Special Study 1-3 units DANCE 499 Jess Humphrey, Leslie Seiters, Joe Alter

Special Study
1-3 units
Jess Humphrey, Leslie Seiters, Joe Alter
Support is the act of showing that you believe in someone or something. The act of
giving love, and encouragement. To agree with or give approvement. Give help when
needed. Endure this task with bravery and self-worth. Be aware of your own needs. This
course is an exploration of the concept of support in general. How to give it and how to
receive it. The specifics of your roles include tasks, and responsibilities given by the
professor. Supporting, in this context, involves investing in the course material in ways
that allows you to enforce it. The support has a different role than the teacher. They are
not just acting as students taking the class, but as a person who is not only invested in the
material but also in the process of teaching. The teacher and support are responsible for
eachother. This is a moment to moment dance that requires readiness, responsiveness,
and the task of giving.
Enhance your technical skills by increasing the number of perspectives (self,
student, teacher).
Participate in a learning process that includes experimentation and observation
What does it look like to be in your own learning practice while supporting other
students in theirs?
What are you researching? How does that relate to what/how the teacher is
Explore and refine ways to support that are specific to the course material and the
stated desires of the teacher.
Learn how to give feedback to students in a respectful and supportive way.
How does your investment in class serve as a model for the other students in
Engage in dialogue with peers and professors about the process of learning,
supporting and teaching.
 Be responsive, flexible, and assertive. There is no time to “check-out”.
 Support the material at hand, moment to moment.
 You must have the ability to change perspectives and states constantly throughout
class. Take class fully, stepping in and out as you shift perspectives without
sacrificing embodiment.
 You are responsible for being a role-model. Consistently check in with your
engagement; are you modeling what the teacher wants from the rest of the class?
 Please adhere to the attendance policy of the course unless you have decided
differently with the teacher.
 Be responsible for scheduling three meetings with the teacher to discuss your role,
requirements, and progress.
This section can be discussed in the first meeting.
1. Assignments 20%
Please see suggestions on support document of possible assignments
Assignments depend on how many units are being earned and what requirements
they are fulfilling.
2. Quality of Participation 40%
3. Proficiency/Improvement 10%
How is the support implementing the conversations discussed in class and
Is there an improvement of course objectives over time?
4. Articulation of their unique expression of support 20%
How well do they state what they need in class and in the meetings?
How do they implement ideas of the teacher?
How do they identify their research of the support role?
5. One page paper 10%
Exploring the concept of support in general and how this experience has
influenced the meaning of support for them.