ЦЕНТР НАУКОВИХ ДОСЛІДЖЕНЬ ТА ВИКЛАДАННЯ ІНОЗЕМНИХ МОВ НАН УКРАЇНИ Словник термінів зі спеціальності 104 – «Фізика та астрономія» Підготував аспірант Інституту ядерних досліджень Національної академії наук України Кот Олександр Андрійович Київ 2018 The quarks in the proton are “probed” directly by the exchange of electroweak gauge bosons. 1 Probing Зондування 2 Gauge boson Кілібрувальний бозон These two schemes enable us to investgate separately the efects of the high-density EOS stfness and of the saturaton property on the formaton of the nuclear halo. 3 Saturaton Насичення 4 Stfness Жорсткість Several of the CBM detector systems, the data read-out chain and event reconstructon will be commissioned and already used in experiments during the FAIR phase 0. 5 To be commissioned Здавати в експлуатацію 6 Read-out Зчитувальна електроніка Experimental data on such objects are very scarce. 7 Scarce Нестача, брак FAIR will ofer the opportunity to study nuclear collisions at extreme interactons rates. 8 Interacton rate Частота взаємодій Strangeness and electrical charge can be related to the thermodynamical susceptbilites. 9 Susceptbilites Чутливість, сприйнятливість The network is robust against shear viscosity. 10 Shear viscosity В’язкість зсуву The physical mechanisms that led to the terminaton of star formaton in these galaxies and depleton of their interstellar medium remain largely conjectural. 11 Conjectural Гіпотетичний 12 Depleton Збіднення, виснаження There are currently no direct measurements of the amount of residual gas that might stll be present in newly quiescent spheroidals at high redshif. 13 Quiescent Нерухомий A coupling constant or gauge coupling parameter is a number that determines the strength of the force exerted in an interacton. 14 Coupling constant Константа взаємодії An example of a dimensionless constant is the fne-structure constant 15 Dimensionless Безрозмірний 16 Fine-structure constant Константа тонкої структури Two extreme cases can be distnguishedd when only the heavy or the light eigenstate contributes to the total decay amplitude. 17 Еigenstate Власний стан Confdence intervals are computed by evaluatng the test statstc. 18 Confdance interval Довірчий інтервал We especially focus on the efects of vanishing density of state at Fermi level in monolayer graphene. 19 Vanishing Нульовий або близький до нього Probing the tme structure of the quark-gluon plasma with top quarks. 20 Probing Дослідження, зондування At low longitudinal momentum fractons x carried by the parton, collinear factorisaton may break down and the efectve feld theory. 21 Longitudinal Поздовшній 22 Momentum Імпульс Proton-nucleus collisions are essental to interpret Nucleus-Nucleus data in order to disentangle QGP efects from CNM efects in such collisions. 23 Disentangle Відокремити, виділити This helicity determinaton can be further strengthened by the use of various discovery channel leptonic asymmetries. 24 Helicity Спіральність Nuclear binding energy is the minimum energy that would be required to disassemble the nucleus of an atom into its component parts. 25 Binding energy Енергія зв’язку In lead-lead collisions ALICE physicists can deduce some propertes of the plasma. 26 Deduce Вивести Generally newer versions are the best bet, but you should always ask the Monte Carlo liason of your working group for advice on what to use if you're not sure. 27 Liason Зв’язна ланка We also have to choose the version of the digitsaton and confguraton of the trigger. 28 Digitsaton Цифрування Preselecton and selecton cuts for daughter and mother partcles. 29 Cut Обмеження Number of primary vertces distributon shows that proton-lead collisions occur with low pileup. 30 Pile-up Перекриття подій (часове накладання) The limited precision in the branching fractons of the charm decays is one of the dominant sources of uncertaintes. 31 Branching Імовірність реалізації каналу A preshower detector, consistng of two planes of silicon sensors interleaved with a total of three radiaton lengths of lead. 32 Preshower detector Детектор для утворення зливи 33 Interleaved (sandwich) Перемежований The neutrino escapes detecton causing an apparent imbalance in the transverse energy of the event. 34 Escape Залишатися непоміченим The analysis is conducted with a data sample corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 5 f−1. 35 Luminosity Світимість Several minimum-bias interactons, as expected from the projected running conditons of the accelerator, are superimposed on the hard scatering. 36 Minimum-bias Порогові події 37 Scatering Розсіяння 38 Hard scatering Партонне розсіяння D∗± decay provides a direct measurement of the charm-quark jet charge, which is a powerful tool to disentangle the W + c signal component from most of the background processes. 39 Jet Адронний струмінь 40 Disentangle Відрізняти Residual QCD background in the electron channel is estmated from the experimental Emiss distributon. 41 Residual Залишковий The fnal state consists of the scatered electron, the proton remnant and a scatered quark. 42 Remnant Залишок The main QCD producton process for heavy quarks in ep scatering is boson-gluon fusion, and this process strongly depends on the gluon density of the proton. 43 Density Густина 44 Fusion Злиття, синтез Nuclear fssion is either a nuclear reacton or a radioactve decay process in which the nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts. 45 Fission Поділ The HERA ring is located inside a tunnel with a circumference of 6.3 km and approximately 30 m below ground level. 46 Circumference Довжина дуги кола A prototype photon detector design utlizes wavelength-shifer coated plates to convert the vacuum ultraviolet scintllaton light to the optcal and commercially-produced wavelengthshifing light guides to trap some of this light and transport it to an array of silicon photomultpliers at the end. 47 Wavelength shifng Зміщення спектру 48 Light guide Світловід 49 Photomultplier Фотопомножувач The delivered luminosity at ZEUS is determined by measuring the bremsstrahlung process 50 Bremsstrahlung Гальмівне випромінювання This efect was expected to be even more pronounced for multstrange hyperons. 51 Pronounced Виразний 52 Multstrange Частинка із дивністю більшою за одиницю Recently, data on the excitaton functon of strangeness producton measured by NA49 have revived the discussion on the role of strangeness as a signature for a deconfnement phase transiton. 53 Revive Відроджувати, оновлювати The detecton of open charm via hadronic decays requires the measurement of displaced vertces. 54 Displaced Віддалений The non-interactng beam partcles, 99% of all with a typical target of 1% nuclear interacton length, are guided in a vacuum beam pipe through the experiment and are absorbed in the beam dump. 55 Beam pipe Йонопровід 56 Beam dump Спеціальне місце де “гасится” непотрібний пучок The CBM set-up is conceived as an experimental facility. 57 Conceived Задуманий 58 Facility Об’єкт Field clamps at the downstream face limit the stray feld into the RICH detector system. 59 Field clamps Тримачі поля 60 Stray feld Змінне (вихрове) поле The STS tracks are linked to further detectors upstream (MVD) and downstream (MUCH/RICH) for refned measurements of vertces of short-lived decays and partcle identfcaton. 61 Refned Досконалий, покращений The MVD adds very high spatal resoluton to the tracking in order to detect the decay products of short-lived partcles. 62 Spatal Просторовий The radiaton tolerance of this technology is one of the highest. 63 Tolerance Точність, допустиме відхилення The lack of a general systematc procedure for transformatons preclude many quantum Hamiltonians from being simulated with unbiased QMC methods. 64 Preclude Унеможливлювати Importantly, this robust predicton of quantum critcal points appears to work even for systems where the Monte Carlo sampling of conventonal observables is plagued by a severe sign problem. 65 Robust predicton Слушна оцінка Recently, neural networks and other machine learning algorithms have been brought to the realm of quantum and classical statstcal physics. 66 Realm Галузь, царина We apply this QMC + machine learning framework to a family of Hubbard-like fermion models where the competton between kinetc and potental terms gives rise to a phase transiton between an itnerant metallic phase and a charge-ordered Mot insulatng phase. 67 Itnerant Перехідний 68 Insulatng Ізоляційний An obvious candidate is the auxiliary feld s. 69 Auxiliary Допоміжний All of the diodes that were read out gave roughly the same signal, showing no discernible measurement of fuence. 70 Discernible Помітний The ever increasing need for a higher throughput and the move to parallelism in the CPU architectures in the last years necessitated the use of vectorizaton techniques to achieve the desired speed. 71 Throughput Пропускна здатність The current silicon strip VELO will be replaced by a pixel-based soluton with higher granularity. 72 Granularity Сегментованість A scheme of luminosity levelling has been devised where the beams are slightly displaced from headon collisions and gradually re-centred during the fll as the beam intensity is reduced. 73 Devised Розроблений, винайдений The total cross secton is several orders of magnitude larger than the bb¯ cross secton. 74 Cross secton Поперечний переріз Gravitatonal waves — ripples in the fabric of space-tme — have for the third tme been picked up passing through Earth. 75 Ripple Брижжі An even weirder discovery would occur if bursts of gravitatonal waves were detected coming from ‘cosmic strings’. 76 Burst Спалах The Standard Model cannot adequately explain the observed abundance of mater in the universe. 77 Abudance Поширеність The LHC operators will keep ramping up the number of bunches. 78 Rump up Нарощувати In principle latce QCD allows for such a non-perturbatve approach, but numerical simulatons at fnite density are plagued by serious phase cancellaton problems. 79 Latce Решітка, гратка 80 To be plagued by Страждати від Among the required ingredients of all stellar evoluton codes are the treatment of the heat transfer in convectve and radiatve zones, the nuclear reacton network, the equaton of state, the computaton of opacites, and the inclusion of mass loss. 81 Inclusion Врахування, включення Massive stars are ofen found in multple systems, and their modelling requires in additon the treatment of tdal interactons. 82 Tidal Приливний Stars are also the progenitors of objects and events of high astrophysical importance, such as supernova, gamma ray burst, planetary nebulae, and stellar black holes. 83 Progenitor Прародитель, попередник, джерело 84 Nebula Туманність The temperature of the combuston of helium is lowered and the ability of contracton of the core decreases, delaying the triggering of the 3α reacton. 85 Combuston Горіння 86 Contracton Скорочення The net charge, of course does not depend on such subtletes, but the fuctuaton in the net charge depends on the squares of the charges and hence are strongly dependent on which phase it originates from. 87 Net charge Сумарний заряд 88 Subtletes Деталі, тонкощі To address the efect of interactons we have calculated the electromagnetc current-current correlator. 89 Current Струм On the most fundamental level there are quantum fuctuatons, which arise if the specifc observable does not commute with the Hamiltonian of the system under consideraton. 90 Commute Коммутувати These in turn provide a measure of the heat capacity of the system. 91 Heat capacity Теплоємність To a good approximaton the system produced in a high energy heavy ion collision can be considered to be close to thermal equilibrium. 92 Equilibrium Рівновага The grand canonical partton functon is given by expression 1. 93 Partton functon Статистична сума This has been done in using virial expansion. 94 Expansion Розклад у ряд The point is to prove the universality of the infrared divergences, namely, the independence of processes the same hadron partcipates in. 95 Divergence Розбіжність The topology of the vacuum manifold associated to this symmetry breaking 96 Manifold Многовид The curvature is a quantty describing how the geometry of a space difers locally from the one of the fat space. 97 Curvature Кривизна Could there be dust in the distant universe making distant supernovae appear dimmer? 98 Dust Пил 99 Dimmer Тьмяний А sphaleron is a saddle point of the electroweak potental. 100 Saddle point Сідлова точка This drives an expanding and fast-moving shock wave. 101 Shock wave Ударна хвиля 1. 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