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Slotter Machine Working Process: Types & Specs

Slotter machine working process
Special Machine
Slotter Machine
slotter machine is a production machine
 This
is a very old type of the machine and was invented
 The
slotting machine is similar to a verticle shaper. The
ram carrying the slotting tool reciprocates in a verticle
guide-way of the machine.
 Slotter
machine is defined as a machine tool uses
for removing unwanted material chips from the
workpiece to make splines, grooves and more.
 We
also called this machine is a vertical shaper
 It
is known mostly for machining internal surfaces.
Diagram of Slotter Machine
Working Principle of Slotter Machine
 The
working of the Slotter machine is similar to
the shaper machine do but the main difference
between them is the Shaper machine works
horizontally whereas Slotter machines work
Types of slotter
The different types of slotting machines are:
1. Punch slotter: It is a heavy duty rigid machine designed for
removing large amount of metal from large forgings or castings.
2. Tool room slotter : It is a heavy duty machine designed to
operate at high speeds. This machine takes light cuts and gives
accurate finishing.
3. Production slotter : It is a heavy duty slotter consisting of
heavy cast base and heavy frame. It is mostly used for general
production work.
4. Keyseater slotter : It is exclusively used for machining
keyways on the inside of wheel and gear hubs.
Specifications of a slotter
The important specifications of a slotter are as follows:
1. Maximum length of stroke
2. Diameter of circular table
3. The maximum crosswise and
longitudinal movement of the table
4. Type of drive
5. Net weight of slotter
6. Power of the motor
7. Floor area
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