Analyze your food and activity patterns and suggest ways that... improve your activity level and your nutrition.

Analyze your food and activity patterns and suggest ways that you can
improve your activity level and your nutrition.
(Sitting throughout the day counts as an activity where you burn calories.
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY is any body movement that works your muscles and
requires more energy than resting. ie. walking, running, dancing, swimming,
and yoga.)
Write a paper to address the following:
• What food groups did you eat each day? • What food groups did you not eat? Why? • Did you have PHYSICAL ACTIVITY each day? Describe the physical activity
in which you participated. If your answer is no, why did you not
participate in physical activity? • How many minutes of physical activity did you have for the week? • Research to find out the proper amount of calories you should be
consuming for your age and how much daily physical activity you
need each day.
• What can you do to improve your eating habits? • What can you do to improve your physical activity levels? • How can you make these changes into a lifestyle change? • What barriers might prevent you from making these changes a habit or a
lifestyle change? • How can this affect your risk of chronic disease? 