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Heat Energy Study Guide for Elementary School

Name: _______________________________ Date: ___________________
Heat Energy Study Guide
1. What are the 4 ways that heat can be produced? __________________________,
__________________________, __________________________, and
2. How is friction produced? ___________________________________
3. If steel wool is placed in vinegar it will produce heat. How is this heat produced?
4. If you saw a piece of wood the end of the wood that is being sawn is warm. How is the heat
produced? ____________________________
5. . How is the heat produced by a campfire? _____________________
6. What keeps heat from moving? insulators or conductors
7. What does heat move easily through? insulators or conductors
8. Why are most pots and pans made of metal? _______________________________________________________________________________
9. Why do metal pans for cooking often have wooden handles?
10 – 14. Tell whether each of the following would be a better conductor or insulator:
10. sleeping bag __________________________________
11. pot holder ____________________________________
12. cooler ________________________________________
13. metal pan _____________________________________
14. silver spoon ____________________________________
15. If a thermometer showed 35 degrees Fahrenheit, what would you most likely do?
16. The third grade class is going on a field trip. If they want to keep their milk cold what should they
pack it in? a paper bag or Styrofoam cooler. Explain why_______________________________________________________________________________
17. What is the main source of energy for the earth? _______________
18. What color shirt would hit up the most if the Sun shines on it- black or white?
19. The third grade is going on a field trip and they know it is going to be very hot and sunny where
they are going. What kind of clothes would you tell them to wear to stay cool?
20. Why do scientists use thermometers instead of their senses to measure temperature?
21. What temperature does the thermometer show?
22. Shade the thermometer to show 52 degrees
23. Diego put a glass of warm water outside on a cold day. He measured the temperature of the water
every five minutes. Name a likely temperature after 15 minutes
After 5 minutes
After 10 minutes
105 degrees
98 degrees
After 15 minutes
After 20 minutes
After 25 minutes
89 degrees
77 degrees