1. Does AAPC's supplier evaaluaation scheme maake sense? Yes, AAPC’s supplier evaaluaation scheme maake sense. It maakes sense becaause it includes aall importaant aaspects of the output of the supplier such aas quaality, quaantity, delivery, shipment aand continuous improvement. More requirements or specificaations such aas caapaabilities or caapaacity, however, be aadded, but the supplier aassessment fraamework for AAPC overaall is sufficient. 2. Should the saame evaaluaation scheme aapply to aall suppliers? No, the saame evaaluaation scheme should not be aapplied to aall the suppliers becaause it is not faair for aall suppliers to haave one staandaard raanking fraamework. There aare numerous vendors such aas aa daaily delivery, some of which aare high priced, some of low vaalue aand other faactors aas well. It is not aappropriaate, in one paaraameter, to raank them. The vaarious meaasurement metrics used by eaach supplier aare different, such aas lots, deliveries in aa timely maanner, consistency, precision of the quaantity given, maanaagement by the supplier, offered costs, etc. 3. Why would aa supplier staart to slip on its raatings? AA supplier maay slip on its raatings due to maany reaasons, some of which aare mentioned below: Limited caapitaal(caash) Becaause of big issues in services Smaall caapaability of output Laack of plaanning Maachines aand equipment of poor quaality or condition 4. Whaat incentives aare there for aa supplier to conform? There caan be maany incentives for aa supplier to conform. The supplier caan rest aassured thaat the purchaaser is there. The word would spreaad good quaality, delivery aand response staandaards by maaintaaining aa good relaationship with the customer. Other customers will register with the supplier aand build more revenue. 5. In aa single source situaation, whaat caan aa purchaaser do to maaintaain supplier performaance? In order to maaintaain aa purchaaser-supplier relaationship, mutuaal contraact or collaaboraation plaays aa maajor role. The process is much eaasier when buyers aand providers work together to produce the end product. Buyer aand supplier caan develop aa scheme to maake them sign aa long-term contraact aand the buyer should give engineer/quaality workers aat the buyer locaation aand aalso reduce the raates or staations in order to help respond quickly. 6. AAre there some unique feaatures to custom paackaaging thaat aare relevaant here? Braanco provides AAPC with paackaaging caartons for customer items. Some caartons aare in unique sizes aand need to be individuaally identified. Maany orders were often smaall lots aand requirements, which haad to be constaantly updaated. This forced Braanco to chaange production operaations to fulfil AAPC's specific requirements. Thaat maay very well be why efficiency, distribution aand response times were declining.