Uploaded by tahlirose202

Simple & Facilitated Diffusion Worksheet

Simple and facilitated diffusion
1. Why is transport across the plasma membrane necessary for a cell?
2. Why can some substances cross the plasma membrane unassisted while others cannot?
3. In the spaces provided below, explain how each feature effects transport across the plasma
Molecule size
Presence of net charge (+ or -)
Solubility in lipids
Direction of concentration gradient
4. List what type of substance can easily cross the plasma membrane (polar or non-polar? Lipid
soluble or water soluble? Large or small?)
5. List what substances cannot easily cross the plasma membrane (polar or non-polar? Lipid soluble
or water soluble? Large or small?)
6. What is meant by the term “simple diffusion”?
7. What is meant by the term “facilitated diffusion”?
8. What structure within the plasma membrane is required for facilitated diffusion to occur? Name
the who variations of this structure involved in facilitated diffusion.
9. What is the diffusion of water called?
10. What kind of substances can be transported using simple diffusion?
11. What kind of substances can be transported using facilitated diffusion?
12. Simple and facilitated diffusion are both categorised as what type of transport?
13. What direction do substances move in passive transport? (with or against the concentration
14. Does passive transport require an input of energy?
15. In the image below, label where the higher and lower concentration is and draw an arrow
showing the movement of substances in passive transport.
What factors can affect the rate of diffusion?