(Two-page worksheet) Almalki Building Strong Arguments Worksheet What is your persuasive speech topic? Be as speci c as possible. Healthcare should be readily accessible and a ordable to all Black Women in The US. Why did you pick this topic? I know a lot of women in my life who unfortunately do not have health insurance even though they have jobs because it’s simply too expensive or they don’t have the su cient salary to qualify for government aid. Some women have to pay for their medical bills out of pocket, in full, to have children or prevent life-threatening condi ons. How is your topic relevant to your audience? Being that the majority of the class are Black women who are new to adulthood or will be taking care of themselves soon, it’s important that we all have access to healthcare. A er reading “Building Strong Arguments” ar cle, respond to the following ques ons using your persuasive speech topic as an example. 1. Clarify your thinking: What are the pros and cons of the issue being addressed? Your thesis: The US government has a duty to all ci zens, especially Black ci zens, to protect their lives and medical needs; having free healthcare for all Black women will prevent the malprac ce of doctors, raise the death rate for maternal women, and encourages women to take care of pre-exis ng condi ons without fear of cost. ti ti ffi ti ti fi ti ti ff ti Cons ti ft Pros (Two-page worksheet) Almalki 1. Death rates of Black people will 1. Expensive and a very liberal idea to decrease steadily. pass through Congress. 2. Provide more ethical solu ons to 2. Black women’s mistrust of the medical condi ons. government. 2. Consider key objec ons: What are the objec ons to your posi on? How can you respond to them? Objec ons Rebu als 1. There are already programs like 1. Those programs are s ll only available ObamaCare and welfare assistance to to some people and not all. There is also provide unemployed and poor people s ll a vast amount of discrimina on within with free healthcare. those “assistance” programs. 2. How can you ensure that giving all Black 2. It’s proven that Black women women free healthcare will raise the occasionally feel inferior to professionals death rate for maternal Black women? in high-stress situa ons like labor because of their nancial issues. 3. Cra ing your argument: In order to structure your arguments, you need to consider your audience’s posi on (recep ve, skep cal, resistant, opposed). Choose one of the four posi ons and cra one argument using your suppor ve materials and rebu als. I o en feel myself becoming worried about my posi on in nances a er I leave the safety net of my parents. I’m hoping to have a good enough job to have healthcare and bene ts, but life could be hard and everybody doesn’t take the same path. This tt ft ti fi ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ft ti ti fi ti fi tt ti ft ft ti internalized fear needs to be demolished with the promise of free healthcare for all (Two-page worksheet) Almalki Black women. It is proven that Black women are more receptacle to death due to maternity issues than their white counterparts. Speci cally, Black women are more than three mes more likely to die in this situa on than any other race. The choice to not provide Black women with free healthcare will only enable a racist system more and fi ti ti never put an end to the death wish we face.