Course Project: Control of HVDC converters School of Electrical and Information Engineering Table of Contents 1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1 2. HVDC Control Overview ............................................................................................................. 2 3. Control Principles for HVDC Converters ..................................................................................... 3 4. 5 3.1 Alpha minimum characteristics at the rectifier ................................................................... 4 3.2 Constant current characteristics at the rectifier .................................................................. 4 3.3 Constant extinction angle (minimum γ) characteristics ....................................................... 5 3.4 Alpha minimum characteristics at the inverter ................................................................... 5 3.5 Current margin characteristics ........................................................................................... 5 HVDC Converter Control System Implementation ...................................................................... 7 4.1 Voltage Dependent Current Order Limiter (VDCOL) ............................................................ 7 4.2 Current Control Amplifier ................................................................................................... 8 4.3 Converter Firing Control ..................................................................................................... 8 4.4 Converter Firing Control Modes of Operation ..................................................................... 8 4.5 Rectifier alpha limiter (RAML) ............................................................................................ 9 4.6 Voltage controller .............................................................................................................. 9 4.7 Gamma0 controller ............................................................................................................ 9 Recovery from AC and DC Faults ................................................................................................ 9 5.1 Commutation failure ........................................................................................................ 10 5.2 DC system faults............................................................................................................... 10 5.3 AC system faults............................................................................................................... 10 5.3.1 Rectifier side AC system faults .................................................................................. 10 5.3.2 Inverter side AC system faults................................................................................... 11 5. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 11 6. References............................................................................................................................... 12 Appendix A ...................................................................................................................................... 13 1. Introduction Early transmission systems were developed with direct current. However, the availability of transformers in the 20th century together with the advances in induction motor technologies led to the utilization of alternating current (AC) transmission systems over direct current (DC) transmission systems [1][2]. The increase in size and complexity of AC transmission system also lead to the increase in issues associated with AC bulk power transmission such as reactive power support, and system stability. Due to the fast development of converters, over the years High voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission has become more practical and favourable when long distances are to be covered or when power has be to deliver over long distances using cable networks. Additionally HVDC transmission is distinguished by a number of advantages such as lower overall cost, easier integration with renewable energy sources and most importantly higher transmission stability and power quality [3]. Moreover, they can also solve a lot of problems that are associated with AC transmission such as voltage stability of the AC power network, reduction of fault currents and optimal management of electric power. An HVDC transmission power system is characterized by the conversion of power that takes place at its sending and receiving end. The conversion from AC occurs at the sending end or rectifier station and the conversion of DC back to AC occurs at the receiving end or inverter station. Early HVDC schemes utilized mercury arc valves and in the 1960s control electrodes were developed and integrated into silicon diodes thus giving rise to silicon controlled rectifiers (SRCs) or thyristors. As such HVDC converters that were implemented using SCRs were categorized as line-commutated converters (LCC). In addition, due to advances in power electronics in 1997 the first voltage source converter (VSC) was installed and it used transistor based technology usually insulated-gate-bipolar (IGBT) instead of SCRs [3]. The main advantage of an HVDC transmission system is the rapid controllability of the power that is transmitted between the rectifier converter terminal or sending end and the inverter converter terminal or receiving end through the control of firing angles of the both converters [1] [4]. This built in ability to control the transmitted power can be used to stabilize the AC network, to control the frequency of the receiving network and the frequency of the generator connected to the HVDC transmission rectifier. Also, the reactive power the HVDC converter uses is dependent on the values of the control angles therefore the reactive power between the converter and AC network controlled while stabilizing the AC voltage. Present-day converter controls are not only fast but also very dependable and they can be employed in protection against line and converter faults. From time to time HVDC converters have to respond in an appropriate manner to normal conditions as well as to disturbances such as faults on the DC side, faults on the AC side and well as power system oscillations . Consequently this report looks at different control techniques for HVDC converters. 2. HVDC Control Overview The figure shows an illustration of an HVDC link. Figure 1: Illustration of an HVDC link [5] The DC current, Id shown in Figure 1 is represents the current that flows from the rectifier to the inverter and can be expressed using the equation below [5]. Id = Vd0r cos α−Vd0i cos γ RL +Rcr+Rci (1) Where Vd0r and Vd0i represent the no load DC voltage in the rectifier and the inverter respectively. The equivalent resistances at the rectifier and inverter are represented by R cr and Rci respectively while RL is the line resistance. The control of the DC current or active power is achieved through the control of the voltages Vd0rcosα and Vd0icos γ. This is done by either adjusting the rectifier valve firing angle α or inverter extinction angle γ [5]. The general configuration used in HVDC converters is a 12 pulse bridge converter. This configuration employs two six pulse converter bridges that are connected in series with a single valve bridge being provided [4] [5]. In HVDC transmission systems the control of power can be achieved in two ways which are through the control of current or control of the voltage. Also, it is important to maintain the voltage in the DC link constant and only adjust the current to in order limit the power losses. Under normal conditions the rectifier station is responsible for current control while the inverter is used to control the DC voltage [1][3]. Figure 2 shows the HVDC control overview. Figure 2: HVDC control schematic [7] The power order (Porder) in Figure 2 is given by the operator. From the power controller, the current order (Iorder) is derived and sent to the voltage dependent current limiter (VDCOL), thereafter the output is sent to the current control amplifier (CCA). The output of the CCA, the alpha order is sent to the converter firing control (CFC) which determines the firing instant of the valves [7]. Under steady state and transient operation, rapid and flexible power control between the converter terminals is required in order to stabilize the AC system. Also, fast protection against AC and DC system faults is required to help with following (i) Minimize overvoltages across the valves (ii) Reduce short circuit current through the valve and lines (iii) Minimize reactive power usage and (iv) Prevent repetitive commutation failure. 3. Control Principles for HVDC Converters The most important control techniques for HVDC converters are the constant extinction angle (CEA) control and constant current (CC) control [6] [8]. Under normal conditions the rectifier operates under constant current control while the inverter operates at constant extinction angle control. When the AC voltage at the rectifier is reduced, the current control must be shifted to the inverter in order to prevent the rundown of the DC link. As a result the current controller must also be provided at the inverter in addition to the CEA so that smooth transition from CEA to CC or vice versa can occur effortlessly when the DC link current is reduced. Additionally, to prevent a clash between the two current controllers, the reference current at the inverter is kept below that of the rectifier by a value called the current margin. The control characteristics of both rectifier and inverter stations are shown in the figure below. Figure 3: Combined rectifier and inverter Vd-Id control characteristics [10] The intersection point of the two characteristics curves at point A represents the mode of operation of the sending end station functioning as a rectifier at constant current control and receiving end station operating as an inverter with constant extinction angle control (minimum γ). In a DC link there are three modes of operation for same direction of power flow. This is dependent on the voltage limit at the rectifier which determines the point of intersection of the two characteristics curves. The aforementioned operational modes are discussed in the following page. Mode 1 - Point A is the normal mode of operation with constant current control at the rectifier and CEA control at the inverter. Mode 2 - When there is a slight decrease in the AC voltage, the point of intersection moves to point B which implies minimum alpha (α) at the rectifier and minimum γ at the inverter. Mode 3- When there is a lower AC voltage at the rectifier the mode of operation shifts to point C which implies constant current control at the inverter and minimum α at the rectifier. Table 1 shows a summary of the operating characteristics of the Vd/Id characteristics curve in Figure 3. Rectifier ab bc cd Inverter fg gh hj A,B and C Type minimum α constant current minimum γ Operating point Table 1: Operating characteristics 3.1 Alpha minimum characteristics at the rectifier This characteristics is determined by the shown below Vdc = VdiO ∙ cos α − (dxN + drN ) ∙ VdioN IdcN ∙ Idc (2) The above equation is used to determine the DC voltage across the rectifier. Practically a minimum alpha limit of 5 degrees is assumed in order to ensure that there is sufficient positive voltage across the valve before firing. Also the transformer reactance (d xN+diN)۰VdiO/IdcN is always kept constant. Thus increasing the DC current reduces the DC voltage and results in the negative slope, line ab in Figure 3 is determined by the transformer reactance and DC current. Additionally, once αMIN is reached it is not possible to further increase the rectifier voltage as such the rectifier will operate in constant ignition (CIA) angle control [7]. 3.2 Constant current characteristics at the rectifier This part of the curve can also be explained using Equation 1. Operating with constant current and variable α results in the vertical line bc in Vd-Id diagram. This is the normal mode of operation for the rectifier where the DC current is controlled by varying α to meet the voltage on the DC side. Also the current order is subjected minimum and maximum limits. With the former used to avoid issues at low DC current and the latter determined by the overload capability [5] [7]. 3.3 Constant extinction angle (minimum γ) characteristics The inverter is normally operated at alpha max or CEA control in order to have a certain extinction angle to commutate the valves without fail. Under normal operation, the inverter operates at γ = 17 degrees at 50 Hz. The assumption of gamma (γ) as constant and the DC current as variable gives the negative slope characteristics. This slope is even steeper when the HVDC system is connected to weaker AC system. The voltage at the inverter is expressed using the equation below. Vdc = VdiO ∙ cos γ − (dxN − drN ) ∙ VdioN IdcN ∙ Idc (3) 3.4 Alpha minimum characteristics at the inverter This segment of the (line fg) curve exists when there is power reversal in the system. Due to the unidirectional nature of the converter valve, power reversal in an HVDC system cannot be obtained by simply changing the direction of the current flow. It can only be obtained by reversing the polarity of the DC voltage. This is done by increasing the current order of the inverter to a value higher than that of the rectifier. This means that the inverter is now operating as a rectifier and the rectifier as an inverter. Thus, it is very important to provide both the CEA and CC controllers at both converter terminals [1]. In an effort to ensure that the inverter does not operate in the rectifier region in the event of a fault, an alpha minimum limit of approximately 110 degrees is imposed in the inverter. Furthermore, it is necessary for the inverter to have a minimum counter voltage to commence current flow after fault clearance. 3.5 Current margin characteristics The two converter stations are provided with equal current orders but a current margin order ΔI is subtracted in the inverter. Normally the current margin order ΔI is a value that is approximately 1015% of the rated current [9] [5]. The current margin order is chosen such that it is large enough that the rectifier and inverter constant current modes do not cross as a result of errors in measurements. In HVDC systems this control technique is called the current margin control method. The main advantage of this control strategy becomes more distinct when there is sudden voltage drop at the rectifier AC bus. The operating shifts from point B to point Y as shown in Figure 4 below. Figure 4: Vd-Id characteristics at a reduced voltage As a result the transmitted current will be decreased to 0.9pu of it previous value and the rectifier will take over the voltage control responsibility. Nevertheless the power transmitted is largely maintained at approximately 90% of its original value [4]. To solve this problem and also improve the system behaviour during disturbances the control strategy employs the following modifications, voltage dependent current limit (VDCOL) and constant beta control. At the rectifier converter terminal the control strategy employs voltage dependent current limiter. This improvement is done to limit the DC current as a function of either DC voltage or AC voltage. Also this improvement helps the DC link to recover quickly from faults. Figure 5 shows the VDCOL characteristics. (a) (b) Figure 5: (a) Steady-state V-I characteristic with VDCOL, minimum current limiter and firing angle limits [10] (b) Modifications As part of the modifications the rectifier is also provided with DC current (ID) minimum limit which is typically in the range 02-0.3 pu. This modification is done to ensure a minimum DC current to avoid the likelihood of DC current extinction caused by the valve current dropping below the hold-on current of the silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs). This phenomenon described above can occur transiently because of the presence of harmonics on the low value of the DC current [4]. Moreover, the resultant current chopping would cause overvoltages to appear on the valves. Furthermore the size of the smoothing reactor has a significant impact of the magnitude of I D-min. On the other hand when the inverter operates into a weak AC system, the slope of the CEA control mode will be even steeper thus causing many crossover points with the rectifier characteristics. To avoid the likelihood of this from happening, the inverter CEA characteristic is improved into a constant beta characteristics or constant voltage characteristic within the current error region. Instead of using CEA to regulate γ to a constant value, a closed-loop control voltage control may be used to maintain a fixed or constant voltage at a preferred point in the DC line, usually at the sending end. Compared to the CEA control, the constant voltage control has a flat inverter Vd-Id characteristic (Figure 5b) and is less prone to commutation failures [11]. On the other hand constant beta method is similar to the alpha max control which is discussed in section 3.3. 4. HVDC Converter Control System Implementation Both the rectifier and the inverter are provided with equal control functions with a slight difference in individually parameter settings [9]. In HVDC systems, the current order is sent to the converter firing control system. Thereafter the converter firing control system sends out firing pulses that will enable the system to maintain the ordered current. Furthermore, the settings of voltage dependent current order limiter and current control amplifier are used to determine the dynamics of the HVDC transmission system. The control system block diagrams for each control function are shown in Appendix A. 4.1 Voltage Dependent Current Order Limiter (VDCOL) The main purpose of VDCOL control is to decrease the current when the DC voltage is reduced due to faults in the AC or DC system on the rectifier or the inverter [8]. This is done to prevent the high consumption of reactive power and valve voltage stress. The figure below shows the VDCOL characteristics with voltage limits. Figure 6: Static characteristics of VDCOL [9] The breakpoints UDLOW, UDHIGH and UdN vary depending on the application and strength of the AC system. Furthermore it is advisable to place UDHIGH at close proximity to U dN when the AC system on the receiving end is very weak. However under normal operating conditions the value of UDHIGH range from 50-70% of the rated voltage [9]. An asymmetrical low pass filter is used to filter the DC voltage response before it is used to control the maximum limitation of the current order. The filter has different time constants that are dependent on whether the U D input increases or decreases at one of the converter terminals. The time constant of the inverter should be higher than that of the rectifier in order to maintain the current margin. Moreover, the difference between the time constants of two converters has a significant impact on the restart time after a disturbance. Also the time constant for reducing the value of UD is low, typically in the region of 10ms or less. This helps to rapidly force the current order to a low value in the event of a disturbance. 4.2 Current Control Amplifier Both the rectifier and inverter are equipped with a current control amplifier (CCA). However, there may be a variation in the parameter settings for each converter terminal. The main purpose of the CCA is to provide the current control loop with proper dynamics. The current control loop is required to ensure the following (i) Fast response (ii) Zero current error at steady state and (iii) stable current control. A comparison between the measured DC voltage and the current order from VDCOL is made, thereafter the output signal which is the firing angle order is sent to the firing control. Furthermore, CCA consists of a proportional and integral part. The integral part provides a high gain for low frequencies. This means that the current error in steady state is zero [5]. 4.3 Converter Firing Control Firing control is used to convert the ordered firing angle α from the CCA into firing pulses. The firing pulses are then transferred to the converter valves of corresponding phase and within a correct interval. In addition, the converter firing angles vary between α=αMIN and α=αMAX with the minimum extinction angle γ limit used to determine the latter. Moreover, changes to firing angle are dependent on the mode of operation. The most important function of the firing control is to ensure that the firing instant occurs within the designed time limitations for SRCs. There are two basic techniques used for generating and synchronising converter firing pulses. These are Individual Phase Control (IPC) and Equidistant Firing Control (EFC). In the IPC method, the firing instants for each valve are produced individually depending on the zero crossing of the commutation voltage so that a constant delay angle is sustained across all valves [11]. On the other hand the EFC overcomes some of the shortfalls present in the IPC by using the phase lock oscillator technique. Equivalent time intervals are maintained between consecutive firing pulses during fault conditions and under steady state. The phase locked and phase limited oscillator is indirectly synchronised to the AC system to offer a stable operation even if the system experiences a disturbance. 4.4 Converter Firing Control Modes of Operation As discussed in section 3.1.5, the current order in the inverter is lower than the one received by the rectifier by a factor called the current margin. Hence the current in the rectifier is higher than the current delivered in the inverter. As a consequence the inverter attempts to counter this response by increasing the firing angle. If the rectifier manages to drive the ordered current through the inverter, α will reach its maximum value. For this reason the converter firing control (CFC) will operate in the extinction angle control mode. Likewise, if the voltage at the rectifier is insufficient due to a low AC voltage, the inverter will take over the current control because the current in the inverter will be higher than that of the rectifier. So to deliver the ordered current, the value of alpha α has to be reduced thus leading to the CFC to operate in the minimum alpha α mode of operation which is obtained from the CCA output. The CFC is thus able to operate in any of the following modes that are determined by the CCA (i) Minimum alpha mode or CIA (ii) Constant DC current (iii) minimum extinction angle control and (iv) Constant DC voltage. 4.5 Rectifier alpha limiter (RAML) When a short circuit fault occurs in the AC network connected to the rectifier, the firing angle α gets reduced to the smallest acceptable value αmin. When the fault is cleared and the AC voltage is still being restored, the DC current will be high since the firing angle is at α min. To prevent this from happening, a rectifier alpha minimum limiter controller is employed (RAML) [12]. The RAML controller is activated when the AC voltage drops below a predefined value and increases the firing angle to a predefined value. Moreover this control function forces the inverter into current control mode during a short circuit fault at the rectifier end. 4.6 Voltage controller This controller is used during reduced voltage operating conditions. However, it can also be employed during normal operation. This controller uses a proportional integral (PI) regulator that responds based on the minimum and maximum limits of the current controller. In rectifier operation it increases the minimum alpha limit and in inverter operation it decreases the maximum alpha limit of the CCA. At reduced voltage operations, the reference voltage is set lower than the operating voltage thus leading to the controller to reduce the DC voltage. Also the reference DC voltage is set to slightly higher in the rectifier in order to maintain the voltage control in the inverter. 4.7 Gamma0 controller If the inverter is operational while the rectifier is blocked, the current controller will force the inverter extinction angle γ 110 degrees. Consequently the direct voltage will increase rapidly to a reversed polarity. To prevent this phenomenon, a gamma0 controller is used. This controller gets activated when the direct voltage is lower than 0.6Vdref after a certain time delay and the firing angle is set to the maximum value αMAX 110 degrees. This function resets after the voltage is restored to it its nominal value. 5 Recovery from AC and DC Faults Faults on the DC line, converter and AC system have a significant impact on the operation of HVDC transmission system. The effect of the faults is reflected through the action of the converter controls. Converter controls play an important role in the suitable response of HVDC systems to faults on the DC as well as the AC systems [11]. 5.1 Commutation failure Commutation failure occurs when a converter valve that is meant to turn off continues to conduct thus leading the current not to be transferred to the next valve in the firing sequence [12]. It mostly caused by a sudden increase in the DC current and decrease in commutation voltage. Additionally, its occurrence results in the temporary interruption of the transmitted power. While it is unavoidable at first, it is however possible to prevent subsequent commutation failures during a fault at the inverter AC network by advancing the firing angle in order to increase the commutation margin. There are two control methods that are used to prevent subsequent commutation failures caused by balanced and unbalanced faults. In unbalanced faults the fault is detected by a zero sequence voltage detection and then it is compare with a predefined fault level. If the measured zero sequence voltage is lower than the predefined value, the control strategy advances the firing angle and maintains it for the duration of the fault. Since balanced faults don’t give zero sequence, the fault voltage is compare directly with the predefined value. If the difference between the two is higher than a predefined value, the firing angle will be decreased. 5.2 DC system faults Mostly DC line faults are pole to ground faults. The HVDC converter control system plays an important role in clearing DC fault. As soon as a DC fault is detected in the system, the forced retard function is activated. This basically means that the rectifier is operated at a high alpha i.e. the rectifier is driven to inversion while the inverter is also kept at an inversion state and this will send the energy back to the ac system thus making the current zero current at DC system. During this process the current is reduced to zero rapidly in approximately 10ms. To setup terminal voltages of correct polarity for fault clearing, angle β is set to a maximum limit of about 90 degrees and the rectifier firing angle α is given 140 degrees limit. 5.3 AC system faults When there is transient disturbances in the AC system, the DC system usually responds very much faster compared to the AC system. Generally the DC system responds by either riding through the disturbance with temporary reduction in power or shutting down completely until the AC system recovers adequately to allow for resumption and restoration of power. Further, recovery from AC system faults and commutation failure are regarded as important features for DC system operation. 5.3.1 Rectifier side AC system faults Distant three phase faults cause the rectifier commutation voltage to decrease a little. This results in the decrease of the rectifier DC voltage and hence the current. The employed current regulator responds by decreasing α thus restoring the current by increasing the voltage. If the value of α reaches the αmin limit, the rectifier shifts to constant ignition angle (CIA) mode of operation and this transfers current control to the inverter [11]. If the low voltage continues, the tap changers will operate to restore the DC voltage and current to normal. Subject to how low the voltage decreases, the VDCOL may control the current and power transfer. Furthermore as opposed to distant three phase faults, local three phase faults cause the rectifier commutation voltage to drop significantly. As a response, the DC system shuts down under VDCOL control whilst awaiting for the fault to be cleared. 5.3.2 Inverter side AC system faults Slight voltage dips at the inverter due to distant three phase faults result in the increase of the DC current. This causes the rectifier CC and the inverter CEA controls to respond the changes. If the low AC voltage continues tap changes will come about to restore the converter firing and DC voltage. Additionally, if the voltage drop is substantial a reduction in the commutation voltages may occur and lead to temporary commutation failure at the inverter. With the inverter operating at γ of 17 degrees, a voltage reduction by 10-15% will likely cause a commutation failure [11] [12]. Normally it takes about 1 or 2 cycles to clear the fault. Subsequent to this some power may be transmitted with the rectifier DC voltage reduced to equal the decrease in the inverter DC voltage thus resulting in the increase of the reactive power consumption. To curb the reactive power consumption problem, the DC current is reduced by VDCOL controller provided at the DC system. At extremely low voltage conditions, recurring commutation failures are unavoidable as such it may be required to block and bypass the valves until the AC voltage recovers. 5. Conclusion The control of the DC current or active power in an HVDC system is done by either controlling the rectifier valve firing angle or the inverter extinction angle. This report reviews and discusses the traditional control system functions for HVDC converters. These include current control amplifiers, voltage dependent current order limiter and the firing control. From the literature review conducted for this study it was discovered that the most important control methods for HVDC converter are the constant current control at the rectifier and constant extinction angle control at the inverter. However, it is possible that there is a power reversal in the system, as such both the rectifier and inverter are provided with current control. The DC voltage and DC current characteristics of the HVDC system revealed that there are three different modes of operation in an HVDC system and they are mainly influenced by the magnitude of the voltage. Furthermore, the current margin is essential in preventing the misfiring of SCRs and ensuring that the inverter and rectifier current controllers do not become active at the same time. Even though commutation failure is unavoidable, it is possible to prevent subsequent commutation failures by increasing the commutation margin. Moreover, VDCOL plays a significant role in system recovery from disturbances or faults and commutations failures. 6. References [1] P. Sridhar, Lecture notes on HVDC transmission. Hyderabad: Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, 2019, pp. 1-20. [2] M. Bahrman and B. Johnson, "The ABCs of HVDC transmission technologies", IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 32-44, 2007. [3] L.W. Sheng, A. Razani and N.Prabhakaran, “Control of High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) bridges for power transmission systems” In 2010 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD) ,IEEE, 2010. [4] R. Roy and M. 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