Uploaded by Catherine Tan

Guided notes

 ________________________is cell division of the ____________________cells ( sperm and egg).
 Sex cells are known as ______________________________________.
 Mitosis produces cells that are ____________________to the parent cell – same number of chromosomes.
 Meiosis produces gametes that are _______________ and have ______________ the number of chromosomes
of the original cell.
 This produces _____________________ or ________________________________in the offspring.
 ____________________________means having _________________sets of chromosomes.
 Humans have a diploid number of _____________________.
 Diploid cells are produced from ____________ and should be __________________ to the parent cell.
 Diploid Cell examples:
 Haploid means having _____________ set of chromosomes.
 Ex: Humans have a haploid number of ______________.
 Haploid cells are produced in _______________ and should be ______________________from the
parent cell.
 Haploid cells are _______ cells ( ______________ and __________________)
Once an egg is fertilized, it is known as a _________________________________________.
It is called _________ _________ when a sperm and egg cell join together.
In Prophase I (the first prophase of Meiosis) the ______________________________switch parts of themselves.
This switching is called ________________________________________________.
Crossing Over causes______________________________ ___________________________________________.
______________________________________________is the process of making sperm by way of Meiosis.
 The process results in_________________ sperm cells being made.
 _________________________________________________is the process of making egg cells by way of Meiosis.
 The process results in _______ egg cells. However, only _______________is considered useable…the
other __________________ called____________ _________________________________disintegrate.
Results in
Cells are
Occurs in