved in water. The mechanism of action is competitive antagonism with PABA. A. Ceftriaxone B. Sulfacyl-sodium * C. Griseofulvin D. Aethazolum E. Furacilin 2. As part of multidrug attack on patient’s infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a physician plans to use an aminoglycoside antibiotic. Which drug is the most active against the tubercle bacillus and seems to be associated with the fewest problems with resistance or typical aminoglycoside-induced adverse effects? A. Streptomycin* B. Kanamycin C. Neomycin D. Amikacin E. Tobramycin 14. Nalidixic acid is useful in: A. Urinary tract infection* B. Bacillary dysentery C. Enteric fever D. Malaria E. Clamidiosis 3. Primary mechanism of action of zidovudine is: A. Proliferation of B and T cells B. Inhibition of reverse transcriptase * C. Activation of macrophages D. Stimulation of lymphocytes E. Blockade of leukotriene receptors 15. Sulfanilamides act by: A. Covalent modification B. Non competitive inhibition * C. Allosteric modification D. Competitive inhibition E. Covalent connection 4. A 35 y.o. man under the treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis has acute-onset of right big toe pain, swelling, and low-grade fever. The gouty arthritis was diagnosed and high serum uric acid level was found. Which drug is known to cause high uric acid level? A. Rifampicin B. Para-aminosalicylic acid C. Thiacetazone D. Pyrazinamide* E. Cycloserine 16. All the following antibiotics act on cell wall except: A. Ampicillin B. Carbenicillin C. Amphotericin B D. Griseofulvin* 5. Neuropsychiatric side effect is a manifestation of: 33 A. Ethosuximide B. Cycloserine* C. Pyrazinamide D. Rifampicin E. Ampicillin and a Hb of 9.0 mg/dL. Which of the following drugs most likely caused the hematological abnormalities? A. Rimantadine B. Midantane C. Acyclovir D. Foscarnet E. Zidovudine* 6. Primary mechanism of action of indinavir is: A. Proliferation of B and T cells B. Inhibition of transcriptase C. Activation of macrophages D. Stimulation of lymphokines E. Inhibition of HIV-proteases* 13. A patient with AIDS is treated with a combination of agents, one of which is Zidovudine. This drug exerts its main effects by inhibiting: A. Viral proteases B. Viral particle assembly C. RNA synthesis D. Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase E. Nucleoside reverse transcriptase* 7. A patient with tuberculosis is being treated with isoniazid. He develops paresthesias, muscle pain, and unsteadiness. Which vitamin needs to be given in order to reverse these symptoms – or used from the outset to prevent them in high-risk patients? A. Vitamin A B. Vitamin C C. Vitamin K D. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) E. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)* 14. All of the following drugs are bactericidal except: A. Cephalexin B. Rifampicin C. Isoniazid D. Tetracycline * E. Ceftriaxone 8. A 59 y.o. man is diagnosed tuberculosis. Before prescribing a drug regimen, you take a careful medication history because one of the drugs commonly used to treat tuberculosis induces microsomal cytochrome P-450 enzymes in the liver. Which drug is it? A. Rifampicin* B. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) C. Isoniazid D. Pyrazinamide E. Ethambutol 15. Blue vision is caused by: A. Digoxin B. Rifampicin C. Ethambutol * D. Chloroquine E. Nystatin 16-20. Determine the drug or drug group: 16. The drugs possess high bacteriostatic activity only against the agent of the severe long lasting infectious disease. They are well absorbed from the GIT, penetrate through haemoatoencephalic barrier, and are excreted through kidneys. In organisms of different patients these drugs are inactivated with different speed due to genetically determined distinct degree of activity of enzymes, effecting their acetylation in the liver. These drugs should be administered carefully to patients suffering from epilepsy because of their stimulating influence on the CNS, which may cause rapidness of convulsion. - E 17. It is the synthetic antituberculous drug, which acts on the mycobacteria stable to streptomycin, preparation of HINA and PAS. It doesn’t affect the rest pathogenic microorganisms. It is well absorbed from the GIT. It is taken once a day after breakfast. Its characteristic side effect is affection of the eye: narrowing of peripheral vision, formation of scotomas, decrease of sharpness of vision and capability of red and green colors differentiation. Having stopped taking this drug these disorders go off independently. - B 18. It is the synthetic anti-tuberculous drug, which possesses moderate antituberculous activity. Its toxicity is low, that’s why its daily dose is 9 – 12 g, so it may lead to the development of some complications: stomachache, nausea, loss of appetite, allergic reactions, increase of size and pain in the liver, goiter-genic effect. - C 19. Antibiotics produced by radiant fungi, widely used for complex treatment of all forms of tuberculosis. They except expressed effect on Gr(+) and in high concentrations on Gr(-) bacteria. They are well tolerated by the patients. Shortcoming of these drugs is rapid formation of microbial 9. A patient with active tuberculosis is being treated with isoniazid and ethambutol as part of the overall regimen. Which of the following statements is the main reason for including the ethambutol? A. To facilitate entry of isoniazid into the mycobacteria B. To facilitate penetration of the blood-brain barrier C. To slow renal excretion of isoniazid D. To retard the development organism resistance* E. To retard absorption after IM injection 10. As a part of a multidrug attack on a patient’s infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a physician plans to use an aminoglycoside antibiotic. Which of the following drugs is the most active against the tubercle bacillus and seems to be associated with the fewest problems with resistance or typical aminoglycoside-induced adverse effects? A. Amikacin B. Kanamycin C. Neomycin D. Streptomycin* E. Tobramycin 11 Amantadine (midantane), used prophylactically against influenza A2, is thought to act by: A. Preventing production of viral capsid protein B. Preventing uncoating of viral DNA* C. Causing lysis of infected host cell by release of intracellular lysosomal enzymes D. Preventing penetration of the virus into the host cell E. Preventing virion release 12. A 30 y.o. man is HIV-positive with a cluster-ofdifferentiation-4 (CD4) count of 200/mm3. Within 2 months he develops a peripheral white blood cell count of 1000/mm3 34 resistance; ability to color urine, sputum and tears red; affection of the liver, leucopoenia and dyspeptic disorders. –D 20. The antibiotic belongs to the group of aminoglycosides. It acts on mycobacterial strain resistant to streptomycin, PAS, isoniazid. The drug is used for the treatment of lung tuberculosis and affection of other organs in condition of resistance to other antituberculous drugs. It is produced in the form of powder in vials for IM injections and in ampoules containing 5-10 ml of 5% solution for IV injection. - E A. The hydrazides of isonicotinic acid B. Ethambutol C. PAS D. Rifampicin E. Kanamycin 27. A patient with pulmonary tuberculosis was administered an agent from the group of antibiotics which belongs to the group of the most effective antituberculous drugs. Which agent has been administered? A. Isoniazid B. PAS C. Ciprofloxacin D. Rifampicin* E. Sodium salt of benzylpenicillin 28. 17. Anthelmintic, Antiprotozoal, Antimalarial and Antisyphilitic Drugs 21. Which antituberculous agent acts as the competitive antagonist of para-aminobenzoic acid? A. Isoniazid B. Ethambutol C. Sodium Paraaminosalicilate (PAS)* D. Rifampicin E. Kanamycin 1. Pyrantel pamoate is effective in both conditions: A. Amoebiasis and trichuriasis B. Taenia solium and ascariasis C. Amoebiasis and strongyloides D. Enterobius and ascariasis * E. Strongyloides and enterobiasis 22. Hyperuricemia is due to inhibition of uric acid secretion in kidney: gout can occur as a result of adverse effect of: A. Ethosuxemide B. Cyclocerine C. Pyrazinamide * D. Rifampicin E. Ampicillin 2. In malaria, chloroquine (chingamin) acts on: A. Erythrocytic cycle* B. Exoerythrocytic cycle C. Liver D. Schizonts E. All above 3. Flushing occurs after alcohol ingestion in patients taking: A. Chingamin B. Penicillin C. Tetracycline D. Chloramphenicol E. Metronidazol* 23. A patient was diagnosed with active focal pulmonary tuberculosis. What drug should be prescribed in the first place? A. Isoniazid * B. Cyclocerine C. Ethionamide D. Ethoxide E. Sulfalen 4. Which of the following antimalarial drugs is relatively safe in pregnancy? A. Primaquine B. Co-trimoxazole C. Chloridin D. Chingamin* E. Mefloquine 24. A patient suffers from pulmonary tuberculosis. During treatment neuritis of visual nerve arose. What drug has caused this adverse effect? 2012 A. Rifampicin B. Streptomycin C, Ethambutol D. Isoniazid * E. Kanamycin 25. A patient has herpetic rash. What drug should be administered? 2010 A. Gentamycin B. Benzylpenicillin sodium salt C, Biseptol D. Clotrimasole E. Acyclovir * 26. After 4 months of treatment for tuberculosis the patient began complaining of toes and fingers numbness, sensation of creeps. He was diagnosed with polyneuritis. Which antituberculous might have caused these complications? A. Isoniazid * B. Alcohol iodine solution C. Ciprofloxacin D. Rifampicin E. Sodium salt of benzylpenicillin 5. Megaloblastic anaemia is a consequence of all drugs except: A. Trimethoprim B. Methotrexate C. Amoxicillin * D. Pyrimethamine E. Co-Trimoxazole 6. Intraluminal amoebicide of choice is: A. Metronidazol * B. Emetine C. Chloroquine D. Tetracycline E. Penicillin 7. A patient with ascariasis was given a drug that also acts on the immune system and is used as immunomodulator. What is the name of this drug? A. Pyrantel B. Piperazine adipinate C. Naphthammone (Bephenium) D. Levamisole* E. Phenasalum (Niclosamide) 35 8. A 58 y.o. woman has just returned from a trip to Southeast Asia. Over the past 24 hours she developed shaking, chills, and to of 40.5oC. A blood smear reveals Plasmodium vivax. What drug should be administered to eradicate the extraerythrocytic phase of the organism? A. Chloroquine B. Primaquine* C. Pyrimethamine D. Tetracycline E. Quinacrine (Acrichin) 9. A young boy presents the infestation with Taenia saginata (tapeworm). Which of the following drugs is the most appropriate drug for him? A. Mebendazole B. Niclosamide (Phenasal)* C. Chloroquine D. Tetracycline E. Penicillin 10. A patient suffering from syphilis has been treated with bismuth preparations. As a result of it, some grey spots turned up on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, and nephropathy symptoms appeared. Which drug should be used for the treatment of bismuth intoxication? 2012 A. Nalorphine B. Naloxone C. Bemegride D. Methylene blue E. Unithiol (Dimercaprol)* A. Primaquine B. Quinine C. Doxycycline D. Biseptol (Co-trimoxazole) E. Chloridine (Pyrimethamine) * 16. Specify the drug, which is used in amebiasis of any localization of pathological process. A Metronidazole (Trichopol) * B. Chingamin C. Emetine D. Chiniophon E. Tetracycline 17. A woman addressed to a gynecologist in relation to large discharge from the vagina with unpleasant smell. After laboratory examination she has been diagnosed with trichomoniasis. Which drug should be administered? A Sulfadimezine B. Metronidazole (Trichopol) * C. Chingamin D. Chloridin E. Monomycin 18. A female patient consulted a doctor about a sense of epigastric discomfort, nausea and anorexia. A duodenal content analysis revealed lamblia. What drug should be administered? 2011 A Rifampicin B. Isoniazid C. Metronidazol (Trichopol) * D. Acyclovir E. Chingamin 11. A 23 y.o. patient has been revealed mixed helmintic invasion: intestinal cestodes and liver trematodes. Which agent should be administered? A. Albendazole B. Praziquantel* C. Levamisole D .Pyrantel E. Piperazine 12. Praziquantel is effective in both conditions: A. Amoebiasis and trichuriasis B. Taenia solium and Hymenolepis nana * C. Amoebiasis and strongyloides D. Enterobius and ascariasis E. Strongyloides and enterobius 19. During summer vacations a student from tropical country developed tertian malaria. After recovery he turned back to Ukraine for study extension. In January an exacerbation was developed. It is known from past history of disease that drug acting on paraerythrocytic plasmodium malariae was prescribed. Indicate the drug: A Chingamin (Chloroquine) B. Quinidine (Quinine) C. Hydroxycholoquine D. Mefloquine E. Primaquine * 13. Mother addressed to the pediatrician with the child who complained of strong itch in the region around the anus, pain intensified at night. After investigation of feaces, the diagnosis of enterobiasis was made. Indicate the drug, which should be administered: A. Pyrantel pamoate * B. Trichlorophen C. Phenasal D. Ditrazin E. Aminoacrichin 20. Indicate the drug: it is an alkaloid used for the treatment of malaria. It possesses other pharmacological properties: decreases excitabity of the myocardium, stimulates rhythmical contractions of the uterus. Adverse effects include noise and ringing in the ears, decrease of hearing. A. Quinine * B. Primaquine C. Chloridin D. Chingamin E. Metronidazol 14. Indicate the antimalarial agent, which is active against paraerythrocytic forms of Plasmodium. A. Biseptol B. Chingamin C. Quinine D. Hydroxychlorochin E. Primachin * 21 Indicate the drug: it is one of the best modern agents for the prophylaxis and treatment of malaria. It, like quinine, decreases excitability of the myocardium and may be used as an anti-arrhythmic drug. It also possesses slight immune suppressive activity, so it is used as a basic drug for treatment of systemic diseases of connective tissue. A. Quinine B. Primaquine C. Chloridin D. Chingamin * E. Metronidazol 15. For malaria prevention before journey abroad a doctor has got an agent with histoschizontocidic action. What drug did the doctor take? 36 22. Indicate the drug: it exerts paralyzing action on nematodes, increases tonicity and contractility of the smooth muscles of the intestine, so it is used without a purgative agent. It has low toxicity and is used mainly for ascariasis and entrobiasis. A. Pyrantale pamoate * B. Mebendazole C. Primaquine D. Metronidazol E. Praziquantel 23. A patient consulted a doctor about bowels dysfunction. The doctor established symptoms of duodenitis and enteritis. Laboratory examination helped to make the diagnosis of lambliasis. What drug should be administered? A. Monomycin B. Metronidazol * C. Chingamin D. Tetracycline E. Erythromycin analyses enabled to make the following diagnosis: amebic dysentery. Which drug should be used? A. Furazolidon B. Phthalazol C. Metronidazole * D. Emetine hydrochloride E. Levomycetin 29. After the second abortion a 23 y.o. woman has been diagnosed with toxoplasmosis. Which drug should be used for toxoplasmosis treatment? 2012 A. Co-trimoxazole * B. Acyclovir C. Azidothimidine D. Mebendazole E. Itraconazole 30. Ascarid eggs have been detected during stool analysis. What drug should be administered? 2016 A. Nystatin B. Chloramphenicol C. Furazolidone D. Mebendazole * E. Tetracycline 24. For prevention remote relapses of 4-day malaria a 42 y.o. patient was given primaquine. On the 3rd day of the treatment with therapeutic doses of the drug patient experienced abdominal pain, cardiac pain, dyspepsia, generalized cyanosis. What is the reason of these adverse effects of the drug? A Cumulation of the therapeutic agent B. Slowing down of drug’s excretion with urine C. Decreasing of activity of liver microsomal enzymes D. Genetic deficiency of Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase * E. Potentiation of the drug’s action by other therapeutic agent 25. A 19 y.o. woman suffers from primary syphilis. Doctor administered her complex therapy that includes benzylpenicillin sodium salt. What is the mechanism of action of this drug? 2010 A. It blocks synthesis of cytoplasm proteins B. It blocks DNA synthesis C. It blocks synthesis of peptidoglycan of microbial membrane * D. It blocks RNA synthesis E. It blocks thiol enzymes 26. A healthy man is in a region with high risk of catching malaria. What drug should be administered for individual chemoprophylaxis of malaria? A. Biseptol B. Sulfalen C. Metronidazole D. Tetracycline E. Chingamin * 31. Malaria is treated with structural analogs of vitamin B2 (riboflavin). These drugs disrupt the synthesis of the following enzymes in plasmodium: 2016 A. Cytochrome oxidase B. Peptidase C. Aminotransferase D. NAD-dependent dehydrogenase E. FAD-dependent dehydrogenase * 18. Anticancer Drugs 1. Methotrexate (structural analogue of the folic acid which is competitive inhibitor of the dihydrofolate reductase) is prescribed for the treatment of the malignant tumor. On which level does methotrexate hinder synthesis of the nucleic acids? A. Replication B. Reparation C. Processing D. Transcription E. Mononucleotide synthesis * 2. Which phase of the cell cycle is resistant to the most chemotherapeutic agents, i.e. those that are classified as phase-specific? A. Go * B. G1 C. G2 D. M E. S 3. A cancer man receives prophylactic Allopurinol before a course of chemotherapy. Which of the following statements is the main purpose of doing this? A. Facilitate host cell detoxification of the chemotherapeutic drug, thereby reducing host cell toxicities B. Reduce the risk of hyperuricemia and its main consequences (renal damage, gout) that can occur with a massive cell kill * 27. This drug has a destructive effect on erythrocytic forms of malarial plasmodia and dysenteric amoebae. It is used for the treatment and prevention of such diseases as malaria, amebiasis and interstitial disease. What drug is it? A. Erythromycin B. Chingamin C. Quinine D. Emetine hydrochloride E. Tetracycline 28. A 30 y.o. patient complains about having abdominal pain and diarrhea for 5 days; body to rise up to 37,5o C along with chills. The day before a patient had been in a forest and drunk from an open water reservoir. Laboratory 37 C. Inhibit the potential for DNA repair, that otherwise might lead to chemotherapy failure D. Potentiate the action of a nitrosourea to bind to purine moieties in DNA strands E. Prevent myelosuppression and related blood dyscrasias A. Hyperthyroidism B. Asthma or emphysema C. Clinical gout D. Myasthenia gravis E. Rheumatoid arthritis or psoriasis * 4. Which of the following statements is the main mechanism by which the vincristine exerts its main effects? A. Alkylating DNA, causing cross-links between parallel DNA strands B. Blocking microtubular assembly and mitosis during M-phase * C. Inhibiting topoisomerase, preventing repair of DNA strand breaks D. Intercalating in DNA strands, thereby preventing DNA replication by mRNA E. Stabilizing assembled microtubular arrays, thereby preventing mitosis 10. Allopurinol should be avoided, or reduced doses of the agent, if the anticancer drug is one of the following: A. Doxorubicin B. Cysplatin C. Mercaptopurine * D. Cyclophosphamide E. Vincristine 11. A patient with Wilm’s tumor is receiving a chemotherapeutic agent that is described as acting by intercalating into DNA strands, and that is efficacious regardless of what stage of the cell cycle the tumor cell are in. Which agent best fits this description? A. Dactinomycin (Actinomycin) * B. Cytarabine (Cytosine arabiniside) C. Mercaptopurine D. Cyclophosphamide E. Vincristine 5. Which of the following is the main mechanism by which the cyclophosphamide exerts its cell killing? A. Alkylating DNA, causing cross-links between parallel DNA strands* B. Blocking microtubular assembly and mitosis during Mphase C. Inhibiting topoisomerase, preventing repair of DNA strand breaks D. Intercalating in DNA strands, thereby preventing DNA replication by mRNA E. Stabilizing assembled microtubular arrays, thereby preventing mitosis 12. A cancer patient develops severe, irreversible cardiomyopathy because the maximum dose of an anticancer drug was exceeded. Which drug is most likely responsible for this patient’s symptoms? A. Cyclophosphamide B. Cysplatin C. Mercaptopurine D. Doxorubicin * E. Vincristine 6. Which condition is the most likely adverse response to occur as a result of the vincristine action? A. Nephrotoxicity, renal dysfunction or failure B. Peripheral sensory and motor neuropathy* C. Pulmonary damage D. Agranulocytosis E. Rhabdomyolysis 13. A 75 y.o. man complains of progressive difficulty starting his stream urinating, and having to get up at least once at night to urinate. Rectal examination reveals a generally enlarged, smooth-surfaced prostate. Prostatic serum antigen titers are elevated. Urine flow increases, and prostate size decreases, in response to finasteride treatment. What is the main mechanism of its action? A. Steroid 5-α-reductase inhibition * B. Competition with dihydrotestosterone for intracellular androgen receptor and inhibition its binding C. α1-adrenergic receptor blockade D. Lowering serum Testosterone levels E. Testosterone synthesis inhibition 7. A patient with advanced Hodgkin’s disease is placed on combination therapy with vincristine, procarbazine, and prednisone. Which of the following procedures plays the main role of the prednisone effects in this therapeutic plan? A. Preventing opportunistic infections B. Exerting direct cytotoxic actions, independent of the other drugs C. Counteracting fluid overload from chemotherapyinduced renal dysfunction D. Counteracting hyperglycemia caused by the other agents E. Suppressing emesis and vomiting* 8. A 25 y.o. woman with choriocarcinoma is treated with methotrexate. You anticipate significant host cell toxicity in response to the high methotrexate dose, and so immediately after giving the anticancer drug you administer one of the following drugs: A. Vitamin K B. Vitamin B1 C. Vitamin B6 D. Vitamin B12 E. Folic acid * 14. A 45 y.o. man complains of progressive difficulty starting his stream urinating, and having to get up at least once at night to urinate. Rectal examination reveals an enlarged, smooth-surfaced prostate. Prostatic serum antigen (PSA) titers are elevated. Urine flow increases, and prostate size decreases, in response to cyproterone acetate (androcur) treatment. This drug’s main mechanism of action involves one of the following processes. What is it? A. Steroid 5α-reductase inhibition B. α1-adrenergic receptor blockade C. Lowering serum Testosterone levels D. Competition with dihydrotestosterone for intracellular androgen receptor and inhibition its binding* E. Testosterone synthesis inhibition 9. While reviewing charts in a general medicine clinic you see that a 27 y.o. woman with no history of cancer at all, is also taking methotrexate. The drug is most likely given to manage one of the following conditions: 15. Megaloblastic anaemia is a consequence of all drugs except: A. Salazopyridazine B. Methotrexate 38 C. Amoxicillin * D. Sulfalen E. Co-trimoxazole A. Dihydrofolate reductase * B. Thioredoxin reductase C. Deaminase D. E. Thiaminase 16. To treat Methotrexate toxicity ___________ is used A. Folic acid * B. Folinic acid C. Riboflavin D. Cyanocobalamin E. Vicasol 17. The following drugs are alkylating agents except: A. Cyclophosphamide B. Methotrexate * C. Chlorambucil D. Sarcolysin E. Myelosan 18. Determine a drug for treatment of lympholeukosis: A. Phthoruracil B. Embichin * C. Depostat D. Diethylstilbestrol E. Phenobolin 19. A drug belongs to the group of antimetabolites being an antagonist of folic acid. It is able to suppress activity of dihydrofolate-reductase and tymidilsythetase, causes and thus leads to diminishing of nucleic acids synthesis. Determine the drug: A. Mercaptopurine B .Methotrexate * C. Fluorouracil D. Cytarabine E. Cisplatine 20. Antitumoral drug from the group of antimetabolites is used for the treatment of leucosis in children and cancer in adults. Determine the drug: A. Methotrexate * B. Sarcolysin C. Colchamine D. Rubomycin E. Prednisolone 21. In cancer patients who have been continuously receiving methotrexate, the target cells of tumour with time become insensitive to this drug. In this case, gene amplification of the following enzyme is observed: 2016 A. Thiaminase B. Deaminase C. Pholate decarboxydase D. Thioredoxin reductase E. Dihydrofolate reductase * 24. The main mechanism of Cyproterone acetate (Androcur) action involves one of the following processes: A. Steroid 5-α-reductase inhibition B. α1-adrenergic receptor blockade C. Lowering serum Testosterone levels D. Blockade of androgen receptors * E. Testosterone synthesis inhibition 19. Basic principles of Acute Poisonings with Drugs Treatment 1. A patient takes an acute, massive overdose of aspirin that, without proper intervention, will be fatal. Which of the following conditions would you expect in the advanced (late) stages of aspirin (salicylate poisoning)? A. Metabolic alkalosis B. Respiratory alkalosis C. Respiratory alkalosis plus metabolic acidosis* D. Hypothermia E. Ventilatory stimulation 2. In addition to providing symptomatic, supportive care, which of the following drugs would be a helpful adjunct to manage severe Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) poisoning? A. Naloxone B. Acetylcysteine* C. Diazepam D. Sodium bicarbonate E. Unitiolum 3. Which of the following conditions is the primary cause of death from massive Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) overdoses? A. Acute nephropathy B. Status epilepticus C. Status asthmaticus D. A-V conduction disturbances E. Liver failure * 4. A patient has taken a potentially lethal dose of Acetaminophen (Paracetamol). The current preferred antidotal therapy involves administration of drug that: A. Inhibits synthesis of superoxide anion radical and hydrogen peroxide B. Is rich in sulfhydryl (-SH) groups * C. Alkalinizes the urine to facilitate Acetaminophen excretion D. Inhibits hepatic oxidative metabolism to inhibit formation of Acetaminophen’s toxic metabolites E. Causes metabolic acidosis to combat the toxic metabolite’s metabolic alkalosis 22. Pterin derivatives (aminopterin and methotrexate) are the inhibitors of dihydrofolate reductase, so that they inhibit the regeneration of tetrahydrofolic acid from dihydrofolate. These drugs inhibit the intermolecular transfer of monocarbon groups, thus suppressing the synthesis of the following polymer: A. Gangliosides B. DNA * C. Homopolysaccharides D. Glycosaminoglycans E. Protein 5. A patient who receives a rapid IV injection of a drug develops hypocalcemic tetany. Which of the following drugs is the most likely cause it? A. Edetate Sodium (Trilon B) * B. Potassium chloride C. Penicillamine D. Deferoxamine E. Acetylcysteine 23. In cancer patients who have been continuously receiving methotrexate, the target cells of tumour with time become insensitive to this drug. In this case, gene amplification of the following enzyme is observed: 2014 39 6. Physostigmine is the antidote against poisoning with antimuscarinic drugs (e.g., Atropine). Another acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, Neostigmine, is less suitable because it cannot overcome the adverse effect of the antimuscarinic drug in or on one of the following: A. Smooth muscle B. Skeletal muscle C. Heart D. Central nervous system * E. Exocrine gland D. Ftorotan (Halothane) * E. Caffeine 14. A hypertensive glucose solution was introduced to a patient. It will intensify water movement: A. From the cells to the intercellular liquid * B. From the intercellular liquid to the capillaries C. There will be no changes of water movement D. From the capillaries to the intercellular liquid E. From the intercellular to the cells 15. A patient suffering with collagenosis has been taking prednisolone for a long time. Hypokaliemia development caused spastic pain of skeletal muscles. What medication should be used in order to correct potassium exchange? A. No-spa B. Diphenin C. Panangin * D. Thyrocalcitonin E. Diazepam 7. Indicate the measures directed for diminishing of absorption of poisons from the digestive tract: A. Washing of the stomach B. Introduction of active carbon* C. Drugs stimulating vitally important functions D. Forced diuresis E. Saline purgatives 8. Indicate the drug that is specific antagonist of opioid analgesics. A. Sulfocamfocaine B. Atropine C. Aceclidine D. Naloxon * E. Nalorfin 16. A 35 y.o. patient who often consumes alcohol was treated with diuretics. There appeared serious muscle and heart weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, BP was 100/60 mm Hg, depression. This condition is caused by intensified excretion of: A. Calcium B. Potassium* C. Chlorine D. Phosphates E. Sodium 9. Indicate the drugs used in poisoning with cholinesterase inhibitors: A. Aceclidine + Pilocarpine B. Atropine + Dipiroxim * C. Scopolamine + Naloxon D. Caffeine + Atropine E. Sulfocamfocaine + Nalorfin 17. A patient underwent appendectomy. In the postoperative period he has been taking an antibiotic. The patient complains about hearing impairment and vestibular disorders. What group of antibiotics has such adverse effect? A. Cephalosporins B. Tetracyclines C. Macrolides D. Aminoglycosides* E. Penicillins 10. Indicate antidote that should be prescribed in poisoning with salts of arsenic and other heavy metals. A. Methylene blue B. Amyl nitrate C. Naloxon D. Natrium thiosulfate * E. Dipiroxim 11. A patient with mercury evaporations poisoning has been brought from chemical plant into toxicological department. What drug should be used in the given situation? A. Unithiol (Dimercaprol) * B. Naloxone C. Isonitrozine D. Activated carbon (Charcoal) E. Enterosorbent 18. A 35 y.o. female patient has been hospitalized with acute intoxication caused by salts of high-density metals (lead, most probably). As a part of complex therapy the antidote that contains two active sulfhydric groups has been administered. Specify this antidote: 2016 A. Metamizole B. Mannitol C. Calcium chloride D. Nalorphine hydrochloride E. Dimercaprol* 12. A patient with morphine overdosing was admitted into intensive care unit. What agent from listed drugs is the most effective in given case? A. Camphor B. Naloxone * C. Etimizol D. Cordiamin E. Caffeine 13. A patient with cramps, which are consequence of an acute poisoning with cocaine, is delivered to emergency room. Choose a pharmacological agent, which has anticonvulsant effect: A. Aminazine (Chlorpromazine) B. Isosorbide C. Sulfocamphocaine 19. A 55 y.o. male has been admitted to the resuscitation unit unconscious. Relatives reported him to have mistakenly drunk an alcoholic solution of unknown origin. On examination the patient was diagnosed with methanol intoxication. What antidote should be used in this case? 2014 A. Teturam B. Acetylcysteine C. Ethanol * D. Protamine sulfate E. Naloxone 20. 14. A 63 y.o. male patient with bladder atony had been administered a medication which he had been arbitrarily taking at a higher dose. The patient developed, 40 hyperhydration, salivation, diarrhea, muscle spasms. The administered drug relates to the following group: 2014 salivation, A. Adrenergic blockers B. Cholinesterase activator C. Ganglionic blockers D. Tocolytics E. Cholinomimetics* 41