www.rejinpaul.com OC551 AIR POLLUTIOn AND CONTROL ENGINEERING MCQ MATERIAL om DEAPARTMENT OF ECE, CSE, MECH, CIVIL UNIT I ul .c 1. What is the residence time (average time a particle is active in a given system) of carbon monoxide? a) 11-15 years b) 0.1-0.3 years c) 0.5 years d) Few minutes Answer: b Explanation: The residence time is the average time a particle remains active in a given system. jin pa 2. Which of the following gases has the highest affinity for blood hemoglobin? a) Carbon dioxide b) Oxygen c) Carbon monoxide d) Nitrogen Answer: c Explanation: It has 200 times greater affinity for hemoglobin than oxygen. w .re 3. At what concentration can the taste and smell of sulphur dioxide be detected? a) 1000-2000ppm b) 11-30ppm c) 500-700ppm d) 0.1-0.3ppm Answer: d Explanation: Sulphur dioxide has a pungent odour which can be detected in even in very minute concentrations in the range of 0.1 – 0.3 parts per million. w 4.Which is the major source for sulphur dioxide? a) Volcanic eruptions b) Coal and crude oil combustion c) Burning of petrol d) Sewage treatment process w Answer: b Explanation: Though emission of sulphur dioxide is peak during volcanic eruptions, its major source is during combustion of crude oil and coal for heat and power generation. 5. Which is the largest source for production of nitrous oxide? a) Chemical industry b) Fertiliser industry c) Fossil fuel combustion d) Bacterial action Download updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App Answer: d www.rejinpaul.com Explanation: Denitrifiers (such as ammonia oxidising bacteria) in aerobic conditions serve as the major producer for nitrous oxide. 6. Pesticides also contribute to air pollution along with polluting underground reservoirs. a) True b) False .c 7.Which of the following are sources to fluorine air pollution? a) Coal combustion b) Steel industries c) Phosphate fertiliser manufacturing d) All of the mentioned om Answer: a Explanation: The method of spraying pesticides leads to small portion of pesticide serving as an air pollutant. Some pesticides evaporate from soil and pollute the air. Eg. DDT. ul Answer: d Explanation: Phosphate rock (Fluorapatite) is used for manufacturing of fertilisers and contributes to fluorine air pollution along with steel industries and coal combustion. pa 8. Which is/are the most significant air-borne allergen(s)? a) Fungi b) Pollen c) Soot d) All of the mentioned jin Answer: b Explanation: Pollen grains are the most significant air-borne allergen with an indestructible outer membrane, and are known to cause severe respiratory problems when inhaled. .re 9. Which of the following is a source for boron air pollution? a) Rockets and jets b) Automobiles c) Soap industries d) Refrigerants w Answer: a Explanation: Borane is mixed with petroleum and used as a fuel in rockets and jets which when combusted releases boron which causes air pollution. w w 10. Which are the sources of arsenic pollution? a) Coal and petroleum b) Detergents and pesticides c) Mine tailings d) All of the mentioned SPM 11. What is the size range of respirable suspended particulate matter? a) Less than 1 micrometre b) Less than 10 micrometre c) Less than 100 micrometre d) Less than 0.1 micrometre Download updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App 12. Air-borne particulates are classified as group 1 carcinogens. a) True b) False www.rejinpaul.com 14. Which type of particulate is condensed form of vapours? a) Mist b) Dust c) Fumes d) Smoke ul .c 15. What is the composition of photochemical smog? a) Nitrogen oxides, ketones and ozone b) VOCs and hydrocarbons c) Peroxy-acetyl-nitrate, peroxy-benzoyl-nitrate, peroxy fornyl-nitrate d) All of the mentioned om 13. Which of the following is a viable particulate? a) Smoke b) Mist c) Dust d) Moulds pa 16. Which of the following constituent of photochemical smog causes the bronzing of plants? a) PBN b) PAN Peroxy-acetyl-nitrate c) PFN d) Ketones jin 17. What is the reason behind the yellow colour of smog? a) Nitrogen dioxide b) Sulphur dioxide c) Sulphate ions d) Nitrate ions w .re 18. Which of the following aerosols have the best absorbing properties? a) Carbon black b) Soot c) Elemental Carbon d) All of the mentioned w 19. What is the size range of atmospheric particulate matter? a) 0.1 – 10 microns b) 0.1 – 1 micron c) 1 – 10 microns d) 10 – 100 microns w 20. In rural areas, what has contributed significantly to particulate pollution? a) Incomplete combustion in vehicles b) Using wood for fire and cooking c) Fertilisers d) All of the mentioned 21. What is the primary standard level for carbon monoxide for assuring air quality? a) 10ppm b) 90ppm Download updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App www.rejinpaul.com c) 1ppm d) 9ppm 22. The pulmonary section of the respiratory tract consists of ___________ a) Nose and mouth as well as down till epiglottis and larynx b) Bronchi down till the end of bronchiole c) Respiratory bronchiole, alveoli and alveoli ducts d) Alveoli ducts and alveoli om 23.Particles of what size are filtered by the nasal passage? a) >10micrometre b) >500 micrometre c) >1 mm d) >5 micrometre ul .c 24.Which of the following pollutants is the major contributor to photochemical smog? a) Peroxynitrates b) Hydroperoxides c) Nitrogen dioxide d) Ozone pa 25.What are the effects of sulphur dioxide on the human body? a) It causes the malfunction of liver and kidney b) It breaks down body’s immunity towards particulate matter and bacteria c) It causes blood cells to dilate thereby affecting blood flow through the circulatory system d) All of the mentioned jin 26.How does increase in temperature affect air pollution? a) Higher temperatures reduce air pollution b) Higher temperatures increase air pollution c) Temperature does not affect the air pollution levels d) Humidity factor is also necessary to predict variance of air pollution with temperature .re 27. Ocean is a source for carbon monoxide. a) True b) False w 28.Which of the following plants is extremely sensitive towards sulphur dioxide? a) Onion b) Potato c) Corn d) Tomato w 29.TCDD is a human carcinogen. a) True b) False w 30. How does lead affect the human body? a) Increases blood pressure b) Damages the cerebellum, liver and kidney c) Leads to reproductive disorders and osteoporosis d) All of the mentioned GENERAL 1.Who was the first scientist to coin the term SMOG and to describe the layers of SMOG? Download updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App (a) Nikola Tesla www.rejinpaul.com (b) Stephen Hawking (c) Dr Henry Antoine (d) Nicolaus Copernicus Sol: (c) Dr Henry Antoine. 2.Which of the following pollutants are responsible for the cause of SMOG? om (a) From incinerators (b) Emissions from vehicles (c) Both incinerators and emissions from vehicles (d) None of the above 3.Which of the following is called the secondary air pollutant? ul (a) PANs .c Sol: (c) Both incinerators and emissions from vehicles. (b) Ozone (c) Carbon monoxide pa (d) Nitrogen Dioxide Sol: (b) Ozone. jin 4.Which of the following particles is called the particulate pollutants? (a) Ozone (b) Radon (d) Ethylene .re (c) Fly Ash Sol: (c) Fly Ash. w 5.Which of the following agents is responsible for turning the Taj Mahal yellow? (a) Sulphur (b) Chlorine w (c) Sulphur dioxide (d) Nitrogen dioxide w Sol: (c) Sulphur dioxide 6.Which of the following statements is true about SMOG? (a) SMOG is derived from the fog (b) SMOG is derived from smoke (c) SMOG is derived from water vapour (d) SMOG is derived from both fog and smoke Download updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App www.rejinpaul.com Sol: (d) SMOG is derived from both fog and smoke. 7.What type of precautions should be taken to survive when the ozone level is high? (a) Drive less (b) Stay hydrated (d) Go for a long walk Sol: (c) Both A and B. 8.Which of the following statements is true about the Air Quality Index? .c (a) It indicates the colour of the air. (b) It predicts ozone levels in your area. Sol: (b) It predicts ozone levels in your area. pa 9.The major photochemical smog is________. (a) Hydrogen peroxide (b) Chlorofluorocarbon .re Sol: (b) Chlorofluorocarbon. jin (c) Peroxyacetyl nitrate (d) All of the above ul (c) It determines the intensity of sound and sound pollution. (d) It estimates air pollution mainly sulphur content in the air. om (c) Both A and B 10.Which of the following diseases are caused by smog? (a) Rickets (b) Bronchitis w (c) Breathing Problems (d) All of the above w Sol: (d) All of the above. 11.DDT and Aluminium cans are examples of ________. w (a) Primary Pollutants (b) Secondary pollutants (c) Biodegradable Pollutants (d) Non-Biodegradable Pollutants Sol: (d) Non-Biodegradable Pollutants. 12.How many different types of primary pollutants together contribute about 90 per cent of the global air pollution? Download updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App www.rejinpaul.com (a) Three (b) Five (c) Seven (d) None of the above Sol: (b) Five. om 13.Which of the following agents is mainly responsible for the secondary pollutants? (a) Smog and Ozone (b) Sulphur trioxide (c) Nitrogen dioxide .c (d) All of the above Sol: (d) All of the above. ul 14.Smoke, fumes, ash, dust, nitric oxide and sulphur dioxide are the main sources of ________. (a) Primary Pollutants (b) Secondary pollutants pa (c) Bio-Degradable Pollutants (d) None of the above jin Sol: (a) Primary Pollutants. 15.Which of the following industries plays a major role in polluting air and increasing air pollution? (a) Brick manufacturing industries .re (b) Manufacture of gases industries (c) Electrical appliances and electrical goods industries (d) All of the above w Sol: (d) All of the above. 16.Which of the following gas is more in percentage in the air? (a) Oxygen gas w (b) Nitrogen gas (c) Water vapour w (d) Carbon dioxide gas Sol: (b) Nitrogen gas 17.Increased levels of air pollution results in _______. (a) Soil erosion (b) Global warming (c) Respiratory problems Download updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App www.rejinpaul.com (d) All of the above Sol: (c) Respiratory problems. 18.The Taj Mahal, Lotus Temple, Golden Temple, India Gate and other famous heritage monuments are being affected by _______. (a) Air pollution om (b) Water pollution (c) Noise pollution (d) All of the above Sol: (a) Air pollution. .c 19.What is the total percentage of nitrogen gas in the air? (a) 12 per cent ul (b) 21 per cent (c) 78 per cent Sol:(c) 78 per cent. pa (d) 87 per cent (a) Methane (b) Nitrogen (c) Carbon dioxide (d) Both a and c .re Sol:(d) Both a and c. jin 20.Which of the following gases are called Greenhouse gases? UNIT II w w w 1. What does the word ‘meteorology’ define? a) Study of meteors and asteroids b) Study of measurements and instruments c) Study of chemical properties of metals d) Study of the weather and atmospheric changes 2. 3. What is a “tetroon” in the field of meteorology? a) A tool used to study wind patterns b) A tool used to study pressure variations c) A tool used to study temperature deviations d) A tool used to study humidity 4. 5. 3. What does the Richardson number indicate in wind analysis? a) Mechanical turbulence b) Convective heat production Download updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App c) Mechanical turbulence & Convective heat production d) None of the mentioned www.rejinpaul.com When Richardson number is equal to zero, what is the wind turbulence characteristic? a) No vertical mixing b) Weak mechanical turbulence due to stratification c) Convective mixing is greater than mechanical turbulence d) Only mechanical turbulence .c 7. om 6. 4. Above which Richardson number does vertical mixing in winds disappear? a) 1 b) 0.25 c) 0.5 d) 0.75 pa ul 8. 6. Below what Richardson number does convective mixing start dominating mechanical turbulence? a) 0 b) -0.04 c) -0.03 d) -0.1 jin 9. What is high pressure area with sinking air also known as? a) Cyclone b) Anti-cyclone c) Eddy zone d) Richardson zone w .re 10. What does the term “turbidity” indicate in atmospheric quality? a) Indicates density of clouds b) Reduction of light due to dust particles c) Indicates the humidity d) Turbulence of winds w w 11. Which of the following gases vary significantly over time and place at the atmospheric boundary level? a) Carbon dioxide b) Ozone c) Water vapour d) Oxygen 12. How does atmospheric pressure vary with increase in altitude? a) It decreases linearly b) It decreases exponentially c) It increases linearly d) It increases till stratosphere and then starts decreasing exponentially Download updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App www.rejinpaul.com 13. Gaussian dispersion equation. ul pa 2. Wet scrubbers are classified into ____ types. a) 2 b) 3 c) 5 d) 6 .c om 14. 1. By how much has atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration increased ever since the Industrial Revolution? a) 20% b) 10% c) 40% d) 60% UNIT III 1. Which of the following is used in ceramic industries? a) Electrostatic precipitator b) Dynamic precipitator c) Spray tower d) Wet cyclonic scrubber jin 3. The centrifugal collectors are classified into how many types? a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 2 w .re 4. Which of the following fluid is used in web scrubbers? a) Lime b) MgSO4 c) NaCl d) K2Cr2O7 w w 5. Which of the following is incorrect regarding the fabric filter? a) They can remove very small particle b) They are liable to chemical attack c) They have low efficiency in comparison to venturi scrubber d) They can handle large volume of gas at relatively high speed 6. Which of the following removes both gaseous and particulate contaminants? a) Venturi scrubber b) Gravitational settling chamber c) Dynamic precipitator d) Wet scrubber Download updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App www.rejinpaul.com 7. Identify the correct statement regarding the Electrostatic precipitator. a) Minimum b) They can be operated at high temperature c) It has a low maintenance cost particle size removal is <0.5μm d) It does not cause any freezing problem om 8.When environmental Lapse Rate (ELR) is less is than Adiabatic Lapse Rate (ALR), then which of the following occurs? a) Sub adiabatic lapse rate b) Super adiabatic lapse rate c) Neutral lapse rate d) Adiabatic lapse rate ul .c 8. _______ occurs when atmospheric temperature increases with height. a) Negative lapse rate b) Super adiabatic lapse rate c) Neutral lapse rate d) Positive lapse rate jin pa 9. When environmental Lapse Rate (ELR) is equal to the Adiabatic Lapse Rate (ALR), then which of the following occurs? a) Sub adiabatic lapse rate b) Super adiabatic lapse rate c) Neutral lapse rate d) Adiabatic lapse rate .re 10. The wet adiabatic rate is greater than the dry adiabatic rate. a) True b) False w w 11. When Environmental Lapse Rate (ELR) is greater than Adiabatic Lapse Rate (ALR), then which of the following occurs? a) Sub adiabatic lapse rate b) Super adiabatic lapse rate c) Neutral lapse rate d) Adiabatic lapse rate w 12. Which of the following is the absorption unit? a) Cyclone collector b) Plate tower c) Gravitation settling chamber d) Dynamic precipitator 13. Which of the following catalyst is used for removing hydrocarbon from gaseous pollutant in combustion unit? a) Platinum b) Activated alumina Download updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App www.rejinpaul.com c) Vanadium d) Potassium permanganate ul pa 16. Which of the following is not an adsorbent? a) Molecular sieves b) Activated carbon c) Activated alumina d) Water .c 15. Which of the following is a bulk phenomena? a) Physical adsorption b) Chemical adsorption c) Absorption d) Sorption om 14. Which of the following is not a part of adsorption unit? a) Packed towers b) Multiple fixed bed c) Fluidized bed d) Moving bed jin 17. READ AND STUDY THE DETAILS ABOUT AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DEVICES IN YOUR NOTES ALSO STUDY THE SIMPLE TWO MARKS QUESTIONS IN BOOK BACK.(III UNIT) UNIT IV .re 1. Which of the following is not an adsorbent? a) Carbon b) Polymers and resins c) Clay d) Dry sponge w w 2. What do you mean by the term “Sorption”? a) Attachment b) Detachment c) Diffusion d) Thermal Expansion w 3. The desorption curve is higher than the adsorption curve. a) True b) False 4. Which of the following isotherm is applicable to physical adsorption? a) Langmuir b) BET c) Freundlich d) Kisluik Download updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App Which type of isotherm is given from the figure, Choose from the following options? www.rejinpaul.com om 5. .c a) Type 1 Adsorption isotherm b) Type 2 Adsorption isotherm c) Type 3 Adsorption isotherm d) Type 4 Adsorption isotherm Calculate the adsorption of a dye on activated carbon at 25°C, where k = 0.025, n = 0.5 and C = 0.04. Based on the Freundlich isotherm. a) 0.050 b) 0.030 c) 0.040 d) 0.060 7. Which of the following statements regarding the physical adsorption of a gas on surface of solid is not correct? a) On increasing temperature, adsorption increases continuously b) Enthalpy changes are negative c) Adsorption is specific d) It is reversible in nature .re jin pa ul 6. w 8. Which of the following is not characteristic of chemisorption? a) It is irreversible b) It is specific c) It is multilayer phenomenon d) Heat of adsorption is about 400kj w w 9. For an adsorbant-adsorbate system obeying the Langmuir adsorption isotherm, b = 0.48 bar-1 and p = 0.16 bar-1. At what pressure will 50% of the surface be covered? a) 0.05 bar b) 0.07 bar c) 0.08 bar d) 0.04 bar 10. Adsorption of methane follows the Langmuir adsorption isotherm at 90K. If p = 1.896cm3g-1bar-1 and b = 0.146bar-1. Calculate the value of θ. a) 0.116 bar b) 0.514 bar c) 0.214 bar d) 0.216 bar Download updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App www.rejinpaul.com 11. ________ is the change of vapour in a non-condensable gas. a) Saturation b) Vaporization c) Condensation d) None of the mentioned om 12. In a condensation process, _______ to _________ a) Gas, Solid b) Gas, Liquid c) Liquid, Gas d) Liquid, Solid ul .c 13. When vapour is cooled at constant total system volume, the _______ changes. a) Volume b) Pressure c) Temperature d) None of the mentioned pa 14. . When vapour is compressed isothermally the ____________ changes. a) Volume b) Pressure c) Temperature d) None of the mentioned jin 15. Condensation starts ________ point. a) Dew point b) Bubble point c) Triple point d) None of the mentioned w .re 16. When gas changes to liquid through the process of condensation, the temperature a) Increases b) Decreases c) Remains constant d) None of the mentioned w 17. When the vapour is condensed at constant system pressure, the pressure changes. a) Correct statement b) Incorrect statement c) Can`t say anything d) None of the mentioned w NOTE : STUDY AND READ THE BIO FILTER AND DEFINETION OF ADSORBTION ABSORBTION , INCINIRATION, AND CONTROL EQUIPMENTS Download updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App UNIT V www.rejinpaul.com 1. What is noise? a) Desirable sound b) Desirable and unwanted sound c) Undesirable and unwanted sound d) Undesirable and wanted sound om 2. . In which unit sound is measured? Which pollution cause hearing loss in organisms? a) Air pollution b) Noise pollution c) Water pollution d) Soil pollution pa ul 3. .c a) Kilometer b) Pascal c) Kilogram d) Decibel a) 0 b) 10 c) 50 d) 100 jin 4. What is the dB of a threshold of hearing? .re 5. What is the dB of a threshold of pain? w a) 100 b) 110 c) 120 d) 146 6. All sound is noise. w a) True b) False At what decibel instantaneous rupture of membrane happens? a) 100 b) 120 c) 146 d) 150 8. What is the ambient noise level in the residential one during night time? a) 40 dB w 7. Download updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App www.rejinpaul.com b) 45 dB c) 50 dB d) 55 dB 10.What is the permissible noise limit of 120 db? a) 30 minutes b) 2 minutes c) 1 minute d) 30 seconds 11. pa ul 10. At what level a sound becomes physical pain? a) Above 50 dB b) Above 70 dB c) Above 80 dB d) Above 100 dB om What is called for a temporary hearing loss? a) Temporary ear pain b) Temporary hearing problem c) Temporary threshold shift d) Temporary hearing shift .c 9. 12. jin . Which of the following sound is pleasant to our ears? a) Heavy machinery b) Transportation equipment c) Loud noise d) Music .re Wildlife faces more problems than humans due to noise pollution, because animals dependent on_______________ a) Noise b) Sound c) Actions d) Behavior 13. w w w The degree of hearing loss depends on the duration as well as the intensity of the noise. a) True b) False 14. How many fundamental ways in which noise can be controlled? a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four 15. Which is the best way to control noise pollution among the four fundamental ways? a) Reduce noise at the source b) Block the path of noise c) Increase the path length d) Protect the recipient 16. How can we reduce the noise in industries? a) By not using the heavy machinery Download updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App www.rejinpaul.com b) By using rigid sealed enclosures c) By using more robotics d) By reduce the production of the industries 17. What is the main source of vehicular noise? a) High speed b) Movement of the vehicle’s tyres on the pavement c) Low pressure d) Fuel engine om 18. Which of the following is a way to reduce the traffic noise in the highway? a) Constructing the vertical barriers b) Increase the speed of the vehicles c) Using old engine vehicles d) Horning in unnecessary time 19. .c Noise levels at construction sites can be controlled using proper construction planning and scheduling techniques. a) True b) False ul 20. pa What is the best way to reduce the noise pollution around houses? a) Throwing all noisy machines b) Built a noise resistant shield across the house c) Use of ear buds to reduce the noise d) Planting trees around houses 21. jin In order to reduce the roadside noise which of the following product Australian Government designed? a) Sound tube b) Ear buds c) Ear repellent d) Noise repellent 22. .re What is the best way to reduce aircraft noise? a) By using shield around aircraft b) By using quieter jet engines c) By using heavy propellants d) By using white paint What is used during sleep in order to avoid noise pollution? w 23. w a) Mask b) Earplugs c) Cotton shirts d) Jackets w 24. How does a car in good condition can cause less pollution? a) It goes in high speed b) It requires less fuel c) It gives safety d) It avoids muffler chugging down the streets 25. Which of the following way reduce noise pollution? a) Turn on the loud devices b) Turn on white noise c) Using old engines vehicles d) Bursting crackers Download updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App 26. www.rejinpaul.com Which of the following steps can take by government in order to reduce the noise pollution? a) Enforcement of all noise laws b) Constructing more roads c) Increasing the number of vehicles d) Not to create awareness about the noise pollution 27. . Drown out of noise with pleasant sounds can reduce noise pollution. 28. om a) True b) False When did the Noise Pollution Regulations and Control Rule established in India? pa ul .c a) 2000 b) 2004 c) 2005 d) 2007 29. What timings loud speakers shouldn’t use in public areas? a) 10:00 pm to 5:00 am b) 1:00 am to 7:00 am c) 11:00 pm to 6:00 am d) 10:00 pm to 6:00 am 30. When can a person complaint to the police regarding noise pollution level? a) When the ambient noise standards exceeds by 10 dB b) When the ambient noise standards exceeds by 20 dB c) When the ambient noise standards exceeds by 30 dB d) When the ambient noise standards exceeds by 50 dB .re jin 31. What is the meaning of silence zone for noise pollution? a) Area comprising more than 100 meters around hospitals and educational institutes b) Area comprising not less than 100 meters around hospitals and educational institutes c) Area comprising more than 100 meters around clubs and commercial streets d) Area comprising not less than 100 meters around clubs and commercial streets w w 32. When did the Factories Act constitute in India? a) 1930 b) 1947 c) 1948 d) 1956 w 33. The State Government shall take measures for abatement of noise. a) True b) False 34. Which Ministry published a draft of Noise Pollution Rules? a) Ministry of Foreign Affaires b) Ministry of Pollution Control c) Ministry of Industries d) Ministry of Environment and Forests Download updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App www.rejinpaul.com 35. In which section, if a person violates the noise pollution regulations, is liable for penalty? a) Section 12 b) Section 15 c) Section 18 d) Section 19 om 36. What is the db level for heavy vehicles in India? a) 70 b) 75 c) 77 d) 80 ul .c 37. What are the ambient air quality standards in industrial area during day time? a) 75 db b) 80 db c) 85 db d) 100 db w w w .re jin 39. Loud speakers cause noise. a) True b) False pa 38. In which Act, noise is included as an environmental pollutant? a) 1974 b) 1981 c) 1988 d) 1994 Download updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App