LAB University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Business Administration, Lappeenranta Degree Programme in International Business Olga Vrublevskaia 1801504 Corporate Taxation in Russia Corporate Taxation course, Spring 2020 Report 2020 Contents 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................3 2 Principles of corporate taxation in Russia ....................................................3 3 4 2.1 Overall principles of taxation .................................................................3 2.2 Corporate taxation overview .................................................................4 Tax administration principles in Russia ........................................................4 3.1 State structure ......................................................................................4 3.2 Tax administration systems in Russia...................................................5 3.2.1 General system .............................................................................5 3.2.2 Single tax system ..........................................................................6 3.2.3 Simplified taxation system .............................................................6 Basic requirements for business organizations to be taxed .........................7 4.1 Registration procedure .........................................................................7 4.2 Tax registration requirements ...............................................................8 5 Forms of incomes in corporations that are subjected to be taxed ................8 6 Forms of taxes corporations are subjected to be taxed ...............................8 7 8 6.1 Taxes paid by corporations in Russia ...................................................8 6.2 Social contributions, pensions and other employer contributions .........9 Tax reporting and payment ........................................................................ 10 7.1 Tax account system ............................................................................ 10 7.2 Tax reports ......................................................................................... 11 7.3 Periods and payment terms per tax types .......................................... 11 7.4 Tax penalties ...................................................................................... 12 Conclusion ................................................................................................. 13 References........................................................................................................ 14 Figures and tables ............................................................................................ 15 2 1 Introduction Corporate taxation is the process of levying tax burden placed on corporations by the government. (Kagan 2019) In different countries different taxes and rates apply to firms and systems of payment and overall paperwork differs sometimes very largely. In this report the author discusses features of corporate taxation in Russian economy. Principles of corporate taxation, tax administration issues, requirement for being taxed, forms of corporate income, types of corporate taxes, tax reporting and payment are overviewed in the next parts. 2 Principles of corporate taxation in Russia Russian taxation system is based on 10 principles which proceed from world history. (Элитариум 2020) These classical principles have been developing over time and modern Russian taxation system relies on them at least de jure. Regarding special corporate taxation principles, a few of them will also be named below. 2.1 Overall principles of taxation Russian taxation relies on 10 principles which are all logically interconnected. They are (Элитариум 2020): 1. Taxation legitimacy 2. Taxation universality and equality 3. Justice principle 4. Publicity 5. Principle of establishing taxes and fees in due process 6. Principle of economic feasibility 7. Principle of presumption of interpretation in favour of the taxpayer 8. Certainty of tax burden 9. Principle of the unity of the economic space of the Russian Federation and the unity of tax policy 10. Unified system of taxes and charges 3 2.2 Corporate taxation overview There is no certain framework for saying that Russian Federation has a particular number of corporate taxation principles. Nevertheless, after examining special literature, the author came to determine these principles as follows (Expatica 2020): 1. Establishing tax rates and granting of tax incentives is joint responsibility of federal and regional authorities 2. Different special regimes may apply in different areas and cases 3. The Tax Code defines all tax related issues and regulations 4. Tax period runs from January 1st to December 31st 5. Foreign as well as local companies are liable to pay corporate taxes 6. Russian tax residency is defined as worldwide income of an entity taxable in Russia 7. A list of non-taxable incomes is comprised of 40 types of incomes 8. The expenses in Russian Tax Code are divided into sales and non-sales and are deductible under certain circumstances 3 Tax administration principles in Russia 3.1 State structure Russia – is a democratic federative jural state having a republican form of government. It consists of different types of subjects including republics, territories (krais), regions (oblasts), cities of federal significance, autonomous districts (okrugs) which are equal in their rights. (Demidova n. d.) Therefore, Russian taxation system consists of levels as well: federal, regional and local. General rules are established and implemented at the federal level, while regional and local levels regulate particular elements of regional and local taxes. As an example, they can vary tax rates and provide incentives. (Dentons 2020) In the table below the breakdown of local, regional and federal taxes in Russia is represented. (Federal Tax Service of Russia 2020a) Tax type Taxes 4 Federal VAT, excises, personal income tax, corporate income tax, mineral extraction tax, water resources tax, fees for exploiting of wildlife and for the use of aquatic biological resources, stamp duty Regional Corporate property tax, transport tax, gambling tax, trade fee Land tax, individual’s property tax Local (municipal) Table 1. Taxes in Russia. The Federal Tax Service is the principal tax authority in Russia. It has its territorial subdivisions and inspectorates that carry out supervision in the form of in-house or field tax audits. The Service controls the accurate calculation and proper tax payment. (Dentons 2020) 3.2 Tax administration systems in Russia In Russia the most widespread company types are limited liability company («OOO»), open joint stock company («OAO») and closed joint-stock company («ZAO»). (Federal Tax Service of Russia 2020b) There are 3 tax administration systems to choose from that can be applied by any type of organisation (Expatica 2020): 1. General taxation system 2. A single tax on assigned income 3. Simplified tax system 3.2.1 General system General system requires to pay such corporate taxes as basic rate of corporate income tax, tax on company’s assets, VAT, employees’ tax. (Expatica 2020) The taxable period here runs from 1st of January to 31st of December. Corporate Income Tax (CIT) is paid on a monthly or quarterly basis. The final CIT payment is 5 due by 28th of March of the following calendar year. (PWC Worldwide Tax Summaries 2019a) 3.2.2 Single tax system Single tax system is exempt from income tax, property tax and the VAT. It means that Russian corporate taxes are paid not from real income but from profits for each activity. This approach is not available in all regions and has some restrictions defined by the law. In this case payment is made at the end of each quarter. Generally, the single tax rate is 15%. (Expatica 2020) This tax system is also called unifies tax system and the taxpayers have to satisfy certain criteria to follow it: average number of staff must be 100 or lower; the contribution of other legal entities has to be 25% or lower. The payments are incurred quarterly. (KPMG 2018, p. 29) 3.2.3 Simplified taxation system Simplified taxation system aims at small businesses. Here, the company is exempt from income tax, VAT, property tax with some exceptions. Also, fewer reporting is required in this case. Moreover, the enterprise can either opt for taxation on income or income minus expenses. (Expatica 2020) This system can be applied when the following criteria are met: the revenue for 9 months does not exceed RUB 112 500 000 (annual indexation); the net book value of fixed assets does not exceed RUB 150 000 000; average annual number of staff does not exceed 100. However, there are entities that cannot apply this system: Russian legal entities with branches; foreign legal entities (FLEs) and representative offices; banks, insurance companies, pension/investment funds, entities in which other legal entities have a share of more than 25%; parties to production sharing agreements. Here the tax rates can be as follows: 6% on revenues generally; 15% on profits. Taxable periods are quarters and the annual final payment must be made by 31st March of the following calendar year. (KPMG 2018, p. 30) 6 4 Basic requirements for business organizations to be taxed Whether the company is local or foreign, it is subject to the same Russian corporate tax rate. Foreign companies, though, only pay taxes if they permanently reside or have administrative board and earn profits from Russian sources. For Russian companies it is also possible to create tax groups that have a merged tax return. (Expatica 2020) 4.1 Registration procedure The basic requirement is that all taxpayers must acquire tax registration and be assigned a taxpayer identification number. (PWC Worldwide Tax Summaries 2019a) To register a business in Russia several steps must be taken: 1. Decide in business legal structure; 2. Form foundation documents (company charter, amendments and changes to the charter, minimum capital requirements); 3. Prepare the set of required documents for registering (application for registration, protocol on forming a company, foundation documents in duplicate, extract from business register as a proof of the legal status of the foreign legal entity, documents on payment of the state duty – 4000 RUB); 4. Fill in these documents to the registration tax office (paper filing by hand/paper filing by post/e-filing). The examination takes no more than 5 working days; 5. Receive the incorporation documents (the Incorporation Certificate, the Tax Certificate, copy of foundation documents, Extract from the Common State Register of the Legal Entities); 6. Manufacture the seal 7. Open a bank account (the tax authority should be notified within 7 days from the date of account opening) It should be noted that the tax office must be chosen according to company’s location as it must be registered in a local branch of it. (Federal Tax Service of Russia 2020b) 7 4.2 Tax registration requirements There are no requirements to especially register VAT payments or profit tax payments due to the single tax ID number for all of them. The only requirement is to obtain additional tax registration IDs from the tax authorities if their subdivisions of an organization located in other places (other than the head office). (KPMG 2018, p. 23) FLEs have to register for taxes within 30 calendar days from their starting business activity date (on Russian territory). (KPMG 2018, p. 23) Russian tax ID is known as the INN. It can be found on the certificate of registration of a business as a taxpayer. (OECD n.d.) 5 Forms of incomes in corporations that are subjected to be taxed Taxpayer’s income is divided into two categories: sales income and non-sales income. Sales income is the one that derives from sales of services, goods or property rights. All the other incomes are considered as non-sales. (Expatica 2020) The taxable revenue in Russian corporation is comprised of the sales revenue and the revenue from other sources than the sales (revenue from shares in other organizations, revenue in the form of statutory interest, rent revenue) (Tax Code of Russian Federation 2000a) The non-taxable revenue includes 40 types from which the following are the most important: collateral received, advances received, liquidation receipts, equity contributions to charter capital, loan receipts and payments, gratuitous aid, funds received by an agent for the benefit of the principal, withdrawal of equity, intercompany asset transfers. (Expatica 2020) 6 Forms of taxes corporations are subjected to be taxed 6.1 Taxes paid by corporations in Russia Russian businesses are liable to the following taxes (Federal Tax Service of Russia 2020a; Expatica 2020; Schneider Group 2020): 8 1. Profit tax (20% generally; 10% on using, holding or leasing ships, planes and other transport); 2. Withholding taxes (0% on dividends received by Russian companies due to participation exemption rule; 9% on dividends received by RLE from RLE (Russian Legal Entity); 15% on dividends received by RLE from FLE; 20% for non-residents); 3. VAT (0%, 10%, 18%); 4. Property tax (up to 2.2%) 5. Minerals extraction tax (rate determined for each type of extracted mineral); 6. Land tax (0,3%-1,5%); 7. Stamp duty (it is not used as a single tax in Russia, however, it may be mentioned as a whole for any different establishing duties); 8. Biological resources use fees (rate established separately for each object of flora); 9. Water tax (rate determined for rivers, lakes, seas and economic areas; set in RUB per 100 cubic meters) 10. Excises (separately established for each excised good) 11. Transport tax (each subject of Russian Federation establishes it on its own; RUB 0 to 200); 12. Gambling tax (rates expressed in money from 25 000 to 125 000 RUB per 1 gambling item); 13. Imputed tax (15%) 6.2 Social contributions, pensions and other employer contributions Prior to pay contributions and salaries, the company has to register as an employer. This happens in different authorities. As an employer the company has to register in the tax authorities and in all the funds that require payment of contributions. These funds include: Social Insurance Fund and Pension Fund. (Правничок 2020) There are also a few social contributions that employers must pay in Russia (Schneider Group 2020): 1. Pension contribution (generally 22%; when the income reaches more than 876 000 RUB – 10%); 9 2. Social Security contribution (generally 2.9%; when the income reaches more than 755 000 RUB – 0%); 3. Medical insurance (5.1%); 4. Insurance of accidents (0.2-85% depending on type of activity) 7 Tax reporting and payment 7.1 Tax account system Taxpayers in Russia must calculate the tax base from the results of each accounting period based on accounting tax data. The purpose of tax accounting is to form complete and accurate information on the procedure for accounting for taxation of economic operations carried out by the taxpayer during the tax period. Another aim is to provide this information to both internal and external users for monitoring the calculation and timely payment. (Tax Code of Russian Federation 2000b) The system itself should be organized by the taxpayer independently and should be applied consistently throughout tax periods (principle of consistent application). The taxpayer should also consider the procedure of tax recording and tax accounting policies. It is important that no tax authorities can establish compulsory forms of tax accounting documents for taxpayers. (Tax Code of Russian Federation 2000b) Tax accounting data must reflect the following: 1) procedure for the determination of the amount of income and expenditure; 2) procedure for determination of the proportion of expenses; 3) amount of the balance expenses which is to be charged to expenses in ensuing tax periods; 4) procedure for the determination of amounts of created reserves; 5) amount of indebtedness in respect of tax settlements with the budget. Tax accounting data shall constitute tax secrets. People with the access to the accounting data must be obliged to preserve these secrets. (Tax Code of Russian Federation 2000b) To support tax accounting data the following documents shall be in place: 1) primary accounting documents including accountants’ reports; 2) analytical tax ledgers; 3) computation of the tax base. (Tax Code of Russian Federation 2000b) 10 7.2 Tax reports Businesses in Russia must submit reports according to the timing set by Russian legislation. This is done to meet the requirements of the tax regimes. Legal entities (in some cases depending on the type of organization) must prepare and deliver the following reports: VAT Tax return, Export VAT confirmation, Corporate Income Tax return, Corporate Property Tax return, Transportation Tax return, Land Tax return, Mineral Extraction Tax return, Personal Income Tax return, Reporting on the simplified tax system (if followed), Financial accounting statements, Tax planning, Reconciliation with Tax Authorities, Desk Tax Audit, Field Tax Audit. (Outsourcing solutions n.d.) Tax returns and financial statements may be submitted electronically. Some taxes (e.g. VAT) require electronic submission. It is essential that the business must always submit tax returns, even If there was no economic activity. (Outsourcing solutions n.d.) 7.3 Periods and payment terms per tax types Tax type Tax period Payment terms Profit tax Calendar year Paid for each reporting period, as a rule, on a monthly basis VAT A quarter of a year Paid for the expired tax period in equal shares no later than on the 20th day of each of the three months following the expired tax period Property tax A quarter of a year Paid by 30 March of the year followassets Minerals ing the reporting year Paid not later than the 25th day of the extrac- Calendar month tion tax month following the expired tax period Land tax Calendar year Due date cannot be set earlier than February the 1st, following next to the expired tax period 11 Due dates are determined by the local tax authorities Stamp duty Paid before accomplishing entitled authorities and official persons relevant in law activities Biological re- Paid in form of regular and single du- sources use fees Water tax ties A quarter of a year Paid not later than the 20th day of the month following the expired period Excises Calendar month Paid not later than on the 25th day of the month following the reporting period Transport tax Calendar year Due date is established by laws of the subjects, but not earlier than on the 1st of February following the expired tax period Gambling tax Paid not later than 20th date of a Calendar month month after the expired tax period Imputed tax A quarter of a year Paid not later than 25th date of a first month of forthcoming tax period Table 2. Periods and terms of payment per tax types (Federal Tax Service of Russia 2020c; KPMG 2018, p. 28) 7.4 Tax penalties There are different penalties for different types of oversights when filing the tax. When the tax returns are filed too late the file-to-failure penalty may apply at a rate of 5 to 30%. However, it cannot be less than RUB 1000. In case of inaccurate returns the penalty is RUB 10 000. If the negligence is repeated, it increases to RUB 30 000. When the tax is underpaid, the penalty of 20% of the underpayment follows. (Accountor 2016) 12 The cases of failing the supply of accounting records to the authorities lead to imposing of RUB 200 penalty for each failure. If the reports on controlled transactions are not filed or filed incorrectly, a penalty of RUB 5 000 is required. (Accountor 2016) 8 Conclusion Russian system of corporate taxation is quite complex and unfortunately requires a lot of paperwork as mainly the taxes cannot be filed electronically. Moreover, due to the federal structure of the state, the rate varies in different parts of the country and it is hard to estimate the tax amount in general conditions. However, the positive side is that there are no excessive difficulties in registering for taxes as the only preliminary requirement is to follow the procedure of legal entity registration. In author’s pinion. Russian taxation system is not fair enough for small businesses especially because in economic realities of the country the rates are unnecessarily high. All in all, although the changes are occurring at a very slow pace, they may once lead to the establishing of a more modern and structured system of corporate taxation. It may take a substantial amount of time, but certainly many things are now being discussed and reviewed regarding corporate taxes. 13 References Accountor. 2016. Tax penalties in Russia. Accessed on 31st of March 2020. Demidova, E., A. N. d. State structure. Russia fact file. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Accessed on 10th of March 2020. Dentons. 2020. Global tax guide to doing business in Russia. Accessed on 10th of March 2020. Expatica. 2020. A complete guide to the Russian corporate tax rate. Taxes. Finance. Accessed on 6th of March 2020. Federal Tax Service of Russia. 2020a. Taxes in Russia. Accessed on 10th of March 2020. Federal Tax Service of Russia. 2020b. Register a legal entity. Starting a business. Businesses. Accessed on 10th of March 2020. Federal Tax Service of Russia. 2020c. Taxes paid by legal entities. Accessed on 31st of March 2020. Kagan, J. 2019. Corporate Tax. Government and policy. Economy. Investopedia. Accessed on 6th of March 2020. OECD. N.d. Information on Tax Identification Numbers. Accessed on 17th of March 2020. Outsourcing solutions. N.d. Tax compliance services. Accessed on 31st of March 2020. KPMG. 2018. Doing Business in Russia. Pp. 23, 28-30 PWC Worldwide Tax Summaries. 2019a. Corporate – Tax administration. Russian Federation. Accessed on 10th of March 2020. Schneider Group. 2020.Tax rates in Russia - An Overview. Accessed on 17th of March 2020. Tax Code of Russian Federation. 2000a. Article 250. Non-sale income. 14 Tax Code of Russian Federation. 2000b. Article 313. Tax accounting. General Provisions. Правничок. 2020. Особенности регистрации ИП как работодателя в России. Элитариум. 2020. Принципы налогообложения в России: система налоговых координат. Макроэкономика. Экономика. Accessed on 6th of March 2020. Figures and tables Table 1. Taxes in Russia. (Federal Tax Service of Russia 2020a) Table 2. Periods and terms of payment per tax types (Federal Tax Service of Russia 2020c; KPMG 2018, p. 28) 15