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Generation Z

Generation theory
Generation theory explains that the era in which a person was born
affects how they view the world. Our value systems are shaped in the first
decade of our lives, by our families, friends, communities, significant events
and the general era in which we are born.
A "generation" tends to be about 20 years in length, representing
roughly the time from the birth of a group of people to the time they come
of age and start having their own children. Typically, generations are bound
by significant events in the country or region being considered. This leads
to slightly different dates in different areas.
Generation Z
Spends most of their decisive years on web.
Are used to instant satisfaction and action.
Communicates through internet and have minimal verbal or
communication skills.
Gives high regard on privacy.
Are individualistic and have unique persona.
Communicates via online communities like Facebook.
Do not believe in living based on social norms.
Their attention spans are getting shorter
Generation Z are the ultimate consumers of snack
media. They communicate in bite sizes. Research studies
suggest that their brains have evolved to process more
information at faster speeds, and are cognitively more
nimble to handle bigger mental challengers.
But getting and keeping their attention is challenging.
Generation Z knows how to self-educate and find information:
33% watch
lessons online
20% read
32% work with
The girls of generation Z are embracing STEM
(science, technology, engineering and mathematics)
“When students excel in math and science, they’re laying the groundwork
for helping America compete for the jobs and industries of the future.”
Barack Obama
Checklist for Connecting with Generation Z:
Depict them as diverse (ethnically, sexually, fashionably)
Talk in images: emojis, symbols, pictures, videos
Communicate more frequently in shorter bursts of “snackable content”
Don’t talk down…talk to them as adults, even about global topics
Assume they have opinions and are vocal, influencing family decisions
Make stuff - or help Gen Z make stuff (they’re industrious)
Tap into their entrepreneurial spirit
Be humble
Give them control and preference settings
Collaborate with them - and help them collaborate with others