INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 COURSE CONTENT 1. INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION SKILS Definition Importance or significance of communication Objectives of communication Communication process model Communication in organizations Channels of communication Planning for communication Principles of communication 2. TYPES OF COMMUNICATION A. Oral or verbal communication Telephone communication Grape vine communication B. Written communication Business letters C.V Memoranda Business reports Note taking Summary writing Easy writing C. Non-verbal communication Body language Social communication Physical communication 3. MEETINGS Types of meetings Notice of a meeting The Agenda Minutes Team roles in meetings Committees 4. INTERVIEWS Interview process Conducting the interviews Types of interviews 5. 6. 7. 8. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS READING SKILLS SPEAKING SKILLS LISTENING SKILLS Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 1 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 Definition of Communication Skills Communication is the transmission and reception of a message or idea from one party to another in such a fashion that is mutually understandable. Alternatively, Communication is the transmission of messages from the sender to the receiver in such a way that is mutually understandable between two parties (the sender and the receiver). Communication refers to a process of giving, receiving or exchanging (sharing) information, opinions (views, thoughts) or ideas (facts about something) by writing, speaking or acting so that the message (physical form, expressible) communicated is understood by the recipient/ audience (2 or more people). According to the definition, we note that Communication involves sharing a meaning. This suggests that in order for Communication to be effective, the receiver and the sender of a message must have a common understanding of the matter at hand otherwise it will be rendered ineffective Communication. The receiver must understand the message sent to him or her. The importance/significance of Communication Skills 1. Effective Communication is very essential for management to successfully perform its functions in an Organization like planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling etc. 2. Communication is a means by which people are linked together in an Organization to achieve a common purpose. 3. With proper Communication between interested parties reduces the point of friction and minimizes those that inevitably arise. 4. It is an essential ingredient in management-employee relations. 5. Group activity is impossible without Communication, because co-ordination and change cannot be effected. 6. When there is proper Communication and sharing of information, the management makes the employees more knowledgeable about problems and policies of the Organization. 7. Communication is dynamic force in shaping Organizational behavior. 8. Communication is a basis to analyze performance of Organizations. Subordinate reports can be based on by management to analyze the Organizational performance. 9. Communication is a key in problem solving through negotiations in any Organization. Objectives of Communication 1. To develop information and understanding among all workers. 2. To discourage misinformation, ambiguity and rumors. 3. To prepare workers for a change, methods or environment by giving them the necessary information in advance. 4. To encourage subordinates to give ideas and suggestions for improving upon the product or work environment, and taking these suggestions seriously. 5. To improve employee-management relations by keeping the Communication channels open. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 2 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 6. To encourage social relations among workers by encouraging inter Communication. 7. To impart information and to establish and maintain links with other people. 8. To facilitate and making feedback about performance and enable corrective action to be made. 9. To enable managers to influence, direct, motivate and create a conducive working environment for Organizational members. 10. To search for, establish and disseminate Organizational goals. Reasons why people communicate in an Organization 1. To lay down rules and procedures. Organizations have rules and regulations which are used to run them. These have to be passed on from the management to the other people who work in the Organization through communication. 2. Give instructions. In Organizations, communication is done when managers give instructions to their subordinate. 3. Give or receive information. Communication is also used to pass on the messages from one party to another. 4. Exchange ideas. It is through communication that we have an exchange of information between individuals and the organization or amongst employees. 5. Announce plans or strategies. Communication is used to pass on or announce plans and strategies of the Organization which are going to be used to achieve the set organizational goals. 6. Compare actual results against a plan. This is done through evaluation of the activities basing on what was planned and checking on the deviations to improve performance. 7. Communication about individual roles and about the structure of the organization. It is through communication that the organizational members can provide feedback. 8. To establish relations People communicate in order to establish links (relations) with others. This can be achieved by the use of verbal and non-verbal Communication methods. This may involve the use of gestures like a smile, a nod, giving someone a hug, a wave which implies acknowledgement of someone. COMMUNICATION PROCESS MODEL Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 3 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 Feedback Sender Encoding Transmission of Message Reception Decoding Understanding Noise The communication process involves the sender, the transmission of the message through a selected channel, and the receiver. The specific steps in the process include: a) The sender of the message Communication begins with the sender, who may want to communicate his ideas, needs, intentions or other piece of information. The sender is the source of the message. He originates an idea or thought and initiates the communication. The sender maybe one or more than one person b) Encoding. This is the process inside the human mind in the form of motor skills, muscle system or sensory skills that converts the sender’s thoughts in a form (symbols, gestures, words or some other format of expression) which can be sent or transmitted from the sender of communication to receiver. The sender encodes the message in the form of words or gestures that he believes have the same meaning or will convey the required meaning to the receiver. c) Message. A message is the physical form of the thought, which can be experienced and understood by the receiver using any of the five senses of a human being. The message maybe oral whereby it is heard, maybe written whereby its read by receivers, maybe felt by touch, maybe seen or even tasted. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 4 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 d) Use of the channel. A channel of the message refers to a way or medium through which information or message travels. It bridges the gap between a sender and a receiver. The message may be Oral and it may be transmitted through the face-to-face conversation, telephone and also through the television for Oral communication. In written form through memos, notices, letters, reports, telegrams, emails or through any form of gestures. e) The Receiver. The receiver is the person or group of people who receives the message from the sender. This is the person for whom the message is intended. Since the message may take any form of the senses, the receiver may also use any of his senses to receive the message. The receiver maybe more than one person f) Decoding. This is the process inside a human mind by which the receiver interprets the message and translates it into meaningful information. Decoding is a two-step process involving perceiving the message and then interpreting it. Interpreting relays on the meaning by which the receiver has drawn from the message. g) Feedback A feedback determines whether the message was clearly understood by the receiver and the required action taken. So communication is not effective unless it is understood by the receiver. Understanding refers to having a common mind on the message of both the sender and the receiver. The feedback to the sender completes the process of communication. h) Noise hindering communication. Noise is anything or any factor that interferes the accurate expression/transmission or reception of a message. It may occur at any stage in the communication process. Noise may occur at the sender that is idea formation or encoding stage, may occur in the transmission stage when the message is destructed by sounds in the environment, may occur at the receiving stage when the recipient does not pay attention or simply refuses to understand the message. For example a noisy environment may hinder the development of a clear thought. Encoding may be faulty because of the use of ambiguous symbols due to noise. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 5 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 Importance of feedback Information obtained from the feedback can be used in decision making Completes the communication cycle Confirmation that the message was received Used as a tool to assess whether the communication was successful Feedback can be used as a motivation tool TYPES/METHODS OF COMMUNICATION AND MEDIUM/CHANNELS OF COMMUNICATION When communicating there are several methods that can be used. Special care must be taken when deciding on which method to use. This is because once a wrong method is used it may have a disastrous effects. These methods may include Verbal (Oral) Communication, Written Communication, Visual Communication and Non-Verbal Communication. Media or channel is the means or ways of transmitting the messages from sender to the receiver. However, the main methods of communication are verbal, written communication and nonverbal. And the main Channels/Mediums of communication are Forms of communication as shown below 1. Verbal or Oral Communication This is communication by the word of mouth. It includes speaking to another person. It requires carefully selecting appropriate words. It involves spoken words Forms (Media of Oral Communication) Over the telephone, face to face discussions, debates, interviews, presentations, meetings (formal or informal), teleconferencing, video conferencing etc. The success of Verbal Communication depends on one’s ability to listen carefully. 2. Written Communication This is when a message being sent is displayed in writing. Written Communication is putting a message in a print form. Written Communication unlike Oral gives communicators more time to think about the message they are transmitting. Forms (Media of Written Communication) E-mails, letters, fax, notices, reports, memos, questionnaires, newsletter, employee hand books, magazines, brochures, minutes, circulars, manuals etc. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 6 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 3. Non-Verbal This is the process of sending and receiving messages without using words either spoken or written. It is sometimes called a body language. Nonverbal Communication may involve messages sent by facial expressions, tones of voice, gestures, eye contact, spatial arrangements, and patterns of touch, expressive movements and other non-verbal acts. Forms (Media of Non-Verbal Communication) It’s divided into three. Environment, Social and Physical (facial expressions, tones of voice, gestures, eye contact, spatial arrangements, and patterns of touch, expressive movements etc.) 4. Visual Communication This is the expression or convergence of ideas and information using visual forms or aids. Visual Communication supplements both oral and written communication. Forms (Media of Visual Communication) Map, Tables, Charts, Graphs, photographs, Diagrams etc. N.B: Brief explanation on Interpersonal, Intrapersonal and Mass Communication Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication occurs when two individuals are involved in exchanging information, ideas, and opinions, feelings relating to personal, social, organizational, national and international matters. This Communication maybe Oral, Written or Non-verbal. This is the most common and most visible. Intrapersonal Communication Intrapersonal Communication is the process of sensing, thinking, perception, evaluating and interpreting events or a message within self-mind of an individual. This is communication in which a person communicates with himself or herself. For Intrapersonal Communication, different persons may respond differently to a single message because of differences in their perception and thinking. Mass Communication The process of transmitting messages to a large number of scattered audiences. Through Mass Communication, information can be transmitted quickly to a large number of people who generally stay far away from the sources of information. Mass Communication is done through Radio, Television, Newspaper, Magazine, Leaflets etc. Differences between Intrapersonal Communication and Interpersonal Communication Meaning Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 7 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 Intrapersonal Communication occurs when a person communicates with himself or herself while Interpersonal Communication is the exchange of information, ideas, opinions etc. between two persons. Nature Intrapersonal Communication happens in form of sensing, thinking, perception, evaluating and interpreting within oneself while Interpersonal Communication happens inform of exchanging and sharing of information or ideas between two persons. Person involved Only the communicator involved in the Intrapersonal Communication while two persons involved in Interpersonal Communication Information flow Intrapersonal Communication, information does not go beyond person’s mind while with Interpersonal Communication information goes from one’s mind to another mind Media Intrapersonal Communication does not require any media or channel while Interpersonal Communication must use Verbal or Non-Verbal media Visibility Intrapersonal Communication is invisible while Interpersonal Communication is visible in nature. FACTORS TO CONSIDER WHEN CHOOSING A METHOD OF COMMUNICATION The method chosen when communicating is very crucial. Therefore one needs to put into consideration several factors. 1. Urgency of the message The time necessary to prepare and transmit the message, considering its urgency is very important. For example, in case of an urgent message informing a person about someone who is sick, one can use a telephone. In such circumstances, a phone call would be faster than a written message. If a fax machine is at home, it can be an alternative means of quick communication. The problem maybe that a fax message maybe received by anyone that is around at that time. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 8 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 2. The complexity of the message The complexity of the message will be put into consideration when deciding on the channel to be used if the message is to be understood without difficulties. For example, a written message allows the use of diagrams, figures, workings, illustrations etc. which can be used to simplify any complicated message. In case where someone is travelling an area not familiar with, the instructions may be written and this may include a map since the message of directing such a person may be complex by using only words. 3. The need for confidentiality In case of confidential information, one will not use a notice board to display information. However, if the information is for public consumption, then the official notice board can be used. Confidential information must be kept secret both in writing or typing and any other handling that may be involved. For example, if an employee is being dismissed from the organization, such is confidential information. The information has to be written and verbal communication is also required. It is done in person, not through a third party. 4. Sensitivity of the message This refers to the message where there’s need for personal involvement. If the message is not sensitive, then it can be handled with less care. For example, if an employee is receiving a message of retrenchment, that is a very sensitive message which must be handled carefully. It will require a face-to-face discussion with the people who are going to be retrenched. 5. The costs involved The cost involved like stationery, costs in terms of time to prepare and send message should be put into considerations. If a message requires a lot of details, it may not be wise to use telephone since it will be quite expensive. It may be advisable to use a written message. It may be cheaper to send a fax than send a letter by post office since you will save a very important resource called time. 6. The distance Distance in terms of how far the message is required to travel and in what condition it must arrive is an important factor to consider while choosing communication method. If the message has to travel a long distance from Uganda to USA, then maybe there’s a need for a fast means of communication like the use of a fax or the use of a telephone. If the distance is short then face-to-face communication can be easily used. 7. Recipient/ audience. Who is receiving the message, appropriate language to be used and avoid slangs, the relationship between the sender and receiver, physical location of the sender is an important factor to consider while choosing communication method. PLANNING FOR COMMUNICATION Assignment One: Students should research and make notes on it. (not less than two pages) Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 9 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 THE 7 Cs OF COMMUNICATION The 7 Cs of effective communication include Completeness, Conciseness, Clarity, Consideration, Concreteness, Consistence and Courtesy. These are referred to as Basic Communication Principles or Principles of Communication or 7 features/characteristics of effective Communication. 1. Completeness. The message should have all the necessary details. Various questions can be asked including What is to be communicated, why, where, when it is to be communicated and who the message is targeting. You can write a notice inviting people for a meeting and forget to mention the date or venue for the meeting. Such message is vague. It’s not complete. You need to aim at giving a complete message which does not have gaps. Initiate the communication process keeping in mind that the person at the receiving end does not know anything about what you have in mind or what you are saying. 2. Conciseness It is important to be brief in your communication. A brief and precise message gives a good image about the sender of the message. This means that the person communicating has a clear mind. Make the communication using simple and carefully selected words. You can use a few words and phrases to come up with the message that you want to communicate. You need to be brief and straight to the point. Only relevant facts should be included. Avoid repetition of sentences or ideas. 3. Consideration Plan carefully and try to understand the information needs of the recipient. Imagine the target audience and have empathy. If you put yourself in their position, you should be able to understand the message being communicated. If the message is complex for the target audience, then you need to simplify it in order to be well understood by the audience. 4. Concreteness This is when facts or figures are availed so that the receiver is clear about the intended meaning. The message should base on facts not ideas or guesses otherwise the receiver may fill the gaps with his own meaning. Vague communication is very costly because it has to be clarified or may lead to expense of fatal mistakes. For example “Arua is very far away and it takes a long time to reach” This sentence is vague and not concrete. The concrete sentence can be written as “Arua is 600miles away and takes 14hours to reach”. 5. Clarity The message a sender conveys to a receiver must be clearly understood. If a receiver of the message does not understand it then communication is not effective. Clarity is therefore when a message sent from a sender to a receiver is properly understood so that the required intention is achieved. Clarity is best judged when the receiver is supposed to act on something, if the receiver acts as required then the message has been well understood. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 10 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 Therefore the message should be clear to the recipient. Avoid use of jargons, technical words which may not be understood by the reader. This implies there should be mutual understanding between the sender and the receiver of the message. 6. Consistent The message should be clearly written as a topic or subject for discussion, and the same message should be in the introduction, body and conclusion. The message should not divert from subject of discussion. You should write with one clear message in mind and consistently write about it from the beginning up to the end. 7. Courtesy The tone of the message should not be rude. The message should be communicated in a polite manner. This means that the message should have a good tone and not be harsh. Politeness costs nothing and yet it means a lot to the reader of your message. A harsh message discourages the person reading the message, yet the message which is written in a polite manner encourages the reader to read up to the end. ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION Communication is a heart or lifeblood of any Organization. Therefore, Organizations can hardly survive without communication. In any Organization whether small or big the role of communicating is very crucial. No Organizational activity can take place without it hence making it paramount for all Organizations to embrace effective communication. Its purpose in Organizations can be manifested in the following ways: Conflict resolution Organizing resources Co-ordinating activities Making decisions Teamwork effectiveness Motivational tool TYPES OF COMMUNICATION IN AN ORGANISATION There are three types of organizational communication: Formal and informal communication Internal and external communication Oral and written communication 1. FORMAL AND INFORMAL COMMUNICATION Formal Communication: This type of communication occurs by following the prescribed official rules and procedures of the organization. Formal communication is governed by the established chain of command. Such communication is associated with the formal organization structure and the official status or the position of the communicator and the receiver. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 11 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 For example when the General Manager issues instructions to his subordinates, it’s a formal communication due to his senior position in the organization. Written memo from a managing director to his/her departmental heads to call a meeting. Forms of formal Communication are; Departmental meetings, Conference, Memos etc. Informal Communication: Communication that does not follow any prescribed official rules or procedures of the Organization. This is also known as Grapevine Communication. This Communication is based on informal relations like friendship, membership of the same club, the same place of birth etc. and therefore is free from all Organizational formalities, rules and procedures. Normally such Communication is Oral. Information passes through many individuals and covers a long making its origin obscure or unknown. This is exactly like a grapevine where it is difficult to find the beginning and the end. Characteristics of Informal or Grapevine Communication: Formation through Social relations This Communication is born out of social relations which beyond the restrictions of the Organization. Both Superiors and Subordinates interact freely like people at the same level. This helps the superior to gather much information through this channel. Uncertain path Since it is beyond the restrictions of the Organization, it follows no definite or particular channel or path. Like a Grapevine, it moves in a zigzag manner. This makes it hard to know the source of information. Possibility of Rumors and distortion Responsibility for the true or false nature of Communication does not lie on any individual and, therefore, not much attention is paid to its meaning while communicating leading to distortion of the message. Consequently, the rumors keep floating. Quick relay Informal Communication makes news spread like wild fire. Grapevine or Informal Communication is faster than Formal Communication. Being Oral in nature, it has little or no cost and can reach maximum number of people irrespective of their positions within a very short time. Advantages of Informal Communication Fast and effective Communication Under this Communication, the messages moves fast and their effect is equally great on the people. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 12 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 Free environment Informal Communication is done in a free environment. There’s no pressure of any high official in an Organization to the employee passing on informal Communication. The reactions of the employees can easily be collected. Subordinates interact freely with their Superiors Better human relations Informal Communication saves the employees from tension. Freedom from tension helps the establishment of better human relations. The relation between superiors and subordinates is good. This also affects the Formal Communication. Easy solution of the difficult problems There are many problems which cannot be solved with help of Formal Communication. There’s more freedom in Informal Communication which helps find solutions to difficult problems. Satisfying the social needs of the workers Everybody wants good relations with the high ranking officers at the place of work. Such relation gives satisfaction to the employees and they feel proud. But this can be possible only with the help of the Informal Communication. Easy interpretation The information given by the top level management under the formal system can easily be understood by employees discussing it in Informal System. Therefore Informal system plays a vital role to complete the work properly. Improve interpersonal relationship Cooperation and coordination in Informal Communication leads to improved interpersonal relationship which is very much essential to carry out the business activity smoothly. Limitations/ Disadvantages Informal communication a. Unsystematic Communication This kind of Communication is absolutely unsystematic, does not follow a particular path and it is possible such information does not reach the person concerned or intended. b. Unreliable Information Most of the information received through this Communication is undependable and no important decision can be taken on its basis. c. Difficult to control Produces divisions or groups and subgroups in an Organization. People involved do not follow any rules and regulations as they depend on their own philosophy. All this may destroy the control of the respective authority. Hence leading to low productivity of that Organization Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 13 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 d. Distortion Since Informal Communication does not follow any set of rules, it can transmit any kind of information to any person without any respect or fear. It may spread wrong or distorted news which may sometimes prove harmful even to the employees. So, it is the one of most considerable disadvantages of Informal Communication. e. Incomplete information Information released from such Communication network or system is usually incomplete. So, there is each and every chance of it to be misunderstood or misinterpreted. f. Lack of secrecy In Informal Communication, everybody can freely interact as there are no restrictions or rules. Any secret matter is likely to be flashed without any problem or hesitation. This may cause a huge damage to any Organization. Characteristics of Formal Communication: a. Written and Oral Formal Communication can be both written and oral. Daily works are handled through Oral Communication, while the policy matters require Written Communication. b. Formal relations This Communication is adopted among those employees where formal relations have been established by the Organization. The sender and the receiver have some sort of Organizational relations. c. Prescribed path This Communication has to pass through a definite channel while moving from one person to another. For example, to convey the feelings of a worker to the manager, the foreman’s help has to be sought. A foreman is one who supervises and directs other workers. d. Organizational message This channel is concerned with the authorized Organizational messages only and the personal ones are out of its jurisdiction. e. Deliberate effort This channel of Communication is not established automatically but effort has to be made for its creation. It should be decided or formulated keeping in view the objectives of the Organization. Advantages of Formal Communication Easy source of information In this type of information, the source of each information can easily be located. In case of any clarity about the information at hand, its source can be referred to. Easy Communication System The top level management communicates with their employees by using formal downward Communication system. Again the employees Communicate with their higher authority by use of this system. It is very much easy to Communicate with each other. Permanent record The copy of Formal Communication is always preserved in the file and it is used as future reference. As a result, it is easy to seek the copy of it if necessary. Orderly flow of information The information has to pass through a definite route or path from one person to another. Hence the flow of information is systematic. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 14 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 Increase overall efficiency This type of Communication is used by following the predetermined rules so it increases the Overall efficiency of the Organization Free from mistakes Since Formal Communication has a well-defined rules and regulations. So, there is a little chance of mistakes in exchanging information within the employees Maintenance of discipline Under the Formal Communication system the workers are bound to be careful to their own duty. So ultimately it makes discipline in the Organization. Disadvantages or limitation of Formal Communication: 1) Overload of work In a modern Organization much information, many messages and other things have to be communicated. Under Formal Communication, they are routed through a definite channel and this consumes much of the time of the superiors and thus some other important works are left unattended. 2) Loss of faith in Communication. The officers or managers do not pay much attention to the suggestions and complaints of the subordinates. In such a case a subordinate may lose his faith in the effectiveness of Communication. 3) Wastage of time Top level management communicates with their employees by maintaining the board of succession or Organizational chain of command, not by-passing any executive or any level. That is why it takes a lot of time and it wastes much time of the concerned person or people at lower level. 4) Authoritarian attitude In this system of Communication, the sender is higher authority in most times and the receiver is lower staffs. Generally the superior’s order or directive cannot be disobeyed. It creates an authoritarian culture in the Organization. 5) Inflexibility Ordinarily the Formal Communication is inflexible. If somebody out of the channel intends to change his views it is not possible. Even when it is needed to change, it is very much difficult. 6) Lack of creativity Another drawback of Formal Communication is lack of creativity observed among the employees. Lower level employees become more interested to comply with the instructions of the authority. Creative thinking not encouraged at all. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 15 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 N.B Formal Communication Channels in an Organization Types of Formal Communication are; Memos, Meetings, Conferences, Bulletin Boards, Handouts, Letters, Presentations, Speeches, Notice Boards, Organizational blogs, Emails from managers and leaders. (Examples of Formal Communication channels in an Organization) Formal Communication forms/ Types of Direction in Formal Communication/Directional Communication/Communication flow in an Organization/ Formal Line of Communication in an Organization Downward Communication Upward Communication Diagonal Communication Horizontal Communication (Crosswise Communication) Informal Communication Channel in an Organization Requires you to explain Grapevine Communication (Check notes ahead plse) Types or forms of Informal Communication Requires you to explain the four types of Grapevine Communication (check notes ahead plse) 2. INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION INTERNAL COMMUNICATION Internal communication refers to the flow of information to the internal participants or employees of an organization. It happens only within the organization. The main purpose of this communication is to ensure smooth functioning of organizational activities. Internal communication may be of two types: Vertical communication and Horizontal communication (Directional Communication.) Vertical Communication. When information flows between superiors and subordinate of an Organization, it is known as Vertical Communication. Vertical communication can be of three types: Downward communication, Upward communication and Diagonal communication. Downward Communication: Downward Communication occurs when information flows from superiors to subordinates. Through Downward Communication, superiors send Organizational goals, policies, job assignments, orders, instructions etc. to their subordinates. Upward Communication: Upward Communication occurs when information flows from subordinates to superiors. Through Upward Communication, subordinates convey their responses, reactions and performance feedback to their superiors. Diagonal or Cross Communication: Diagonal Communication occurs when information flows between persons at different levels who have no direct reporting relationships. Diagonal Communication is used to speed information flow, to improve understanding and to coordinate efforts for the achievement of Organizational goals. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 16 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 Horizontal Communication. When information flows among persons holding the same position or rank in the Organization, it is called Horizontal Communication. E.g. Heads of Departments The following are the importance or advantages of Internal Communication: 1) Better Understanding Good Internal Communication improves the understanding between the employer and employees. If the employers are always open to their employees on the developments and challenges in the Organization, chances of any misunderstandings between the two becomes minimal. 2) Greater Efficiency Internal Communication enables the management to instruct the supervisors and subordinate staff about any change of policy. As a result, the efficiency of workers increases. 3) Effective Co-ordination The employees can co-ordinate more efficiently in the presence of good Internal Communication system. For example, if there is increase in sales then the marketing department can inform production department to increase its production. 4) To Avoid Losses Proper Internal Communication system enables employees to inform the management about any breakdown of machinery or other shortages so that management can take action in time and avoid any possible losses. 5) Motivation Helps to motivate the employees of an Organization. Internal Communication provides good relationship among high ranking officials and subordinates. By the fact that the subordinates communicates to high ranking officials, they feel motivated in that they are part of the decision making process. 6) Control One of the most important functions of management is controlling. Due to effective Internal Communication system such control is possible. 7) Mutual trust For the smooth functioning of an Organization and for higher productivity there must be mutual trust between management and employees. Successful Internal Communication system can ensure mutual trust. 8) Develop the managerial efficiency To run the business effectively and efficiently a manager must have the proper knowledge regarding the resources of the Organization. The Internal Communication can provide such knowledge. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 17 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 18 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION When an Organization communicates with parties outside it or external entity, it is called External Communication. External parties include Customers, Suppliers, Investors, Bankers, Insurance companies, Government agencies, Local communities etc. the main purpose of external communication is to exchange information with the outside parties. External Communication refers to exchange of information or messages between a particular Organization or office and outside persons or Organizations. For example communication between customers and suppliers, Government agencies and Organization etc. The following are the importance or advantages of External Communication: Good Reputation Effective communication with customers and other business enterprises enables a company to establish a good reputation. This increases prestige of that company. Improvement in Public Relations When a company communicates with the general public to keep them informed about its activities and services then more people become interested to deal with that company. Choice of Customers A company can get the information about the likes and dislikes of customers through External Communication. This information helps the company to produce goods according to the choice of customers. Negotiations with Government Departments The business Organizations are required to deal with licensing authorities, foreign trade offices, customs authorities, banks and other financial institutions, income-tax and VAT offices etc. Quiet frequently they find themselves in formidable and trick situations that can be handled only through tactful negotiations and negotiation is nothing but communication. Job Requirements Some areas like personnel, public relations, marketing, sales, and labor relations call for exceptional Communication Skills. Editors, writers, teachers, advocates, researchers also need a highly developed ability to communicate. Executives are also expected to make speeches, give interviews to the media in order to project a favorable image of their Organization. Thus the ability to communicate effectively has become an important job requirement. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 19 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 Better Business Prospects Due to good communication, company can attract more customers. The company can increase the sale of its products. Differences between Internal Communication and External Communication Purpose Internal Communication main purpose is to exchange information of various departments and division of the Organization while External Communication is done mainly for maintaining relationship with external parties. Types Internal Communication has two types: Vertical and Horizontal Communication while External Communication has no such classification. Distance Internal Communication has no significant distance between the sender and receiver while External Communication there is significant distance between sender and receiver. Frequency Internal Communication occurs frequently in performing Organizational activities while External Communication occurs less frequently than Internal Communication. Coverage Internal Communication coverage is limited within the Organization while External Communication coverage is broad with external bodies. 3. ORAL AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION Explained in the notes ahead you can check Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 20 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 LINES OF COMMUNICATION IN AN ORGANIZATION. Depending on which kind of information to be communicated and the level of the person sending or receiving the information, there are always clear lines of Communication. This is more evident in larger Organizations where Communications seems to be more complicated than in small Organizations of just a few people and few Communication problems are likely to arise. Organizations usually draw an Organization chart or structure, which makes these lines of Communication quite clear and easier. The chart also shows the directions through which information can flow depending on where it is originating and who is receiving it. Organizational structure clearly indicates chain of command. Another phrase for Lines of Communication is Information flow in an Organization or directional Communication or Formal Communication forms/ Types of Direction in Formal Communication/Directional Communication/Communication flow in an Organization/ Formal Line of Communication in an Organization The lines of Communication in an Organization include: 1. Downward Communication Downward Communication is common in most Organizations. The information flows from people at higher levels to those at lower levels in Organizational hierarchy i.e. from Superiors to Subordinates at different levels of Organization. This kind of Communication exists especially in Organizations with an authoritarian atmosphere. The Communication can be Oral or Written. The kinds or types of media examples used for Oral Downward Communication include instructions, speeches, meetings, interviews and the telephone. Examples of Written Downward Communication are memorandum, letters, handbooks, pamphlets, policy statements etc. Information is often lost or distorted as it comes down the chain of command. Top management issuance of policies and procedures does not guarantee Communication. Many directives are not understood or even read. Therefore, a feedback system is essential for finding out whether information was perceived as intended by the sender. Objectives or importance of Downward Communication To give specific directives about the job being entrusted to a Subordinate. To explain Policies and Organizational procedures. To praise Subordinates of their performance. To inform subordinates the significance of their job in relation with Organizational goals. Limitations of Downward Communication Under-Communication and Over-Communication A superior may either talk too little or too much in message to be transmitted. For UnderCommunication, they communicate the decisions but withhold relevant background information about how those decisions were arrived at. Under-communication may also involve incomplete instructions, which will lead to unsatisfactory performance. Over-Communication or talking too much on the other hand may lead to leakage of confidential information or secrets of the Org. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 21 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 Delay The lines of Communication in Downward Communication System being very long, transmitting information to the lowest worker is a time consuming process. By the time information reaches him (lowest worker), it may have lost much of its significance or it may have caused damaging delay. Loss of information Unless the Communication is fully written, it is not likely to be transmitted downwards in its entirety. Part of it is most certain to be lost. It has been experimentally verified that only 20 percent of the Communication sent downward through five levels of management finally gets to the workers at lower level. Distortion In long lines of Communication, information is not only lost but even distorted. Exaggerating, making under-statements, giving unconscious twists to facts are part of human nature. Whenever a piece of information passes on from one person to another, it losses a little of its authenticity Builds-in resistance The subordinates do not get any opportunity of participating in decision-making process. They are expected to receive policy decisions and directives without questions which sometimes results into resistance at lower level due to unfavorable policies. 2. Upward Communication Upward Communication information travels from Subordinates to Superiors and continues up the Organizational hierarchy. It’s the channel of Communication that facilitates the flow of information from lower levels of management to the top levels of management in the Organizational hierarchy. Unfortunately managers in the Communication chain who filter the messages and do not transmit all the information especially information not favoring them to their bosses often hinder this line of Communication. In this kind of Communication, the top management is able to know what lower-employees are thinking about the Organization and its policies etc. Upward Communication is primarily nondirective and is usually found in participative and democratic Organizational environments. Typical means for Upward Communication besides the chain of command are suggestion systems like suggestion box, appeal and grievance procedures, complaint systems, labor unions, group meetings etc. Effective Upward Communication facilitates an environment in which Subordinates feel free to Communicate. Since the Organizational climate is greatly influenced by upper management, the responsibility for creating a free flow of Upward Communication rests to a great extent. Importance of Upward Communication Providing feedback Upward Communication provides management with necessary feedback. The management is also able to ascertain whether the directives issued to the lower staff have been properly understood and followed. It also gets valuable information on what the employees think of the Organization and its policies. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 22 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 Constructive Suggestions Often employees offer constructive suggestions to promote the welfare of the Organization. Some of these suggestions when implemented definitely prove beneficial. Easier introduction of new schemes Since the employees feel themselves to be party to the decision-making process, it helps the Organization to introduce new schemes without being antagonized by employees. They not only willingly lend their concurrence and support to any new scheme floated by management but take extra pains to make a success of it. Greater harmony and cohesion Upward Communication acts as a kind of lubricant. It makes the atmosphere in the company Pleasant and creates greater harmony, cohesion between management & the employees. Redress of employees grievances Upward Communication gives the employees an opportunity to present their problems and grievances. The genuine and pressing urgent grievances are redressed and those problems which cannot be immediately solved, makes employees feel light after having talked about them. Limitations of Upward Communication Employees are usually reluctant to initiate Upward Communication. The managers might keep their doors open, but they cannot force the employees to walk into their room. Sometimes in the process of Upward Communication, workers at lower level become too bold, ignore their immediate Superiors and directly approach the topmost authorities with their suggestions or complaints. Hence the relationship between the workers and their immediate Superiors get strained. Upward Communication is more prone to distortion than Downward Communication. Distortion is deliberate. Some managers lose their tampers when confronted with unpleasant facts. So information particularly of that sort is suitably edited before they present it to their bosses or topmost authorities. Overcoming problems of Upward Communication Suggestion boxes Task teams to identify and solve problems Inviting subordinates to meetings Subordinates making presentations to top management about issues of concern Employee audit which reveal how employee feel about their jobs and Organization Detailed examples of different Upward Communication channels/means in an Organization: Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 23 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 Suggestion boxes This is an avenue for getting ideas, suggestions and complaints from subordinate staff in an Organization. Boxes are fixed in locations easily accessible by staff where they can send the suggestions without fearing reprisal from supervisors Meetings Group meetings can be held in which free expression of issues is encouraged. Meetings can also be one to one. Meetings can be used either to receive information only or to cause discussions and agree on decisions. The grievance procedure Written policy, setting out the steps the management and employer should follow to resolve a grievance. Many Organizations have procedures through which an aggrieved subordinate may present their grievances against their superiors. They are means of dispute resolution that can be used by the Organization to address complaint by its employees. These channels enable subordinates air their views or raise complaints that must be addressed by management. Grapevine Although management may be reluctant to feed and cultivate the Grapevine, it should always listen to it. Grapevine is spontaneous and natural phenomenon that serves as a means of emotional release and provides management with significant clues concerning the attitudes and feelings of Organization members. Labour Union An organization that represents the collective interests of employees. Labor unions help workers unite to negotiate with employers over wages, hours, benefits, and other working conditions. The primary purpose of the labor union is to convey to management the feelings and demands of employees. Collective bargaining sessions constitute a legal channel of Communication for any aspect of employer-employee relations. Certain grievance procedures are through labor union. 3. Diagonal Communication / Crosswise Communication Diagonal Communication occurs when information flows between persons at different levels who have no direct reporting relationships. Diagonal Communication is used to speed information flow, to improve understanding and to coordinate efforts for the achievement of Organizational goals. 4. Horizontal Communication Flow of information with people on the same or similar Organizational levels or status. E.g. A meeting of only departmental heads. The senders and receivers can be in the same departmental heads or in different units. The common link is to share information and co-operate. This kind of Communication is used to speed up information flow, to improve understanding, and to coordinate efforts for the achievement of Organizational objectives. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 24 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 Crosswise Communication can also be applied in the form of Written Communication. Modern Organizations use a lot of Oral and Written Crosswise Communication patterns to supplement the Downward and Upward flow of information. Communication Channels within an Organization Communication channels are the means through which people in an organization communicate. Thought must be given to what channels are used to complete various tasks, because using an inappropriate channel for a task or interaction can lead to negative consequences. Complex messages require richer channels of communication that facilitate interaction to ensure clarity. Face-to-Face or Personal Communication Physical presence, the tone of the speaker's voice and facial expressions help recipients of a message interpret that message as the speaker intends. This is the best channel to use for complex or emotionally charged messages, because it allows for interaction between speaker and recipients to clarify ambiguity. A speaker can evaluate whether an audience has received his message as intended and ask or answer follow-up questions. Broadcast Media Communications TV, radio and loud speakers all fall within the broadcast media communication channel. These types of media should be used when addressing a mass audience. Businesses seeking to notify customers of a new product may advertise or do promotions using a broadcast channel. Similarly, a CEO may do a global company address by having a television feed broadcast across global sites. Mobile Communication Channel A mobile communication channel should be used when a private or more complex message needs to be relayed to an individual or small group. A mobile channel allows for an interactive exchange and gives the recipient the added benefit of interpreting the speaker's tone along with the message. Some within an organization may opt to use this channel versus a face-to-face channel to save on the time and effort it would take to coordinate a face-to-face meeting. Electronic Communications Channels Electronic communication channels includes email, Internet, intranet and social media platforms. This channel can be used for one-on-one, group or mass communication. It is a less personal method of communication but more efficient. When using this channel, care must be taken to craft messages with clarity. Written Methods of Communication Written communication should be used when a message that does not require interaction needs to be communicated to an employee or group. Policies, letters, memos, manuals, notices and announcements are all messages that work well for this channel. Recipients may follow up through an electronic or face-to-face channel if questions arise about a written message. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 25 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 BARRIERS TO EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION The following are some of the common barriers to Communication that result to information failing to be communicated effectively. a) Lack of planning Many times people start talking and writing without planning their Communication. They do not think through the message and organize it to come out perfectly. Therefore lack of planning the Communication is a barrier to Effective Communication. b) Unclarified assumptions At times, there are certain assumptions attached with the message and that need to be clarified and understood. Failure to do so makes the communication process ineffective. This maybe deliberate or accidental. For example; The person who sells food at a restaurant may say that “the food is better “. This would be ambiguous. Food is better than what? Such words like better, we sell for less (meaning less than what?); are ambiguous. They do not clearly bring out the intended message hence being a barrier to Effective Communication. c) Use of jargon/slang This refers to the use of words which are not common to the audience like veg, yop, see ya . This will lead to the distortion of the meaning of the message, or it can lead to misunderstandings of the message. Hence being a barrier to Effective Communication. d) Loss by transmission and poor retention At times there’s poor retention of the message with a series of transmission from one person to the next, the message becomes less and less perfect. In other words the original message becomes distorted. This leads to barrier to Effective Communication. e) Noise Noise refers to anything that interferes with accurate transmission or reception of a message. This can be in four forms. It can be Physical, Semantic, Technical and Psychological noise. An example of the physical noise is the sound of heavy rain during lecture. Noisy environment like Generator sound may hinder the development of a clear thought. Hence barrier to Effective Communication f) Lack of credible presenters When the presenters of the message lack credibility, then the message will not be appreciated by the audience, for example if the presenter is famous for telling lies, the audience will not take him seriously even when he is telling the truth. This is a result of having lost his credibility as far as telling the truth is concerned. Hence leading to Effective Communication barrier g) Language barrier The language used to transmit the message may not be common to all the audience and this can be a barrier to Effective Communication. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 26 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 h) Poor listening skills Many people are poor listeners. They do more talking than listening and they are always busy thinking about what they are going to say instead of paying attention to the presenter hence leading to Effective Communication barrier. i) Information overload and under load The message may contain too much information so it’s hard to pick out the important points. This is called information over load. On the other hand, the message may contain too little information to be useful. This is called information under load. j) Glitches Electronic Communication is prone to glitches. Computers crash, mobile phones may not pick up a signal or there’s congestion in the network system. A glitch is sudden malfunction or fault of equipment or device. k) Ignorance of the medium The use of a medium with which the audiences are not familiar would turn the medium itself into a barrier. For instance, the use of visual media like maps and charts to instruct workers who have not been taught to read maps and charts would make the workers feel isolated immediately. l) The source of Communication If the receiver has a suspicion about or prejudice against the source of Communication, there is likely to be a barrier to Communication. People often tend to react more according to their attitude to the source of facts than to the facts themselves being presented. Conclusion Communication barriers are the ones you should always avoid. If you are a manager of an Organization, you should know each and every Communication barrier and remove them from corporate culture. Encourage others to avoid Communication barriers by educating them. With Communication barriers, neither the management nor employees will not be able to achieve what they want Assignment 1: Write detailed notes on Planning for Communication (not less than two pages) Measures to Overcome Communication Barriers The following are some of the measures which may be adopted by management to overcome the Communication barriers and maintain the effectiveness of Communication. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 27 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 Use the right Communication channel The channel and method of Communication should be chosen carefully to suit the particular Communication needs. Don’t send an email if it is quicker to pick up the phone or go and talk to the person. Hence overcoming Communication barrier by eliminating a wrong Communication channel Communicate according to the need of the receiver The sender of Communication should prepare the structure of the message not according to his own level or ability but he should keep in mind the level, understanding or the environment of the receiver. Ensure proper Feedback The purpose of feedback is to find out whether the receiver has properly understood the meaning of the information received. In the face-to- face Communication, the reaction on the face of the receiver can be understood. But in case of written Communication or some other sort of Communications some proper method of feedback should be adopted by the sender. Be a good listener It is the essence of Communication that both the sender and the receiver should be good listeners. Both should listen to the each other’s point of view with attention, patience and Positive attitude. A sender can receive much relevant information by being a good listener. Improve human relations All efforts should be made to improve human relations within the Organization. This will automatically reduce or eliminate behavioral barriers to Communication encouraging cooperation in place of friction and by improving personal relations between mg’t and staff. Overcoming Distrust This can only be overcome by creating trust which is quite a difficult process. If somebody distrusts another for various reasons, the reasons must be overcome so that credibility is restored. Restoring credibility is a long term thing that involves building confidences through understanding, discussing issues and creating an atmosphere of trust. A person who is distrusted has the burden of proving that he is trustworthy by doing those things that will reflect trust. Planning It is important that before any Communication is done, the sender plans well in advance what he wants to say, why he is saying it, how he will say it. He should also anticipate the receiver’s reaction to it. Planning enables a person not only to anticipate reactions of a receiver, but set priorities and organize one’s Communication processes and needs. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 28 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 Overcoming physical Noise Noise should be eliminated and this should be the best way of dealing with it. If say it is a machine, it can be switched off or those communicating can move away. There may be some other distracting environmental factors which should be avoided by elimination or moving away. Overcoming differences in language It is important that simple, direct, natural language is used in Communication. Technical Terms should be explained. Restating important parts of discussions or meetings may be useful. It’s useful if receivers are encouraged to ask questions and seek clarification of difficult terms or concepts. TYPES OF COMMUNICATION I. ORAL OR VERBAL COMMUNICATION. Oral communication is the verbal transmission of the messages or information from one party to another. It is also known as Communication by word of mouth. It may be face-to face or not. It can be formal or informal. Below are some forms of Informal Oral Communication. Face to face conversation. Telephone conversation. Discussions etc. Below are some forms of Formal Oral Communication. Classroom lectures. Interviews. Presentations at business meetings. Speech at a ceremony. Conference/seminars. Meetings. Radio broadcasts. Announcements over public address system. Advantages/Merits of Oral Communication 1. Less expensive It saves money as no stationary like pen, paper, stamp or gadgets like Computer required for the message to be created. It saves time; in a number of cases where action is required to be taken immediately, it is best to transmit a message orally. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 29 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 2. Immediate feedback Immediate feedback or response is obtained. The speaker or sender of the message can get immediate feedback on whether it is creating a favorable impression on the receiver or whether the receiver will protest it or whether the receiver has clearly understood its meaning, he can adjust his message accordingly. 3. Personal contact It develops personal contact, which is essential and valuable for smooth working. Personal Contact helps to promote friendly relations between the parties communicating with each other. 4. Motivation In Oral Communication system, top executives and sub-ordinates staff can sit face to face and exchange their views directly. Therefore the sub-ordinates get motivated because their views will have been heard by the top Organizational management. 5. Persuasive Oral Communication is a more powerful means of persuasion and control. Therefore the top management of an Organization would prefer to transmit messages orally. 6. Correction of errors If any error is expressed at the time of Oral Communication, it is possible to rectify it at that time or within a very short time 7. Informal Communication In Oral Communication, no need to maintain such formalities which are needed in Written Communication. So it is easy and quick way of Communication in an Organization. 8. Useful for all kinds of audiences Oral communication is very useful for addressing literate, semi-literate, and illiterate masses. All Kinds of audiences are catered for with Oral Communication. 9. Flexibility By the demand of the situations, oral instructions can be easily changed since formalities are not necessary. It is much flexible and effective. 10. Easiness Oral Communication is an easy method of Communication. It needs little preparations to send a message. No need of pens, pencils and other writing equipments which are needed in Written Communication. 11. Shades of meaning with tone variations With variations in the tone, pitch and intensity of voice, the speaker can convey shades of Meaning, which he would not be able to do through Written Communication. Disadvantages/Limitations of Oral Communication 1. Lack of accountability A speaker or a listener cannot be held accountable for any vocal message. As anyone can claim or disclaim having said or heard something. 2. No record Oral Communication, it is impossible to preserve the message for future references. Even if recorded on the tapes, the tapes get corrupted easily. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 30 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 3. No legality No legal validity of the oral message since there’s no proof or evidence. As the oral messages can be easily denied if the situation goes against the speaker. Unless they are taped and made part of permanent records 4. Limited use The scope of usage of Oral Communication is limited. It is not suitable for lengthy messages. It Should be used for short messages 5. Expensive It is also an expensive media of communication. Sometimes the audience may need to be mobilized by paying for them transport and sitting allowance costs. On the other hand technological devices such as Projector, Computer, Public address system used are costly. 6. Easily forgotten What is conveyed orally cannot be remembered for a long time as human memory is short. Hence it is easily forgotten. Since these messages are nowhere to be found in the record books, we cannot refer back to them in the future. 7. Lack of secrecy In Oral Communication, the important and secret information may be disclosed. 8. Wrong feedback Spontaneous responses may not be carefully thought about and this means that a wrong feedback may be transmitted. TELEPHONE COMMUNICATION A telephone one of the Oral Communication form is an essential technology in any Organization. For example, the person working at the reception will use the telephone to communicate with people in various departments in the whole Organization and Customers. If the telephone technology is improperly used, it can cause client dissatisfaction or loss of customers. Telephone technology can create the illusion that you are running a much bigger operation you actually are. But if you do not use the technology properly, you will create instead the illusion of incompetence. Spend more time practicing and does this as often as necessary to help you remember that little- used procedures. Everybody has tough days. Before picking up the telephone, smile. It will help a voice sound pleasant even if not feeling pleasant. General Telephone technique hints 1. You should know why you are making the call. This means that you should plan your message with reference to the target audience in mind, and have the right telephone number at hand. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 31 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 2. Know what results you are aiming at. This means that you should give a clear message if you are going to get the precise feedback. 3. Know to whom you should be talking. Having a target audience in mind enables you to plan a relevant message and to communicate it in the shortest possible time. 4. Also you should be organized and know what you want to say, and the order and manner in which you want to say it. You need to make a checklist of points in logical, persuasive, and tactful order. This will be a very useful reminder. You can cross off points as you cover them so that you can end the conversation confident that you have not missed something you meant to say. 5. Have a quiet place when you are making the call. You should not be distracted or disturbed once you have dialed. 6. The cost of the call rises with the time you are spending on it. Your phone call should be well planned so that you spend as little time on the call as possible and yet you make the call as satisfying as possible. You have to be consistently courteous throughout your call. 7. You need to identify your Organization, name and function. This enables the receiver of the message to quickly make out whom he is communicating to. Identification of the person you are calling and making alternative arrangements e.g. leaving the message if you do not get the person you intend to talk to RECEIVING AND INITIATING A TELEPHONE CALL 1. GUIDELINES FOR RECEIVING A TELEPHONE CALL a. Answer the telephone by first or second or third ring Some people consider the seriousness of the Organization according to the number of times a telephone rings before it is picked. Receptionists are trained not to have the telephone ringing more than three times before they pick it. The good receptionists are able to pick the phone after the first or second ring. b. Make sure your greeting is professional It’s important that your greeting is friendly, politely and professional. Don’t answer the telephone and try to speak with food in your mouth. It is unprofessional to speak on the telephone when you are eating food and it is embarrassing to the Organization and therefore should not be done. Establish if your response to phone calls is professional by recording your voice and playing it back. Does it sound professional? Do you greet people politely? Do you leave them with instructions on what to do? Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 32 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 c. Be prepared before you answer the telephone. Have a pencil or pen along with a writing pad near your telephone so that you can write down important information such as their Name, Telephone number and their message. When speaking to them use their names during conversation. It’s advisable to have message pad where you can always keep all the messages. d. Introduction When you pick up the call (receiver), first introduce the company, the department and even yourself. You could say “MK Surveyors ltd, Valuation department, Francis speaking”. e. Be an active listener. You can be an active listener by writing down important information. Do not interrupt the caller. Ask them to spell their name if you are not sure. Ask them when it is the best time to call them back and this should be indicated in your messages pad. f. Call back where necessary. If you answer the telephone and someone wants to ask you some specific questions but you are not prepared because their file is in the other room or in the file cabin, just say, “ Iam in the middle of something at the moment, can I call you right back?” This will give you a chance to collect the materials you need and when returning their phone call you are now prepared to speak. This is a more controlled situation. If the caller insist on holding on, just say, “Please give me a moment to get your file”, or “please hold on a moment, I will get back to you”. N.B: If you put someone on hold do not make him wait more than 60 seconds. g. Check your messages frequently. You can for example check your messages twice in the morning and twice in the afternoon. If am in the middle of a class teaching, students are the most important priority. I will call friends at break or when I get home. Use of a Company telephone to make personal calls should be planned outside office hours unless if the message is urgent and very important. Remember when you are busy on the Organization’s telephone, you are denying many clients an opportunity to give the Organization business. Some people will try your line and find it engaged many times and they will end up going to your competitors. Learn to fight competition by providing a quality service. h. Return telephone calls promptly Many people do one of the most unprofessional things which are not returning phone calls. It’s always recommended to return phone calls promptly and the person expecting the call will be pleased otherwise he or she will be disappointed. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 33 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 2. GUIDELINES FOR INITIATING THE TELEPHONE CALL a. Prepare your points Before you make a call, it is important to make a short list of important items you want to discuss during the telephone call. Many people regret for having wasted time when the telephone goes off and they have not mentioned very important messages. This means that there is lack of good knowledge of adequate telephone skills. b. Receiver’s self-introduction When somebody picks up i.e. receiver at the other end, wait till he has introduced himself to make sure that you have got the right person on the line. Or you can introduce yourself and ask for the person you would like to talk to. For example, “iam Muwonge Jacob, from Institute of Survey, Department of Cartography. May I please speak to Mr. Kasozi Alex? “ c. When speaking on telephone try to smile. When we smile and change our facial expressions, it affects the sound of our voice. The tone of the voice can greatly be affected by the manner we use our facial muscles. d. Do not speak too fast. Some people naturally speak very fast. Slow down while delivering your message especially when you have a complex accent e. Slow down while saying your telephone number. This is the biggest problem we get when people leave their telephone numbers. Listen to the radio or television when the narrators are giving the telephone numbers. People state their telephone numbers very fast. You do not expect the person receiving the message to work like a machine. Say the numbers slowly, and place a pause somewhere in the sequence of providing your number. f. Give your company name and title Describe to the person in a few sentences who you are, which company you are with and why you are calling. g. Let them know when to call you back Leave a date, time and preferred telephone number to people. They can’t return your telephone call if you don’t leave your telephone number. Providing them with the preferred time to call back makes it much easier for them. If the preferred time is after office hours, then remember to give your residential telephone number. The telephone number should be written down, never try to memorize the telephone number in your head. h. Acquire adequate telephone skills People do judge you by the tone of your voice and what you say. If you sound unprofessional in your message, they may not return your telephone call. Also do not leave very long messages because they will stop listening. A telephone message should be precise, clear, correct, courteous and comprehensive. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 34 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 Advantages of the Telephone Communication Saves time One of the most obvious advantages of the telephone is that it saves time. If the telephone service is efficient, it enables a person to have instantaneous communication. Immediate feedback On the telephone, it is possible to get immediate feedback. This is the only proof to the sender of the message whether the receiver understood the message or not Easy and available means of Communication Communication through telephone is really very easy and available because most of people now use telephone, anytime and anywhere you can connect to any one if you have the number of your expected person. Distance is not a matter Distance is not a matter for communication if you have a telephone. You can communicate with a person even if he stays other side of the world. Can communicate no matter what the distance is. Overcomes physical appearance barrier A phone call can reach to any location where there is barrier for physical appearance. For example hard to reach places physically. Disadvantages of the Telephone Communication In a telephone conversation, the people communicating with each other have to depend entirely on their voices to convey the message because they cannot see each other. They cannot use facial expressions and gestures to create mutual understanding. The receiver of the telephone message has only one chance to receive and study the message. He cannot go over it again and again as he could do with a Written Communication. Similarly, the caller has also only one chance to give the message. There’s hardly time to think about the message hence leading to likelihood of miss-communicating or missing vital fact. No permanent record A telephone message does not provide a permanent record for legal purposes, although to overcome this disadvantage, it is now becoming a usual practice to tape important messages which is an extra expense. Network problem Because of network problem, the voices at times are not clearly heard. This is one of the hindrances to communication. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 35 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 GRAPEVINE COMMUNICATION Definition Grapevine Communication is a form of Informal Communication in an Organization that is usually based on rumors. In an Organization setting, Grapevine Communication is prevalent at the lower levels of an establishment or Organization. Alternatively, Grapevine Communication can be defined as an Informal Communication, unorganized and unofficial channel of Communication in an Organization. When the formal channels fail or do not work properly and some over-smart people spread rumors, false and irresponsible statement or half-truths in all directions, it is called the Communication on the Grapevine channel. In this channel of Communication, information spreads very fast in all directions as vine of grapes spreads. The reason Grapevine Communication is called “Grapevine” is because of its similarity to a Grape vine. A Grape vine is extremely difficult to find its origin. Same can be said about Grapevine Communication because it is all based on rumors. The origin of information might never be known. A typical example of Grapevine Communication in an Organization is conversations that go on between co-workers during lunch breaks, on their way home from work or even in company parking lots. Summarized facts about Grapevine The grapevine spreads information faster than most formal systems The grapevine can complement the formal type of Communication The grapevine can destroy the effectiveness of the formal system The grapevine does not follow official channels or rules Types of Grapevine Communication Or Informal Communication Networks/Types Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 36 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 1. The Wheel In this type of Grapevine Communication, one person is predominant. He transmits Grapevine to different persons or group of persons. The predominant person is at the Centre and information passes along the spokes of the wheel to others stationed on the rim (outer edge of a wheel). C B D A E F G 2. The Cluster The Cluster like grapes, have several groups of people linked together by a cluster or a chain of Communication. This type of Grapevine Communication is where someone first tells the message to the selected individuals and those selected individuals pass the same information to other selected individuals and the process continue in the same way. “A” tells selected persons who may in turn relay the information to other selected individuals. Most of the Informal Communication flows this chain. E A L D K I B C H F G 3. The Chain This kind of Grapevine Communication involves the passing of information through a long line of persons to the ultimate recipient (intended receiver). A tells B, B tells C, C tells D and so on, till the information has reached most of the persons concerned. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 37 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 A B C D E F G 4. Free flow or Random chain The Free Flow is a random flow of Grapevine with no particular order in which a person transmits the information to others in accordance with the laws of probability and then these others tell still others in a similar manner. The chain may also be called random. Most of the rumors or idle gossip is spread by random, free flow or haphazard network which includes a number of people who are not necessarily linked by any Organizational thread. Advantages of Grapevine Communication 1. Quick transmission Information through this channel is extremely fast. Many have said of Grapevine Communication to be one of the fastest forms of Communication. It spreads faster like wild fire. 2. Organizational solidarity and cohesion It tends to bring a sense of unity among employees of an Organization when they meet to share and discuss certain issues. Because of the nature of Grapevine Communication, it enhances group cohesiveness in an Organization. 3. Quick feedback The managers get to know the reactions of their sub-ordinates on the Organizational policies. Thus, the feedback obtained is quick compared to Formal channel of Communication. 4. Aid formal Communication It is an informal mode of Communication but it plays an instrumental role in aiding the Formal Methods of Communication in an Organization In an Organization where Formal Communications do not function properly, Grapevine Communication comes to rescue. Information through Grapevine ends up being the only way employees can get any information about things going around. Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 38 INSTITUTE OF SURVEY AND LAND MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS 2020 Disadvantages of Grapevine Communication 1. Partial Information Since Grapevine information is largely based on rumors, it tends to carry along with its partial information which ends up not giving the real state of affairs in an Organization 2. Employees’ productivity hampered Grapevine Communication can make Organizations lose a lot of money because employees spend even working hours talking about the latest rumor circulating around them. The Organization pays dearly for this. 3. Destroy the Organizational reputation It can damage an Organization’s reputation. For instance imagine a situation where lower ranking employees of an Organization begin peddling false information about people at the top level. This action can gradually destroy the reputation of the Organization. 4. Not trustworthy Grapevine Communication cannot be relied on because it is not trustworthy as it does not follow Official path of Communication and is spread more by gossips and unconfirmed report. This Communication cannot be relied on since it’s based on rumors. 5. False information Information received through Grapevine might not be true. Sometimes it’s just a mere allegation but not the truth. How to eliminate Grapevine Communication 1. Effective Formal Communication system Having an effective Formal Communication system which can be used to prevent Grapevine from being destructive 2. Free environment Creating a free environment where employees can freely approach the management is important to tackle the Grapevine. 3. Eliminate uncertainty. Nervousness and uncertainty is potent fuel for the Grapevine. Even if times are rough for the Company, it should be made known to the employees and they should be involved at every step. 4. Provide important information to employees openly, honestly and timely. N.B Informal Communication Channel in an Organization Requires you to explain Grapevine Communication (Check notes) Types or forms of Informal Communication Requires you to explain the four types of Grapevine Communication (check notes) Communication Skills Notes Prepared by Mr. Francis B. Dulaney 2019-2020 Page 39