Uploaded by Honey Ogundeyi

CV Giorgi G. Node.js Developer

Caucasus University
Bachelor of Engineering
2015 - 2019
January 2021 – now
Back-end Developer
Full Stack Engineer
July 2019 – January 2021
· Implemented Admin panel for Siemens’s enterprise application - SpecWriter Online on MEAN stack.
· Created reusable Angular components using Pug templating engine and BootStrap.
· Improved SpecWriter Word add-in error and tag detection logic. Add-in helps users to configure
documents for SpecWriter app, built on Office.js & Angular.
· Refactored back-end MongoDB models and services according to DRY principles for elearning/SaaS platform CloserConnect. Migrated code to separate repositories and integrated
them with dependency injection.
· Migrated report generation from Express.js app to AWS Lambda.
· Built smart contracts with Node.js SDK on the top of Hyperledger Fabric network v2.2.
Imple- mented client mobile app with NativeScript and desktop app with
· Designed and implemented API service for mobile app on TypeScript/Express.js. Set up
document repository on AWS S3.
· Implemented Angular/Electron.js desktop wallet application for Hyperledger Fabric identities
with asymmetric cryptography.
July 2018 - June 2019
Back-end Developer
Designed and implemented RESTful API for web/mobile application on Express.js.
Implemented two- factor authentication.
· Designed relational database with team on UML, converted to Sequelize.js ORM models,
created migrations, connected to MySQL. Implemented database seeding services and fake data
factories with Faker.js. Built admin panel with Backpack package.
· Integrate back-end with customer queue management service APIs on Laravel.
· Createdmulti-container appwith Docker Compose. Dockerize Expressserver, Nginxreverse
proxy server and MySQL database.
Omedia Studio
December 2017 - June 2018
Drupal Developer
Support and maintain multiple projects on Drupal 6/7/8.
Created website on Drupal 8 for Tbilisi Free School - www.free.edu.ge
Night Lab Hackathon - Night Coin - Hosted by Tbilisi Startup Bureau – Winner, III place