See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: History and Concept Evolution of Risk Management CITATIONS 3,346 READS Presentation · January 2019 0 1 author: Yen-Chen Tsai National Central University 4 PUBLICATIONS 11 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Risk Management Theory Review View project All content following this page was uploaded by Yen-Chen Tsai on 10 January 2019. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. History and Concept Evolution of Risk Management Practical Perspective and Empirical Evidence in Manufacturing Sector ( / ) Phone:0922516248 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:1/166 Risk ? Definition (common sense) Risk=Accident = ( ) Risk: Undesirable Result of Uncertainty Result is the undesirable outcome or accident/injury. Uncertainty is the unknown of odds or causal relationship as well as contributing factors to the outcome of the undesirable accident/injury. 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:2/166 Risk = The Act of GOD.. Risk: Undesirable Result of Uncertainty Undesirable result/ outcome = accident, injury or loss. Uncertainty is the unknown of odds or causal relationship as well as contributing factors to the undesirable outcome. 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:3/166 Risk = The Act of GOD.. Risk: Can t Be Avoided or Managed. Thus.. Risk Management : Beg (Bribe) the Mercy of Gods 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:4/166 Risk = The Act of GOD.. Risk: Can t Be Avoided or Managed. Thus.. Risk Management : Snoop the Willing of God 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:5/166 Empirical Evidence The Effect of Risk = The Act of GOD.. Risk Management : Beg (Bribe) the God 1995 ! " # $ % (IOSH84-S362 & ' ( ) * + , - 5 6 7 8 . 9 : / $ 0 1 ; 2 3 + ! , ) - " # 4 < (= > $ ) * ) Implication: ( ? ! " # @ A /B : C ? D E F ! " # ... 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:6/166 Risk = The Act of GOD.. Risk: Can t Be Avoided or Managed. Thus.. Risk Management: Mutual Aid 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:7/166 Risk = The Act of GOD.. Risk: Can t Be Avoided or Managed. Thus.. Risk Management: Insurance, Diversify and Hedging 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:8/166 Mind Your Own Business and Risk (Don’t Worry about God’s Decision ) 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:9/166 Risk ? (common sense) Risk = Accident = ( G H ) I Accident = an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly. Accident = Unexpected, non-aware, unprepared (D J KL M N O 3 P QR S ) => What need to be expected, aware and prepared? 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:10/166 Risk = Accident Accident = Unexpected, non-aware, unprepared . Thus.. Risk Management : To Expect, Aware and Prepare Potential and Possibility of Harm and Hazardous situation Pay attention to harm situation and hazardous material or energy Accident = Hazard Hazard Definition (ISO-45001) Hazard: source with a potential to cause injury and/or ill health Source 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management + P:11/166 Risk = Accident Hazard Accident = harm situation and hazardous material or energy . Thus.. Risk Management = Hazard Identification k g n g p q v 9 Xl Xo Xr w g { | } / m 0 n s t Xx u y z U V W ~ / \ ] f XY W Z /[ W ] ^ /_ ` a ^ g Xh i j Z 0 ~ 3 0 G / ( y a T Z /b c d e 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management V W / /( / P:12/166 Risk = Accident = Hazard Risk Management = Hazard Identification ¡ (¢ )£ ¤ ¥ Source: 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:13/166 Risk = Accident =Hazard Risk Accident and Human Error can Be Avoided by Awareness! Thus.. Risk Management = Identify Hazards and Label them! 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:14/166 Risk = Accident =Hazard Risk and Human Error can Be Avoided by Awareness! Thus.. Right to Know Risk Management = Hazards Communication, Notification and Training! Source: OHSA USA grantmaterials/fy2010/sh-21000-10 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:15/166 Empirical Perspective The Effect of Hazard Communication is Unclear. Hazards Communication and training is part of Injury and Illness Prevention Program. The solo effect of Hazards Communication program on injury incidence is not disclosed yet The causal association from ¦Hazard Label and Communication §via ¦Safety Awareness and Behavior" to ¦Reduce Risk and Accident Incidence§ is not disclosed yet. 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:16/166 Empirical Perspective The Effect of Hazards Communication is Unclear. Safety knowledge Mediate the effect of Hazards Communication on Accident Prevention. Lack off knowledge and awareness is always parts of accident. 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:17/166 Academic Argument Situation Awareness is a Multi-dimensional Concept ( Black Box) . Different situational understandings are incompatible, conflicts arise which in turn lead to safety-compromising incidents. SA is heavily influenced by system design. Valid tools for assessing the affects of different design concepts on SA is needed in this area. The relationship between distraction and SA is complex and being distracted does not simply lead to diminished SA. In complex collaborative systems, more communications does not necessarily equate to better SA and tight coupling and sharing of information be not be appropriate. There are ethical concerns associated with attributing ¨loss of SA as a direct cause of accidents in safety critical systems. 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:18/166 Empirical Evidence The Effect of Safety Training is Recognized. It is general believed that training program is associated with the reduce of injury incidence. © ª §« ´µ¶ ? 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management ¬ · §­ ³ ¸ ® ¹ ¯ 3 ° ? º $ ) ± * ² » 3 ¼ ½ ¾ M ³ .. P:19/166 Inspiration of Taylar (Management Science) & Heinrich (Accident Analysis) Analysis the task as a series of movement Review the happening of accident as a series of event (Domino Metaphor) Frederick Winslow Taylor1856-1915 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:20/166 Hazard = Accident = Risk ? Hazard: source with a potential to cause injury and/or ill health Risk: effect of uncertainty (Definition of ISO-45001) Effect is a deviation from the expected ¿ positive or negative. Uncertainty is the state, even partial, of deficiency of information related to, understanding or knowledge of, an event, its consequence, or likelihood. Risk is often expressed in terms of a combination of the consequences of an event and the associated "likelihood" of occurrence. 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:21/166 Hazard Accident Risk Risk: effect of uncertainty Effect is a deviation from the expected ¿ positive or negative. Uncertainty is the state, even partial, of deficiency of information related to, understanding or knowledge of, an event, its consequence, or likelihood. (= ) (changes in circumstances) Risk or Safety depends on the context => Break down context and association X À Á  3 à ÄÅ Source: 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:22/166 Risk Hazard Accident Chain/Series of Events or Behavior leads the victim to contact Hazard (Energy or Chemical ) • Hazard + Chain/Series of Events => Accident© Æ Ç È É Ê Ë 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management /( Ì " # Í Î Ï Ð Ñ P:23/166 Risk = From Hazard via Series/Chain of events to Accident ¢ Í Î Ò Ó (= )Ð Ñ Ô V © Æ Ç § ( series/chain of events)” Hazard (Source)=> Event (behavior/Media) => Accident (Injury) Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures, 3rd Edition | AIChE 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:24/166 Risk = Series/Chain of events to Accident Risk and Accident can Be Avoided via.. Risk Management : Analysis and Stop the Series/Chain of Events => Take Actions and Add Defenses between Hazard and Loss/Victim ! 1920-30 national safety congresses (NSC)Õ " Ø Ù Ú / Ö Û Ü Ý Þ g ß “3Eà á ”X / Ô â ã (Engineering, ¢ p q ä S å æ ä ­ ® ¯ ° (Education, ¯ ° Ü / Ö × / 0 3 é ê î ï ð ñ (Enforcement, ò ó ô õ ö k ÷ ø ë Ì ì V 0 ë Ö ì × 0 ð ñ 3 ð ý µ þ 0 # > Ö ë 3 (behavioral aspects of safety.) × ç ä Ö × ç )µ ) ? º ù ú Ö × ä û 3 ­ ® ¯ ° ü Ü / ì Ö × Ô í µTaylar f g ¢ 3 ù D Ö × 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management è Ñ ) Ô P:25/166 Risk = Series/Chain of events to Accident Risk and Accident can Be Avoided via.. Risk Management : Analysis and Break down the process or accident (Follow the example of Taylar) Do something within the Series/Chain of Events! 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:26/166 Risk = Series/Chain of events to Accident ! - “ D ( 3 )§ g Í Î 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management Å 3 ¼ T P:27/166 Risk = Series/Chain of events to Accident Risk Management= Break down process+ Identify Hazard e.g., Job Safety/Hazard Analysis 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:28/166 Risk = Series/Chain of events to Accident Risk Management= Break down process + Identify Hazard + Risk Matrix Risk: effect of uncertainty (Definition of ISO-45001) Risk is often expressed in terms of a combination of the consequences of an event and the associated "likelihood" of occurrence. 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:29/166 Risk = Series/Chain of events to Accident Risk Management= Break down + Identify Hazard + Risk Matrix e.g., ISO-45001 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:30/166 Risk = Series/Chain of events to Accident Risk Management= Break down + Identify Hazard + Risk Matrix e.g., HazOp ¢ 0 Z (1/3) "By P&ID r ^ þ Ô ( ! ) 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:31/166 Risk = Series/Chain of events to Accident Risk Management= Break down + Identify Hazard + Risk Matrix e.g., HazOp ¢ 0 Z (2/3) " (" Í # $ 2 )% & g I ' Å 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:32/166 Risk = Series/Chain of events to Accident Risk Management= Break down + Identify Hazard + Risk Matrix e.g., HazOp ¢ 0 Z (2/3) " % & g Z /( 9 (Á  ² ) )3 â ã * ¾ 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:33/166 Risk = Series/Chain of events to Accident Risk Management= Break down + Identify Hazard + Quantify Risk e.g., Dow Chemical F&EI + , f h i j - 2 • • • 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management (MF) ( ( ) ) P:34/166 Risk = Series/Chain of events to Accident Risk Management : Analysis and Stop the Series/Chain of Events => Take Actions and Add Defenses between Hazard and Loss/Victim ! Layers of Protection and Reliability Engineering(. / 0 . I 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management 1 % B : ) P:35/166 Risk = Series/Chain of events to Accident Risk Management : Analysis and Stop the Series/Chain of Events => Take Series of Protection and Defenses between Hazard and Loss/Victim # $ % & ' & ( ? ) * + , - 1. 2 3 4 5 6 (e.g, 7 ~ 8 3 Æ 9 p ï ) 2./ : 1 ; 3 ± < = > 3.1 ? 3 1 ~ 0 4.( B : 6.D = K 9 / 0 ) /( B , C ä S µD = E F 5.Ú 0 G ) H 6 . (@ © @ A É 1 1 /I J Z /L ý Z /« M Z /2 3 4 5 & ' 67 8 9 & : 6 & ; < 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:36/166 Empirical Perspective = $ % & ' + > ? 4 5 & @ A B C & D E < Hint: / Source: 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:37/166 Empirical Perspective The Event-based thinking Go a Wrong way. NO P ( O Q R( Û S RÉ & T U 0 > V 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:38/166 Empirical Perspective The Event-based thinking Go a Wrong way. ( W g D É 3 X 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management S ? Y Z ) P:39/166 Empirical Perspective The Event-based thinking Go a Wrong way. ( W 3 ? Y Z -Hindsight and Heuristic Bias(0 O [ 3 \ ] ^ _ & ' ( $ % ) ! " # ) ) * + , + - . / 0 1 2 % & ' 3 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:40/166 Empirical Perspective The Event-based thinking Go a Wrong way. Hindsight and Heuristic Bias Risk = Series/Chain of events to Accident => Take Actions and Add Defenses between Hazard and Loss/Victim ! Risk Management = F G H I JK ; L M (` a b =>( c d ' e f /² g h É KE i j ) k ù l K 9 ) RM 2.0 Accident = Risk of Hazard + Omission (Out of Control) Accident = Problem of Reliability and Control RM 2.0 (Madness) : Obsessed in the game (blaming and fixing ) 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:41/166 Inspiration of Deming (System Thinking) & Reason (Accident Analysis) Risk is a Systematic and Organizational Problem Human Factor & Organizational Context underlying (Cheese Metaphor) 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:42/166 Risk : Effect of Uncertainty Practical and Operational Meaning RM 3.0 Accident = Technical+ Human + Organizational Factors (interaction) Effect is a deviation from the expected ¿ positive or negative. Uncertainty is the state, even partial, of deficiency of information related to, understanding or knowledge of, an event, its consequence, or likelihood. Risk = f (changes in circumstances) = f (system, context) Risk Management = Manage the System 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:43/166 Risk = f (changes in circumstances) = f (system, context) Accident is side effect of the operation (Safety and Risk is Incidental of the system ) Risk Management = Manage the System What is System? © m M « U & Æ Z G « U 0 > m n (3.1) À o µp q À o ' > $ r H s t 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:44/166 Risk = f (changes in circumstances) = f (system, context) Accident is side effect of the operation (Safety and Risk is Incidental of the system ) Risk Management = Manage the System What is System? - Safety Culture (Psychological) Perspective u Í /v w Kx ³ Á y K× Ü $ 3 .. 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:45/166 Leadership and Management Imperfection, unprofessional, non-integrity 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:46/166 Underlying Mental Models \ ] ^ _ ` <a ` ^ <^ b ( c ( <d _ ` c ^ < (incidents) (pattern) (model) (value) N O z P { ¼ Q ( + D R Q ¸ S | T } W U ù ~ V % W 6X 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management r Y Z [ P:47/166 Incompatible(= Conflict) Goals Compromise integrity of all aspects 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:48/166 Risk = f (changes in circumstances) = f (system, context) Accident is side effect of the operation (Safety and Risk is Incidental of the system ) Risk Management = Manage the System (Safety Awareness) Û Ü m 0 Ö × 3 SOPµ(¸ > 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management /M )£ ± ² P:49/166 Risk = f (changes in circumstances) = f (system, context) System/ Context= Technical Factor, Human Factor and Organizational Factor Risk Management = Manage Latent Failures in the System > /> D ë ì ± ² û ¼ T £ ± ² 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:50/166 Risk = f (changes in circumstances) = f (system, context) System/ Context= Technical Factor, Human Factor and Organizational Factor Risk Management = Manage Latent Failures in the System Risk Management = Golden Sample + Benchmark ( t 0 # $ Á R ) 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:51/166 Empirical Evidence e O f g h /i j i k l m n # D o < ) X Source:,PRK,etal_'EverydaySafety'.pdf Ú f ¸ Ë e (G 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P Q (/ y (h i j Z & ' ) % /5SQ) (« $ / y % 4 )µ /¸ Ä ) G % L M = > ) * : P:52/166 Academic Argument Safety Culture is the result of Natural Section Natural selection and safety culture within a small/ medium sized enterprise (SME) AuthorXBenjamin Brooks SourceXJournal of Safety Research 39 (2008) 7385 ( Z ) ¼ V V ¹ ÄKg ¹ > À © R ² " £ 3 m QV3 ¡ ¢ Ö Ö × × £ µV ¤ N 5 µY ³ ¹ ´ 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management ¥ ¦ ª µ § ; « M ¬ m * ­ Ë 6 ® 3 ¯ D ¨ V ¶ ° · ! ± < NH 6 Á P:53/166 Academic Argument Number of employees Predict injury incidence Better than Safety Culture The utility of a workplace injury instrument in prediction of workplace injury AuthorXChristie Fullarton, Mark Stokes SourceXAccident Analysis and Prevention 39 (2007) 2837 4 5 6 * 7 8 9 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management : ; < (R^2: 23%) = 7 8 > ? (R^2: 46%) P:54/166 Deming’s Perspective on System System: composed of interrelated components • Quality (variation/ incident) is a systematic process. 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:55/166 Deming’s Perspective on System 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:56/166 Deming’s Perspective on System Theory of Profound Knowledge Appreciation of a system • • • • • • • A system is complex Everyone must share the understanding and commitment to the aim Leader understand the interconnectedness and interdependence The people, free of fear and competition within the system can band together Each component is obligated to contribute its best to the system as a whole. Competitiveness within the system leads to loss for the system. Each component works interdependently with the other components. 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:57/166 Deming’s Perspective on System Theory of Profound Knowledge The psychology of change • Resistance to change• Feel devalued and without ownership • Industrial style thinking has lead to management styles of command and control. • workplace and schools encourage individual completeness, authority, and one-right answer • People are born with intrinsic motivation, selfesteem, desire to learn, creativity and joy in accomplishment, and a need for freedom and belonging. Leader must gain & communicate a shared identity leader serves the people with clear vision and guidance to empower them. Training in creativity, communication and interpersonal skills may be necessary. • • • 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:58/166 Deming’s Perspective on System Theory of Profound Knowledge Theory of Knowledge • • • • Learning process requires several steps (PDSA): 1) forming a theory, 2) making predictions based on past experiences, 3) testing the theory, 4) checking the results. Knowledge is developed from the application of theory. Theory provides a window from which to view the situation and gives meaning to experience. Prediction based in theory provides a foundation for planning a course of action. 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:59/166 Deming’s Perspective on System Theory of Profound Knowledge Understanding Variation • • • • • Variation is a natural, inevitable part of life. The goal of continuous improvement is to reduce the range of variation over time, and adjusting the level to the desired level. Almost all variation within a process is due to chance causes, inherent in the design of the process. Management controls the design of the process. People within the system are limited by that design.of action. Shewhart Cycle 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:60/166 PDSA Organization Viewpoint- ISO-45001 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:61/166 Empirical Evidence Association Between OSHMS and Accident Incidence p q r s < m Ú f =>@ A % G ¸¹ % Í Ð ^ Ñ Ö 4 » º ) i 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management _ D ( 3 m ¸ X = % 4 L rate of accidents at work ) º _ ½ À Í ^ 3 ¾ D = ¿ M ¼ : % P:62/166 Empirical Evidence Association Between OSHMS and Accident Incidence p q r s < m Ú f =>@ A % ¸¹ G % 4 Í 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management _ ^ À º Ö ÄM » m ) ¼ 3 = ¸ X D i Ö W » 0 Á / y % L M ) * Ë e ~ P:63/166 Practical Perspective Why OSHMS is Not working (to reduce Injury or accident incidence) ? The System is viewed as fragmental component and process, and process is viewed as procedure (paper work) Lack of knowledge (variation, and mitigation of accident and risk) Lack of Appreciation (the SYSTEM, and mental psychology ) 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:64/166 Practical Perspective Continuous Improvement is a Dream Systematic Equilibrium and Resource Constraints Safety and Integration Resources + + Quality and Timeliness of Safety + and Integration Analyses + Resource P ressure Safety and Integration P riority B /R 1 "Resource Allocation" Satisfaction of F unding Organization - - R1 P ressure to Deliver + "Safety Rework Cycle" + Work Rate B1 Schedule "Delays cause Delays - P ressure" R2 + Subtle Mistakes + B urnout "B urnout Cycle" B /R 2 "Cost Overruns" R3 "B urnout Rework Cycle" - System Completion Rate - System + Lifecycle Cost 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management Design Tasks to be Unsatisfied Safety Reworked Requirements R4 "Accumulating Waivers" Operational Workarounds Source: Nancy G. Leveson A Systems Approach to Safety Engineering P:65/166 Practical Perspective (Cross-Sectional) Organizational Context Ã Ò N / ( F 0 V  201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:66/166 Practical Perspective (Longitudinal) Drift to Failure Ä Ã Ò NÖ × 6 R· ³ Å 1 ; Æ Ç V Systems and organizations migrate toward accidents (states of high risk) under cost and productivity pressures in an aggressive, competitive environment Source: Nancy G. Leveson A Systems Approach to Safety Engineering 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:67/166 Practical Perspective Deming is some kind of Guru…(in some degree) Big Question: “Human behavior is not simple statistic or linear equation” The probability of human error is NOT Normal Distribution nor Reasonable Bigger Question: “How a good person fix the bad system? “ There is no easy way, simple answer nor empirical knowledge.. 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:68/166 Inspiration of Leveson (STAMP) & Hollnagel (FRAM) RM 3.0 : Risk is a Systematic Issue and Accident is Probability RM 4.0 Redesign the System and Reform Metal Model Leveson (Macro viewpoint) : • Control the interaction and interface among components • Redesign the Controlling system (put safety requirement and constraints in design phase) Hollnagal (Micro viewpoint) : • Accident is emerged from the functional resonance (interaction among components) • Build Model and Simulation the Resonance (tail event) 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:69/166 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:70/166 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:71/166 Conclusion and Discussion / 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:72/166 View publication stats End What is the Truth and Reality? Look at the “machine ”(law/ organization/ system/ risk…) from the higher level. Phone:0922516248 201901 Concept Evolution of Risk and Risk Management P:73/166