Teacher as Motivator: Inspiring Students in Education

Teacher as a motivator
Daily Excelsior
A Teacher is called the pillar of the nation. The teachers is like a model to the students, so
their behaviors must be the right ones in front of the students, I think that the teachers
must be so dedicated to his work because they need to pass his enthusiasm to get a better
environment in the classroom, so they are like a second parent and we see them a lot of
time. A teacher play different roles in educational institutes. There are different roles has
to be played by the teacher; sometimes teacher as a facilitator, teacher as an instructor,
teacher as a friend etc. but there is another role also for a teacher that is teacher as a
motivator. Motivation in teaching is an essential process of effective teaching. We have to
understand the need of motivation. inspiration and guidance in classroom teaching to
make the teaching more effective.
What the needs of motivations in education are?
Motivation is a very strong factor for the educators to educate the people. If the
motivation is powerful and strong, the rest of process will be easy and comfortable.
Students affect from the different factors. They attracts by different things. If they find
anything attractive and useful, they pay a proper attention but if they feel anything useless
they get tired and bored. So a proper motivation moves them to grasp the lesson carefully
and seriously. Motivation is the driving force which causes us to achieve goals. Motivation
is said to be intrinsic or extrinsic. The term is generally used for humans. According to
various theories, motivation may be rooted in a basic need to minimize physical pain and
maximize pleasure, or it may include specific needs such as eating and resting, or a
desired object, goal state of being ideal, or it may be attributed to less-apparent reasons
such as altruism, selfishness, or avoiding mortality. Modern motivation theories deal
with the relationship between beliefs, values, and action. According to Wigfield, Gardner
– claims that a motivated individual puts forward effort to achieve the goal, is persistent
and attentive to the task at hand, enjoys striving through the goal, regards success as
positive reinforcement, and makes use of strategies to achieve the goal. Hence, motivation
is goal-directed behaviour. The term motivation is rather controversial, and researchers
have been confronted with some challenges that have prevented a consensus in
motivation research (Dörnyei 2001). Dörnyei also states that despite all the controversies,
most researchers agree that motivation “concerns the direction and magnitude of human
behavior,” which refers to “the choice of a particular action, the persistence with it, and
the effort expended on it”. Motivation is perhaps the major characteristic that is required
in order to achieve anything in life; in its absence failure will follow the first sign of
adversity. Its presence will inspire, instigate and encourage the subject to do his best. In a
school or college we see that the students like the specific teachers, because those teachers
always use the interesting presentation and sometimes he maintains the pleasant
personality. So we can understand the role of motivation in educating in our schools. In
modern age we are using different smart and active teaching learning methodologies.
Several researchers have been searching innovative ideas in education. So we need to
apply different motivational skills in classrooms.In a traditional school, a teacher uses
different motivational skills to motivate the students to learn and towards the different
good habits depending upon the student’s age and level. What are the creative
motivational skills in a traditional school or an institution? There are a lot of innovative
and creative ideas to apply. Inspirational songs, visiting activities (Learning by visiting,
learning outside the school and visiting inside the school), educational excursions, cocurricular activities, nice thoughts children fair (Bal Mela) and so many. The proper and
creative use of these activities makes a proper, interesting and energetic environment. In
general, there are still many one-way system of learning between teacher and students,
called “Teacher centered learning” (TCL). Learning systems such as this can break the
liveliness and students creativity in the classroom. A teacher should involve students in
learning activities in class, either in the form of presentations, question and answer,
discussion, or other activities. Teachers gives motivation and spirit to their students that
can build the confidence from the students. A teacher as did not give a punishment if their
student made a mistake in answering or doing exercise. But the teacher will continue to
support and motivate students to repair the mistake. Teachers must be able to build the
character their students through a variety of activities that can enhance student creativity
in building self-motivation in students.
Teachers should always be constructive to adopt innovative new methods to motivate
students to learn the children by placing their students as a centre of learning, meaning
the extent to which the material presented is not depends on the teachers and the
curriculum but it depends on the students. Teachers not only as a student assistant in the
classroom, but also acts as a friend who can provide inspiration to their students. Here,
teachers have an important role in building strong character in their students as a teacher
trying to construct Therefore students thought the teacher should be an inspiration which
can be an inspiration for the others. Based on Student Centered Learning, the teachers
should be as a facilitator, motivator, and inspiration for students that can construct
student’s creativity and their understanding. Apart from all these basic roles, the teacher
being a mentor for the students should inculcate basic qualities in the students, so that
they become better citizen and contribute for the society as well as for the nation in a
more effective and constructive manner.
(The author is Sr. Asstt. Professor GCET, Jammu)