ACTIVITY BASED LEARNING - | BY GROUP 10 37: HARSH TELANG 38: PRATIK TOGARE 39: SHUBHAM UPADHYAY 40: HARSHAD VHATKAR YOGA AND TYPES OF AASANAS “ ◍ “Yoga is not a work-out; it is a work-in. And this is the point of spiritual practice, to make us teachable, to open up our hearts, and focus our awareness so that we can know what we already know and be who we already are.” ◍ — Rolf Gates WHAT IS YOGA? ◍ Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. Yoga is one of the six orthodox philosophical schools of Hinduism. There is a broad variety of yoga schools, practices, and goals in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism ◍ focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body. It is an art and science of healthy living. The word 'Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj', meaning 'to join' or 'to yoke' or 'to unite'. BUT WHY SHOULD WE PRACTICE YOGA? ◍ It was developed as a practice to unite the mind and body. There are many branches of yoga. All yoga styles can help balance your body, mind, and spirit, but they achieve it in various ways. ... No matter which type you choose, yoga is a great way to stretch and strengthen your body, focus your mind, and relax your spirit. ◍ Improve flexibility and strength. Yoga stretches your muscles. ... ◍ Stand up straighter. Many poses in yoga can strengthen the core muscles in your stomach and back. ... ◍ Ease stress and anxiety levels. Yoga involves breathing exercises that force you to pay attention to your breath. ... ◍ Reduce low back pain. ... ◍ Improve sleep CURIOUS TO KNOW MORE? NOW LET US ENCOUNTER SOME YOGA ASANA’S TRIKON ASANA ◍ “Trikonasana” is the combination of two Sanskrit words “Trikon” and “Asana”, where “Trikon” means Triangle and “Asana” means pose. This asana look like the triangle shape, that’s the reason this Asana is also known as Trikonasana. This triangle pose is very important pose for health and wellness. This asana helps to stretches the muscles and improve the function of the body ◍ This Trikonasana helps to strengthen your legs, ankles and knees. ◍ This asana is good for your digestion ◍ In Trikonasana, the triangle pose helps to expand your chest and shoulders. ◍ With this asana, it provides stamina, balance, energy and develops focus. ◍ This asana helps to strengthen the muscles in the hips, thighs and back. ◍ This asana may be used for stress management. KURMASANA ◍ Kurmasana in Sanskrit is a combination of ‘kurma‘ and ‘asana‘ which means ‘tortoise’ and ‘pose’ respectively. In this pose, the practitioner stretches legs forward and hands backward while back bending forward. This whole structure of the curved back and stretched legs-hands looks like a tortoise. Hence, it’s called ‘tortoise pose’ or ‘turtle pose’. ◍ Kurmasana improves the functioning of the digestive and respiratory systems. ◍ It relaxes your neck, head, and shoulders. ◍ It stimulates your abdominal organs and eases flatulence. ◍ The pose releases the tight knots in the lumbar and sacrum areas of your body. TADASANA ◍ The word “Tada” comes from the Sanskrit word, which meaning is “Palm tree” or another meaning is “mountain”, and the meaning of asana is “posture” or “seat”. So this asana is called Tadasana. Depending on the lineage practiced, Tadasana and Samasthitih may refer to the same asana or another similar asana. So the meaning of Sama is straight, level, upright or balanced and sthiti means to stand or stay. Tadasana is the beginning and ending Asana of Surya Namaskar according to Ashtanga yoga. ◍ Improves posture ◍ May increase height ◍ Boosts mental awareness ◍ Promotes weight loss ◍ Improves mood CHATURANGA DANDASANA ◍ Chaturanga Dandasana or Four-Limbed Staff pose, also known as Low Plank, is an asana in modern yoga as exercise and in some forms of Surya Namaskar, in which a straight body parallel to the ground is supported by the toes and palms, with elbows at a right angle along the body. ◍ Strengthens the core. ◍ Builds strength in the quads. ◍ Builds strength in shoulders and scapula stabilizers when practiced with proper alignment. ◍ Great preparation for more arm balances. ◍ Strengthens biceps and triceps as well as forearm muscles. ◍ Strengthens pectoralis major. ◍ Builds flexibility and strength in the wrists. MENTAL HEALTH “ ◍ If we start being honest about our pain, our anger, and our shortcomings instead of pretending they don’t exist, then maybe we’ll leave the world a better place than we found it.” – Russell Wilson WHAT IS MENTAL HEALTH ? ◍ Mental health, defined by the World Health Organization, is "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community". ◍ It includes our emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing. It affects how we think, feel, and act as we cope with life. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices IS MENTAL HEALTH EVEN IMPORTANT It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. TO BE MORE PRESICE, IS MENTAL HEALTH IMPORTANT THAN PHYSICAL HEALTH? Mental health and physical health are very closely connected. Mental health plays a major role in your ability to maintain good physical health. Mental illnesses, such as depression and anxiety, affect your ability to participate in healthy behaviors. WAIT BUT HOW DO I KNOW IF I HAVE A POOR MENTAL HEALTH….? SIGNS OF POOR MENTAL HEALTH ◍ tiredness and lack of energy ◍ sleeping more or less ◍ talking less and avoiding social activities ◍ talking more or talking very fast, jumping between topics and ideas feeling less interested in day-to-day activities. ◍ finding it difficult to control your emotions ◍ low mood. ◍ drinking more ◍ feeling overwhelmed by things. ◍ irritability and short temper ◍ tearfulness. ◍ aggression ◍ poor concentration. ◍ being easily distracted. ◍ worrying more. ◍ finding it hard to make decisions. ◍ OOPSS.. DO I NEED TO WORRY ABOUT IT? I MEAN.. HOW CAN I IMPROVE MY MENTAL HEALTH? HOW TO LOOK AFTER YOUR MENTAL HEALTH ? ◍ Talk about your feelings …. ◍ Walk tall. ... ◍ Keep active. ... ◍ Stop taking pictures of everything. ... ◍ Eat well. ... ◍ Exercise. ... ◍ Drink sensibly. ... ◍ Stop procrastinating. ... ◍ Keep in touch. ... ◍ Get out of a toxic relationship. ... ◍ Ask for help. ... ◍ Sleep more. ... ◍ Take a break. ... ◍ Make time for yourself. ... ◍ Do something you're good at…. ◍ Take time out from your digital devices…. Well, well, well.. NOW HERE WE HAVE A GLIMPSE OF SURVEY CONDUCTED BY OUR TEAM REGARDING MENTAL HEALTH