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Coffee Consumption Among High School Students

Conjuico, Trisha Marie A.
Esporas, Valerie Q.
Macay, Richa Feb F.
Trumata, Julia Jhen W.
Ramon Teves Pastor Memorial
Dumaguete Science High School
Background of the Study
Caffeine is the most widely consumed legal drug worldwide. Naturally occurring in
plants, beans, fruits, chocolate, coffees and teas, caffeine is readily available for individuals to
consume regularly. Coffee is a seed coming from a medium-sized tree that can be found in both
high and low places. When coffee berries turn from green to bright red in color, indicating
ripeness, they are picked, processed, and dried. The beans are brewed properly and are mixed
with other components to make various flavors for a drink people can desire. Coffee is known to
awaken students for them to further perform well in class. The word coffee came from “keffa” in
Ethiopia or “qahveh” in Turkey.
Caffeine has been a major part of students' lives. Many of us rely on a morning cup of
coffee or a jolt of caffeine in the afternoon to help us get through the day. Caffeine has been the
number one drink that people drink as a stimulant to gain focus or alertness in our physical,
mood, and even in the brain. Between exams, homework, and socializing, students have an
increasing demand for caffeinated products. Caffeinated beverages such as coffee have been a
common commodity on campuses for many years. It is well-known that caffeine is a heavily
sought-after substance to provide energy for students to meet the expectations of their school’s
Students seek out caffeine for the immediate effects that it bears, such as enhanced mood,
alertness, ability to stay awake when fatigued, faster information processing, and heightened
awareness. Caffeine has been relied upon by many who need an extra boost of energy. Caffeine
is a stimulant, which means it affects the central nervous system. Caffeine puts the brain in the
“fight or flight” state, which basically makes us more alert, energized, and simply “pumped”. It
can increase the speed of reasoning and attention, which can come in handy in one’s academic
performance. Coffee may have all these benefits a student may need but everything has its own
pros and cons. This study aims to discover the number of students in Ramon Teves Pastor
Memorial – Dumaguete Science High School that drinks coffee. It also aims to discover the
reasons of why they drink coffee as well as the effects of coffee in their body.
Significance of the Study
The study conducted is important for it gives clarification and light on to why a lot of
those in the adolescence stage are urged or driven into drinking coffee. On this study, the
researchers also focused and tackled about the effects of the non-stop intakes of coffee.
To the students: The research can help the students know, especially those who often
drink coffee, the effects of intaking the caffeinated drink.
To the parents: Through the study, the parents are given a chance to know the reason
why the children (students) drink coffee. Because of this, the parents can give more attention to
the health of their child.
To the teachers: As the teachers are the second parents of the children in school, the
study conducted is important for them as to know the reason why their students drink coffee, and
onto how this can affect the students' performances in school activities. Some teachers drink
coffee too, so this study can also give light and can clarify to them the effects of drinking coffee.
To the researchers: Through the research conducted, the questions of the researchers
regarding on why the students of RTPM-DSHS drink coffee and its effects would be answered.
The study could also be used as a reference to the next researchers who would be taking a similar
research study like this.
Statement of the Problem
This research aims to discover the reason behind why the students of Ramon Teves
Pastor Memorial – Dumaguete Science High School drink coffee, and the effects that happen to
their bodies when doing so. The researchers also want to answer the following questions:
1. What percentage among the student population of Ramon Teves Pastor Memorial –
Dumaguete Science High School drinks coffee?
2. How often do the students of Ramon Teves Pastor Memorial – Dumaguete Science High
School drink coffee in a day?
3. Is the number of cups of coffee that the students of Ramon Teves Pastor Memorial –
Dumaguete Science High School drink sufficient as time continues?
Ho: The students of Ramon Teves Pastor Memorial – Dumaguete Science High School seldom
drinks coffee in a day (0-2 cups/a day).
Ha: The students of Ramon Teves Pastor Memorial – Dumaguete Science High School
frequently drinks coffee in a day (5 to more cups/a day).
Scope and Limitations
This study is centered to determine how many times in a day a student consumes coffee.
The causes why the student drinks coffee and the effects of caffeine in their body whether
positive or negative. This study was conducted in the school year 2019-2020.? (2020 -2021)
The respondents of this study are students from Ramon Teves Pastor MemorialDumaguete Science High School. Fifteen students from Grade 8 to Grade 12 are randomly
selected to answer the questionnaire prepared by the researchers. The information collected are
from personal experiences and the knowledge of the respondents.