All About Me Goals The Basics Name: 1. What are your educational goals in this class? Example… do you want to be able to grow your own birthday: food? Favorites Food: Candy: 2. TV Show: What id your personal goal for this year? Do you hope to become more responsible? A better leader? Holiday: Music Genre: Person: Movie: Book: 3. School subject: Are you planning on joining a club? If so, which one? Vacation spot: Brand of soda: Chewing gum: My family consists of: Do you have pets? If so, what are they? What did you do this summer? Is there anything that you want me to know? 4. What do you want to get out of this class? How Can I help you reach your goals? Ms. Harrington February 11 I want to understand how To keep the greenhouse plants alive for the plant sale Lasagna Either twix or orange starburst Grey’s Anatomy & CSI Miami Thanksgiving Country, Pop, whatever is catchy To be a better teacher for my students by making lessons more creative My mom Remember the Titans To Kill a Mockingbird Agriculture FFA, all day everyday Mountains/State Parks Dr. Pepper 5 brand - blue Mom, Dad, and an older brother I want to help my students be successful and achieve their goals for the term. A white and Ginger cat, Bruce Wayne! Spent time with friends and made lessons for class this year I don’t like to ask for help when i’m confused, so please be patient with me.