Uploaded by Dave Mohammed

Program Design Worksheet: Sequence Structures

Deliverables : Pseudocodes and flowcharts
1. Design a program that tells the user the fuel consumption of their car given the
amount of gas used and the distance travelled.
2. Given the heights of 4 buildings, display their average height
3. Design a program that does currency conversion for the user. It should convert from
$US to $JA at the rate of J$87.50 to US$1.00
4. Design a program to calculate your lunch money for the school week (5 days). The
rule is that for each day you get $15 times your age.
5. Design a program to determine the takings for a theatre for one evening’s staging of
a play. There are 2 types of seats.
House – rate : $800 for adults and $500 for children.
Balcony – rate :$1200 for adults and $700 for children
Get whatever data you deem necessary and calculate and display the box office
6. A student does 4 assignments and one test for the term. The assignments are worth
60% and the test is worth 40% of the final term grade. Design a program to read the
marks and display the average.
7. Design a program to greet a user by name and say glad to meet you
8. Design a program to ask the user for the day of the week and redisplay it along with
a cute message(same message for each day)