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Collaboration and Communication App Final

Collaboration and Communication Applications: Opportunities and Threats
Samma Ajavon-Romer
Use this template to plan and submit your work for the collaboration and communication app
In this assignment you were to investigate and gain experience in the use of two
collaborative/communication apps for personal, pedagogical, and/or professional purposes
providing evidence of engagement with at least two other individuals. Choose from apps such as
Marco Polo, VoiceThreads, #GroupMe, Hangouts, etc.
App # 1-Marco Polo
Description The creators of Marco Polo call the app a “video walkie-talkie.” Messages
are sent promptly and are accessible for the other user to see and react to nearly
immediately, if that’s what you need. But you don’t really talk in real time. Instead, you
take turns clearing out recordings for each other. This takes much of the stress,
commitment, and challenges out of conventional video chatting. Some families sates that
it healps them keep in touch. The app has many fun features, including filters that can
change the sound of your voice. You can also draw and write on videos to personalize
them. Video conversations are stored in your conversations and users in a group can
rewatch videos sent in the past. Unlike a lot of other video apps, there is no text chat or
direct message (DM) option ("Marco Polo app: What is it? Is it safe?," 2020).
Warnings: Teachers and parents should be aware of if used by school-aged children are
the sharing of contacts. As soon as you download the app, it asks you to share your
contacts. This feature causes some concerns. The Marco Polo App requires access to all
of your phone’s contacts. Once you upload your contacts to an app/company, you can
never get them back("Marco Polo app: What is it? Is it safe?," 2020). The app having
access to all of your contacts can make the users and their conctacts very susceptible to
Safeguards that should be in place if used for teaching and learning are reviewing and
teaching students about what’s appropriate to send in a video or chat message. Remind
students that their classmates have the ability to screen shot their videos and reshare it on
their channel. Safeguards that should be in place if used for teaching and learning are as
 Review what’s appropriate to send in a video and chat message.
 Provide students with a reminder that classmates have the ability to screen shot
their videos and can reshare it on other channels.
 Limit students activities within the app to only instructional purposes
 Encorage parents to monitor students’ Marco Polo’s activity and contact lists
Ongoing reinforcement of teaching kids what’s appropriate to share will go a long
way in preventing worrisome behavior.
Link to the app: https://www.marcopolo.me
App # 2-Snapchat
Description: Snapchat is a mobile messaging application utilized to share photographs,
recordings, content, and drawings. It’s free to download the app and free to send
messages utilizing it. It has gotten to be popular in an awfully short amount of time,
particularly with youthful individuals. There's one highlight that makes Snapchat diverse
from other forms of texting and photo sharing: the messages vanish from the recipient’s
phone after a number of seconds. Snapchat functions consist of private, person-to-person
photo sharing, but you can now use it for a range of different tasks, including sending
short videos, live video chatting, messaging, creating Bitmoji avatars, and sharing a
chronological “story” that’s broadcasted to all your followers. There’s even a designated
“Discovery” area that showcases short-form content from major publishers like Buzzfeed
(Pocket-lint, 2020). Other functions of Snapchat concist of storing media in private
storage area, adding filters, live locations.
Warnings. Snap Chat uses a feature known as Snap Map which allows anyone with a
browser to head to the page, zoom in and click on any location around the world to see
what people are snapping about in that area. This Snap Map showcases live videos that
could potentially be violent and tramatizing to young viewers. Despite the wranings,
young people continue to engage with social media apps. Punyanunt-Carter et al. (2017)
suggests, “a great deal of scholarly research has provided insight into the ways in which
social media, including but not limited to Snapchat, meet the needs of the social media
users” (p.34). The warnings that teachers and parents should be aware of sexting,
snapcash, and media oversharing. Using Snapchat, users are able to share videos and
photos to various other users. Issues regarding sexting became a major warning for snap
chat users. Parents should be concern about their children sharing nudes or sexually
explicit pictures. Patchin, et al. (2019) writes, “most commonly, the term has been used
to describe incidents where teenagers take nude or semi-nude (e.g., topless) photographs
of themselves and distribute those images to others via cell phone messaging” (p. 25).
The use and misuse of social media, smartphones, and other connected devices by young
people remains a prominent area of concern among adults.
Safeguards that should be in place if used for teaching and learning are the creation of a
plan for classroom usage. For example, educators should make a list of questions that
they can answer before implementing snapchat. Educators should answer the following
1. Will I add students, parents or others in the school community back as friends?
What are your goals for using Snapchat?
What’s your tone going to be?
How will you draw a clear line between your personal and professional lives?
Will the communication be one way or two way?
Teachers will need to leverage the snapchat usage in their classrooms, making sure that
they have control over most of students’ usage in the classrooms. Agosto et al. (2016)
writes, instead of dismissing the entire social media world as frivolous and dangerous,
providing teens with a balanced view shows them that you respect their desire to interact
online and that you trust in their ability to become responsible users” (p.44).
Link to the app: https://www.snapchat.com
App # 3-Google Hangout
Description. is a communications platform developed by Google that helps users to start and
join in different communication channels like instant messaging, voice calls, and video calls.
They can also save expenses and time on travel with Hangout's face-to-face functionality for
online meetings and conferences. Google Hangouts works with your Google account, allowing
you to communicate with your Google contacts through text messages, video chats and voice
calls. A great thing about Google Hangouts is if you’re on the go, you can start a Hangouts
session on your computer, and seamlessly continue it on your mobile device (What Google
Hangout, n.d.).
Warnings: Google Hangout has a lot privacy and security concerns. Though it does encrypt
hangout conversations, it doesn't use end-to-end encryption instead, messages are encrypted in
transit. Once they are on a server, Google has complete access to them. (Google meet security,
n.d.). Although these are potential warnings, Google Meet privacy disclosure claims that users
has access to their own data. According to (Google meet security, n.d), “control over your data—
Meet adheres to the same robust privacy commitments and data protections as the rest of Google
Cloud’s enterprise services. Parents and Teachers need to be aware of video call bombing, and
hacking. During video bombing, strangers automatically joins your chat room without being
invited. It could be anyone hacking your google hangout.
Safeguards: Safeguards that should be in place if used for teaching and learning are close
monitoring of students’ during live lessons or meetings. Review the videos in the google privacy
and security center prior to implementation. Have parents sign a consent form for students’
usage. Use only school channels to communicate with both staff and students. As always, staff
shouldn't communicate with parents or pupils outside school channels (e.g., they shouldn't talk to
parents using their personal Facebook accounts, or contact pupils using their personal email
addresses or phone numbers (Google meet security & privacy for admins, n.d.).
Link to the app: https://www.hangouts.google.com
App # 4-Tik Tok
Description: TikTok is a social networking app sharing user-generated recordings,
generally of individuals lip-synching to prevalent tunes. It was initially called musically
People can make and transfer their own recordings where they lip-synch, sing, move, or
have conversations. The Tik Tok App functions shows you suggested recordings, as well
as recordings from other app users you follow. In terms of making recordings, the app
works a bit like Snapchat. You record recordings by holding down a big red button, and
but unlike snapcaht, you'll be able alter them a later on. Briefly describe the app and its
Warnings. Tik Tok leaglly collects and exposes young kids personal information. This practice
makes children very accessible to poetential sexual predetors. By using this app, undergage
children will be able to see, and receive text messages from adults. Stathopoulou et al.
(2020)suggests,“Each new version of these mobile apps brings innovative features making them
more convenient and affordable” (p.4). In addition, the warnings teachers should be aware of if
school age students uses this app are the constant alerts, exposure to inappropriate contents,
explicit lyrics to songs, lack of academic focus, and lost of instructional time. Corby et
al.(2019) writes, “ In an attempt to get down with the kids, I have downloaded the TikTok app
and I have been alarmed by the number of scantily dressed, school-aged females, lip-synching
and dancing provocatively around their bedrooms” (p. 3). Like all things social media, a
degree of caution needs to be taken. If school age students are using this app, parents should be
warned that the account is automatically made public, anyone can send comments and direct
messages, anyone can do a duet, and strangers can have contact with their children. It might be
beneficial for policymakers to concentrate their efforts on increasing mobile app users’awareness
of potential privacy threats and their belief that they can protect their mobile privacy (Kernis et
al., 2019).
Safeguards: When used for teaching and learning the safeguards that needs to be in place are
changing users accounts from public to private, set restrictions for users’ usage on the app,
restrict in app purchases. Stathopoulou et al. (2020)suggests, “Of course, even the most careful
educators can’t prevent misuse of social media” ( p. 5).There is no sense in trying to fight against
social media, educators should focus its power on improving educational outcomes.
Link to the app: https://www.tiktok.com/en/
App # 5-Whats App
Description. Dove (2020) explained, “WhatsApp is a text and voice messaging app that
launched in 2009. It’s become incredibly popular since then, in no small thanks to its
features and flexibility. As a free service, WhatsApp allows for messages and calls on
both desktop and mobile devices” (p.3). The Whats App is higly favored because it is
completely free, doesn’t have a lot of advertisments, and easy to use.
Whats App functions concsist of free reliable messaging, allows users to keep in touch
with groups of people, users can speak freely to people and other countries, and their
contacts can be synced via phone, tablet, or pc.
Warnings that teachers and parents should be aware of are the deletion of messages,
Instagram and Facebook intergration, and privacy issues. Conversations between users
can be easily deleted. Due to the mergers of facebook and Instagram, content from those
platforms can display in the user’s Whats App without needing access. Parents and
Teachers should closely monitor school-age children’s activity within the app.
Safeguards that should be in place if used for teaching and learning are the creation of a
school safe profile, instructions on how to block people, instructions on how to report
scam messages, instructions on how to delete accidental messages. Even though
somebody would need your child’s phone number to add them as a contact, as an extra
security measure we suggest altering their profile settings to control who can see their
profile photo and status ("Online safety: WhatsApp," 2019).
Link to the app: https://www.whatsapp.com
Link to Blog: https://sacoriromer.wixsite.com/website
Include the link to your findings
(Insert link)
Agosto, D. E., & Abbas, J. (2016). Simple Tips for Helping Students Become Safer, Smarter
Social Media Users. Knowledge Quest, 44(4), 42–47.
A teacher’s guide to TikTok. (n.d.). Tes. Retrieved June 7, 2020, from
Dove, J. (2020, May 19). What is WhatsApp? Here's everything you need to know. Digital
Trends. https://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/what-is-whatsapp/
Features. (n.d.). WhatsApp.com. https://www.whatsapp.com/features/
Google meet security & privacy for admins. (n.d.). Google Help.
Google meet security & privacy for admins. (n.d.). Google Help.
Indu. (2018). Implications of social media (Facebook and Whats App) among the students of
Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak. Indian Journal of Health & Wellbeing, 9(1), 50–52.
Marco Polo app: What is it? Is it safe? (2020, May 28). Bark. https://www.bark.us/blog/marcopolo-monitoring/
Online safety: WhatsApp. (2019, February 26). Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership.
Patchin, J. W. 1. patchinj@uwec. ed., & Hinduja, S. (2019). The Nature and Extent of Sexting
Among a National Sample of Middle and High School Students in the U.S. Archives of Sexual
Behavior, 48(8), 2333–2343. https://doi-org.ezproxy.liberty.edu/10.1007/s10508-019-1449-y
Pocket-lint. (2020, April 6). How does Snapchat work and what's the point? Retrieved from
Punyanunt-Carter, N. M., De La Cruz, J. J., & Wrench, J. S. (2017). Investigating the
relationships among college students’ satisfaction, addiction, needs, communication
apprehension, motives, and uses & gratifications with Snapchat. Computers in Human Behavior,
75, 870–875. https://doi-org.ezproxy.liberty.edu/10.1016/j.chb.2017.06.034
Stathopoulou, A., Loukeris, D., Karabatzaki, Z., Politi, E., Salapata, Y., & Drigas, A. (2020).
Evaluation of Mobile Apps Effectiveness in Children with Autism Social Training via Digital
Social Stories. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 3, 4–18. https://doiorg.ezproxy.liberty.edu/10.3991/ijim.v14i03.10281
What is the Marco Polo app and is it safe? (2020, May 12). Smart Social.
What Google hangouts is and how to start talking today. (2017, April 25). TechBoomers.com.
Wottrich, V. M., van Reijmersdal, E. A., & Smit, E. G. (2019). App Users Unwittingly in the
Spotlight: A Model of Privacy Protection in Mobile Apps. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 53(3),