THINGS TO REMEMBER Forget Me Not! 1. Detailed Lesson Plan ◦Submission to CT – Weekly ◦Submission to PT Supervisor – Monthly with CT comment/Notes ◦Will be included in your E-Portfolio before the end of the semester 2. Reflective Journal (Weekly) ◦Follow the format ◦Answer in your canvas ◦It will be included in your E-Portfolio before the end of the semester 3. Canvas Related-Matter ◦ Follow the instruction of your CT ◦ Do not upload or do anything in canvas/LMS without the knowledge or permission of your CT, like --Grades --Activity --Content --Response/Reply to students ◦ Assistant teacher (role in canvas) 4. ALWAYS… ◦Observe courtesy! Be courteous! ◦Show respect! ◦Follow the rules! Do not break it! ◦Ask permission or help… ◦Be punctual! GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU! Enjoy your Teaching Journey! Title Lorem Ipsum LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET, CONSECTETUER ADIPISCING ELIT. NUNC VIVERRA IMPERDIET ENIM. FUSCE EST. VIVAMUS A TELLUS. PELLENTESQUE HABITANT MORBI TRISTIQUE SENECTUS ET NETUS.