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Neuroscience Research Worksheet: Brain Studies & Experiments

Neuroscience is the study of the nervous system and the brain’s structure and function. Neuroscience research spans
from molecules, through nerve cells and pathways, all the way up to complex human behaviour. Neuroscience
combines information from physics, chemistry, and biology, with studies of anatomy, physiology, and behaviour
including human emotional and cognitive functions.
Neuroscientific research can focus on:
understanding the human brain and how it controls the body and behaviour, including the concept of
finding ways to prevent or cure neurological and psychiatric disorders
Below are 5 articles about current or groundbreaking neurological research.
Task: Choose ONE article that interests you, read it (not just skim) and then complete the following questions.
Electrical Brain Stimulation Helps People Learn Math Faster
An ultra-precise mind-controlled prosthetic
Magnets can scramble your brain’s ‘morality’ region
How a magnet turned off my speech
The Brain Hemispheres & Split Brain Experiments
1. Complete the following summary table
Neuroscience Research Article Summary Table
Title of Article
Who is the article about?
How is the research done?
What steps do they carry
out to complete their
What part of the brain was
targeted in this study?
Why is this research being
done? What is the benefit to
What was the outcome or
conclusion from this
2. What are 2 questions you would like answered after reading your article?
3. Choose one question you want answered. Propose a way that it could be answered through an experiment, or
data collection.
4. Look at these optical illusions and read the blurb that explains why the brain interprets them in different