Auditing and Assurance OBJECTIVES Describe assurance services and distinguish audit services from other assurance and non-assurance services provided by the CPA. Discuss the demand for financial statement audit Explain the framework of Philippine standards on auditing Describe the primary types of audit and related services Discuss the framework of assurance engagements Types of Auditors AUDITING A systematic process of objectively obtaining and evaluating evidence regarding selected assertions about economic action and events to ascertain the degree of correspondence between those assertion and established criteria and communicating the results to interested users. ASSURANCE Are designed to enhance the degree of confidence of the intended users other than the responsible party about the outcome of the evaluation or measurement of a subject matter against criteria. ASSURANCE SERVICES(ENGAGEMENT) AUDIT OTHERS REVIEW RELATED SERVICES (Non – Assurance) Agreed Upon Procedure Compilation of FS Management Consulting Preparation of tax returns & tax consulting Other advisory Services Related Services(Non -Assurance) ASSURANCE AUDIT •Financial statement audit •Audits of Internal Control over Financial Reporting OTHERS •Examination of Prospective financial information(PSAE 3400) •CPA Performance Review •CPA Risk Advisory REVIEW •Agreed –upon Procedures •Compilation of financial Statements •Review of Financial Statements •Review of Interim Information •Preparation of tax Returns & Tax Consulting •Management Consulting •Other Advisory Services COMPARISON Nature of Service Comparative level of assurance provided by auditor Report Provided AUDIT High but not absolute assurance Positive assurance on assertion REVIEW Moderate Negative Assurance on Assertions AGREED UPON PROCEDURE COMPILATION None None Factual Findings Procedures Identificatio n of information complied Demand for Audit & Assurance Services There is a potential conflict of interest between those who prepare information & those who use information. This potential conflict can result to biased information Information can have substantial economic consequences for a decision maker. Expertise is often required for preparing & verifying information Users of information frequently are prevented from directly assessing the quality of information. TWO TYPES OF ASSURANCE ENGAGEMENT TYPE Reasonable Assurance (audit) Limited Assurance (review) OBJECTIVE Reduction in assurance engagement risk to acceptably low level in the circumstances of the engagement. Reduction in assurance engagement risk to level that acceptable in the circumstances of the engagement, but where that risk is greater that for a reasonable assurance engagement, as the basis for a practitioner conclusion EVIDENCE GATHERRING PROCEDURE •Obtain an understanding of the engagement circumstances; • Assess risks •Respond to assessed risks •Perform further procedures Obtain an understanding of the subject matter and other engagement circumstances(proce dure are deliberately limiter) CONCLUSION Positive form of expression of the practitioner’s conclusion Negative form of expression of the practitioner’s conclusion Elements of Assurance Engagement A three party relationship A subject matter Criteria Evidence Assurance Report Elements of Assurance Engagement A three party relationship Assurance Engagement involves three separate parties An independent and competent professional accountant who adhere the fundamental principle required by Code of ethics The party responsible for the subject matter of assurance engagement. The intended users to whom the professional accountant usually addresses the reports. Elements of Assurance Engagement Subject Matter The subject matter of an assurance engagement may take in many forms such as: • Data (for example, financial and non-financial information) • Systems and processes (for example, internal controls) • Behavior (For example, entity’s compliance with laws and regulations) • Physical characteristics ( for example, capacity of plant facility) Elements of Assurance Engagement Evidence • The practitioner should plan and perform the engagement to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence to determine whether the assertions are free from material misstatements. Elements of Assurance Engagement Suitable Criteria Criteria are the benchmarks used to evaluate or measure the subject matter including where relevant, benchmarks for presentation and disclosure. They need to available to intended user to allow them to understand how the subject matter has been evaluated or measured. *Characteristics of Suitable Criteria* Relevance: Completeness Reliability Neutrality Understandability 2/25/2021 Elements of Assurance Engagement Assurance Reports The professional accountant expresses a conclusion that provides a level of assurance as to whether the subject matter conforms in all material respects with identifiable suitable criteria. The professional accountant’s conclusion provides either high or moderate level of assurance about the subject matter. KEY NOTES PSA 120 – Framework of Philippine standards on auditing PSRE 2400 – Engagement to Review Financial Statements PSAE 3000(REV.) Assurance engagements other than audits or Reviews of historical fS THANK YOU