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How To Collect IBM DSA Logs from ESXi Ho

How To – Collect IBM DSA Logs from ESXi Hosts
There are two ways to collect DSA logs. The first one requires that you reboot the host and boot
using the IBM DSA Pre-Boot ISO. Alternatively you can use the portable version of the IBM
DSA tool.
Using the portable version does not require that your reboot the host. Follow the steps below to
collect the IBM DSA logs using the IBM DSA VMware portable tool:
1. Download the appropriate version of the IBM VMware portable DSA utility. You can
download it from here
2. Using VI Client, locate the host and browse one of its datastores:
o Right Click datastore
o Browse Datastore
3. Upload the downloaded file to the datastore above, using the Datastore Browser
4. Open a putty session and connect to the host (Note: You might need to enable SSH on the
host first before you can do this).
5. If you are not connected with root, run su root
6. Via the putty connection, browse to the datastore you copied the IBM utility file to:
cd /vmfs/volumes/<datastore_name>
7. Copy the DSA utility file to the local file system of the host:
cp /<file_name> /tmp
cp /ibm_utl_dsa_310p_rhel3_i386.bin /tmp
8. Navigate to /tmp directory:
9. Change the attributes of the file to allow the file to be executed:
chmod +x <file_name>
chmod +x ibm_utl_dsa_310p_rhel3_i386.bin
10. Run the IBM utility to collect the DSA logs:
11. Once the DSA logs have completed collecting, copy the output file to the same datastore
you copied the IBM utility to:
cp /var/log/IBM_Support/<output_file_name>
12. Remove the IBM utility from the local file system:
rm /tmp/<file_name>
13. Using the VI Client, locate the host and browse the datastore you copied the output to (as
per Step 1 above)
14. Download the DSA log file and send to IBM
15. Delete the IBM DSA utility and DSA log files from the datastore