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1D Motion Lab Report: Constant Acceleration

Experiment 1D Motion with Constant Acceleration
Name: Jeanine Deonath
Section: Phys 113 Tuesday 4pm
Date Submitted: 03/03/20
Title: 1D Motion with Constant Acceleration
To analyze how an accelerated object’s position changes with time.
To observe the influence of gravity on an object.
To measure the motion of quick falling objects.
Introduction (Theory/Formula):
The external forces acting on an object on an inclined plane are the object’s weight, mg,
and the normal force, FN. The component of the weight perpendicular to the plane and
balancing the normal force is mg cos . The resultant force on the object is the component of the
weight along the plane, mg sin. Therefore, the object moves down the plane with an
𝑚𝑔 sin 𝜃
= gsin 𝜃
Data Analysis and Conclusions:
My partner and I initially went into this experiment with the hypothesis that the glider would
move faster on the inclined plane compared to the level surface. We also believed that it would
be logical that the further the photogates were, the longer the elapsed time would be because
the glider has to travel a further distance. Based off our raw results, we are able to see that our
hypothesis was correct in both scenarios. As the distance between the endpoints increased, so
did the elapsed time for the glider to pass through the photogate. In addition, when we inclined
the plane, the elapsed time became shorter because it was easier for the glider to move down
the ramp.
Post-Lab Questions
1. How does the position of the glider change with time? How do your results compare
with the expectation?
Our expectations were that the further the distance was for the glider to travel, the longer
it would take the glider to reach the end. These expectations were observed by our results as we
pushed the endpoint further away, the travel time took longer because it was traveling a larger
We also expected that as the plane is inclined, the travel time would be decreased because
the glider is moving down an angled planed. These results were also observed because the
elapsed times for the inclined planes were shorter than when the plane was level.
2. What is the advantage to measuring falling objects using the inclined plane?
(Consider the difference in the experiments using different inclinations.)
The advantage of measuring objects using an inclined plane is that the trials could
effectively be more accurate in the time reading because it does not require an external force to
induce the glider to move. When the glider is on a level plane, we had to manually push it at the
start for it to have the momentum to move, which could skew the timing and thus the data
results. By using an inclined plane, it is not necessary to push the glider because it is able to
move on its own due to gravity.
3. Would the results of the experiment change if a heavier glider were used? If so,
how? If not, why?
If a heavier glider is used, this would alter the experiment. Specifically, when using an
inclined plane, the use of a heavier glider would cause it to move down the inclination at a faster
time due to gravity.
4. Does friction affect this experiment? If so, how? If not, why?
Yes, friction affects this experiment because the glider is supposed to move down a
frictionless plane, but this is not achievable. Friction is a contact force and even though
resembles a frictionless plane, we cannot neglect the friction between the glider and the
beam it moved along.
5. How might this experiment be improved to illustrate better the behavior of falling
This experiment can be improved by using a lighter glider that is able to move down the
plane more effectively with less friction. We are also able to conduct more trials at various
inclinations by increasing the height of the plane itself.