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Nutrition Study Guide: Chapter 1

Study Guide for Chapter 1
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Define these terms: nutrition science, difference between non communicable disease or NCD,
communicable disease, and what characterizes a SAD Standard American Diet
1. How would you define chronic disease based on our first chapter?
2. Why are typical American diets often not adequate? Describe the ways you might suspect
based on your reading of chapter 1.2
3. Name the 5 major diet related diseases. Find them in the textbook, and take a look at Center for
Disease Control website www.cdc.gov
4. Nutrients are used for energy, what else are they used for? Check 1.3 for clues!
5. Name the 6 essential nutrients, and say which ones of those that have no calories
6. What are the rules of Threes? 3 minutes without oxygen, 3 ____ without _____, and 3 ____
without _____.
7. Give 4 examples of a nutrient dense food which is low in calories. Example: broccoli
Now give an example of a nutrient dense food that is also high in calories Example: avocado
8. What are 3 ways (the health triangle) we are affected by disease? Textbook P. 1.2.3 For
example, if you have diabetes you may foot amputated as the disease advances—describe the 3
ways this would affect your life
9. Name 3 categories of plant foods that make up your diet? ___________________________
10. Name calories per gram in each of the following
Fats (lipids)
11. Give examples of a simple carbohydrate and a complex carbohydrate
Exercise for Chapter 1 Download MyFitnessPal app on your phone or device, and record what you have
eaten in the last 24 hours. Do the best you can to remember, and estimate the quantity. Don’t forget
any beverages you drank. Now look at the analysis to see the macronutrients you consumed, and see if
you were deficient in any micronutrients. You may need to go to the MyFitnessPal website to see the
analysis. If you do not have a smart phone, you can do this on your computer.
This is a practice for your nutrition project for this class. For the project you will record your
foods/drinks for 5 days, so that you can use this information to analyze your diet, decide if you need or
want to make changes. There is an informational video, and class discussion the week before the first
section of the project is due.
Dunkin Donut nutrition information is below. How many total calories?
Fat 25 g X ___ =
Carbs 42 g X ___=
Fiber 2 g (actually subtract 8 calories!)
Protein 4 g X ___=
Total calories
Here's the nutrition info on a peanut butter and banana sandwich
Serving Size: Peanut Butter and banana sandwich on whole wheat bread
200g grams serving = Calories 328
Sugars 19g grams (naturally occurring in the
Calories from Fat 162
banana) no added sugars
Total Fat 18g grams 18%
Protein 13g grams
Saturated Fat 3.6g grams
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000
Total Carbohydrates 59g grams 25%
calorie diet.
Dietary Fiber 6.3g grams 20%
Compare the peanut butter sandwich to a donut.
What stands out to you based on the nutrition info above, and what you know.
12. Name the 5 steps of the scientific process.
13. What types of scientific studies does a nutritionist typically look at? Check your textbook!
14. What are the 4 ways a nutritionist would evaluate a patient who came to see her? Hint: dietary
food recall and analysis, 2. ______3. _______ 4. ____
15. Where can you find reliable nutrition information?
Now name 2 organizations.
Name 2 Websites
16. Look up diets on quackwatch www.quackwatch.org/diet/basic/myths/ How might this site be
17. Find out how many American children receive WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) benefits.
(38% of children under 5 in USA are eligible for WIC) Find the WIC website
18. What is the qualifying income level for WIC for a family of 4 people?
Incremental learning: Summarize 3 key points you learned from this class
Describe about 2 concepts that were not clear, or what you want more info on
What would you like more information about?