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Blood Splatter Analysis Lab Worksheet

Blood Splatter Detectives Lab
Problem: How does changing the distance effect how a drop of blood falls?
Materials: artificial blood, 1 dropper, test tube, test tube rack, paper towel, newspaper,
white paper, ruler, meter stick, 1 sheet of graph paper
1. Spread out newspaper on the floor. Place white paper in the center
and put dropper 20cm above paper & drop one drop of blood.
Be careful not to get blood on the floor, table or your stuff.
2. Measure the widest diameter of the splatter in mm. Write it
down in the data table below.
3. Taking turns, repeat this process every 20cm up to 200cm. For
higher heights, you may need to stand on a chair & use newspaper
to prevent accidents.
4. Get a mystery splatter from me. Measure it & see if you can figure out how
far the blood dropped.
Created by S. Stipkovich
1. Look at the data table. What is the independent variable?
2. What is the dependent variable?
3. Now, you need to convert your data table into a graph on your graph paper. Be sure it is
labeled correctly and you choose the right range and scale. No big empty spaces on your graph!
4. What is the effect of the different heights on the diameter of the spot?
5. Diameter of mystery splatter =_____________
6. How far do you think your mystery splatter dropped?
7. Is there a control group in this lab?
8. Was your hypothesis correct or would you like to rewrite it now?
Created by S. Stipkovich
Teacher Notes:
First introduce the lab by visiting this interactive website:
Chocolate Fake Blood Recipe
1/2 c. Warm Water
4 Tbsp Corn Syrup
1 Tbsp Powdered Cocoa
1 tsp Red Food Coloring
Blend the water and cocoa together and then add the rest of the ingredients. Let the concoction sit
for a while and skim the bubbles off of the top. Add a couple of drops of yellow food coloring if
you're not satisfied.
Use laminated test blood splatters to show examples. You can find examples of test blood splatters
by looking under images in Google. Do not have students do this! It can be very gory.
Play these free soundtrack samples for added drama:
Created by S. Stipkovich