Spirited Away is an animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The main protagonist is Chihiro, a girl moving town with her family in Japan. On the way to the new house, her father takes a wrong turn and they enter the spirit world. Here, her parent’s greed causes them to turn into pigs. They ignore their duties as a parent. Chihiro is terrified as she always relied on them for everything. Now she must learn to navigate the world herself. Bildungsroman is a genre that shows the development of a protagonist from innocence to maturity. First, they search for answers to questions. Then they gain maturity from their difficult journey, trials and misfortunes. This affects their final growth. They go through four stages, the call, the apprenticeship, maturity, acceptance and remedy. This screenshot is medium shot the call of the story, Chihiro is going through an identity crisis we see her facial expression which shows melancholy (feeling of sadness and depression) as she doesn’t want to move house. As Chihiro clutches to the flowers close to her heart it shows that Chihiro is longed to go back home and misses her friends. It makes Chihiro seems vulnerable. Chihiro body posture seems to be childish where we see her as a shojo girl. The colour of Chihiro’s clothes is green represents youth and the inexperience to the start of her journey. This connects to my own experiences. I was in year 2 when my family moved to Australia. I didn’t want to move but I had to. I had to leave all my friends behind and I slowly forgot them. Moving to a new country was the hardest most challenging thing I’ve done. Learning a new language and adapting to a new environment all at once was difficult. But eventually, after living in Australia for a few months, I started to understand English more fluently. I started to accept my new place in life. In this scene, Chihiro passes the test of Yubaba. All the workers in the bathhouse who were belittled when she arrived were cheering for her. She took the hardest job in the bathhouse, the river spirit and no face, and made lots of money for them. Her goodness made her lots of friends. This is the kind of person Miyazaki implores young people to be. The angle of this screenshot is mid-shot shows that Chihiro as a powerful mature girl. The use of colours red shows passion and power. We see the happy expressions on Chihiro’s face and others show that they approve of her and are grateful as she heads back home and reunites with her parents. You can see that Chihiro is running towards the audience, across the bridge signifies that she’s coming back home comparing to the start of Chihiro’s journey where she enters the bathhouse. This connects to my own experiences of how I felt when I finally got to see China again after staying in Australia for a year. I finally got to see my relatives, their heads popping in and out in the crowds to greet me. I felt happy to be back home. This connects with how Chihiro felt when she reunited with her parents after the long journey and stay at the bathhouse. Spirited Away is entertaining, challenging and highlights Miyazaki concerns of how Japan dealt with the role of a good parent. It also highlighted the culture of the shojo girl, consumerism, and the disappearance of traditional values influenced by western culture. At the beginning of the film, she is afraid of new experiences. During the film, she faces many obstacles and grows as a person. By the end of the film, she has grown to become more confident and stronger. Despite this, she maintained her core values by being courageous, hardworking, polite, and giving people the benefit of the doubt. Most importantly, she demonstrates love and kindness. This is all that’s needed to succeed in life.