Uploaded by Kate Mishanec

Proteins, Genes, & Chromosomes Worksheet

Name: __________________________
Date: ______________
Proteins, Genes, & Chromosomes: Section 7 Questions
1. How many chromosomes do humans have?
a. 23
b. 46
c. 90
d. 62
2. Nearly every chromosome has another chromosome that is the same
3. Each chromosome in a ______ contains the ______ genes, so you have ____
copies of almost every gene in your body.
4. Can an individual have to different alleles for one gene?
a. Yes
b. No
5. Every person has _____ copies of each chromosome in their body and each
chromosome contains the same ______. The ______ pair of chromosomes
determines a person’s sex. Males’ chromosomes are _____ and females’
chromosomes are _______.
6. Draw the chromosome for both male and female. (Please label each pair)