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Accepting Informal Invitations: Letter Writing Guide

Accept an Informal Invitation to a Social Event
{Letter-Writing Guide}
Responses to informal invitations should be brief, but should also convey a sense of warmth
and enthusiasm. Repeat the important details of the event in order to avoid confusion and
misunderstanding later.
1. Graciously announce that you accept the invitation with pleasure and then confirm the
date, time, and location of the event.
How wonderful of you to invite John and me to dinner at your house on Saturday.
We will be there at six o'clock sharp.
I was very pleased to receive your invitation. I will be thrilled to come to Jane's
bridal shower on Monday evening at five o'clock.
We are pleased to tell you that we will be able to meet you for lunch at the
Springfield Inn on Sunday. We will see you at noon.
I am happy to say that I am free on Tuesday evening at seven o'clock to eat a light
dinner and attend the theater with you.
Nothing would give me more pleasure than to attend your piano recital on Thursday,
March 15. It begins at four o'clock in the afternoon, so I wonder if I might take you to
dinner afterwards.
Thank you for the invitation. We accept and will meet you at the club at one o'clock.
Mr. Doe and I will be happy to accept your kind invitation to your dinner party at
seven o'clock on Friday the nineteenth.
It was very thoughtful of you to invite us to your home for refreshments.
Thank you so much for thinking of our family. We accept your invitation to visit your
home in Springfield this coming weekend.
I was very pleased to receive your phone invitation to go to the opera Friday
evening. I accept and will meet you at eight o'clock.
I will be very happy to join you for breakfast at the Springfield Club to discuss the
itinerary for our meeting on Tuesday.
My wife and I will be more than happy to attend your 50th wedding anniversary
dinner on Wednesday, August 13.
Your invitation is most welcome, and I will be happy to attend the wedding breakfast
on February 15, at ten o'clock at the Springfield Reception Hall.
am happy to accept
am delighted to accept
am looking forward to
am happy to say that I am free on
are pleased to accept
for remembering us
for inviting us to
for thinking of our family
for the invitation to
how kind of you to invite
how thoughtful of you to invite
nothing would give me more pleasure than
thank you for
thank you so much for
thoughtful of you to invite us
to receive an invitation to
to join you for
to meet you for
touched by your kindness
was very pleased to receive
was delighted to receive
what a delightful surprise to
will be thrilled to come to
will be happy to attend
will be very happy to join you for
will be able to
will meet you at
will be more than happy to
will be happy to accept
would very much like to
your invitation to
your kind invitation to
2. Express your anticipation of an enjoyable time.
We always enjoy the time we spend with you and John.
I am eager to become better acquainted.
We look forward to spending time with you and your family.
I look forward to meeting with you again.
It will be a pleasure to finally meet your family.
We eagerly anticipate celebrating the occasion with you.
I must say that I am looking forward to meeting you and your colleagues.
It has been a long time since we have spent time together. We are very excited to
see you.
It sounds like fun!
We appreciate this last opportunity to visit with you before we move next week.
It will be a new experience for me, and I am looking forward to it.
always enjoy the time we spend with you
am sure we will enjoy the
am eager to
am looking forward to
anticipate a delightful
appreciate this opportunity to
are such good friends
are very excited about
celebrating this joyous occasion
has been a long time since
have a lot to talk about
look forward to
sounds like fun
to meeting your
to seeing you again
to spending time with you
to become better acquainted with
will be a new experience for
will be a pleasure to
will be good to
What should you write when you accept or decline a written invitation? The phrases you use
depend on the formality of the invitation.
Sample phrases to use in an informal invitation
“Please come to our party on…”
“Would you like to come to dinner on…””
“Can you make a meeting at 3pm…”
To accept an invitation to an informal party / dinner, you can write:
“Thanks for your invitation / invite. I’d love to come.”
“Thank you for inviting me to dinner. I’m looking forward to it very much.”
(For a meeting)
“I’m able / free to come to / attend / make the meeting at…”
To decline these invitations, you can write:
“Thank you for your invitation, but I’m sorry I can’t come.”
“I’m sorry, but I’m not going to be able to make it on…”
Writing invitations samples
“We would be delighted if you could attend the opening ceremony of…”
“Mr and Mrs Jones request the pleasure of (name’s) company to celebrate the wedding
of their daughter Rebecca.”
To accept a formal invitation:
“Thank you for your invitation to the opening ceremony. I would be delighted to
Thank you for your invitation to Rebecca’s wedding. I would be delighted to attend.”
To decline a formal invitation
“Thank you for your invitation. However, I regret that I will be unable to attend.”
“Thank you for your invitation to…. Unfortunately, due to a prior commitment, I will not
be able to attend.
Writing tip
If you are declining a formal invitation, it’s customary to say why you can’t attend with
a phrase such as “Due to a prior commitment, I will not be able to attend…”
With formal invitations (but not wedding invitations) you can also end your letter / email
with a phrase such as “Wishing you every success with the (name of event).”
6 English Phrases for Apologizing
1. Oops, Sorry. / Sorry About That.
Say these phrases for very small accidents and mistakes, like when you step on
someone’s foot.
2. I’m Sorry For… / I’m Sorry That… / I Apologize For…
Say these phrases to apologize for specific bad things you did. The last one is more
Ex: “I’m sorry that I yelled at you last night.”
3. It Was My Fault.
Say this phrase to accept your responsibility for the mistake.
4. I’m So Sorry. / I’m Really Sorry.
These phrases express stronger regret for a more serious mistake.
5. I Should Have… / I Shouldn’t Have…
Use these phrases to say what you wish you had done differently in the past.
Ex: “I’m sorry – I should have called and told you I’d be late.”
6. We Deeply Regret / Please Accept Our Apologies
These phrases are more formal, and are typically used in business letters.
Ex: “Please accept our apologies for the delay in delivering your order.”