EARth, Sun, Moon ScAVenger Hunt Visit to lEArn more About the EArth, Sun, And Moon! Remember - As you trAVel And rEAd through EACh section, write down your Answers in the APPRopriAte spACe. 1. First stop – Get your spACeship through the meteorites bACk to EArth. 2. Click on the imAGe of EARth 3. The provides oxygen for All living things on EArth. It Also protects us from the Sun’s 4. The EArth tAkes . to rotAte once. Press the D key, which side is dAy? Circle LEFT or RIGHT. Why do you think this side is dAy? 5. The EArth tAkes to orbit Around the Sun. WhAt does orbit MEAn? 6. The EArth AppEArs to rotAte Around A line, which goes from the North Pole to the South Pole. This is known As the EArth’s . 7. The EquAtor sepArAtes which two hemispheres? 8. DrAW A line MAtching the Northern Hemisphere wEAther to the Southern Hemisphere. Autumn Summer Summer Autumn Spring Winter Winter Spring 9. Click on the imAGe of the Moon 10. WhAt shApe is the Moon? 11. How were crAters formed on the Moon? Press ANd hold the C button down. 12. WhAt size is the moon compAred to EArth? 13. The Moon is EArth’s only nAturAl And orbit by EArth’s 14. How MAny is held in . dAys does it tAke for the Moon to orbit Around EArth? 15. Click on the imAGe of the Sun 16. WhAt two things cAn be found on the surFACe of the sun? 17. Deep inside the Sun, high temperAtures Are generAted by non-stop nuclEAr rEACtions, which relEAses huge Amounts of . 18. WhAt would hAppen to EArth if the Sun’s nuclEAr rEACtions stopped? 19. Press ANd hold the S button How 20. The Sun is our closest EArths could fit in the Sun? . We use its energy As And 21. The Sun rises in the MAny feel its . And sets in the .