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Slotting Machine Assignment: Types, Parts, & Operations

Abdullahi Abdukadir Sheikh Hassan ID: 40
Assignment submitted in partial fulfilment of the
Requirements for the machine tool
Faculty of Engineering
Somali national university
1. Introduction
The slotting machine is a reciprocating machine tool in which, the ram holding the tool
reciprocates in a vertical axis and the cutting action of the tool is only during the downward
stroke. Slotting machines are generally used to machine internal surfaces (flat, formed grooves
and cylindrical). On the other hand the vertical shaper, sometimes called a slotter, has a vertical
ram. If a rotary table is mounted on the regular table, a number of slots can be made at quit
accurately spaced intervals. This machine can work either outside or inside a part, provided that
the interior opening is larger than the tool head. Basically slotting machine is a vertical axis
shaper. The tool moves vertically rather than in a horizontal direction. It has a vertical ram and a
hand or power operated rotary table. The stroke of ram is smaller in slotting machines than in
Fig1. Slotting machine
2. Classification of slotting machine
There are mainly two kinds of slotting machine that include precision slotter and puncher
slotter. Both of them have been discussed below.
2.1 Puncher Slotter
The puncher slotter machine is a heavy, rigid machine designed for removal of a large
amount of metal from large forgings or castings. The length of stroke of a puncher slotter is
sufficiently large. It may be as long as 1800 to 2000mm.
Fig2. Puncher slotter
The puncher slotter ram is usually driven by a spiral pinion meshing with the rack teeth cut on
the underside of the ram. The pinion is driven by a variable speed reversible electric motor
similar to that of a planer. The feed is also controlled by electrical gears.
2.2 Precision tool room Slotter
Used for tool room work, where accuracy important Lighter in construction Fitted with
quick return mechanism Operates at high speeds and designed for light cuts Gives accurate finish
Suitable for small to medium size work pieces. On the other hand the precision slotter machine is
a lighter machine and is operated at high speeds. The machine is designed to take light cuts
giving the accurate finish.
Fig3. Precision slotter
Using special jigs, the machine can handle a number of works on a production basis. The
precision slotter machines are also used for general purpose work and are usually fitted with
Whitworth quick return mechanism.
3. Main parts of a slotting machine
a) Base
b) Column
c) Ram Tool head
d) Table
e) Saddle
f) Cross slide
Fig4. Slotting machine
4. Principal parts of slotter
a) Base
• Bottom most part
• Made of Cast Iron
b) Column
• Vertically mounted on the base
• Has guide ways on which Ram slides
c) Ram tool head
• Reciprocating vertically up and down
• It carries Tool Head /cutting tool
d) Table
• A circular casting with T-slots on its top
• Movement of table can be linear or rot
e) Saddle
• It is mounted on guide ways of bed
• Using saddle longitudinal feed is given
f) Cross slide
• Circular work-table is mounted on top.
• Using cross slide cross feed is given
5. Operations on slotting machine
1. Machining flat surfaces
2. Machining Circular Surfaces
3. Machining internal surfaces
4. Machining grooves or key ways
6. Slotter tools and Application of slotter machine
6.1 Slotter tools
• Forged from solid tool steel bar, or
• In the form of tool bit held in the tool holder.
• Fig. shows square shank tool
Fig5. Slotter tools
6.2 Application of slotter machine
• Internal recess of circular, concave & convex surfaces
• To cut slots, splines, keyways both internal external
• To machine internal & external gears
• Internal machining of blind holes
7. Advantage and Disadvantage of slotting machine
7.1 The advantages of Slotter Machines are:
This is a light machine.
The tool uses here is a single-point cutting tool.
Low-cost machine.
Low Maintenance.
Accurate surface finish.
Machine efficiency is more.
7.2 The disadvantages of Slotter Machines are:
Rigid in construction.
Skilled worker requires to operate.
8. Conclusions
The slotting machine is used for cutting grooves, keys and slotes of various shapes
making regular and irregular surfaces both internal and external cutting internal and external
gears and profiles The slotter machine can be used on any type of work where vertical tool
movement is considered essential and advantageous. Basically slotting machine is a vertical axis
shaper. The tool moves vertically rather than in a horizontal direction. It has a vertical ram and a
hand or power operated rotary table. The stroke of ram is smaller in slotting machines than in