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GCSE English Language Exam Paper: Creative Reading & Writing

AQA Style
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Paper 1 - Explorations in creative reading and writing
Time allowed: 1 hour 45 minutes
(80 Marks)
For this paper you must have Source A – ‘The First Men in the Moon’ extract.
Instructions and Information
• Answer all questions.
• Answer the questions in the spaces provided and do all rough work in this book.
• Do not use a dictionary.
• The marks for each question are shown in brackets.
• The maximum mark for the entire paper is 80.
• Section A is marked out of 40 and Section B is marked out of 40.
• You must make your work as neat and clear as possible and consider the need for good English.
• Section A assesses reading.
• Section B assesses writing.
• You should spend about 15 minutes reading through the Source and all five of the questions you have
to answer.
• You should make sure you leave time to check your answers.
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Section A: Reading
Answer all questions in this section.
Suggested Time: This section should take about 45 minutes.
Questions 1-4 relate to Source A - ‘The First Men in the Moon’ extract.
Read the source again from lines 1 to 8.
List four things we learn about the creature from this part of the text.
[4 marks]
1. 2. 3. 4. Page 2 of 14
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Look in detail at this extract:
He was a blank, black figure to us, but instinctively our imaginations supplied features to
his very human outline. I, at least, took it instantly that he was somewhat hunchbacked,
with a high forehead and long features.
He came forward three steps and paused for a time. His movements seemed absolutely
noiseless. Then he came forward again. He walked like a bird, his feet fell one in front of
the other. He stepped out of the ray of light that came through the doorway, and it seemed
as though he vanished altogether in the shadow.
For a moment my eyes sought him in the wrong place, and then I perceived him standing
facing us both in the full light. Only the human features I had attributed to him were not
there at all!
Of course I ought to have expected that, only I didn’t. It came to me as an absolute, for a
moment an overwhelming, shock. It seemed as though it wasn’t a face, as though it must
needs be a mask, a horror, a deformity, that would presently be disavowed or explained.
There was no nose, and the thing had dull bulging eyes at the side – in the silhouette I
had supposed they were ears. There were no ears … I have tried to draw one of these heads,
but I cannot. There was a mouth, downwardly curved, like a human mouth in a face that
stares ferociously…
How does the writer use language to create a sense of the narrator’s confusion and shock in
this section of the story?
You could include the writer’s choice of:
• words and phrases;
• language features and techniques;
• sentence forms.
[8 marks]
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Answer the following question using the whole source.
This text comes from a key point in the novel.
How has the writer structured the text to interest you as a reader?
You could write about:
• what the writer focusses your attention on at the beginning;
• how and why the writer changes this focus as the source develops;
• any other structural features that interest you.
[8 marks]
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For this question, look at the whole text.
After reading this section of the text, a student said: ‘The passage is very effectively written
in first person. The narrator’s description is very real and fills the reader with horror.’
To what extent do you agree?
In your response, you could:
• write about your own response to the description of the creature;
• evaluate how the writer has used first person narration in the extract;
• support your opinions with references to the text.
[20 marks]
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Section B: Writing
Answer one part of question 5 only.
Suggested Time: This section should take about 45 minutes.
Write in full sentences and plan your work carefully.
You are going to write a creative piece for a teen Science Fiction magazine.
Write a description suggested by the picture below:
Write the opening to a story about someone crash landing on a distant planet.
(24 marks for content and organisation
16 marks for technical accuracy)
[40 marks]
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